EP 47 - Jay Kali - Why Great Fitness and Healthy Mindsets Helps Entrepreneurs
![]() | Awesomers Origin - We'll talk to an Awesomer about where they came from, the triumphs and tribulations they have faced and how they are doing today. An Awesomer Origin story is the chance to hear the backstory about the journey our guest took on their road to become awesomer. These stories are incredibly varied and the takeaway is that awesomers come in all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, creeds, colors and every other variation possible. On your awesomer road you will face adversity. That’s just part of life. The question as always is how YOU choose to deal with it. |
Jay Kali is The Strength Architect! With three fitness facilities’ success stories to his name and an Iraq War veteran, Jay has been characterized as a true fitness, nutrition, and mindset empowering powerhouse. He is a contributor for Women’s Health and Fitness Magazine, Consumer Health Digest, and Smart Healthy Women, as well as featured on ABC 24’s Good Morning Memphis. Jay has been a guest on many top performing webinars, webcasts, and online training seminars also. Jay is an American-born ex-pat who moved to Cancun and has recently taken the health, fitness and nutrition industry by storm, since his move in January of 2012. Well known for his “3 Step Health and Weight Loss Ideology,” which has successfully transformed countless of women stuck in ruts, to losing over thousands’ of pounds and breaking hundreds’ of plateaus! (https://kalicoaching.com/weight-loss-for-women-over-40/) He believes his mission is to help women create a long lasting, healthy lifestyle within just 8 weeks that they can maintain for LIFE. | ![]() |
CLICK HERE for a Free Copy of Jay's Book, Educate, Demonstrate, Motivate
Great entrepreneurs know that a healthy body equates to a stronger and empowered mind.
On today’s episode, Steve talks to Jay Kali AKA The Strength Architect of Kali Coaching. Jay is a coach and fitness specialist who helps build strong, motivated and empowered women. Here are more awesome takeaways on today’s episode:
What Kali Coaching is all about and how it can help women entrepreneurs.
Finding your personal why.
Training smarter versus training harder.
The evolution of fitness, according to Jay.
So put on your headphones and learn how you too can have a healthy, well-balanced life as an Awesomer.
Welcome to the Awesomers.com podcast. If you love to learn and if you're motivated to expand your mind and heck if you desire to break through those traditional paradigms and find your own version of success, you are in the right place. Awesomers around the world are on a journey to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. We believe in paying it forward and we fundamentally try to live up to the great Zig Ziglar quote where he said, "You can have everything in your life you want if you help enough other people get what they want." It doesn't matter where you came from. It only matters where you're going. My name is Steve Simonson and I hope that you will join me on this Awesomer journey.
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Steve: You're listening to the Awesomers.com podcast episode number 47 and those numbers are just racking up faster than I can keep track of. I have to tell you. The secret for you is, all you have to do is go to Awesomers.com/47 and you can find relevant show notes and details and things like that. You can also join the mailing list and I think that's probably a pretty good idea for you because we send you lots of free stuff - videos and even processes to help you find your personal why or to help you with your company origin story or to give you some financial overviews 101, an ERP 101 and other things. It's just drip fed out to you, there's no sales pressure. We're pretty easy-going guys and I think that it is Awesomer and you should be on that list for sure.
02:03 (Steve introduces today’s guest, Jay Kali.)
Steve: Today, my special guest is Jay Kali. I probably pronouncing his name wrong as is my custom but Jay is such an amazing guy and I really enjoyed my time with him. Jay is known as the strength architect with three fitness facilities success stories to his name. He is an Iraq war veteran. Jay is a man characterized as a true fitness nutrition and mindset empowering powerhouse. Jay is a contributor for Women's Health and Fitness magazine as well as Consumer Health Digest and also Smart Healthy Women. He was also featured on ABC 24's Good Morning Memphis. Jay has been a guest on many top performing webinars, webcasts and other online training seminars. Jay is an American-born expat who had moved to Cancun and he's taken the health fitness and nutrition industry by storm since he moved down to Cancun back in 2012. His well-known 3-step health and weight loss ideology which has successfully transformed countless women stuck in the ruts. They're stuck trying to lose pounds and trying to break through plateaus. He's helped them do that. Jay's mission is to help women specifically create long-lasting healthy lifestyles within just eight weeks that they can go on and maintain for life. This is a good time to buckle up and get ready we're going to have a fun time and Jay's expertise will be well-founded for us all but especially for women. Hey, welcome back Awesomers. It's Steve Simonson and I got good news. Today we are joined by Jay Kali. Jay, how are you this morning?
Jay: What's up, Steve? I'm doing great. How about yourself?
Steve: Oh, well, you know I'm always trying to, as I like to say, unbelievable. I'm doing unbelievable because that covers both ways. Even if I'm too busy or having a bad day it's unbelievable. But most often I'm having a great day so it's also unbelievable.
Jay: Excellent! I love it!
Steve: So, Jay, I've already read in a kind of a bio to the audience so they kind of have a little background from the big picture but I always like in your own words, maybe you could tell us a little bit about yourself: where you are, what you're doing today?
Jay: Okay, sure. Absolutely, Steve. Where I'm at right now I actually live in Cancun, Mexico. I've lived down here for about six years now. I came down here and opened up a couple of gyms; fell out with my partners; sold the gyms; post all my gyms and I turn around to check all my business are now 100% online. So, that's kind of where I'm at now. I've been doing the online health and fitness coaching arena for over three years now and I absolutely love it, man. I absolutely love it.
Steve: I think that's a great and a classic Awesomer type of story where you know you followed yourself and your partner down to Mexico, what a great place to be. Then, the retail or the land-based side of it didn't work out the way you wanted but the online piece, you still are able to capture the freedom there and carry on, yes?
Jay: Absolutely. I mean I moved to a new country I didn't speak the language when I moved down here, you know the cool thing is I found someone down here to partner up with and so you know in like anything else you know sometimes partnerships work sometimes they don't and they didn't work out but it was nice that I actually had you know at that point my girlfriend, my fiance, to say, "Hey, why don't you look at the online world? You know you're down here in Mexico but there's a lot of people that you can help in the States. Why don't you move your stuff on there?" So, I mean, I really have her to credit for, for pushing me into the online world.
Steve: I love it. Yes, it's it is such a flexible and freedom-inducing mechanism to use- the Internet. In fact, one of our marketing people that we work with at Empowery, they're there, I think, he's at Mexico City, right? But you know he's an expat and he's just chose to live in Mexico City and it's like doesn't matter to us and we have other people in Asia or Europe or wherever they are it's just such a wonderful thing. When you coach people, I'm presuming they're all over the place?
Jay: Absolutely. What's funny is that you know you're talking about the freedom from my side. You know I'd give that back to my student, it's how I look at it. Whenever most of my students come to me they come to me because they're just absolutely too freaking busy. I mean and then you have to add on top of it okay so you're telling me I got to work all day and if you're moonlighting, right, creating your business on the side you definitely don't have time, right? So, then you say, "Well, how am I supposed to go to the gym that's across town? I know it's going to be probably a 15-minute 20-minute commute depending on where I live. If I want to work with a trainer I gotta get on his schedule because you know he only had so many openings during the day and more than likely he's just going to see me and they kicked me out as soon as I can get in there because guess what he has someone else right behind me he has to take care. So, now I got another 15-20 minute commute back to the house to shower, clean up..." You know, it's no way, man. So, to give my students back that freedom where you know they have a coach with them anytime they need me and it's not on me, it's not like, "hey, we need to see each other and do a Skype video..." No. This is all through an application. So they need to do it on their time on their progression and I get to watch I get to follow. I'm watching all the data, watching everything they put in and I'm just guiding them along the way. So it helps both sides with the freedom aspect in the internet.
Steve: I love that. I can't wait to dive into some more of those details. Before we kind of get into the the nature of the the problems that folks face in the fitness side of the equation, I wonder if you could share with us if you have a defining moment maybe that has put you on this path towards fitness or coaching or whatever it is. Is there anything that stands out on your mind?
08:28 (Jay talks about the defining moment that put him on his path.)
Jay: I guess there's a lot but I guess the number one thing that I could really tie it into is my main reason that I moved to Mexico in the first place and the main reason was that I used to be a Federal Law enforcement officer. I used to work in Federal Correction so I used to work in prisons for about five years just going in there doing that day in and day out. I realized if you sit there and I was asking myself like isn't there something more that I can do with myself? I mean I joined the prison when I was 21 and before that, I was in the military and I was in Iraq so we know there's a lot of buildup to that but you know at 25 I don't know for some reason 24-25 I started really questioning like what am I really doing? I think that's what a lot of people ask themselves and so I was really fortunate and grateful enough that I was still young enough I guess at that point where I was when I knew, "why don't you just do it? Why not?" And I'd say that would be the defining moment right there.
Steve: I love it! Well, kudos to you even at that young age for having that itch of "What am I doing? What's happening? Is this really what I want?" Often that takes some of us longer to get there so kudos to you for overachieving in that department. Did you always have this bend towards fitness and obviously with the military they probably kept you in shape and maybe the prison stuff kept you in shape but was it a natural thing for you?
Jay: Well, not at all. Honestly, growing up I didn't really do any fitness type. I didn't really do any sports. My parents were divorced. One parent works all the time and another one really didn't know anything. He didn't know how to cook and stuff. I wasn't even raised with "Hey, this is how we exercise...This is how we eat properly." No, it was none of that. You know it's either "The chicken pot pie in the freezer and microwave it," or McDonald's and "get some food real quick." That was how I grew up...I always grew a husky section growing up overweight... having the self-esteem and self-confidence issues...I mean the crazy thing is I was even kicked out of high school in ninth grade. I had a lot of things working against me and even going into the military...it was more of "This is what you do" and we don't know why. We're just running and We're just doing push-ups and we're eating whatever they gave us. We really don't know the benefits of nutrition, we don't really know the benefits of exercise...as a soldier, I didn't even like how I look. It's more of that what they call skinny fat...I guess you could say that. It was really no muscle, no definition but you were "fit" to the army standard and that's all you tried for. Your push-ups, your sit-ups and you go run two miles and that was it and I I didn't really see that as fitness either. So, no it's been a really winding wheeling road to really get into what I really enjoy and find out what I love and I think that's what's helped me help so many others.
Steve: Boy, it definitely is a nice basis for a lot of people to identify with right? This idea that this wasn't burned into your DNA early and often it was something you actually had to overcome and deal with and kind of probably educate yourself and then put the process into place. Well, this is very very interesting to me. Before we dive in any further we're going to take a quick break and then we'll be right back to talk about kind of the common problem that folks find themselves into where you can help them and we'll do that right after this.
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Steve: Hey, guess what? We're back everybody and we're here with Jay Kali and he's talking to us about some of the things that he's passionate about which include fitness and kind of getting your ducks in a row when it comes to being healthy and that's certainly an area all of us especially busy entrepreneurs can pay special attention to. So, Jay can you help us with kind of frame up the common problem that people find themselves in maybe a generic typical client...How does that come about? How do they bring the problem to you?
Jay: I don't know. There's a lot of problems that I can bet. I mean we have everything from time, to direction, to guidance...I see a lot of people just stumble and struggle because they do all the right things or what they build the right things but then they never reach their goal. Eventually, how long do you keep doing the same thing over and over before you eventually give up because you stop seeing results? How about this, how about I pose it at you? What would be one issue that you normally have with fitness? Let's say in health and exercise that maybe I can help you with and maybe that can help other members in your audience? How about that?
Steve: Sure, no problem. I love it, yes. No problem. But one of the things that I think a lot of entrepreneurs especially and Awesomers in general when they are traveling they find it more difficult to stay on any sort of reasonable eating regimen, right? There's the travel time, there's the the crappy airline food, or maybe you're in a foreign place and you don't really know what to eat. How does one kind of stay in a reasonable mindset when it comes to what they put in their body as they're on the road?
Jay: Oh, fast food. Yes, for sure I think the big one on this is because you never really know which places you go to and how they cook them, right? I mean they can be using three sticks of butter back there to cook your grilled chicken Caesar salad or whatever... You really don't know. So, the good thing is, first off, I would say don't give up. Don't just go back and revert back to your old habits. "Whatever I'm on vacation" or "whatever I'm traveling and I'm just going to eat whatever," that would probably be rule number one because that's what I think what we have to do. "Oh well, I'm in Italy again and I just love the pasta here so I'm just going to eat this pasta and you know who cares? I'll just blame it on me being in Italy." Well, it can kind of work that way or you can kind of take the steps to prevent that. So the big thing is I actually just got back from a trip to Europe not too long ago so I kind of understand the troubles and the problems and where that's based. A big thing that I did was I really focused on the first meal of the day- breakfast. I usually would go to the supermarket because every place has eggs. Eggs are really easy to cook and you can usually wake up at a decent time and cook eggs pretty fairly decent in no amount of time. Usually, what I would do is really easy depending on where you're staying and what you have and if you have this will to go out because I would definitely cook eggs and maybe some vegetables and that's just a great way to start the day. As long as you have started the day, usually, other meals kind of fall into place and it's a great way to start instead of the typical Italian breakfast: two pieces of sweet bread and espresso.
Steve: Sounds delicious but eggs are also quite good. So even if let's say you're in a hotel, boiled eggs should be sufficient substitution, yes?
Jay: And actually I love boiled eggs because they're usually one of my to-go snacks. So, if you have like a little Ziploc bag or something like that you can take with you...you don't want to smell when it's in your purse or in your bag, right? So, you want to make sure that you keep them nice and fresh. That's usually one of my to-go snacks. I think every egg has about six to eight grams of protein. So, I mean it's a really nice source of protein to get in there. Eggs are classic.
Steve: I love it and you've unearthed one of my core rules and core philosophies and that is if I'm putting eggs in my purse they will be in some sort of Saran wrap. That's a golden rule. Just as effective, let me write that one down. So, as we kind of end a next common problem outside of the travel, which I hear you saying, try to think of it and stay in a regimen of eating and starting out right is the key part of that day...
15:44 (Jay talks about going back to the basics.)
Jay: I would even expand on that too...whenever you go to restaurants, same thing, just kind of think you know I really like sticking with basics. I really don't like super hard strict diets. So I mean if you're telling me that you're on Keto or Atkins, remember the Atkins diet, no? So they're kind of similar, right? Or even Paleo. You're telling me that when you go to Italy and you can't have bread and pasta? You're going to break that diet, right? I mean come on let's be honest. So you have to figure out something that's maintainable, what can I do? And so that's how I would also look at that mindset whenever you go into having lunch and dinner. You know you want a good protein source, we already talked about that with the egg, so you know you're looking for a good protein source and usually some good vegetables. So you really should go for that. And even some pasta...some pasta on the side is not bad. You know we're not having cereal for breakfast, pasta at lunch, and some spaghetti at dinner. You know what I'm saying? You have to be just kind of mindful and I think that's the biggest thing. Even though you're on vacation, even though you're juggling, be mindful. Stick to your proteins, stick your vegetables, and then substitute or add a little bit of your carbohydrate throughout your trip.
Steve: And how do you feel about the travel and the exercise? You know I've been to some hotels that are like mausoleums of fitness. I mean you go to these Vegas hotels and it's like a whole new hotel for just gym equipment. It's extraordinary and then you go to other hotels like Courtyard by Marriott style and there's like one treadmill over there in the corner and there's a lot of dust around it, a lot of spiders and they might also have a rowing machine as only one. What do you recommend to these people who travel how do they stay in shape from an exercise point of view?
Jay: Oh. Honestly, that's an easy pitch for me, right? So, I say the person should really get a good coach. You have a good online coach, which is another reason that people get coaches, right? Because they travel. So either they're too busy or they travel and things like that. There's a reason they have that coach, right? So, I say that's the first one and then there are good coaches, right? They know what they're doing they're going to change your workout for you. So, I have students that travel all the time. I have students who are busy business executives and things like that... traveling here and there. They can't take everything and they're not going to the gym and they can't even leave their hotel room usually. So, it's okay. What can we do? How can I modify that training session for them? Other than that I would say go stick to the basics once again. Stick back to your basics. If you know you're going to a gym that really doesn't have anything you can get on the treadmill or go walk around. Do just basic walking if you don't do anything else or even incorporate some sort of bodyweight exercises. So I'll say this once again stay in that habit of doing something even just walking for that three days or four days of traveling will really really work to your benefit.
Steve: Yes. I definitely would echo that walking, in particular, can be effective...particularly in Europe. I remember going to Rome and I had the little Apple watch telling me my walking for the day but you know one of the days I walked 16 miles just from point-to-point walking around all those little beautiful sites and so forth. So for me, that's definitely something I enjoyed. So if I summarize the problem or at least where I see one of the symptoms of the problem is the lack of accountability, right? As a lot of entrepreneurs... the all-around CEOs or galactic commanders of the universe whatever title we've given ourselves but we don't really have the accountability on this, a coach is what helps add that accountability is that what you're saying?
Jay: Accountability or... and I hate to say it but just the set of priorities. Where is it placed at? If you make it work...absolutely this is going to get done then it's going to be that way. If you go get your health and your fitness or exercise as an appointment that you set with anybody else like an appointment to make you a million dollar contract right there how much likely you're going to show up? If you look at it like "Oh, man. I have to go workout today because it's supposed to be good for me." How likely are you going to go do it? So it depends on how you set that priority. For me it's one of those first things I do- I get out of bed sip on some coffee real quick and I go walk my dog and that's almost like my warmup that will lead up into my workout. And then I do a workout and it doesn't have to be warm. That's the other thing. We always think, "Ugh, I really got to do this..." No, even if give it some 10, 20, 30 minutes like strength training, for example, it's been proven if you just do 11 minutes of strength training exercises you get benefits for 24 to 48 hours of that. So even if you just do 11 minutes...man! That's something and that's better than nothing.
Steve: I definitely like that idea and I think a lot of us love the concept of being able to do something where there's a tangible feel to it. You've talked about this effect of 24 to 48 hours, so when you do strength training for whatever length of time whether it's 10 minutes or a half an hour, what are these lasting effects that happen? What happens to the body when you do that strength training?
Jay: Well, that specific one that we're talking about. It is actually boosting your metabolism. So it's been proven that it's going to boost it for at least 24 if not 48 hours. Now the crazy thing about that and the funny thing is most people may think of exercising or working out they think of running or some type of walking, cardiovascular exercise. The only time in cardiovascular exercises that your metabolism is boosting is during that time that you're doing that exercise. So that's the one of the biggest difference that a lot of people don't know with the cardiovascular system when it comes to aerobic and anaerobic. So anaerobic comes from more of your strength training, your bursts, and things like that type of training compared to your steady-state walking or running which is two totally different body mechanisms.
Steve: Fascinating. I'm definitely sure that I'm not the only one who's not well-versed in this category. When clients come to you and they say, "I'm ready. I've made the priority..." as you eluded too early they have to make it a priority. What is a typical coaching regimen look like? Is this something like they're on the call with you four times a day? I'm looking at a cheesecake what do I do? Or how does it work? You mentioned an app, I'm curious how that all works together.
Jay: I think that's one of the more difficult things, honestly, Steve, because you know when it comes to online coaching and online training every coach is different. Every trainer's different. I think it's one of the negative concepts that we have also as being, let's say, entrepreneurs or business owners, what does your client think of you when they hear your name? Or what do they think of when they hear your profession? So whenever I tell you who is my personal trainer what comes to your mind? Because when what comes to your mind is nothing "Oh that dude he's just the guy who leans against the wall who checks his phone all day... who doesn't really care about me" that doesn't really help me. I'm not like everybody when it comes to how I train. So some people do have you know where you're checking in four times a day and doing all these things. Other people were saying, "Okay well I'm going to beat you at a certain time and watch you like the fun's up on what we're doing so you'd be working now while I watch you." But no, you're doing good. Okay, do this...do that... That's another way. Once again what I like for my students, I like to be there and I like to go and get it done with you not done for you, right? So I'm not going to be your cheerleader I'm not going to be holding hand by hand. But I'm going be with you every step of the way. So I think that builds a level of autonomy, right? My goal is to make you where you're no longer dependent on me, which you probably don't hear very many coaches say that, right? Because most coaches are thinking of the longer I can keep you the more money I can make. Not me. That doesn't benefit me. I'd rather teach you everything I know, let you go on and let you grow, inspire and teach other people, not to keep you dependent on me where I keep all my secrets. Absolutely. Because what is this going to do if I tell all my secrets? My students are helping their mothers. I'm talking about their 80-year-old mothers who are bedridden. My students are helping their kids and teach them what proper nutrition is. My students are helping generations, they wouldn't be able to do that if they're only dependent on me and when they've seen Jay for his one hour a day.
Steve: That's quite right. Very interesting and quite inspiring. One of the things I noticed with the https://kalicoaching.com/ website is that your tagline is Creating Lifestyles for Women, I wonder if you could talk about that a little bit.
Jay: Yes. That's actually what I really love doing because I think that's what...whenever you think about most fitness programs is they're in and they're out. It's just another eight-week program or it's just this....Everything works for a limited amount of time but most of my students want to create a lifestyle. They want to figure out how to make fitness work for them. So you came to me and said what would a normal student come to you and what would they normally look for? That really comes and depends on the student, which I think we hate hearing that because we want just the one answer, "let me just do this and I'm done." Well, it really depends what's your schedule like? If you're working 90 hours a week I'm not going to get you in the gym five days out of the week. It's just not going to be possible, So what can we do? How can I get you into workouts? So first up, it's going to be really dependent but the thing is once you learn how to incorporate strength training, how to incorporate the cardiovascular, how to incorporate your nutrition? Guess what? Regardless of the issues that come along from now or in 20 years, you know how to handle.
Steve: I got you. So I do think that's an important mindset shift for people that this is not... you actually had a word somewhere on your website...a get-skinny-quick scheme or something like that? Was that? I don't want to misquote you but it resonated because there are so many people out there with the get-rich-quick schemes and the get-skinny-quick schemes are just as prevalent, perhaps more prevalent these days. And those schemes aren't going to work long term even if there's a short-term benefit. It's it's only when we change the lifestyle, it's only when we adapt and really modify the kind of the inputs. So when regardless of how they... I understand you're saying there are lots of different variations and lots of different things but everybody kind of...not everybody but many people would say, "hey you know I want to feel healthier, I want to have more energy. Maybe I want to lose some weight..." There are some common themes in there somewhere... How do they start going about fixing that whatever the core problems are there? Are there a top one or two things that people kind of start with?
Jay: Oh well, I mean, honestly, I think you hit the nail on the head on, Steve. And I think the funny thing is you brought up the get-skinny-quick scheme is very similar to the get-rich-quick scheme. Well, also another thing that I do is I think that you can think and be fit just like you can think and be rich.
Steve: I like that.
Jay: Yes, I think it all starts here. That's number one because if I can get you to know that it's possible if I can get you to know that your goal is possible, that you can reach it, that you can achieve it? We will achieve it. But to get people over that... it's not the same. And so you have to break it down to where they are able to... where they can incorporate it into their lives and figure out how to do it. But I think just basically just knowing "Okay, I'm going to make this change. I'm going to set the time to do it..." and even starting off by just setting the time and waking up in the morning and going for your twenty or thirty minute walk while watching the sunrise, that is leading you to that success. And once you get comfortable in doing that and your results start coming from that because guess what you're going to see results from just doing that. If you haven't done anything if you just do that you're going to start seeing results. If you just start doing that, drink some more water and sleep a little bit longer I'm going to tell you you'll start seeing results. After that, then we can talk because let's get the basics down and that's your number one thing.
Steve: So that commitment to some sort of routine whatever it is is the beginning it sounds like. And I do think that again it has to be if your lifestyle is going to shift but first, your mind has to shift, right? You have to decide it's a priority. We're going to take one more quick break and when we come back we're going to talk about the premise that not everyone thinks that they should put themselves first. And I'm going to give my opinion and I'd love to hear Jay's opinion about this and we're going to do that right after the break.
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Steve: Okay, everybody we're back again. Steve Simonson here joined by Jay Kali and we're talking about kind of fitness and wellness perhaps as a more comprehensive term. When I tease the break I talked about this idea that people don't put themselves first because we want to carry around the big the big rock on our shoulders and go, "Hey, I'm doing all this stuff and I'm a real hard worker..." and it's probably a lot of egos tied in to it, to be honest. But what's your thoughts when people are saying, "Hey, I'm so busy I don't have time to put myself first or at least even on the list..." What're your thoughts, Jay?
Jay: The funny thing is I always go back to my students, also. And I asked them, we all travel, we're always constantly going through things, right? So you've been on a plane, right? So you get on the plane and you hear the emergency announcement sure you're probably listening to your iPhone or whatever but what do they normally say on the
announcement? In the case of emergency, the mass is going to drop...
Steve: Yes. Put the mask on to yourself first and then the other person second.
Jay: Why is that?
Steve: Well, presumably if you can't help and you're not conscious, you can't help anybody else.
Jay: Thank you. Bottom line - there's nothing else...I mean come on that's an airline telling you and I know it might sound basic but just tell me what happens in your world when you put your mask on first? And it sounds crazy. We talked about this a little bit before about the time paradox, right? Because I just don't handle time, I just have no time and for some reason, I don't know why it is but it's something I call the time paradox. And whenever you set that time for yourself, even if it's just twenty or thirty minutes in the morning, I don't know what happens, honestly, it's like everything else just start to fall into place. I don't know if you start learning better time management skills or if you've just started making it a priority? But you're like "No, this has to go here, this goes here, this goes..." Boom! And now you have time for yourself and you end up having more time for your kids and your loved ones more. I don't know how it works, Steve. I have no clue I just know that it happens over and over but you have to put yourself first. You have to show it. You have to put the actions in there and it will come.
Steve: I do think...I do like, first of all, that term "time paradox" because it is in many ways inexplicable how you can stop and carve out more time for yourself and get your house in order. Your own mental house...your own physical house and then magically there's abundance, there's more of you to go around. And a lot of it I think has to do with all of the time that we waste either being stressed out or just kind of like "Ugh, I got, you know, 45 minutes for a break..." and you just kind of vegetate right there because you just want to have a break. Whereas, there is more productivity coming when you still feel up to more tasks or you're excited to carry on to the next thing. So I do like that. The time paradox, that's a good one. And I do want to just focus on this concept of if we don't put ourselves first and I talked about this in the context of establishing your personal Why. Your Personal Why... a lot of people like to start out with this idea that well I'm here to serve the world and this and that...That's great that could be a part of it but if you don't first get yourself in order... and the book The Miracle Morning has been a book that a lot of people talk about...Now that just establishes kind of a little regimen of things to do every morning. And believe it or not, as simple as some of those things are, it's ten minutes of this and ten minutes of that right down to the, I think, they carve out an hour each day. It's just so simple and easy to replicate but has a big impact on people. Is that something similar to your experience?
Jay: Well, it's kind of funny because I've read that book I really enjoy that book but let's be honest I'm pressed for time too and as much as I like that book there are certain things that I used to say like affirmations and writing gratitude. And there's a lot of great things you can do. But I also learned that I like to stack things. I like to stack activities. So like that walk in the morning. You know that walk in the morning, I also use that to do a couple things. Either I can listen to audiobooks, personal development seminars, or usually, I listen to some sort of affirmations. One of my mentors told me about an app called Think Up is what they call it...Think like in your brain and then Up. And all it is for is you actually record affirmations, you put your headphones in and it actually repeats them back to you. So you don't have to stand in that mirror holding your hands up and then say them to yourself, you're actually saying them yourself through your brain. So it's actually kind of cool. Whenever you can stack things like that, stack your affirmation, stack your walking, stack your exercise, stack your dog walking. You know what I'm saying like all those things kind of help and is saving you time also.
Steve: Boy, I really love the idea of outsourcing affirmations to myself. This is a really good idea. All of these types of things they contribute to your mental wellness, right? And the mental wellness must be accompanied by physical wellness. Otherwise, what's the point, right? I think the book For Our Work we talked about it... they need each other. Exactly. Without the physical what's the point?
Jay: And the crazy thing is that you know that they feed each other...like man I can break down some crazy weird numbers for you. The funny thing is like you don't want the energy earlier, like sometimes you're craving veggie now...what's this veggie now? The thing is how quick can you get back on it? If I have a sales call that goes bad how long am I going to beat myself up before the next sales call? Am I going to beat myself up to the next six hours? Man, I even lost some sales calls. Am I going to beat myself up for one minute? How fast do you quote and quote get back on that course? The same thing with this energy. Man, I pumped all day long man I work out in the morning... I'm done. I'm ready like whatever comes on I've done and I did the hardest thing you might think. What else you got, day? I have done and did the hardest thing. What else? Because nothing else is going to stand in my way. And so I think just bringing that energy... And you realize, it's been proven exercise boost your energy, exercise boost all these things, boost with feelings. It comes through on your calls, it comes through on how your interactions are and it comes on your business, 100%.
Steve: So let's talk about your solution...it's people... and it seems to me that your key target market is oriented towards women, is that fair to say?
Jay: Yes, for some reason I love working with women. They just get the best results. They do the work as instructed.
Steve: They're probably more committed. I'll be honest.
Jay: Exactly.
Steve: So yes women are smarter and more motivated often than men. So as you are working on the Kali Coaching Solution, when a new client comes to you how do you describe your solution to them?
Jay: That' a good question, Steve. How do I describe my solution to them? Usually, I'll start off by asking them, trying to get them to understand what they're looking for, right? So ask them like whenever a woman gets a little bit older and maybe she has a couple of kids and realize her health is really her number one priority and so she tries to start getting healthy again. But it's just so freakin difficult. So when it's so hard she just ends up giving up. Her motivation is high, she wants to do it but she's running here and there and all over the place. Her energy is that and her confidence is low it's hard for her get started. Do you know someone like that?
Steve: Of course, yes. Who doesn't?
Jay: Absolutely. So usually from that point when I say this is what I do and how I do is I help your mindset, number one. Because if I can get you to believe that you can do it then you can achieve it. From there then we start talking about nutrition. Because a lot of people make nutrition super difficult but it really is...we can make it easier. And if we made it simpler... something that you can do at home that's quick and easy that the whole family will love then it's going to be easily more adaptable to your life and implementable into your life. And finally, you know the workouts...We're all busy but I don't know anyone busier than a mom or most women, especially, if they're working a full-time job or trying to start their own business. If you know that you can get the workouts that I'm talking about and you can get results in 11, 20, 30 minutes a day compared to spending an hour and a half in a gym?
Steve: That's a pretty good ROI on time.
37:12 (Jay talks about getting results by training smarter over training harder.)
Jay: Exactly. So why not get those results because I believe that you can train smarter than training longer or training harder because I've said I think you can think and be fit so why not just shorten the process?
Steve: I love a good Napoleon Hill reference everybody and the book Think and Grow Rich I think is another clever reference point by Jay. You're tying into existing paradigms like the get-rich-quick, it's get-skinny-quick. That's a very clever marketing how did you learn the marketing piece of this Jay? I'm curious.
Jay: Oh man! You know just really help from good mentors. To be honest it was one of the most difficult transitions for me...moving from a brick and mortar gym to an online world. First off, I got to sell a dream in many ways if I'm selling to you face to face it will be a little bit more different. But if I'm selling it to you on the phone or on virtual it takes a little bit of a learning process. And so it's been a good learning experience, let me just put it that way.
Steve: No doubt it's always learning. But I think it's really a nice evolution. It's a classic Awesomer story to be able to pivot, right? And go "Hey, this gym thing didn't work out..." and you said, it sounds like what's the advice of your girlfriend is, "Hey, what about the online piece?" How do I piece this together and still maintain my own lifestyle of independence? Location independence? Doesn't matter where you are if you're traveling you probably still can carry on with your coaching, right?
Jay: Absolutely. That was the great thing and that was also another great thing coming from the brick and mortar aspect...Man! I was in there 5:30 in the morning and open and thing up and I had to be there 10:00 - 10:30 cleaning and closing the thing. Done. And you could have hired a help but I'm still there... I'm still responsible for it. So it's still my baby and that's what you kind of find out with having a business, that it is still your baby. So whenever I could be able to say, "Okay, how can I have my time to make this work?" And that was a real, like you said, a real big pivot... that was really game-changing. So now I'm able to travel Europe for three months at a time and my business is staying good...everything's maintained and everything's on point and nobody misses me. So it's awesome.
39:23 (Steve talks about the Awesomer lifestyle.)
Steve: Again, I think that's part of what I described is the Awesomer lifestyle where you can choose...you have the freedom to choose what you want to do, where you want to be, who you want to be with, and the types of things that you want to pursue.
Steve: So you mentioned an app earlier and that seems to be a potentially unique part of your solution. How does that app fit into this equation?
39:41 (Jay talks about apps and programs as part of the solution.)
Jay: Oh the app is one of the easier ways though I have a couple different platforms and a couple different programs. So one program is where it's almost like your online academy type of system. Where you can access it from your phone or you can access it from your computer or whenever you progress and you go to one on one. I have an app that they can download onto their phone that I can give them. It's in my name and that's actually where I build all their customized program. Inside that app, the cool thing about it though is your Fitbit's and your Apple watches, all that connects with the app. All that data... I see how your sleeping patterns are, I see how your eating if you choose to love that or what not and I can keep track of all the data points so you don't have to. That's a big thing also I think with fitness and exercise, we have all this data of information. But if you don't know how to read it then it's not any good. Or if you've been doing the same workout for two or three years or you're at a plateau for the past six months and you don't know how to break it, you have to know how to read the data and use the data to your to your benefit.
Steve: Well, we talk about this all the time when it comes to the business principles, balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and just understanding financials in general, but it really is apropos and quite consistent with this idea that fitness data is also just data until it becomes information. And so I love the idea that you can help articulate what it actually means. A lot of us look at those things they're like "Well that's more steps than yesterday..." Salute myself. I got nothing else to go with but...
Jay: Or what is my resting heart rate mean or what is...why am I spiking here or why...because you have a lot of different people. Whenever they start really tracking that stuff too, they realize, "Well, okay, for some reason when I'm normally walking, let's say, 60-70 beats per minute but even when I start walking I jump up to 150. I don't have any idea." You start realizing things about yourself you're like, "that doesn't seem right or is that right?" And now you can kind of ask somebody and they can kind of help you but if you don't know, it's like the old saying "What you don't track, you can't measure." And if you can't measure you're never going to know. That's what we don't do most of the time. We don't track our stuff.
Steve: I do love that. We use a very similar quotation I believe it emanated from the great Tom Peters, "No score, no game." And "What gets measured, gets managed." I just love the idea that you have this mechanism, an app, or otherwise to be able to put in data and then help interpret that.
Jay: Oh it's lovely my students love it, too. Because once again it gives them something... they know what they're shooting for. Everything's correct... their weight. We can see their progress, we can see how it's dropping, we can see how their waist is getting smaller, their legs are getting stronger and tighter. You're tracking all of this and whatever you see that that's what also boosts the motivation, too. Some people are only looking at one measurement - What's my number on the scale? If I only took your car to your mechanic and we just measured your tire pressure and say, "Okay, your car's good. Have a good day." You bet, "Hold on, man! You didn't even check...you just check one thing." That's like checking your weight and asking what my health is, in my opinion.
Steve: Yes. I like that. Again, a very smart marketing comparison. However you learn marketing, it's one lesson well-learned, I would say. Jay, when people... that they've now listen to us, we've been talking about this and maybe they're even motivated to take some action, what would you tell them to do? What's the first thing they should do after hearing this conversation?
43:25 (Jay talks about what the listeners should do first thing after listening to this podcast.)
Jay: I would say drink some water.
Steve: Alright, I'd take that. I would say after you drink the water, perhaps even stacking the water, if you run over to the kalicoaching.com website...
Jay: I'm going to do something special for your listeners...how about that, Steve? Is that cool? Well, I have an Amazon best-selling book. It actually hit number one in about four different categories. I love it. I'd say it's going to be the last fitness nutrition and motivational book that you'll ever need, in my opinion. But I want to give it to your listeners for free. How about that? This is a $10 book on Amazon. This is a $5 book on Audible right now but if you go to this website that I'm about to tell you, you can get it shipped to you... this free plus shipping or you can download it digitally right now. So your choice. Go to kalicoaching.com/secretgift.
Steve: Alright. First of all, I would like to thank you for that generous offer. And if I get that right it's kali- coaching. So this is bad news for me, everybody, as we know I keep a score of how many times I mispronounced the guest name and I've been doing it all episode, everybody, and thank you for, although not correcting me, that's Jay Kali, just if you're wondering. And this only brings my average down which is not good, to begin with, I'm not going to lie.
Jay: We got some crazy names in the world so don't feel bad,
46:13 (Jay and Steve talk about the evolution of fitness and wellness.)
Steve: I do love the… So kalicoaching.com/secretgift. Okay, good. I love that and I really do encourage Awesomers out there listening today after you take your water go ahead and why not download a book order the book? I'd like to do both. I'd like to have the digital copy and I like to have the physical copy. Free shipping offer is a beautiful thing. At least particularly women out there, at least let's take this opportunity to learn something. And I'm a big learner, I'm a big fan of learning. And I think everybody can take that time. Let me pull out the crystal ball just for a minute. I lament to say but mine has been in the shop for some time so I need some help understanding the future. How do you see the evolution of the fitness and the wellness space evolving over the next five years?
Jay: Over the next five years...let me preface also that gift real quick. I want to let your listeners know that it's not one of these books that just push to get on a call. It's not one of those books. This book actually has a year of workouts involved and included. This book is everything that you would seriously need. I tell you everything in this book. I hope I pull no punches in this. All my people told me I was silly for doing it because technically you don't meet me but I'm telling you... the last book you'll ever need. I promise.
Steve: I love it thank you for that. And by the way, we have this general philosophy, I think made popular by the great Zig Ziglar where we say, "You can have everything you want in your life if you help enough other people get what they want in their life." I love the pay-it-forward attitude and I salute you for doing that.
Jay: When there are 150 thousand different books for fitness right there and most of them are just half information just to get you to buy something, I'm not cool with that. And that's just me. I have integrity because I was in the military for too long. I'm just - I can't do that, man.
Steve: Definitely works for the Awesomers out there. Thank you again. Now about that crystal ball, let's think about that future. Tell us what it looks like and we assume that everything you say is going to be accurate. So, go.
Jay: I hope so. If there is a crystal ball and if I was looking into the future, if it was up to me, I would say very soon...if you think of exponential growth and things like that, I can see it very possibly in some sort of Google Glasses or some sort of augment reality where you actually have a trainer with you. Every time you're working out, you have your glasses on and your coaches are there a4nd somehow we're using AI to correct you when you're squatting wrong. And the machine knows your biomechanics. You just have the coach as the figurine technically there. And, maybe, you can buy different coaches. You can have your basic coach that comes with it or you can upgrade coaches. I don't know how but I feel that we're going to move to the more augmented/virtual reality even while exercising. You're going to see guys in the gym with things on while exercising, "This is how I curl...this is how..." I think so.
Steve: I love it! I haven't considered that but it does sound very interesting. And not unlike the old GPS is that we used to buy as separate units where you could pick the different voices, the idea of picking a different trainer, that's a fascinating concept of evolution. So, I thank you for that. That's a good one.
Jay: I'm going to try it. That's a big reason why I got into the online. My ideas...I'm just a normal coach and trainer. I've got a brick and mortar and just became a normal personal trainer or opened another brick-and-mortar gym. But my thing is I'm trying to think of the future and where's the future? The future right now is online coaching. The next viable step is virtual or augmented reality. But if I'm still a normal personal trainer back here sitting in the gym, how much harder that jump is that going to be for me? And so this is just the middle ground and I go hang out in the middle ground but I think that it's coming.
Steve: I love it. Well, you've heard it here first Awesomers. The world is going to be virtualized in one day. I did watch that movie Ready Player One recently. It was in the world of augmented reality and people walked around with the glasses. It's quite an entertaining movie. My kids and I, we like to play the video games from time to time, it was a very intriguing concept...this whole idea. I think the VR and augmented reality, with high usage, and particularly in Fitness, why not? Well, listen Jay, did tI pronounce that one right? My middle name is also Jay, so I have an inside track on that one. I really do appreciate you coming on and sharing your time with us today and given to the world out there as you do. So thank you for all of that.
Jay: It's a pleasure, Steve. Thank you for having me.
Steve: I hope all Awesomers listening out there, take a moment, take some action. Mental wellness, physical wellness, it all goes hand in hand and you will get more out of your life if you get those ducks in a row, in my opinion. So, Awesomers, we'll be right back after this.
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Steve: Jay just offered a lot of value there and he really delivers such great sage wisdom and advice. And the fact that he's offered his free bonus for listeners of this episode is that much more interesting. I really do think that you know as entrepreneurs we often put our own health and wellness on the back burner and this is something that only by talking about it and shining a little light on it, are we perhaps going to be motivated to do something about it. I really respect Jay and particularly, as a young entrepreneur, he's been able to niche down. And he's like, "Hey, I'm focused on women and particularly he wants to help women over the age of 40, for example. And that is a really smart idea because it helps you really target an audience. To help you talk specifically to them. It's an excellent marketing technique but more importantly, it's helping such a valuable part of our world. This is a really cool thing and I hope that you get out there and you share this with the folks around you, and women, in particular. Let's make sure we get this episode to have some shares, some likes, and some reviews, and so forth. Because Jay really put his heart out there. Again, this has been episode number 47 of the Awesomers.com podcast series. And all you have to do is go to Awesomers.com/47 and you'll be able to find show notes, the transcript, any relevant details including links that we may have talked about right on that show page. Get on over there and check it out right now.
Well we've done it again everybody. We have another episode of the Awesomers podcast ready for the world. Thank you for joining us and we hope that you've enjoyed our program today. Now is a good time to take a moment to subscribe, like and share this podcast. Heck you can even leave a review if you wanted. Awesomers around you will appreciate your help. It's only with your participation and sharing that we'll be able to achieve our goals. Our success is literally in your hands. Thank you again for joining us. We are at your service. Find out more about me, Steve Simonson, our guest, team and all the other Awesomers involved at Awesomers.com. Thank you again.