New China Tariff List
What are the new items being targeted as of July 10th 2018? Here is the list published by the United States office of the Trade Representati
[Billing Code 3290-F8]
Docket Number USTR-2018-0026
Request for Comments Concerning Proposed Modification of Action Pursuant to Section 301: China’s Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation
AGENCY: Office of the United States Trade Representative.
ACTION: Request for comments and notice of public hearing.________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY: On June 20, 2018 (83 FR 28710), the U.S. Trade Representative (Trade Representative) provided notice of an initial action in the Section 301 investigation of the acts, policies, and practices of the Government of China related to technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation. The initial action was the imposition of an additional 25 percent
ad valorem duty on products of China with an annual trade value of approximately $34 billion, effective July 6, 2018. The June 20 notice also sought public comment on another proposed action, in the form of an additional 25 percent ad valorem duty on products of China with an annual trade value of approximately $16 billion. The public comment process in connection with the proposed additional action is ongoing. On July 6, 2018, China responded to the initial action by imposing increased duties on goods of the United States. In light of China’s decision to respond to the investigation by imposing duties on U.S. goods, the Trade Representative proposes a modification of the action taken in this investigation. The proposed modification is to maintain the original $34 billion action and the proposed $16 billion action, and to take further action in the form of an additional 10 percent ad valorem duty on products of China with an
annual trade value of approximately $200 billion. The products subject to this proposed supplemental action are classified in the HTSUS subheadings set out in the Annex to this notice. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is seeking public comment and will hold a public hearing regarding this proposed modification of the action in the investigation.
DATES: To be assured of consideration, you must submit comments and responses in accordance with the following schedule:
July 27, 2018: Due date for filing requests to appear and a summary of expected testimony at the public hearing, and for filing pre-hearing submissions.
August 17, 2018: Due date for submission of written comments.
August 20-23, 2018: The Section 301 Committee will convene a public hearing in the main hearing room of the U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington DC, 20436 beginning at 9:30 am.
August 30, 2018: Due date for submission of post-hearing rebuttal comments.
ADDRESSES: USTR strongly prefers electronic submissions made through the Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments in sections D and F below. The docket number is USTR-2018-0026.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions about the ongoing investigation or proposed action, contact Arthur Tsao, Assistant General Counsel, or Justin Hoffmann, Director of Industrial Goods, at (202) 395-5725. For questions on customs
classification of products identified in the Annex to this notice, contact [email protected].
On August 18, 2017, USTR initiated an investigation into certain acts, policies, and practices of the Government of China related to technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation (82 FR 40213).
In a notice published on April 6, 2018 (83 FR 14906), the Trade Representative announced a determination that the acts, policies, and practices of the Government of China covered in the investigation are unreasonable or discriminatory and burden or restrict U.S. commerce. The April 6 notice also invited public comment on a proposed action in the investigation, in the form of an additional 25 percent ad valorem duty on products from China classified in a list of 1,333 tariff subheadings, with an annual trade value of approximately $50 billion. As explained in the notice, the level was appropriate both in light of the estimated harm to the U.S. economy, and to obtain elimination of China's harmful acts, policies, and practices.
The public comment process included two opportunities for the submission of written comments, and the opportunity to participate in a public hearing. USTR received thousands of submissions, and held a 3 day public hearing with more than 100 witnesses. The public versions of submissions and a transcript of the hearing are available on in docket number USTR-2018-0005.
USTR and the interagency Section 301 Committee carefully reviewed the public comments and the testimony from the public hearing. USTR and the Section 301 Committee also
carefully reviewed the extent to which the tariff subheadings in the April 6, 2018 notice include products containing industrially significant technology, including technologies and products related to China’s “Made in China 2025” industrial policy program.
Based on this review process, the Trade Representative determined to take an initial action in the investigation, and to consider an additional proposed action. The Trade Representative announced the determination on June 15, 2018, and published a notice on June 20, 2018 (83 FR 28710). The Trade Representative narrowed the proposed list in the April 6 notice to 818 tariff subheadings, with an approximate annual trade value of $34 billion. This initial action became effective on July 6, 2018. The additional proposed action is an additionalad valorem duty of 25 percent on products of China classified in 284 tariff subheadings, with an annual trade value of approximately $16 billion. The June 20 notice explained that including these tariff subheadings in the Section 301 action would maintain the effectiveness of a $50 billion trade action. The public comment process in connection with the proposed additional action is ongoing.
B. China’s Response to the Action in the Investigation
The Government of China has chosen to respond to the initial U.S. action in the investigation by imposing retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods, instead of addressing U.S. concerns with the unfair practices found in the investigation. On Friday, June 15, 2018, the day that the Trade Representative announced the initial action in the investigation, China issued a statement saying that it was imposing equivalent tariff measures on U.S. goods.
On Saturday, June 16, 2018, the Government of China specified that it would impose an additional 25 percent tariff on U.S. goods with a value of $50 billion (State Council Customs
Tariff Commission 2018 Public Notice No. 5). China’s announcement sets out two lists. The first list contains 545 tariff subheadings that supposedly corresponds to the initial U.S. $34 billion action, and had an effective date of July 6, 2018. The second list contains 114 tariff subheadings that supposedly corresponds to the additional proposed $16 billion U.S. action, and will be effective on a date to be determined.
On Monday, June 18, 2018, the President issued a statement in response to China’sannouncement that it was imposing retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods. See The statement “directed the United States Trade Representative to identify $200 billion worth of Chinese goods for additional tariffs at a rate of 10 percent. After the legal process is complete, these tariffs will go into effect if China refuses to change its practices, and also if it insists on going forward with the new tariffs that it has recently announced.”
On July 6, 2018, the day the initial $34 billion action in the investigation became effective, the Government of China confirmed that it is going forward with the new tariffs it announced on June 16. China also has not changed the acts, policies, and practices identified in the investigation.
C. Proposed Supplemental Action
Section 301(b) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (Trade Act) provides that “the Trade Representative shall take all appropriate and feasible action authorized under [Section 301(c)], subject to the specific direction, if any, of the President regarding any such action . . . to obtain the elimination of [the] act, policy, or practice” covered in the investigation. Section 307of the Trade Act provides that “The Trade Representative may modify or terminate any action,
subject to the specific direction, if any, of the President with respect to such action, that is being taken under [Section 301] if . . . such action is being taken under section 301(b) of this title andis no longer appropriate.” In light of China’s response to the $50 billion action announced in theinvestigation and its refusal to change its acts, policies, and practices, it has become apparent that U.S. action at this level is not sufficient to obtain the elimination of China’s acts, policies, and practices covered in the investigation. Accordingly, the Trade Representative is proposing to modify the action in this investigation by maintaining the original $34 billion action and the proposed $16 billion action, and by taking a further, supplemental action. The Trade Representative proposes an additional 10 percent ad valorem duty on products of China covered in the attached list of 6,031 tariff subheadings. The attached list has an annual trade value of approximately $200 billion.
Modification of the action in this investigation by taking a supplemental $200 billion action is appropriate in light of the statutory goal of obtaining the elimination of the acts, policies, and practices covered in the investigation. China has shown that it will not respond toaction at a $50 billion level by addressing U.S. concerns with China’s acts, policies, and practices involving technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation. Rather, China is responding to action at a $50 billion level by imposing retaliatory duties.
Supplemental action at a $200 billion level is in accord with the President’s direction. In addition, action at this level is appropriate in light of the level of China’s announced retaliatoryaction ($50 billion) and the level of Chinese goods imported into the United States ($505 billion in 2017). China’s retaliatory action covers a substantial percentage of U.S. goods exported to China ($130 billion in 2017). In order to enhance effectiveness, the level of the U.S. supplemental action must cover a substantial percentage of Chinese imports.
In developing the list of tariff subheadings included in this proposed supplemental action, trade analysts considered products from across all sectors of the Chinese economy. The tariff subheadings considered by the analysts included subheadings that commenters suggested for inclusion in response to the April 6 notice. The selection process took account of likely impacts on U.S. consumers, and involved the removal of subheadings identified by analysts as likely to cause disruptions to the U.S. economy, as well as tariff lines subject to legal or administrative constraints.
To ensure the effectiveness of the action, any merchandise subject to the increased tariffs admitted into a U.S. foreign trade zone on or after the effective date of the increased tariffs,except those eligible for admission under “domestic status” as defined in 19 CFR 146.43, wouldhave to be admitted as “privileged foreign status” as defined in 19 CFR 146.41, and would be subject upon entry for consumption to the additional duty.
D. Request for Public Comments
In accordance with section 304(b) of the Trade Act (19 U.S.C. 2414(b)), USTR invites comments from interested persons with respect to the proposed supplemental action to be taken in the investigation. To be assured of consideration, you must submit written comments by August 17, 2018, and post-hearing rebuttal comments by August 30, 2018.
USTR requests comments with respect to any aspect of the proposed supplemental action, including:
The specific tariff subheadings to be subject to increased duties, including whether the subheadings listed in the Annex should be retained or removed, or whether subheadings not currently on the list should be added.
The level of the increase, if any, in the rate of duty.
The appropriate aggregate level of trade to be covered by additional duties.
In commenting on the inclusion or removal of particular tariff subheadings listed in the Annex, USTR requests that commenters address specifically whether imposing increased duties on a particular product would be practicable or effective to obtain the elimination of China’s acts,policies, and practices, and whether maintaining or imposing additional duties on a particular product would cause disproportionate economic harm to U.S. interests, including small- or medium-size businesses and consumers.
E. Hearing Participation
The Section 301 Committee will convene a public hearing in the main hearing room of the U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington DC, 20436, beginning at 9:30 am on August 20, 2018. You must submit requests to appear at the hearing by July 27, 2018. The request to appear must include a summary of testimony, and may be accompanied by a pre-hearing submission. Remarks at the hearing may be no longer than five minutes to allow for possible questions from the Section 301 Committee.
All requests to appear at the hearing must be in English and sent electronically via To submit a request to appear at the hearing via, enter docket number USTR-2018-0026 on the home page and click “search”. The site will provide a search-results page listing all documents associated with this docket. Find a reference to this notice and click on the link titled “comment now!”. In the “comment” field, include thename, address, email address, and telephone number of the person presenting the testimony. Attach a summary of the proposed testimony, and a pre-hearing submission if provided, by using
the “upload file” field. The file name should include both the name of the person who will be presenting testimony and the entity they represent. In addition, please submit a request to appear and a PDF of the summary of proposed testimony by email to [email protected]. In the subject line of the email, please include the name of the person who will be presentingtestimony, followed by “request to appear”. Please also include the name, address, email address,and telephone number of the person presenting testimony in the body of the email message.
F. Procedures for Written Submissions
All submissions must be in English and sent electronically via To submit comments via, enter docket number USTR-2018-0026 on the homepage and click “search.” The site will provide a search-results page listing all documents associated with this docket. Find a reference to this notice and click on the link entitled“comment now!” For further information on using the website, please consult the resources provided on the website by clicking on “How to Use” on the bottom of the home page. We will not accept hand-delivered submissions.
The website allows users to submit comments by filling in a“comment” field or by attaching a document using an “upload file” field. USTR prefers that yousubmit comments in an attached document. If you attach a document, it is sufficient to type “seeattached” in the “comment” field. USTR prefers submissions in Microsoft Word (.doc) orsearchable Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). If you use an application other than those two, please indicate the name of the application in the “comment” field.
File names should reflect the name of the person or entity submitting the comments. Please do not attach separate cover letters to electronic submissions; rather, include any information that
might appear in a cover letter in the comments themselves. Similarly, to the extent possible, please include any exhibits, annexes, or other attachments in the same file as the comment itself, rather than submitting them as separate files.
For any comments submitted electronically that contain business confidential information, the file name of the business confidential version should begin with the characters“BC”. Any page containing business confidential information must be clearly marked “BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL” on the top of that page and the submission should clearly indicate, via brackets, highlighting, or other means, the specific information that is business confidential. If you request business confidential treatment, you must certify in writing that disclosure of the information would endanger trade secrets or profitability, and that the information would not customarily be released to the public. Filers of submissions containing business confidential information also must submit a public version of their comments. The file name of the public version should begin with the character “P”. The “BC” and “P” should befollowed by the name of the person or entity submitting the comments or rebuttal comments. If these procedures are not sufficient to protect business confidential information or otherwise protect business interests, please contact the USTR Tech Transfer Section 301 line at (202) 395- 5725 to discuss whether alternative arrangements are possible.
USTR will post submissions in the docket for public inspection, except business confidential information. You can view submissions on the website by entering docket number USTR-2018-0026 in the search field on the home page.
Robert E. Lighthizer
United States Trade Representative.
Note: All products that are classified in the 8-digit subheadings of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) that are listed in this Annex are covered by the proposed supplemental action. The product descriptions that are contained in this Annex are provided for informational purposes only, and are not intended to delimit in any way the scope of the proposed action. Any questions regarding the scope of particular HTSUS subheadings should be referred to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. In the product descriptions, the abbreviation "nesoi" means "not elsewhere specified or included".
HTSUS Subheading
0203.29.20 0203.29.40 0206.10.00 0208.10.00 0208.90.20 0208.90.25 0210.19.00
0301.11.00 0301.19.00 0301.91.00 0301.92.00 0301.93.02 0301.94.01 0301.95.00 0301.99.03
0302.11.00 0302.13.00 0302.14.00
0302.19.00 0302.21.00
Product Description
Frozen retail cuts of meat of swine, nesoi
Frozen meat of swine, other than retail cuts, nesoi
Edible offal of bovine animals, fresh or chilled
Meat and edible meat offal of rabbits or hares, fresh, chilled or frozen
Meat and edible offal of deer, fresh, chilled or frozen
Frog legs, fresh, chilled or frozen
Meat of swine other than hams, shoulders, bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
Live ornamental freshwater fish
Live ornamental fish, other than freshwater
Live trout
Live eels
Live carp
Other live Fish, Atlantic & Pacific Bluefin Tunas
Other live Fish, Southern Bluefin Tunas
Live Tench (Tinca Tinca), sheatfish (Silurus Glanis), bighead carp (Aristichthys Nobilis) and other fish, nesoi
Trout, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Pacific salmon, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes Atlantic and Danube salmon, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Salmonidae other than trout or Pacific, Atlantic & Danube salmon, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers & roes
Halibut and Greenland turbot, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Plaice, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Sole, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Flat fish, nesoi, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes Albacore or longfinned tunas, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Yellowfin tunas, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
0302.24.00 Turbots
0302.29.01 0302.31.00
0302.32.00 0302.33.00
HTSUS Subheading
0302.41.00 0302.42.00
0302.44.00 0302.45.11
0302.45.50 0302.46.11 0302.46.50
0302.47.00 0302.49.00 0302.51.00 0302.52.00 0302.53.00 0302.54.11
0302.54.50 0302.55.11 0302.55.50 0302.56.11 0302.56.50 0302.59.11 0302.59.50 0302.71.11
Product Description
Bigeye tunas (Thunnas obesus), fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Atlantic & Pacific bluefin tunas, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnas maccoyii), fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Tunas not elsewhere specified or included, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Herrings, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes Anchovies, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents <6.8 kg
Sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprats, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Mackerel, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled
Jack & horse mackerel, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents <6.8 kg
Jack & horse mackerel excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers > 6.8 kg
Cobia, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Cobia, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Swordfish, fresh or chilled, excluding livers and roes
Herrings, anchovies, sardines, nesoi
Cod, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Haddock, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Coalfish, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Hake, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Hake,excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Alaska pollack, excl. fillets, livers,roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents< 6.8 kg
Alaska pollack excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Blue whitings, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents <6.8 kg
Blue whitings, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Bregmacerotidae et al fish, nesoi, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing < 6.8 kg
Bregmacerotidae fish, etc. excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers > 6.8 kg
Tilapias, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents <6.8 kg
HTSUS Subheading
0302.74.00 0302.79.11
0302.79.50 0302.81.00 0302.82.00 0302.83.00 0302.84.11 0302.84.50 0302.85.11 0302.85.50 0302.89.11 0302.89.50
0302.91.20 0302.91.40 0302.92.00 0302.99.00 0303.11.00
0303.13.00 0303.14.00 0303.19.01
Product Description
Tilapias, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Catfish, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Catfish excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Carp, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Carp excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Eels, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Fish beginning 0302.7, nesoi, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers < 6.8 kg
Fish beginning 0302.7, nesoi, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled,not scaled,or scaled in containers>6.8 kg
Dogfish and other sharks, fresh or chilled, excluding fillets, livers, roes and fish meat of 0304
Rays & skates, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Toothfish excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Seabass, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Seabass, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Seabream, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Seabream, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Fish, nesoi, excl. fillets, livers and roes, fresh or chilled, scaled, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less
Fish, nesoi, excl. fillets, livers & roes, fresh or chilled, not scaled, or scaled in immediate containers over 6.8 kg
Sturgeon Roe, fresh or chilled
Mullet and other fish liver and roes, fresh or chilled
Shark fins, fresh or chilled, excluding fillet
Other fish, fresh or chilled, nesoi
Sockeye salmon (red salmon) (Orncorhynchus nerka), frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Pacific salmon, other than sockeye, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Atlantic salmon and Danube salmon, frozen, excluding livers and roes
Trout, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Salmonidae, other than trout or Atlantic and Danube salmon, nesoi, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Tilapias, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
HTSUS Subheading
0303.24.00 0303.25.01 0303.26.00 0303.29.01
0303.32.00 0303.33.00 0303.34.00 0303.39.01
0303.42.00 0303.43.00
0303.51.00 0303.53.00
0303.54.00 0303.55.00 0303.56.00 0303.57.00 0303.59.00 0303.63.00 0303.64.00 0303.65.00 0303.66.00 0303.67.00 0303.68.00 0303.69.00
0303.81.00 0303.82.00 0303.83.00 0303.84.00
Product Description
Catfish, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Carp, frozen excluding fillets, livers and roes
Eels, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Other fish in 0303.2 grouping nesoi, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Halibut and Greenland turbot, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions & livers and roes
Plaice, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Sole, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Turbots, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Flat fish, other than halibut, Greenland turbot, plaice and sole, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Albacore or longfinned tunas, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Yellowfin tunas, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Bigeye tunas (Thunnas obesus), frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Southern bluefin tunas (Thunnas maccoyii), frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Tunas, not elsewhere specified or included, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Herrings, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprats, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Mackerel, frozen, excluding fillets, livers and roes
Jack & horse mackerel, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes Cobia, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Swordfish steaks,other swordfish , excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes Other fish, frozen, excluding fillets, livers, roes and herrings
Cod, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Haddock, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Coalfish, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Hake, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Alaska pollack, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Blue whitings, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Other fish in Bregmacerotidae et al,etc. frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Dogfish and other sharks, frozen, excluding fillets, livers, roes and fish meat of 0304 Rays & skates, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Toothfish excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Sea bass, frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
HTSUS Subheading
0303.91.20 0303.91.40 0303.92.00 0303.99.00 0304.31.00 0304.32.00 0304.33.00 0304.39.00 0304.41.00 0304.42.00 0304.43.00 0304.44.00 0304.45.00 0304.46.00 0304.47.00 0304.48.00 0304.49.01 0304.51.01 0304.52.00 0304.53.00 0304.54.00 0304.55.00 0304.56.00 0304.57.00 0304.59.00 0304.61.00 0304.62.00 0304.63.00 0304.69.00 0304.71.10
0304.71.50 0304.72.10
0304.72.50 0304.73.10
0304.73.50 0304.74.10
0304.74.50 0304.75.10
Product Description
Smelts, cusk, pollock, shad, sturgeon, atkafish, fresh-water fish,etc. frozen, excluding fillets, other meat portions, livers and roes
Sturgeon roe, frozen
Herring, salmon, alaskan pollock, mullet, other fist liver and roes, frozen
Shark fins excluding fillets, frozen
Other fish, frozen, nesoi
Tilapias, fillets, fresh or chilled
Catfish, fillets, fresh or chilled
Nile perch, fillets, fresh or chilled
Eels or snakeheads, fillets, fresh or chilled Salmon fillets, fresh or chilled
Trout, fillets, fresh or chilled
"Flat fish" , sole, plaice, etc. fillets, fresh or chilled
Bregamacerotidae & like fish, fillets, fresh or chilled
Fresh or chilled swordfish fillets
Fresh or chilled toothfish fillets
Dogfish and other shark fillets, frozen or chilled
Ray and skate fillets, fresh or chilled
Pike, pickerel, whitefish, tilapia, perch, cusk, other fish fillets, fresh or chilled
Tilapias, catfish, carp, eels, nile perch, snakeheads, other than fillets, fresh or chilled Salmonidae, other than fillets, fresh or chilled
Bregmacerotidae and other fish, nesoi, other than fillets, fresh or chilled
Fresh or chilled swordfish other than fillets
Fresh or chilled toothfish other than fillets
Dogfish and other sharks, fresh or chilled
Rays and skates, fresh or chilled
Other fish, nesoi, other than fillets, fresh or chilled
Frozen tilapia fillets
Frozen catfish fillets
Frozen Nile perch fillets
Frozen eel & snakehead fillets
Frozen cod fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Fillets, frozen, of cod, other than above
Frozen haddock fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Fillets, frozen, of haddock, other than above
Frozen coalfish fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Other coalfish fillets
Frozen hake fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Fillets, frozen, of hake
Frozen Alaska pollack fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut
Fillets, frozen, of Alaska pollock, other than above
HTSUS Subheading
0304.79.50 0304.81.10
0304.81.50 0304.82.10
0304.82.50 0304.83.10
0304.83.50 0304.84.00 0304.85.00 0304.86.00 0304.87.00 0304.88.00 0304.89.10
0304.89.50 0304.91.10
0304.91.90 0304.92.10
0304.92.90 0304.93.10
0304.93.90 0304.94.10
0304.94.90 0304.95.10
0304.96.00 0304.97.00 0304.99.11
0304.99.91 0305.10.20
0305.10.40 0305.20.20
Product Description
Frozen Bregmacerotidae et al fish fillets,nesoi, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces
Frozen fillets of other fresh-water fish, flat fish, etc., nesoi, other than above
Frozen salmon fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight
Other frozen salmon fillets
Frozen trout fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Frozen trout fillets, other than above
Frozen "flat fish" fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Frozen "other flat fish" fillets, other than above
Frozen swordfish fillets
Frozen toothfish fillets
Frozen herring fillets
Frozen tuna fillets
Dogfish, other shark, ray and skate fillets, frozen
Other frozen fish fillets, skinned, in blocks weighing over 4.5 kg, to be minced, ground or cut into pieces of uniform weight and dimension
Other frozen fish fillets, other than above
Chilled or Frozen Swordfish fillets, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with their contents over 6.8 kg each
Chilled or Frozen Swordfish Fillets,nesoi
Chilled or Frozen Toothfish fillets, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with their contents over 6.8 kg each
Chilled or Frozen Toothfish Fillets,nesoi
Chilled or Frozen tilapia & like fillets,nesoi, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing > 6.8 kg each
Tilapias , catfish, carp, eels, nile perch & snakehead chilled or frozen fillets,nesoi
Alaska pollack chilled or frozen fillets,in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with their contents over 6.8 kg each
Alaska pollack, chilled or frozen fillets,nesoi
Chilled or Frozen fillets,Bregmacerotidae & like, nesoi, in bulk or in immediate containers > 6.8 kg each
Bregamacerotidae other fish, other than Alaska pollack, nesoi, chilled or frozen fillets,nesoi
Dogfish and other sharks, frozen, nesoi
Ray and skates, frozen, nesoi
Chilled or Frozen fillets,nesoi, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with their contents over 6.8 kg each
Chilled or Frozen fillets,nesoi
Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with contents over 6.8 kg each
Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption, other than in bulk or immediate containers weighing contents over 6.8 kg each
Sturgeon roe, dried, smoked, salted or in brine
HTSUS Subheading
0305.20.40 0305.31.01
0305.32.00 0305.39.20
0305.39.61 0305.41.00 0305.42.00 0305.43.00 0305.44.01 0305.49.20 0305.49.40 0305.51.00 0305.52.00
0305.53.00 0305.54.00
0305.59.00 0305.61.20
0305.62.00 0305.63.20
0305.69.10 0305.69.20
0305.69.40 0305.69.50
Product Description
Fish livers and roes, other than sturgeon roe, dried, smoked, salted or in brine
Tilapia, catfish, carp, eel, nile perch, snakehead fillets, dried or salted in brine, but not smoked
"Flat fish" fillets, nesoi, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
Fillets of herrings, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Fillets of mackerel, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Herring and other fist fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked
Smoked Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon, including fillets
Smoked herrings, including fillets
Smoked trout, including fillets
Tilapia, catfish, carp, eel, nile perch, snakehead including fillets, smoked
Smoked mackerel, including fillets
Smoked fish, including fillets, nesoi
Dried cod, whether or not salted but not smoked
Tilapia, catfish, carp, eel, nile perch, snakehead, not smoked, dried, whether or not salted
Fish of families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae,Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, dried but not smoked
Herrings, anchovies, sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprat, mackerel, Indian mackeral, seerfish, dried, whether or not salted, but not smoked
Dried fish, other than cod or shark fins, whether or not salted but not smoked
Herrings, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Herrings, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, other than in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Cod, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked
Anchovies, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate airtight containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Anchovies, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate containers, nesoi, weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Anchovies, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, other than in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Tilapias, catfish, carp, eel, Nile perch, or snakehead, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate containers <6.8 kg
Tilapias, catfish, carp, eel, Nile perch, or snakehead, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, other than in containers <6.8 kg
Cusk, haddock, hake, and pollock, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked
Mackerel, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Mackerel, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, other than in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Salmon, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked
Fish, nesoi, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
HTSUS Subheading
0305.71.00 0305.72.00 0305.79.00
0306.11.00 0306.12.00
0306.14.20 0306.14.40
0306.15.00 0306.16.00
0306.17.00 0306.19.00
0306.31.00 0306.32.00 0306.33.20 0306.33.40 0306.34.00 0306.35.00 0306.36.00
0306.91.00 0306.92.00 0306.93.20 0306.93.40 0306.94.00 0306.95.00 0306.99.00
0307.11.00 0307.12.00 0307.19.01 0307.21.00 0307.22.00 0307.29.01
0307.31.00 0307.32.00
Product Description
Fish, nesoi, in brine or salted but not dried or smoked, other than in immediate containers weighing with their contents 6.8 kg or less each
Dried shark fins, whether or not salted but not smoked
Fish heads, tails, and maws, whether or not salted but not smoked
Edible fish offal, other fish heads tails and maws or shark fins, whether or not salted but not smoked
Rock lobster and other sea crawfish, cooked in shell or uncooked, dried, salted or in brine, frozen
Lobsters excluding rock lobster, cooked in shell or uncooked, dried, salted or in brine, frozen
Crabmeat, frozen
Crabs, cooked in shell or uncooked (whether in shell or not), dried, salted or in brine, frozen
Norway lobsters, cooked in shell or uncooked, dried, salted or in brine, frozen Cold-water shrimps and prawns, cooked in shell or uncooked, dried, salted or in brine, frozen
Other shrimps and prawns, cooked in shell or uncooked, dried, salted or in brine, frozen Crustateans, nesoi (including flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans fit for human consumption), cooked in shell or uncooked, etc., frozen
Live rock lobster and other sea crawfish, frozen or chilled
Live lobsters (Homarus spp.), frozen or chilled, except rock lobster
Crabmeat, fresh or chilled
Live crabs, fresh or chilled, other than crabmeat
Live Norway lobsters, frozen or chilled
Cold water shrimps and prawns, shell-on or peeled, live, frozen, or chilled
Shrimps and prawns, other than cold water shrimp, shell-on or peeled, live, frozen or chilled
Flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fress or chilled, fit for human consumption, or other crustaceans, live, fresh or chilled
Rock lobster and other sea crawfish nesoi
Lobsters (Homarus SPP.), except rock lobster nesoi
Crabmeat, nesoi
Crabs, other than crabmeat, nesoi
Norway lobsters (Nephrops Norvegicus), nesoi
Other shrimps and prawns, shell-on or peeled
Flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption or crustraceans nesoi
Oysters, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, or chilled
Oysters, frozen
Oysters, fresh or chilled
Scallops, including queen scallops, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
Scallops, including queen scallops, of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten, frozen Scallops, including queen scallops, of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten, dried, salted or in brine
Mussels, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
Mussels (Mytilus Spp., Perna Spp.), frozen
HTSUS Subheading
0307.39.01 0307.42.00 0307.43.00 0307.49.01 0307.51.00 0307.52.00 0307.59.01 0307.60.00
0307.71.00 0307.72.00 0307.79.01 0307.81.00 0307.82.00 0307.83.00 0307.84.00 0307.87.00 0307.88.00 0307.91.02
0307.99.02 0308.11.00 0308.12.00 0308.19.01 0308.21.00 0308.22.00 0308.29.01 0308.30.00 0308.90.00
0404.10.05 0404.10.08 0404.10.11
0404.10.20 0404.10.48
0404.10.50 0404.10.90 0405.10.05
Product Description
Mussels (Mytilus Spp., Perna Spp.), dried, salted or in brine Squid or cuttle fish, live, fresh or chilled
Squid or cuttle fish, frozen
Squid or cuttle fish, dried, salted or in brine
Octopus, live, fresh or chilled
Octopus, frozen
Octopus, dried, salted or in brine
Snails, other than sea snails, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine
Clams, cockles and ark shells, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled Clams, cockles and ark shells, frozen
Clams, cockles and ark shells, dried salted or in brine
Abalone, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled
Live stromboid conch, fresh or chilled
Abalone, including flours, meals and pellets fit for human consumption, frozen Stromboid conchs (Strombus Spp.), frozen
Abalone, including edible flours, meals and pellets, nesoi
Stromboid conchs, nesoi
Conch and other molluscs nesoi, including flours, meals and pellets, fit for human consumption, live, fresh o chilled
Conch and other molluscs nesoi, including flours, meals and pellets, fit for human consumption, frozen
Molluscs, including flours, meals and pellets fit for human consumption, nesoi
Sea cucumbers, live, fresh or chilled
Frozen sea cucumbers
Sea cucumbers, not frozen
Sea urchins, live, fresh or chilled
Frozen sea urchins
Sea urchins, not frozen
Jellly fish, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted smoked, or in brine
Other aquatic invertebrates, oth than molluscs & crustaceans, nesoi, live, fresh or chilled, dried, salted, smoked or in brine
Whey protein concentrates
Modified whey (except protein conc.), subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS
Modified whey (except protein conc.), wheth/not conc. or sweetened, subject to add US note 10 to Ch.4
Modified whey (except protein conc.), wheth/not conc. or sweetened, not subject to gen. note 15 or
Fluid whey, whether or not concentrated or containing added sweeteners
Whey (except modified whey), dried, whether or not conc. or sweetened, subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS
Whey (except modified whey), dried, whether or not conc. or sweetened, subject to add. US note 12 to Ch. 4
Whey (except modified whey), dried, whether or not conc. or sweetened, not subject to gen. note 15 or add US nte 12 to Ch.4
Butter subject to general note 15 (outside quota)
HTSUS Subheading
0405.10.10 0405.10.20
0407.19.00 0407.21.00
0407.90.00 0408.11.00 0408.19.00 0408.99.00 0409.00.00 0410.00.00 0501.00.00 0502.10.00 0502.90.00 0504.00.00 0505.10.00 0505.90.20 0505.90.60 0506.10.00 0506.90.00
0511.10.00 0511.91.00
0511.99.20 0511.99.30 0511.99.33
0511.99.36 0511.99.40 0703.10.20 0703.10.30 0703.10.40
0703.20.00 0703.90.00
Product Description
Butter subject to quota pursuant to chapter 4 additional US note 6
Butter not subject to general note 15 and in excess of quota in chapter 4 additional U.S. note 6
Birds' eggs, in shell, fertilized eggs for incubation, other than Gallus domesticus
Birds' eggs, in shell, other fresh, not fertilized eggs for incubation, of species Gallus domesticus
Birds' eggs, in shell, other fresh, not fertilized eggs for incubation, other than species Gallus domesticus
Birds' eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked
Egg yolks, dried, whether or not containing added sweeteners
Egg yolks, other than dried, whether or not containing added sweeteners
Birds' eggs, not in shell, other than dried, whether or not containing added sweeteners Natural honey
Edible products of animal origin, nesoi
Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed and scoured; waste of human hair Pigs', hogs' or boars' bristles and hair and waste thereof
Badger hair and other brushmaking hair, nesoi, and waste thereof
Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof Feathers of a kind used for stuffing, and down
Feather meal and waste
Skins and parts of birds with their feathers or down (except meal and waste) nesoi Ossein and bones treated with acid
Bones & horn-cores, unworked, defatted, simply prepared (but not cut to shape) or degelatinized; powder & waste of these products
Tortoise shell, whalebone and whalebone hair, horns, antlers, hooves, nails, claws and beaks, unworked or simply prepared; waste and powder
Coral, shells, cuttlebone and similar materials, unworked or simply prepared, but not cut to shape; powder and waste thereof
Cantharides; bile; glands and other animal products nesoi, used in pharmaceutical products
Bovine semen
Products of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates nesoi; dead animals of chapter 3, unfit for human consumption
Parings and similar waste of raw hides or skins; glue stock nesoi
Animal products chiefly used as food for animals or as ingredients in such food, nesoi Horsehair and horsehair waste, whether or not put up as a layer with or without supporting material
Natural sponges of animal origin
Animal products nesoi; dead animals of chapter 1, unfit for human consumption
Onion sets, fresh or chilled
Pearl onions not over 16 mm in diameter, fresh or chilled
Onions, other than onion sets or pearl onions not over 16 mm in diameter, and shallots, fresh or chilled
Garlic, fresh or chilled
Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables nesoi, fresh or chilled
HTSUS Subheading
0704.90.20 0704.90.40
0706.10.05 0706.10.10 0706.10.20 0706.10.40 0706.90.20 0706.90.30 0706.90.40 0707.00.50
0708.10.20 0708.10.40
0708.20.20 0708.20.90 0708.90.15 0708.90.40 0709.40.20 0709.40.40
0709.51.01 0709.59.10 0709.59.90 0709.60.20 0709.60.40
0709.93.20 0709.99.05 0709.99.10 0709.99.14 0709.99.30 0709.99.45 0709.99.90 0710.10.00
Product Description
Cauliflower and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled, if entered June 5 to October 15, inclusive, in any year
Cauliflower and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered Oct. 16 through June 4, inclusive
Cauliflower and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled, reduced in size, if entered Oct. 16 through June 4, inclusive
Cabbage, fresh or chilled
Kohlrabi, kale and similar edible brassicas nesoi, including sprouting broccoli, fresh or chilled
Carrots, fresh or chilled, reduced in size
Carrots, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, under 10 cm in length
Carrots, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, 10 cm or over in length
Turnips, fresh or chilled
Radishes, fresh or chilled
Beets and horseradish, fresh or chilled
Salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots nesoi, fresh or chilled
Cucumbers, including gherkins, fresh or chilled, if entered May 1 to June 30, inclusive, or Sept. 1 to Nov. 30, inclusive, in any year
Peas, fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled, if entered July 1 to Sept. 30, inclusive, in any year
Peas, fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled, if entered Nov. 1 through the following June 30, inclusive
Cowpeas (other than black-eye peas), fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled
Beans nesoi, fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled
Lentils, fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled
Leguminous vegetables nesoi, fresh or chilled, shelled or unshelled
Celery, other than celeriac, fresh or chilled, reduced in size
Celery, other than celeriac, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered April 15 to July 31, inclusive, in any year
Celery, other than celeriac, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered August 1 through the following April 14, inclusive
Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, fresh or chilled
Truffles, fresh or chilled
Mushrooms, other than of the genus Agaricus, fresh or chilled
Chili peppers, fresh or chilled
Fruits of the genus capsicum (peppers) (ex. chili peppers) or of the genus pimenta (e.g., Allspice), fresh or chilled
Squash, fresh or chilled
Jicamas and breadfruit, fresh or chilled
Chayote (Sechium edule), fresh or chilled
Okra, fresh or chilled
Fiddlehead greens, fresh or chilled
Sweet corn, fresh or chilled
Vegetables, not elsewhere specified or included, fresh or chilled
Potatoes, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
HTSUS Subheading
0710.22.15 0710.22.20
0710.22.25 0710.22.37 0710.22.40
0710.29.05 0710.29.25
0710.40.00 0710.80.15
0710.80.20 0710.80.40
0710.80.93 0710.80.97
0710.90.11 0710.90.91 0711.40.00
Product Description
Peas, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered July 1 through September 30, inclusive, in any year
Peas, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered Jan. 1 through June 30, or Oct. 1 through Dec. 31, inclusive
Lima beans, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not reduced in size, entered Nov. 1 through the following May 31
Lima beans, frozen, entered June 1 - October 31
Cowpeas (other than black-eye peas), uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not reduced in size
Frozen string beans (snap beans), not reduced in size
Frozen beans nesoi, not reduced in size
Beans nesoi, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, reduced in size
Chickpeas (garbanzos), uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen Pigeon peas, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered July 1 through September 30, inclusive, in any year
Pigeon peas, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered Oct. 1 through the following June 30, inclusive
Leguminous vegetables nesoi, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach), uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Sweet corn, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Bamboo shoots and water chestnuts (other than Chinese water chestnuts), uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Mushrooms, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Tomatoes, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered Mar. 1 thru July 14, incl. or Sept. 1 thru Nov. 14, incl.
Tomatoes, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered July 15 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Tomatoes, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, if entered Nov. 15 through the following February, incl.
Brussels sprouts, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not reduced in size
Vegetables nesoi, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, not reduced in size
Okra, reduced in size, frozen
Vegetables nesoi, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, reduced in size
Mixtures of pea pods and water chestnuts (other than Chinese water chestnuts), uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Mixtures of vegetables not elsewhere specified or included, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen
Cucumbers including gherkins, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
HTSUS Subheading
0711.90.50 0711.90.65
0712.20.20 0712.20.40 0712.31.10
0712.31.20 0712.32.00 0712.33.00 0712.39.10 0712.39.20
0712.39.40 0712.90.10 0712.90.15 0712.90.20 0712.90.30 0712.90.40 0712.90.60 0712.90.65 0712.90.70
0712.90.74 0712.90.78 0712.90.85
0713.10.10 0713.10.20 0713.10.40 0713.20.10 0713.20.20 0713.31.10 0713.31.20 0713.31.40
Product Description
Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Mushrooms, other than of the genus Agaricus, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Leguminous vegetables, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Onions, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption Vegetables nesoi, and mixtures of vegetables, provisionally preserved but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Dried onion powder or flour
Dried onions whole, cut, sliced or broken, but not further prepared
Air dried or sun dried mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried (not air or sun dried) mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried wood ears (Auricularia spp.), whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried jelly fungi (Tremella spp), whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Air dried or sun dried mushrooms (other than of the genus Agaricus), whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried (not air or sun dried) mushrooms (other than of the genus Agaricus), whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried truffles, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried carrots, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried olives, not ripe
Dried olives, ripe
Dried potatoes, whether or not cut or sliced but not further prepared
Dried garlic, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Dried fennel, marjoram, parsley, savory and tarragon, crude or not manufactured
Dried parsley nesoi, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared Dried fennel, marjoram, savory and tarragon nesoi, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Tomatoes, dried in powder
Tomatoes, dried, whole, other
Dried vegetables nesoi, and mixtures of dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
Seeds of peas of a kind used for sowing
Dried split peas, shelled
Dried peas, nesoi, shelled
Seeds of chickpeas (garbanzos) of a kind used for sowing
Dried chickpeas (garbanzos), shelled
Seeds of beans of a kind used for sowing
Dried beans, shelled, if entered May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried beans, shelled, if entered September 1 through the following April 30, or withdrawn for consumption at any time
HTSUS Subheading
0713.32.10 0713.32.20 0713.33.10 0713.33.20
0713.33.40 0713.34.20 0713.34.40
0713.35.00 0713.39.11 0713.39.21
0713.40.10 0713.40.20 0713.50.10 0713.50.20 0713.60.60
0713.90.11 0713.90.50 0713.90.61
0714.10.20 0714.20.10 0714.20.20 0714.30.10 0714.30.20 0714.30.60 0714.40.10 0714.40.20 0714.40.50 0714.40.60 0714.50.10 0714.50.20 0714.50.50 0714.50.60 0714.90.05
Product Description
Seeds of small red (adzuki) beans of a kind used for sowing
Dried small red (adzuki) beans, shelled
Seeds of kidney beans, including white pea beans of a kind used for sowing
Dried kidney beans, including white pea beans, shelled, if entered May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried kidney beans, including white pea beans, shelled, if entered Sept. 1 through April 30, or withdrawn for consumption at any time
Dried Bambara beans, shelled, if entered for consumption from May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried Bambara beans, shelled, if entered for consumption other than above period, or withdrawn for consumption
Dried cowpeas, shelled
Seeds of beans nesoi, of a kind used for sowing
Dried beans nesoi, shelled, if entered for consumption from May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried beans nesoi, shelled, if entered for consumption September 1 through April 30, or withdrawn for consumption at any time
Lentil seeds of a kind used for sowing
Dried lentils, shelled
Seeds of broad beans and horse beans of a kind used for sowing
Dried broad beans and horse beans, shelled
Dried pigeon pea seeds, shelled, if entered for consumption during the period from May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried pigeon pea seeds, shelled, if entered Sept. 1 through the following April 30, or withdrawn for consumption at any time
Seeds of leguminous vegetables nesoi, of a kind used for sowing
Dried guar seeds, shelled
Dried leguminous vegetables nesoi, shelled, if entered for consumption during the period from May 1 through August 31, inclusive, in any year
Dried leguminous vegetales, nesoi, shelled, if entered Sept. 1 through the following April 30, or withdrawn for consumption at any time
Cassava (manioc), fresh, chilled or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets Sweet potatoes, frozen, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets
Sweet potatoes, fresh, chilled or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets Fresh or chilled yams (Dioscorea spp.), whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets Frozen yams (Dioscorea spp.)
Dried yams (Dioscorea spp.), whether or not sliced but not in pellets
Fresh or chilled taro (Colocasia spp.), whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets Frozen taro (Colocasia spp.)
Dried taro (Colocasia spp.), in the form of pellets
Dried taro (Colocasia spp.), whether or not sliced but not in pellets
Fresh or chilled yautia (Xanthosoma spp.), whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets Frozen yautia (Xanthosoma spp.)
Dried yautia (Xanthosoma spp.), in the form of pellets
Dried yautia (Xanthosoma spp.), whether or not sliced but not in pellets
Chinese water chestnuts, fresh or chilled
HTSUS Subheading
0714.90.39 0714.90.41 0714.90.42 0714.90.44 0714.90.46 0714.90.48 0714.90.51
0801.11.00 0801.19.01 0801.31.00 0801.32.00 0802.11.00 0802.12.00 0802.22.00 0802.31.00 0802.32.00 0802.41.00 0802.42.00 0802.51.00 0802.52.00 0802.62.00 0802.80.20 0802.90.10 0802.90.15 0802.90.20 0802.90.25 0802.90.82 0802.90.98 0803.10.20 0803.90.00 0804.10.20
0804.10.40 0804.10.60 0804.10.80 0804.20.40 0804.20.60
0804.20.80 0804.30.20 0804.30.40 0804.30.60
Product Description
Fresh or chilled arrowroot/salep/Jerusalem artichokes/similar roots & tubers, nesoi Mixtures of pea pods and Chineses water chestnuts, frozen
Other mixtures of Chinese water chestnuts, frozen
Chinese water chestnuts, not mixed, frozen
Frozen dasheens/arrowroot/salep/Jerusalem artichokes/similar roots & tubers, nesoi Chinese water chestnuts, dried
Dried dasheens, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes and similar roots and tubers nesoi, in the form of pellets
Dried dasheens, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, and similar roots and tubers nesoi, whether or not sliced but not in pellets
Coconuts, desiccated
Coconuts, fresh, not in the inner shell (endocarp)
Cashew nuts, fresh or dried, in shell Cashew nuts, fresh or dried, shelled Almonds, fresh or dried, in shell
Almonds, fresh or dried, shelled
Hazelnuts or filberts, fresh or dried, shelled Walnuts, fresh or dried, in shell
Walnuts, fresh or dried, shelled Chestnuts, fresh or dried, in shell Chestnuts, fresh or dried, shelled Pistachios, fresh or dried, in shell Pistachios, fresh or dried, shelled Macadamia nuts, shelled
Areca nuts, fresh or dried, shelled Pecans, fresh or dried, in shell Pecans, fresh or dried, shelled Pignolias, fresh or dried, in shell Pignolias, fresh or dried, shelled Nuts,nesoi, fresh or dried, in shell Nuts nesoi, fresh or dried, shelled Plantains, dried
Bananas, fresh or dried
Dates, fresh or dried, whole, with or without pits, packed in units weighing (with immediate container, if any) not over 4.6 kg
Dates, fresh or dried, whole, with pits, packed in units weighing over 4.6 kg
Dates, fresh or dried, whole, without pits, packed in units weighing over 4.6 kg
Dates, fresh or dried, other than whole
Figs, fresh or dried, whole, in units weighing more than 0.5 kg each
Figs, fresh or dried, whole, in immediate containers weighing with their contents 0.5 kg or less
Figs, fresh or dried, other than whole (including fig paste)
Pineapples, fresh or dried, not reduced in size, in bulk
Pineapples, fresh or dried, not reduced in size, in crates or other packages
Pineapples, fresh or dried, reduced in size
HTSUS Subheading
0804.50.40 0804.50.60
0804.50.80 0805.10.00 0805.21.00
0805.22.00 0805.29.00 0806.20.10 0806.20.20 0806.20.90 0808.10.00 0808.30.20 0808.30.40
0808.40.20 0808.40.40
0809.29.00 0809.30.20
0809.30.40 0810.10.20 0810.10.40 0810.20.10
0810.30.00 0810.40.00 0810.70.00 0810.90.27 0810.90.46 0811.10.00 0811.20.20
0811.90.10 0811.90.20 0811.90.22 0811.90.25
Product Description
Guavas, mangoes, and mangosteens, fresh, if entered during the period September 1 through May 31, inclusive
Guavas, mangoes, and mangosteens, fresh, if entered during the period June 1 through August 31, inclusive
Guavas, mangoes, and mangosteens, dried
Oranges, fresh or dried
Mandarins and other similar citrus hybrids including tangerines, satsumas, clementines, wilkings, fresh or dried
Clementines, fresh or dried, other
Wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, fresh or dried, other
Raisins, made from dried seedless grapes
Raisins, made from other than seedless grapes
Grapes, dried, other than raisins
Apples, fresh
Pears, fresh, if entered during the period from April 1 through June 30, inclusive
Pears, fresh, if entered during the period from July 1 through the following March 31, inclusive
Quinces, fresh, if entered during the period from April 1 through June 30, inclusive Quinces, fresh, if entered during the period from July 1 through the following March 31, inclusive
Other cherries, fresh
Peaches, including nectarines, fresh, if entered during the period from June 1 through November 30, inclusive
Peaches, including nectarines, fresh, if entered during the period from December 1 through the following May 31, inclusive
Strawberries, fresh, if entered during the period from June 15 through September 15, inclusive
Strawberries, fresh, if entered during the period from September 16 through the following June 14, inclusive
Raspberries and loganberries, fresh, if entered during the period from September 1 through the following June 30, inclusive
Black, white or red currants and gooseberries (other than kiwifruit), fresh
Cranberries, blueberries and other fruits of the genus Vaccinium, fresh
Persimmons, fresh
Other berries and tamarinds, fresh
Fruit, not elsewhere specified or included, fresh
Strawberries, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Raspberries, loganberries, black currants and gooseberries, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Blackberries, mulberries and white or red currants, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Bananas and plantains, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Blueberries, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Boysenberries, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Cashew apples, mameyes colorados, sapodillas, soursops and sweetsops, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
HTSUS Subheading
0811.90.30 0811.90.35 0811.90.40 0811.90.50 0811.90.52 0811.90.55 0811.90.80 0812.90.10
0812.90.30 0812.90.40
0812.90.50 0812.90.90
0813.10.00 0813.20.10 0813.20.20 0813.30.00 0813.40.10 0813.40.15 0813.40.20 0813.40.30 0813.40.40 0813.40.80 0813.40.90 0813.50.00 0814.00.10
0814.00.40 0814.00.80
1001.11.00 1001.99.00 1003.10.00 1003.90.20 1003.90.40 1004.10.00 1004.90.00 1005.90.20 1005.90.40 1006.20.20 1006.20.40
Product Description
Coconut meat, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening Cranberries, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening Papayas, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening Pineapples, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening Mangoes, frozen, whether or not previously steamed or boiled Melons, frozen, in water or containing added sweetening
Fruit, nesoi, frozen, whether or not previously steamed or boiled
Mixtures of two or more fruits, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for consumption
Citrus fruit, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Figs, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption Pineapples, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Strawberries, provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Fruit and nuts nesoi, including mixtures containing nuts, provisionally preserved, but not for immediate consumption
Apricots, dried
Prunes and plums, soaked in brine and dried
Prunes and plums, dried, (except if presoaked in brine)
Apples, dried
Papayas, dried
Barberries, dried
Berries except barberries, dried
Cherries, dried
Peaches, dried
Tamarinds, dried
Fruit nesoi, dried, other than that of headings 0801 to 0806, and excluding mixtures Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of Chapter 8
Peel of orange or citron, fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved in brine, in sulfur water or other preservative solutions
Lime peel, fresh, frozen or in brine
Peel of citrus fruit, excl. orange or citron and peel, nesoi, of melon, fresh, frozen, dried or provisionally preserved
Durum wheat, seed
Wheat & meslin other than durum or seed wheat
Barley, seed
Barley, other than seed, for malting purposes
Barley, not seed, other than for malting purposes
Oats, seed
Oats, other than seed
Yellow dent corn
Corn (maize), other than seed and yellow dent corn
Basmati rice, husked
Husked (brown) rice, other than Basmati
HTSUS Subheading
1006.30.10 1006.30.90
Product Description
Rice semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazed, parboiled Rice semi-milled or wholly milled, whether or not polished or glazed, other than parboiled
Broken rice
Grain sorghum, seed
Grain sorghum, other than seed
1008.10.00 Buckwheat
1008.21.00 1008.29.00 1008.30.00 1008.50.00 1008.90.01 1101.00.00 1102.20.00 1102.90.20 1102.90.25 1102.90.27 1102.90.30 1102.90.60 1103.11.00 1103.13.00 1103.19.12 1103.19.14 1103.19.90 1103.20.00 1104.12.00 1104.19.10 1104.19.90 1104.22.00
1104.23.00 1104.29.10 1104.29.90
1104.30.00 1105.10.00 1105.20.00 1106.10.00 1106.20.10 1106.20.90
1106.30.20 1106.30.40
Millet, seed
Millet, other than seed
Canary seed
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)
Cereals nesoi (including wild rice)
Wheat or meslin flour
Corn (maize) flour
Buckwheat flour
Rice flour
Rye flour
Cereal flours nesoi, mixed together
Cereal flours, other than of wheat or meslin, rye, corn, rice or buckwheat
Groats and meal of wheat
Groats and meal of corn (maize)
Groats and meal of oats
Groats and meal of rice
Groats and meal of cereals other than wheat, oats, corn (maize) or rice
Pellets of cereals
Rolled or flaked grains of oats
Rolled or flaked grains of barley
Rolled or flaked grains of cereals, other than of barley or oats
Grains of oats, hulled, pearled, clipped, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked, but not rolled or flaked
Grains of corn (maize), hulled, pearled, clipped, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked, but not rolled or flaked
Grains of barley, hulled, pearled, clipped, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked, but not rolled or flaked
Grains of cereals other than barley, oats or corn, hulled, pearled, clipped, sliced, kibbled or otherwise worked, but not rolled or flaked
Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground
Flour, meal and powder of potatoes
Flakes, granules and pellets, of potatoes
Flour, meal and powder of the dried leguminous vegetables of heading 0713
Flour, meal and powder of Chinese water chestnuts
Flour, meal and powder of sago, or of roots or tubers of heading 0714 (excluding Chinese water chestnuts)
Flour, meal and powder of banana and plantain
Fruit and nut flour, meal and powder of the products of chapter 8, other than of banana and plantain
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
Malt, not roasted
Malt, roasted
Wheat starch
Corn (maize) starch
Potato starch
Cassava (manioc) starch
Starches other than wheat, corn (maize), potato or cassava (manioc) starches
1108.20.00 Inulin
1109.00.10 1109.00.90 1201.10.00 1201.90.00 1202.30.40
1204.00.00 1205.10.00 1205.90.00 1206.00.00 1207.40.00 1207.50.00 1207.60.00 1207.70.00 1207.91.00 1207.99.03
1208.10.00 1208.90.00
1209.10.00 1209.21.00 1209.25.00 1209.29.10 1209.29.91 1209.30.00 1209.91.10 1209.91.20 1209.91.40 1209.91.50 1209.91.60 1209.91.80 1209.99.20 1209.99.41 1210.10.00 1211.20.10 1211.20.15
Wheat gluten, whether or not dried, to be used as animal feed
Wheat gluten, whether or not dried, to be used for other than animal feed
Soybeans, whether or not broken, seed
Soybeans, whether or not broken, other than seed
Peanuts (ground-nuts), seed, not roasted or cooked, shelled, subject to add. US note 2 to Ch.12
Flaxseed (linseed), whether or not broken
Low erucic acid rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken
Rape or colza seeds (other than of low erucic acid), whether or not broken
Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken
Sesame seeds, whether or not broken
Mustard seeds, whether or not broken
Safflower (Carthamus tintorius) seeds
Melon seeds
Poppy seeds, whether or not broken
Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits whether or not broken, incl niger seeds, hemp seeds and seeds nesoi
Flours and meals of soybeans
Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits other than those of mustard or soybeans
Sugar beet seeds of a kind used for sowing
Alfalfa (lucerne) seed of a kind used for sowing
Rye grass seeds of a kind used for sowing
Beet seed, other than sugar beet seed, of a kind used for sowing
Seeds of forage plants of a kind used for sowing, not elsewhere specified or included Seeds of herbaceous plants cultivated principally for their flowers
Cauliflower seeds of a kind used for sowing
Celery seeds of a kind used for sowing
Onion seeds of a kind used for sowing
Parsley seeds of a kind used for sowing
Pepper seeds of a kind used for sowing
Vegetable seeds, nesoi, of a kind used for sowing
Tree and shrub seeds of a kind used for sowing
Seeds, fruits and spores, of a kind used for sowing, nesoi
Hop cones, fresh or dried, neither ground, powdered nor in the form of pellets Ginseng roots, fresh or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered
Ginseng roots, frozen or chilled
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
Coca leaf, of a kind used in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
Poppy straw, of a kind used in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
1211.50.00 Ephedra
1212.92.00 1212.99.20
1214.10.00 1214.90.00
1401.10.00 1401.20.20
1401.90.20 1401.90.40
1404.20.00 1404.90.10 1404.90.30 1404.90.40
1404.90.90 1504.10.20 1504.10.40 1504.20.20
Mint leaves, crude or not manufactured, of a kind used in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
Mint leaves nesoi, of a kind used in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes
Plants, parts of plants (including seeds and fruits), used in perfumery, pharmacy, insecticidal, fungicidal or similar puproses, other, fresh or dried
Plants, parts of plants (including seeds and fruits), used in perfumery, pharmacy, insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes, chilled or frozen
Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, fit for human consumption
Seaweeds and other algae, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground, other than for human consumption
Locust beans (carob)
Nectarine stones and kernels of a kind used primarily for human consumption, not elsewhere specified or included
Apricot, peach (other than nectarine) or plum stones and kernels used primarily for human consumption, not elsewhere specified or included
Fruit stone & kernel (not apricot/peach/plum) & other vegetable products used primary human consumption, nesoi
Cereal straw and husks, unprepared, whether or not chopped, ground, pressed or in the form of pellets
Alfalfa (lucerne) meal and pellets
Rutabagas, mangolds, fodder roots, hay, clover, sainfoin, kale, lupines, vetches & forage products nesoi
Bamboos, of a kind used primarily for plaiting
Rattans, in the rough or cut transversely into sections, of a kind used primarily for plaiting
Rattans, other than those in the rough or cut transversely into sections, of a kind used primarily for plaiting
Willow (osier), of a kind used primarily for plaiting
Lime bark, raffia, reeds, rushes, cleaned, bleached or dyed cereal straw, other vegetable materials nesoi, used primarily for plaiting
Cotton linters
Vegetable hair not elsewere specified or included
Istle of a kind used primarily in brooms or brushes
Piassava, couch-grass and other vegetable materials nesoi, of a kind used primarily in brooms or brushes
Other vegetable materials nesoi
Cod-liver oil and its fractions
Fish-liver oils and their fractions, other than cod-liver oil and its fractions
Cod oil and its fractions, other than liver oil
HTSUS Subheading
1504.20.40 1504.20.60 1505.00.10 1505.00.90 1506.00.00
1602.32.00 1603.00.10 1603.00.90
1604.12.60 1604.13.10
1604.13.30 1604.13.40
1604.14.10 1604.14.22
1604.14.30 1604.14.40 1604.14.50
1604.14.70 1604.14.80 1604.15.00 1604.16.20 1604.16.40
1604.16.60 1604.17.10
Product Description
Herring oil and its fractions, other than liver oil
Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish other than cod and herring, excluding liver oil Wool grease, crude
Fatty substances derived from wool grease (including lanolin)
Animal fats and oils and their fractions nesoi, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified
Prepared or preserved meat or meat offal of chickens, nesoi
Clam juice
Extracts and juices of meat, fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, other than clam juice
Prepared or preserved salmon, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in oil, in airtight containers
Prepared or preserved salmon, whole or in pieces, but not minced, other than in oil and in airtight containers
Prepared or preserved herrings, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in oil, in airtight containers
Herrings, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in tomato sauce, smoked or kippered, in immediate containers over 0.45 kg each
Herrings prepared or preserved, whole or in pieces, but not minced, nesoi
Smoked sardines, in oil, not skinned nor boned, $1/kg or more in tin-plate containers, or $1.10/kg or more in other airtight containers
Sardines, not smoked, sardinella, brisling or sprats, neither skinned nor boned, in oil, in airtight containers
Sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprats, skinned or boned, in oil, in airtight containers Sardines, sardinella, brisling, sprats in containers with their contents under 225 g each, except those in oil and in airtight containers
Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats (not in oil and airtight cont.), prepared or preserved, not minced, cont. 225 g or more
Tunas and skipjack, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in oil, in airtight containers Tunas and skipjack, not in oil, in airtight cont., n/o 7 kg, not of U.S. possessions, product within quota
Tunas and skipjack, not in oil, in airtight containers, n/o 7 kg, not of U.S. possessions, over quota
Tunas and skipjack, not in airtight containers, not in oil, in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with contents over 6.8 kg each
Tunas and skipjack, not in airtight containers, not in bulk or in immediate containers weighing with contents over 6.8 kg each
Bonito (Sarda spp.), in oil
Bonito (Sarda spp.), not in oil
Prepared or preserved mackerel, whole or in pieces, but not minced
Anchovies, whole or in pieces but not minced, in oil, in airtight containers
Prepared or preserved anchovies, whole or in pieces, not minced, not in oil, in immediate containers with their contents 6.8 kg or less ea.
Prepared or preserved anchovies, whole or in pieces, but not minced, not in oil, nesoi Prepared or preserved eels, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in airtight containers, not in oil
HTSUS Subheading
1604.17.40 1604.17.50 1604.17.60
1604.17.80 1604.18.10 1604.18.90 1604.19.10
1604.19.22 1604.19.25
1604.19.32 1604.19.41
1604.19.51 1604.19.61
1604.19.82 1604.20.05
1604.20.10 1604.20.15 1604.20.20
1604.20.25 1604.20.30 1604.20.40 1604.20.50
Product Description
Eel portions similar to fish sticks and like products of any size or shape, breaded, coated with batter, not cooked nor in oil
Eel similar to fish sticks and like products of any size or shape, if breaded, coated with batter, cooked or in oil
Prepared or preserved eel, in oil and in bulk or in immediate containers weighing over 7 kg each
Prepared or preserved eel, whole or in pieces, but not minced, nesoi
Shark fins, not in oil, in airtight containters
Shark fins, not in airtight containers
Bonito, yellowtail and pollock, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in airtight containers, not in oil
Other fish, excluding bonito, yellowtail and pollock, in airtight containers, not in oil Bonito, yellowtail and pollock, whole or in pieces, but not minced, in airtight containers, in oil
Other fish, excluding bonito, yellowtail and pollock, in airtight containers, in oil
Fish sticks and like products of any size or shape, fillets or other portions of fish, breaded, coated with batter, not cooked nor in oil
Fish sticks and like products of any size or shape, fillets or other portions of fish, if breaded, coated with batter, cooked or in oil
Prepared or preserved fish nesoi, in oil and in bulk or in immediate containers weighing over 7 kg each
Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, nesoi
Products containing meat of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, prepared meals
Fish pastes
Fish balls, cakes and puddings, in oil
Fish balls, cakes and puddings, not in oil, in immediate airtight containers, weighing with their contents not over 6.8 kg each
Fish balls, cakes and puddings, not in oil, and in immediate nonairtight containers weighing with their contents not over 6.8 kg each
Fish balls, cakes and puddings, not in oil, not in immediate containers, weighing with their contents not over 6.8 kg each
Fish sticks and similar products of any size or shape, if breaded, coated with batter or similarly prepared, not cooked nor in oil
Fish sticks and similar products of any size or shape, if breaded, coated with batter or similarly prepared, cooked or in oil
Prepared or preserved fish, other than whole or in pieces, nesoi
Caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs, boiled and in airtight containers Caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs, nesoi
Crab products containing fish meat; prepared meals of crab
Crabmeat, prepared or preserved, in airtight containers
Crabmeat, prepared or preserved, other than in airtight containers
Crabs, other than crabmeat, prepared or preserved
Shrimp & prawns not in airtight containers: fish meat and prepared meals
Shrimp & prawns not in airtight containers: other than fish meat and prepared meals
1604.31.00 Caviar
1604.32.30 1604.32.40 1605.10.05 1605.10.20 1605.10.40 1605.10.60 1605.21.05 1605.21.10
HTSUS Subheading
1605.29.05 1605.29.10 1605.30.05 1605.30.10 1605.40.05 1605.40.10 1605.51.05 1605.51.40 1605.51.50 1605.52.05 1605.52.60 1605.53.05 1605.53.60 1605.54.05 1605.54.60 1605.55.05 1605.55.60 1605.56.05 1605.56.10 1605.56.15
1605.56.30 1605.56.60 1605.57.05 1605.57.60 1605.58.05
1605.58.55 1605.59.05 1605.59.60 1605.61.00 1605.62.00 1605.63.00 1605.69.00 1701.99.10
1702.90.90 1704.90.35
1704.90.90 1901.90.91
Product Description
Shrimp & prawns in airtight containers: fish meat and prepared meals
Shrimp & prawns in airtight containers: other than fish meat and prepared meals Lobster products containing fish meat; prepared meals of lobster
Lobster, prepared or preserved, not containing fish meat, nesoi
Crustacean products nesoi, containing fish meat; prepared meals of crustaceans, nesoi Crustaceans nesoi, prepared or preserved, not containing fish meat, nesoi
Oysters, fish meat or prepared meals
Smoked oysters
Oysters, prepared or preserved, but not smoked
Scallops, including queen scallops as containing fish meat; prepared meals
Scallops, including queen scallops, prepared or preserved
Mussels, containing fish meats or in prepared meals
Mussels, prepared or preserved
Cuttle fish and squid, as containing fish meat; prepared meals
Cuttle fish and squid, prepared or preserved
Octopus, as containing fish meat or prepared meals
Octopus, prepared or preserved
Products of clams, cockles, and arkshells containing fish meat; prepared meals
Razor clams, in airtight containers, prepared or preserved, nesoi
Boiled clams in immediate airtight containers, the contents of which do not exceed 680 g gross weight
Clams, prepared or preserved, excluding boiled clams, in immediate airtight containers, nesoi
Clams, prepared or preserved, other than in airtight containers
Cockles and arkshells, prepared or preserved
Products of abalone containing fish meat; prepared meals of abalone
Abalone, prepared or preserved
Products of snails, other than sea snails, containing fish meat; prepared meals of snails other than sea snails
Prepared or preserved snails, other than sea snails
Products of molluscs nesoi containing fish meat; prepared meals of molluscs nesoi Molluscs nesoi, prepared or preserved
Sea cucumbers, prepared or preserved
Sea urchins, prepared or preserved
Jelly fish, prepared or preserved
Other aquatic invertebrates, nesoi, prepared or preserved
Cane/beet sugar & pure sucrose, refined, solid, w/o added coloring or flavoring, subject to add. US 5 to Ch.17
Cane/beet sugar & pure sucrose, refined, solid, w/o added coloring or flavoring, not subject to gen. note 15 or add. US 5 to Ch.17
Sugars and sugar syrups, and articles containing sugar, nesoi
Sugar confections or sweetmeats ready for consumption, not containing cocoa, other than candied nuts or cough drops
Sugar confectionery, w/o cocoa, nesoi
Flour-, meal-, starch-, malt extract- or dairy-based food preps not containing cocoa and not containing specific amounts of dairy, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
1902.19.20 1902.19.40
1902.20.00 1902.30.00 1905.90.10
2001.10.00 2001.90.20 2001.90.25 2001.90.30 2001.90.34 2001.90.35 2001.90.38 2001.90.42 2001.90.48 2001.90.50 2001.90.60
2002.90.40 2002.90.80 2003.10.01
Product Description
Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, not containing eggs, exclusively pasta
Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared, not containing eggs, nesoi, including pasta packaged with sauce preparations
Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared
Pasta nesoi
Bread, pastry, cake, biscuit and similar baked products nesoi, and puddings whether or not containing chocolate, fruit, nuts or confectionery
Cucumbers including gherkins, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Capers, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid, nesoi
Artichokes, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Beans, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Onions, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Pimientos, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Vegetables (including olives) nesoi, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid Chestnuts, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Chinese water chestnuts, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Walnuts, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Fruits, nuts, and other edible parts of plants, nesoi, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Tomatoes, whole or in pieces, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid
Tomato prep/pres ex by vinegar/acetic acid, powder
Tomatoes prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, nesoi Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid
2003.90.10 Truffles
2003.90.80 2004.10.80
2004.90.80 2004.90.85
2005.40.00 2005.51.20
2005.51.40 2005.59.00
2005.60.00 2005.70.25 2005.70.60
Mushrooms other than of the genus Agaricus or truffles, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid
Potatoes (not Solano), prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen
Beans, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, nesoi, prepared or preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, not preserved by sugar
Potato preparations, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Peas, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen Black-eye cowpeas, shelled, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Beans other than black-eye cowpeas, shelled, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Beans, not shelled, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Asparagus, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen Olives, green, in a saline solution, pitted or stuffed, not place packed
Olives (not green), in a saline solution, canned, pitted
HTSUS Subheading
2005.70.75 2005.70.97
2005.80.00 2005.91.60 2005.91.97 2005.99.10
2005.99.20 2005.99.30 2005.99.41
2005.99.50 2005.99.55
2005.99.80 2005.99.85
2006.00.20 2006.00.30 2006.00.40 2006.00.50
2006.00.70 2006.00.90
2007.91.10 2007.91.40 2007.99.05 2007.99.10 2007.99.15 2007.99.20 2007.99.25 2007.99.35 2007.99.40
Product Description
Olives (not green), in a saline solution, in airtight containers of glass or metal but not canned
Olives (not green), in a saline solution, not canned, nesoi
Olives, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, acetic acid or saline soln, not frozen, nesoi
Sweet corn, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, acetic acid or sugar, not frozen
Bamboo shoots in airtight containers, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, not preserved by sugar
Bamboo shoots, not in airtight containers, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, not preserved by sugar
Carrots in airtight containers, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar, acetic acid or sugar, not frozen
Onions, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen Sauerkraut, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen Whole or Sliced water chestnuts, other than Chinese water chestnuts, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid or sugar
Pimientos, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen Fruits of the genus Capsicum or Pimenta, not pimientos, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Artichokes, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen Chickpeas (garbanzos), prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen
Vegetables nesoi,& mixtures of vegetables,prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, not preserved by sugar
Cherries, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Ginger root, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Pineapples, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Mixtures of vegetables, fruit, nuts, fruit-peel or other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Citrus fruit or peel of citrus or other fruit, except mixtures, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized)
Fruit nesoi, and nuts, except mixtures, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized) Vegetables and parts of plants, nesoi, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallized), except mixtures,
Homogenized cooked preparations of fruit put up for retail sale as infant food or for dietetic purposes, in cont. not over 250 grams, net
Citrus fruit pastes and purees, being cooked preparations
Orange marmalade
Lingonberry and raspberry jams
Strawberry jam
Currant and other berry jams, nesoi
Apricot jam
Cherry jam
Peach jam
Pineapple jam
HTSUS Subheading
2007.99.45 2007.99.48 2007.99.50 2007.99.60 2007.99.65 2007.99.70 2007.99.75 2008.11.02 2008.11.05 2008.11.15 2008.11.22 2008.11.25 2008.11.42 2008.11.45
2008.19.10 2008.19.15 2008.19.20 2008.19.25 2008.19.30 2008.19.40 2008.19.50 2008.19.85 2008.19.90 2008.20.00 2008.30.10
2008.30.20 2008.30.30 2008.30.40 2008.30.42
2008.30.48 2008.30.55
2008.30.70 2008.30.80 2008.30.96
2008.40.00 2008.50.20 2008.50.40 2008.60.00 2008.70.10
Product Description
Jams, nesoi
Apple, quince and pear pastes and purees, being cooked preparations
Guava and mango pastes and purees, being cooked preparations
Strawberry pastes and purees, being cooked preparations
Fruit pastes and purees, nesoi, and nut pastes and purees, being cooked preparations Currant and berry fruit jellies
Fruit jellies, other than currant and berry
Peanut butter and paste, subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS
Peanut butter and paste, subject to add. US note 5 to Ch. 20, not GN15
Peanut butter and paste, nesoi, not subject to gen note 15 or add US note 5 to Ch. 20 Blanched peanuts, subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS
Blanched peanuts, subject to add. US note 2 to Ch. 12, not GN15
Peanuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi, subject to gen. note 15 of the HTS Peanuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi, subject to add. US note 2 to chap. 12, not GN15
Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Coconuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Filberts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Pecans, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Pignolia and pistachio nuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Almonds, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Watermelon seeds, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Mixtures of nuts or other seeds otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Other nuts and seeds nesoi, excluding mixtures, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi Pineapples, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Peel of oranges, mandarins, clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Peel of lemons, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Peel of citrus fruit, nesoi, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Oranges (other than peel or pulp), otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Satsumas, prepared or preserved, in airtight containers, aggregate quantity n/o 40,000 metric tons/calandar yr
Satsumas, prepared or preserved, in airtight containers, aggregate quantity o/40,000 metric tons/calandar yr
Mandarins (other than satsuma), prepared or preserved, nesoi
Clementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids (other than peel or pulp), otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Grapefruit (other than peel or pulp), otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Kumquats (other than peel or pulp), otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Citrus fruit nesoi (including bergamots), other than peel or pulp, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Pears, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Apricot pulp, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Apricots, other than pulp, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Cherries, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Nectarines, otherwise prepared or preserved, not elsewhere specified or included
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
Peaches (excluding nectarines), otherwise prepared or preserved, not elsewhere specified or included
Strawberries, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
2008.93.00 Cranberries
2008.97.10 2008.97.90
2008.99.05 2008.99.15 2008.99.18 2008.99.21
2008.99.25 2008.99.28 2008.99.29 2008.99.30 2008.99.35 2008.99.40 2008.99.50 2008.99.60 2008.99.61 2008.99.63 2008.99.70
2008.99.71 2008.99.80 2008.99.91
2009.11.00 2009.29.00 2009.31.20 2009.31.40
2009.31.60 2009.39.60 2009.41.40 2009.49.40
Mixtures of fruit or edible parts of plants, in airtight cont. excl. apricots, citrus, peaches or pears (incl. canned tropical fruit salad)
Mixtures of fruit or other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi (excluding tropical fruit salad)
Apples, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Bananas, other than pulp, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Blueberries, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi.
Berries, other than cranberries, blueberries and strawberries, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Cashew apples, mameyes colorados, sapodillas, soursops and sweetsops, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Dates, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Figs, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Grapes, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Guavas, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Lychees and longans, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Mangoes, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Papayas, other than pulp, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Plums (including prune plums and sloes), otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi Soybeans, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Sweet ginger, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Chinese water chestnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, frozen, not elsewhere specified or included
Chinese water chestnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, not frozen, not elsewhere specified or included
Pulp of fruit nesoi, and other edible parts of plants nesoi, excluding mixtures, otherwise prepared or preserved, nesoi
Bean cake, bean stick, miso, other fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plans, prepared or preserved
Orange juice, frozen, unfermented and not containing added spirit
Grapefruit juice, of a Brix value exceeding 20, unfermented
Lime juice, of a Brix value not exceeding 20, fit for beverage purposes, unfermented Citrus juice of any single citrus fruit (other than orange, grapefruit or lime), Brix value not exceeding 20, not concentrated, unfermented
Citrus juice of any single citrus fruit (other than orange, grapefruit or lime), of a Brix value not exceeding 20, concentrated, unfermented
Citrus juice of any single citrus fruit (other than orange, grapefruit or lime), of a Brix value exceeding 20, unfermented
Pineapple juice, of a Brix value not exceeding 20, concentrated (in degree of concentration greater than 3.5), unfermented
Pineapple juice, of a Brix value exceeding 20, concentrated (in degree of concentration greater than 3.5)
HTSUS Subheading
2009.50.00 2009.69.00 2009.71.00 2009.79.00 2009.89.20 2009.89.60
2009.89.80 2009.90.40
2103.10.00 2103.90.80 2106.10.00 2201.10.00
2202.99.35 2202.99.36
2202.99.90 2203.00.00 2204.10.00 2204.21.20 2204.21.30 2204.21.50
2204.21.60 2204.21.80
2206.00.45 2206.00.90
2207.10.30 2207.10.60
2209.00.00 2301.10.00
Product Description
Tomato juice, concentrated or not concentrated
Grape juice (including grape must), of a Brix value exceeding 30, unfermented
Apple juice, of a Brix value not exceeding 20, unfermented
Apple juice, of a Brix value exceeding 20, unfermented
Pear juice, concentrated or not concentrated
Juice of any other single fruit, nesoi, (including cherries and berries), concentrated or not concentrated
Juice of any single vegetable, other than tomato, concentrated or not concentrated Mixtures of fruit juices, or mixtures of vegetable and fruit juices, concentrated or not concentrated
Soy sauce
Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, not described in add US note 3 to Ch. 21 Protein concentrates and textured protein substances
Mineral waters and aerated waters, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter nor flavored
Waters (incl. ice, snow and steam), ot/than mineral waters or aerated waters, not cont. added sugar or other sweetening matter nor flavored
Waters, including mineral waters and aerated waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavored
Orange juice, fortified with vitamins or minerals not made from a juice having a degree of concentration of >=1.5
Orange juice fortified with vitamins or minerals, nesoi
Juice of any single fruit or vegetable (except orange juice) fortified with vitamins or minerals, in nonconcentrated form
Fruit or vegetable juices, fortified with vitamins or minerals, mixtures of juices in non- concentrated form
Nonalcoholic beverages, nesoi, excluding fruit or vegetable juices of heading 2009
Beer made from malt
Sparkling wine, made from grapes
Effervescent grape wine, in containers holding 2 liters or less
Tokay wine (not carbonated) not over 14% alcohol, in containers not over 2 liters
Wine other than Tokay (not carbonated), not over 14% alcohol, in containers not over 2 liters
"Marsala" wine, over 14% vol. alcohol, in containers holding 2 liters or less
Grape wine, other than "Marsala", not sparkling or effervescent, over 14% vol. alcohol, in containers holding 2 liters or less
Rice wine or sake
Fermented beverages (other than grape wine, beer, cider, prune wine, sake, vermouth, or other effervescent wines)
Undenatured ethyl alcohol of 80 percent vol. alcohol or higher, for beverage purposes Undenatured ethyl alcohol of 80 percent vol. alcohol or higher, for nonbeverage purposes
Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar obtained from acetic acid
Flours, meals, and pellets, of meat or meat offal unfit for human consumption; greaves (cracklings)
HTSUS Subheading
2301.20.00 2302.30.00 2302.40.01 2302.50.00
2303.10.00 2303.20.00 2303.30.00 2304.00.00 2305.00.00
2306.20.00 2306.30.00 2306.41.00 2306.49.00 2306.90.01 2308.00.95 2308.00.98
2309.10.00 2309.90.10 2309.90.70
2309.90.95 2401.10.44
2401.20.05 2401.20.14 2401.20.18 2401.20.23 2401.20.26
Product Description
Flours, meals, and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human consumption
Bran, sharps (middlings) and other residues, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of wheat
Bran, sharps (middlings) and other residues, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of cereals, excluding corn, rice and wheat
Bran, sharps (middlings) and other residues, derived from the sifting, milling or other working of leguminous plants
Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues
Beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture
Brewing or distilling dregs and waste
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from
of linseed
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from
of sunflower seeds
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from
of low erucic acid rape or colza seeds
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from
rape or colza seeds (other than low erucic acid)
Oilcake and other solid residues, resulting from
Dehydrated marigolds, of a kind used in animal
Vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable residues and byproducts, of a kind used in animal feeding, nesoi
Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale
Mixed feed or mixed feed ingredients used in animal feeding
Other preps nes with a basis of vitamin B12, for supplementing animal in animal feeding, not cont milk or egg prods
Other preps nes of a kind used in animal feeding, not cont milk or egg prods
Tobacco, not stemmed or stripped, not or not over 35% wrapper tobacco, oriental or turkish type, cigarette leaf
Leaf tobacco, the product of two or more countries or dependencies, when mixed or packed together, partly or wholly stemmed, not threshed
Wrapper tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed (stripped), not threshed or similarly processed
Tobacco containing over 35% wrapper tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed (stripped), not threshed or similarly processed
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly processed, not or n/over 35% wrapper, oriental or turkish, cigarette lea
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly processed, not or n/over 35% wrapper, not cigarette leaf
the extraction of soybean oil
the extraction of peanut (ground-nut)
the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, the extraction of vegetable fats/oils, of the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, feeding, not elsewhere specified or
HTSUS Subheading
2401.20.29 2401.20.31 2401.20.33 2401.20.35 2401.20.57 2401.20.60 2401.20.75 2401.20.83 2401.20.85 2401.20.87
2401.30.03 2401.30.06 2401.30.09 2401.30.13
2401.30.16 2401.30.19 2401.30.23
2401.30.25 2401.30.27 2401.30.33 2401.30.35 2401.30.37
2401.30.70 2402.10.30 2402.10.60
2402.10.80 2402.20.10 2402.20.80
Product Description
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly processed, not or n/over 35% wrapper, cigar binder and filler
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly proc., not or n/over 35% wrapper, flue-cured burley etc, not for cigaret
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly proc., not or n/over 35% wrapper, des. in addl US note 5 to ch. 24
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly proc., not or n/over 35% wrapper, flue-cured burley etc, other nesoi
Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, n/threshed or similarly proc., not or n/over 35% wrapper, not flue-cured burley etc., other nesoi
cigar leaf
cigar leaf
cigar leaf
cigar leaf
cigar leaf
Tobacco refuse, tobacco stems, not cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from cigar leaf, tobacco stems, cut, ground or pulverized Tobacco refuse, from cigar leaf, other than tobacco stems
Tobacco refuse, from oriental or turkish type, tobacco stems, not cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from oriental or turkish type, tobacco stems, cut, ground or pulverized Tobacco refuse, from oriental or turkish type, other than tobacco stems
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, other than for cigarettes, tobacco stems, not cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, other than for cigarettes, tobacco stems, cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, other than for cigarettes,tother than tobacco stems
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, for cigarettes, described in addl US note 5 to chap 24, tobacco stems, not cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, for cigarettes, described in addl US note 5 to chap 24, tobacco stems, cut, ground or pulverized
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, for cigarettes, described in addl US note 5 to chap 24, not tobacco stems
Tobacco refuse, from other tobacco, for cigarettes, other nesoi
Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco, each valued less than 15 cents Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco, each valued 15 cents or over but less than 23 cents
Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco, each valued 23 cents or over Cigarettes containing tobacco and clove
Cigarettes containing tobacco but not containing clove, paper-wrapped
partly or wholly stemmed (stripped), threshed or similarly processed, from
partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, threshed or similarly processed, not from , oriental or turkish
partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, threshed or similarly processed, not from , not oriental or turkish, not for cigarett
partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, threshed or similarly processed, not from , described in addl US note 5 to chap 24
partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, threshed or similarly processed, not from , not oriental or turkish, other nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
2402.20.90 2402.90.00 2403.11.00 2403.19.20
2403.19.30 2403.19.60 2403.19.90 2403.91.43 2403.99.20 2403.99.30 2403.99.60 2403.99.90 2501.00.00
2502.00.00 2503.00.00 2504.10.10 2504.10.50 2504.90.00 2505.10.10
2505.10.50 2505.90.00
Product Description
Cigarettes containing tobacco, nesoi
Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos and cigarettes of tobacco substitutes
Water pipe tobacco, whether or not containing tobacco substitutes
Smoking tobacco, whether or not containing tobacco substitutes, prepared for marketing directly to consumer as packaged
Smoking tobacco, other than for water pipes, whether or not containing tobacco subst, other, to be used in products other than cigarettes
Smoking tobacco, not water pipe, whether or not containing substitutes, other, to be used in cigarettes, in addl US note 5 to chapter
Smoking tobacco, not water pipe, whether or not containing substitutes, other, to be used in cigarettes, other nesoi
"Homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco, not suitable for use as wrapper tobacco, to be used in products other than cigarettes
Other manufactured tobacco, tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts or essences, prepared for marketing directly to consumer as packaged
Other manufactured tobacco, tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts or essences, other, to be used in products other than cigarettes
Other manufactured tobacco, tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts or essences, to be used in cigarettes, described in addl US note 5 to chap
Other manufactured tobacco, tobacco substitutes, tobacco extracts or essences, other, to be used in cigarettes, other nesoi
Salt & pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or cont. added anticaking or free-flowing agents; sea water
Iron pyrites, unroasted
Sulfur of all kinds, other than sublimed, precipitated and colloidal sulfur
Natural graphite, crystalline flake (not including flake dust)
Natural graphite in powder or flakes (other than crystalline flake)
Natural graphite, other than in powder or in flakes
Natural silica and quartz sands, containing by weight 95% or more of silica and not more than 0.6% of oxide of iron
Natural silica and quartz sands, nesoi
Natural sands, other than silica or quartz sands and other than metal-bearing sands of chapter 26
Quartz (other than natural sands)
2506.20.00 Quartzite
2508.60.00 Mullite
Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined
Bentonite clay, whether or not calcined
Fire-clay, whether or not calcined
Clays, (not including expanded clays of heading 6806), nesoi, whether or not calcined Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite, whether or not calcined
2508.70.00 2509.00.10 2509.00.20 2510.10.00
Chamotte or dinas earths
Chalk, crude
Chalk, other than crude
Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminum calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk, unground
HTSUS Subheading
2511.10.10 2511.10.50 2511.20.00 2512.00.00
Product Description
Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminum calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk, ground
Natural barium sulfate (barytes), ground
Natural barium sulfate (barytes), not ground
Natural barium carbonate (witherite), whether or not calcined
Siliceous fossil meals and similar siliceous earths, whether or not calcined, of an apparent specific gravity of 1 or less
2513.10.00 Pumice
2513.20.10 2513.20.90 2514.00.00
2515.11.00 2515.12.10 2515.12.20 2515.20.00
2516.11.00 2516.12.00 2516.20.10 2516.20.20 2516.90.00
2517.10.00 2517.20.00
2517.30.00 2517.41.00 2517.49.00
2518.10.00 2518.20.00
2518.30.00 2519.10.00 2519.90.10
2519.90.20 2519.90.50 2520.10.00 2520.20.00
Emery; natural corundum, nat. garnet and other nat. abrasives, whether or not heat- treated, all the foregoing crude or in irregular pieces
Emery; natural corundum, nat. garnet and other nat. abrasives, whether or not heat- treated, all the foregoin not crude or irregular pieces
Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
Marble and travertine, crude or roughly trimmed
Marble, merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape Travertine, merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape Calcareous monument.or build.stone (o/than marble/traver.) of spec. gravity >=2.5 & alabaster, crude, rough, trimmed or cut blocks or slabs
Granite, crude or roughly trimmed
Granite, merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape Sandstone, crude or roughly trimmed
Sandstone, merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape Porphyry, basalt and other monument. or build. stone (except granite/sandstone), crude or roughly trimmed or cut into rect. blocks/slabs
Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stones, for concrete aggregates, road metalling, ballast, shingle or flint, whether o/not heat-treated
Macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether or not incorporating pebbles, gravel, etc.
Tarred macadam
Granules, chippings and powder of marble, whether or not heat-treated
Granules, chippings and powder, of travertine/calcareous monument. or build.stone (except marble)/granite/porphyry/basalt/sandstone etc.
Dolomite, not calcined, whether or not or roughly trimmed or merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
Dolomite, calcined, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including square) shape
Agglomerated dolomite (including tarred dolomite)
Natural magnesoium carbonate (magnesoite)
Fused magnesoia; dead-burned (sintered) magnesoia, whether or not cont. small quant. of other oxides added before sintering
Caustic calcined magnesoite
Magnesoium oxide, nesoi, whether or not pure
Gypsum; anhydrite
Plasters (of calcined gypsum or calcium sulfate), whether or not colored, with or without small quantities of accelerators or retarders
HTSUS Subheading
2522.10.00 2522.20.00 2522.30.00 2523.10.00 2523.21.00 2523.29.00 2523.30.00 2523.90.00
Product Description
Limestone flux; limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used for the manufacture of lime or cement
Quicklime (other than calcium oxide and hydroxide of heading 2825)
Slaked lime (other than calcium oxide and hydroxide of heading 2825)
Hydraulic lime (other than calcium oxide and hydroxide of heading 2825) Clinkers of portland, aluminous, slag, supersulfate and similar hydraulic cements Portland cement (white cement), whether or not artificially colored
Portland cement (other than white cement), whether or not colored
Aluminous cement, whether or not colored
Slag cement, supersulfate cement and other hydraulic cements, nesoi, whether or not colored
2524.10.00 Crocidolite
2524.90.00 2525.10.00 2525.20.00 2525.30.00 2526.10.00
2526.20.00 2528.00.00
Asbestos other than crocidolite
Mica, crude or rifted into sheets or splittings
Mica, powder
Mica, waste
Steatite, natural n/crushed or powdered, whether or not roughly trimmed or cut into rect. blocks or slabs; talc n/crushed or powdered
Steatite, natural; talc; the foregoing crushed or powdered
Borates, natural and conc., but n/incl. borates from nat. brine; nat. boric acid w/not over 85% H3B03 by dry weight
2529.10.00 Feldspar
2530.20.10 Kieserite
Fluorspar, containing by weight 97 percent or less of calcium fluoride Fluorspar, containing by weight more than 97 percent of calcium fluoride Leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite
Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites, unexpanded
2530.20.20 2530.90.10 2530.90.20 2530.90.80 2601.11.00 2601.12.00 2601.20.00 2602.00.00
2603.00.00 2604.00.00 2605.00.00 2606.00.00 2607.00.00 2608.00.00 2609.00.00 2610.00.00 2611.00.30 2611.00.60
Epsom salts (natural magnesoium sulfates)
Natural cryolite; natural chiolite
Natural micaceous iron oxides
Other mineral substances, not elsewhere specified or included
Iron ores and concentrates (other than roasted iron pyrites), not agglomerated Iron ores and concentrates (other than roasted iron pyrites), agglomerated Roasted iron pyrites
Manganese ores and concentrates including ferruginous manganese ores & concentrates with manganese content over 20% calculated on dry weight Copper ores and concentrates
Nickel ores and concentrates
Cobalt ores and concentrates Aluminum ores and concentrates Lead ores and concentrates
Zinc ores and concentrates
Tin ores and concentrates Chromium ores and concentrates Tungsten ores
Tungsten concentrates
HTSUS Subheading
2612.10.00 2612.20.00 2613.10.00 2613.90.00 2614.00.30 2614.00.60 2615.10.00 2615.90.30 2615.90.60 2616.10.00 2616.90.00 2617.10.00 2617.90.00 2618.00.00 2619.00.30 2619.00.90 2620.11.00 2620.19.30 2620.19.60
2620.21.00 2620.29.00
2620.30.00 2620.40.00 2620.60.10
2620.60.90 2620.91.00 2620.99.10 2620.99.20 2620.99.30 2620.99.50 2620.99.75 2620.99.85
2621.90.00 2701.11.00
Product Description
Uranium ores and concentrates
Thorium ores and concentrates
Molybdenum ores and concentrates, roasted
Molybdenum ores and concentrates, not roasted
Synthetic rutile
Titanium ores and concentrates, other than synthetic rutile
Zirconium ores and concentrates
Synthetic tantalum-niobium concentrates
Niobium, tantalum or vanadium ores and concentrates, nesoi
Silver ores and concentrates
Precious metal (other than silver) ores and concentrates
Antimony ores and concentrates
Metal ores and concentrates, nesoi
Granulated slag (slag sand) from the manufacture of iron or steel
Ferrous scale
Slag, dross and other waste (except ferrous scale) from the manufacture of iron or steel Hard zinc spelter
Zinc dross and skimmings (not from from the mfr. of iron or steel)
Ash and residues (not from the mfr. of iron or steel), containing mainly zinc, other than hard zinc spelter/zinc dross & skimmings
Leaded gasoline sludges and leaded anti-knock compound sludges, containing mainly lead
Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly lead, nesoi
Ash and residues (not from the mfr. of iron or steel), containing mainly copper
Ash and residues (not from the mfr. of iron or steel), containing mainly aluminum Ash/residues contain arsenic, mercury, thallium or their mixtures, kind used only for extraction of arsenic or manufacture of its compounds
Ash/residue contain arsenic,mercury,thallium/their mixtures,kind used only for extraction of those metals or manufacture of their compounds
Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing antimony, beryllium, cadmium, chromium or their mixtures
Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly vanadium
Ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly tungsten
Materials (ash and residues) not provided for elsewhere in heading 2620 containing by weight over 10 percent nickel
Slag (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel) contains over 40% titanium & if has over 2% Cu/Pb/Zn is not for recovery thereof
Residues (not from mfr. of iron or steel) cont. metals/metal compounds nesoi, and n/adv. in value or cond. & if > 2% Cu/Pb/Zn n/for recovery
Other ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing metals or metal compounds, nesoi
Other slag and ash, including seaweed ash (kelp), not elsewhere specified or included Coal, anthracite, whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated
HTSUS Subheading
2701.12.00 2701.19.00
2701.20.00 2702.10.00 2702.20.00 2703.00.00 2704.00.00 2705.00.00
2706.00.00 2707.10.00 2707.20.00 2707.30.00 2707.40.00 2707.50.00
2707.91.00 2707.99.10 2707.99.20 2707.99.40
2707.99.51 2707.99.55
2707.99.59 2707.99.90
2708.10.00 2708.20.00 2709.00.10 2709.00.20
2710.12.15 2710.12.18 2710.12.25 2710.12.45
Product Description
Coal, bituminous, whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated
Coal, other than anthracite or bituminous, whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated
Coal, briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal
Lignite (excluding jet), whether or not pulverized, but not agglomerated
Lignite (excluding jet), agglomerated
Peat (including peat litter), whether or not agglomerated
Coke and semicoke of coal, lignite or peat, whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases or other gaseous hydrocarbons
Tars (including reconstituted tars), distill. from coal, lignite or peat, and other mineral tars, whether dehydrated or partially distilled
Benzene, from distillation of hi-temp coal tar or in which wt. of aromatic components o/wt. of nonaromatic components
Toluene, from distillation of hi-temp coal tar or in which wt. of aromatic components o/wt. of nonaromatic components
Xylenes, from distillation of hi-temp coal tar or in which wt. of aromatic components o/wt. of nonaromatic components
Naphthalene, from distillation of hi-temp coal tar or in which wt. of aromatic components o/wt. of nonaromatic components
Aromatichydrocarbon mix.(from dist.ofhi-temp coaltar or wt.of aromatic > nonaromatic),65%+ by vol.(incl.losses) dist. at 250 C/ASTM D 86
Creosote oils, from dist.of hi-temp coal tar or wt. of aromatic exceeds nonaromatic Light oil, from dist.of hi-temp coal tar or wt. of aromatic exceeds nonaromatic
Picolines, from dist.of hi-temp coal tar or wt. of aromatic exceeds nonaromatic Carbazole, from dist.of hi-temp coal tar or wt. of aromatic exceeds nonaromatic, w/purity of 65% or more by wt.
Phenols > 50% by wt hydroxybenzene Metacresol/orthocresol/paracresol/metaparacresol (from dist.of hi-temp coal tar or wt. of aromatic > nonaromatic), w/purity of 75%+ by wt.
Phenols, nesoi
Other products of hi-temp coal tar distillation and like products in which aromatic constituents exceed nonaromatic constituents, nesoi
Pitch, obtained from coal tar or other mineral tars
Pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or other mineral tars
Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals, crude, testing under 25 degrees A.P.I. Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals, crude, testing 25 degrees A.P.I. or more
Light oil motor fuel from petroleum oils and bituminous minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
Light oil motor fuel blending stock from petroleum oils & bituminous minerals (o/than crude) or prep 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
Naphthas (exc. motor fuel/mtr fuel blend. stock) fr petroleum oils & bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps 70%+ by wt. fr petroleum oils
Light oil mixt. of hydrocarbons fr petro oils & bitum min(o/than crude) or prep 70%+ wt. fr petro oils, nesoi,n/o 50% any single hydrocarbon
HTSUS Subheading
2710.12.90 2710.19.06 2710.19.11 2710.19.16 2710.19.24 2710.19.25 2710.19.26 2710.19.45 2710.19.90 2710.20.05 2710.20.10 2710.20.15 2710.20.25
2711.11.00 2711.12.00 2711.13.00 2711.14.00 2711.19.00 2711.21.00 2711.29.00 2712.10.00 2712.20.00
2712.90.10 2712.90.20
2713.11.00 2713.12.00 2713.20.00 2713.90.00
2714.10.00 2714.90.00
Product Description
Light oils and preparations from petroleum oils & oils from bituminous min. or preps 70%+ by wt. from petro. oils or bitum. min., nesoi
Distillate and residual fuel oil (including blends) derived from petroleum or oils from bituminous minerals, testing < 25 degrees A.P.I.
Distillate and residual fuel oil (including blends) derived from petroleum oils or oil of bituminous minerals, testing 25 degree A.P.I. or >
Kerosene-type jet fuel from petroleum oils and oils of bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
Kerosene motor fuel (not jet) from petro oils and bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils
Kerosene motor fuel blending stock (not jet), from petro oils and bitumin. minerals (o/than crude) or preps. 70%+ by wt. from petro oils
Kerosene (ex. motor fuel/mtr fuel blend stock/xc jet), fr petro oils and bitumin minerals (o/than crude) or preps 70%+ by wt fr petro oils
Mixture of hydrocarbons from petro oils & bitum. min. or preps.70%+ by wt. fr. petro. oils, nesoi, n/o 50% any single hydrocarbon
Petroleum oils & oils from bituminous minerals or preps nesoi 70%+ by wt. from petroleum oils or bitum. min., not waste, nesoi
Dist and resid fuel oil (including blends) derived from petro or oils fr bitum min, testing under 25 degrees A.P.I., contng biodiesel
Dist and resid fuel oil (including blends) derived from petro or oils fr bitum min testing 25 degree A.P.I. or >, contng biodiesel
Kerosene-type jet fuel/mtr ful/mtr ful blend stck fr pet oils & bitumin min (o/th crude), or preps. 70%+ by w fr pet oils, ctg biodiesel
Kerosene (ex jet fuel,mtr ful/mtr ful blend stck/jet), fr pet oils and bitumin. min (o/th crude) or preps 70%+ by wt fr pet oils, ctg biodie
Natural gas, liquefied
Propane, liquefied
Butanes, liquefied
Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene, liquefied
Liquefied petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, nesoi
Natural gas, in gaseous state
Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, except natural gas
Petroleum jelly
Paraffin wax (whether or not colored), obtained by synthesis or other process and less than 0.75% oil by wt.
Montan wax (whether or not colored), obtained by synthesis or other process
Mineral waxes (i.e.,paraffin w/0.75%+ oil, microcrystall. wax, slack lignite & peat waxes, ozokerite), obtained by synthesis
Coke, petroleum, not calcined
Coke, petroleum coke, calcined
Petroleum bitumen
Residues (except petroleum coke or petroleum bitumen) of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous materials
Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands
Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, natural bitumen, petroleum bitumen, mineral tar or mineral tar pitch
Electrical energy
2801.10.00 Chlorine 2801.20.00
Iodine 2801.30.10
Fluorine 2801.30.20
2804.10.00 Hydrogen 2804.21.00
Sulfur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulfur
Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included)
2804.30.00 Nitrogen 2804.40.00
Rare gases, other than argon
2804.50.00 2804.61.00 2804.69.10
Boron; tellurium
Silicon containing by weight not less than 99.99 percent of silicon
Silicon, containing by weight less than 99.99 percent but not less than 99 percent of silicon
Silicon, containing by weight less than 99 percent of silicon
2804.70.00 Phosphorus 2804.80.00
Arsenic 2804.90.00
Selenium 2805.11.00
Sodium 2805.12.00
Calcium 2805.19.10
Strontium 2805.19.20
2805.40.00 Mercury
Alkali metals, other than sodium
Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium, whether or not intermixed or interalloyed
2806.10.00 2806.20.00 2807.00.00 2808.00.00 2809.10.00 2809.20.00 2810.00.00 2811.11.00 2811.12.00 2811.19.10 2811.19.30 2811.19.61 2811.21.00 2811.22.10 2811.22.50 2811.29.10 2811.29.20
Hydrogen chloride (Hydrochloric acid) Chlorosulfuric acid
Sulfuric acid; oleum
Nitric acid; sulfonitric acids Diphosphorus pentoxide
Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids Oxides of boron; boric acids
Hydrogen fluoride (Hydrofluoric acid) Hydrogen cyanide
Arsenic acid
Hydrobromic acid
Sulfamic acid and other inorganic acids nesoi Carbon dioxide
Synthetic silica gel
Silicon dioxide, other than synthetic silica gel Arsenic trioxide
Selenium dioxide
HTSUS Subheading
2811.29.30 2811.29.50 2812.11.00 2812.12.00 2812.13.00 2812.14.00 2812.15.00 2812.16.00 2812.17.00 2812.19.00 2812.90.00 2813.10.00 2813.90.10 2813.90.20 2813.90.50 2814.10.00 2814.20.00 2815.11.00 2815.12.00 2815.20.00 2815.30.00 2816.10.00 2816.40.10 2816.40.20 2817.00.00 2818.10.10 2818.10.20 2818.20.00 2818.30.00 2819.10.00 2819.90.00 2820.10.00 2820.90.00 2821.10.00 2821.20.00
2822.00.00 2823.00.00 2824.10.00 2824.90.10 2824.90.20 2824.90.50 2825.10.00 2825.20.00 2825.30.00 2825.40.00
Product Description
Sulfur dioxide
Other inorganic oxygen compounds of nonmetals, nesoi
Carbonyl dichloride (Phosgene)
Phosphorus oxychloride
Phosphorus trichloride
Phosphorus pentachloride
Sulfur monochloride
Sulfur dichloride
Thionyl chloride
Other chlorides and chloride oxides
Halides and halide oxides of nonmetals, excluding chlorides and chloride oxides Carbon disulfide
Arsenic sulfides
Phosphorus sulfides
Sulfides of nonmetals, excluding carbon disulfide and sulfides of arsenic or phosphorus Anhydrous ammonia
Ammonia in aqueous solution
Sodium hydroxide (Caustic soda), solid
Sodium hydroxide (Caustic soda), in aqueous solution (Soda lye or liquid soda) Potassium hydroxide (Caustic potash)
Peroxides of sodium or potassium
Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesoium
Oxides, hydroxides and peroxides of strontium
Oxides, hydroxides and peroxides of barium
Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide
Artificial corundum, crude
Artificial corundum, in grains, or ground, pulverized or refined
Aluminum oxide, other than artificial corundum
Aluminum hydroxide
Chromium trioxide
Chromium oxides and hydroxides, other than chromium trioxide
Manganese dioxide
Manganese oxides, other than manganese dioxide
Iron oxides and hydroxides
Earth colors containing 70 percent or more by weight of combined iron evaluated as Fe2O3
Cobalt oxides and hydroxides; commercial cobalt oxides
Titanium oxides
Lead monoxide (Litharge, massicot)
Lead suboxide (Leady litharge)
Red lead and orange lead
Lead oxides, nesoi
Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and their inorganic salts
Lithium oxide and hydroxide
Vanadium oxides and hydroxides
Nickel oxides and hydroxides
HTSUS Subheading
2825.50.10 2825.50.20 2825.50.30 2825.60.00 2825.70.00 2825.80.00 2825.90.10 2825.90.15 2825.90.20 2825.90.30 2825.90.75 2825.90.90 2826.12.00 2826.19.10 2826.19.20 2826.19.90 2826.30.00 2826.90.10 2826.90.90 2827.10.00 2827.20.00 2827.31.00 2827.32.00 2827.35.00 2827.39.10 2827.39.25 2827.39.30 2827.39.40 2827.39.45 2827.39.55 2827.39.60 2827.39.65 2827.39.90 2827.41.00 2827.49.10 2827.49.50 2827.51.00 2827.59.25 2827.59.51 2827.60.10 2827.60.20 2827.60.51 2828.10.00 2828.90.00 2829.11.00 2829.19.01
Product Description
Cupric oxide
Cuprous oxide
Copper hydroxides
Germanium oxides and zirconium dioxide Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides Antimony oxides
Beryllium oxide and hydroxide Niobium oxide
Tin oxides
Tungsten oxides
Cadmium oxide
Other inorganic bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, nesoi Fluorides of aluminum
Ammonium fluoride
Sodium fluoride
Fluorides, other than of ammonium, sodium or aluminum
Sodium hexafluoroaluminate (Synthetic cryolite)
Fluorosilicates of sodium or of potassium
Other complex fluorine salts, nesoi
Ammonium chloride
Calcium chloride
Magnesoium chloride
Aluminum chloride
Nickel chloride
Vanadium chlorides
Tin chlorides
Titanium chlorides
Tungsten hexachloride
Barium chloride
Iron chlorides
Cobalt chlorides
Zinc chloride
Chlorides, nesoi
Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides of copper
Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides of vanadium
Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides other than of copper or of vanadium Bromides of sodium or potassium
Bromides or bromide oxides of ammonium, calcium, or zinc
Other bromides and bromide oxides, other than ammonium, calcium or zinc Iodide and iodide oxide of calcium or copper
Iodide and iodide oxide of potassium
Iodides and iodide oxides, other than of calcium, copper or potassium Commercial calcium hypochlorite and other calcium hypochlorites Hypochlorites, except of calcium; hypobromites; chlorites
Sodium chlorate
Other chlorates and perchlorates, other than sodium
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
Potassium bromate
Sodium bromate
Perchlorates, perbromates, iodates, periodates; of potassium Other perbromates, iodates and periodates other than potassium Sodium sulfides
Zinc sulfide, luminescent grade, purity>= 99.99 % By wt.
Zinc sulfide excluding luminescent grade
Cadmium sulfide
Polysulfides; sulfides, other than those of zinc and cadmium Sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate
Dithionites and sulfoxylates of sodium
Dithionites and sulfoxylates, other than those of sodium
Sodium sulfites
Sulfites, except sodium sulfites
Sodium thiosulfate
Thiosulfates, except sodium thiosulfate
Disodium sulfate, crude (Salt cake)
Disodium sulfate, other than crude
Sodium sulfates, other than disodium sulfate
Magnesoium sulfate
Aluminum sulfate
Nickel sulfate
Copper sulfate
Barium sulfate
Cobalt sulfate
Iron sulfate
Vanadium sulfate
Chromium sulfate
Zinc sulfate
Other sulfates nesoi
2833.30.00 Alums
2833.40.20 2833.40.60 2834.10.10 2834.10.50 2834.21.00 2834.29.05 2834.29.10 2834.29.20 2834.29.51 2835.10.00 2835.22.00 2835.24.00 2835.25.00 2835.26.00 2835.29.10
Sodium peroxosulfates (sodium persulfates) Peroxosulfates (persulfates), nesoi
Sodium nitrite
Nitrites, other than of sodium
Potassium nitrate
Bismuth nitrate
Calcium nitrate
Strontium nitrate
Nitrates, nesoi
Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates (phosphites) Mono- or disodium phosphates
Potassium phosphate
Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate ("Dicalcium phosphate") Other phosphates of calcium, nesoi
Aluminum phosphate
HTSUS Subheading
2835.29.20 2835.29.30 2835.29.51 2835.31.00 2835.39.10 2835.39.50 2836.20.00 2836.30.00 2836.40.10 2836.40.20 2836.50.00 2836.60.00 2836.91.00 2836.92.00 2836.99.10 2836.99.20 2836.99.30
2836.99.40 2836.99.50 2837.11.00 2837.19.01 2837.20.10 2837.20.51 2839.11.00 2839.19.00 2839.90.10 2839.90.50 2840.11.00 2840.19.00 2840.20.00 2840.30.00 2841.30.00 2841.50.10 2841.50.91
Product Description
Triammonium phosphate
Trisodium phosphate
Other phosphates nesoi
Sodium triphosphate (Sodium tripolyphosphate) Potassium polyphosphate
Polyphosphates, other than sodium triphosphate and potassium polyphosphate Disodium carbonate
Sodium hydrogencarbonate (Sodium bicarbonate)
Dipotassium carbonate
Potassium hydrogencarbonate (Potassium bicarbonate) Calcium carbonate
Barium carbonate
Lithium carbonates
Strontium carbonate
Cobalt carbonates
Bismuth carbonate
Commercial ammonium carbonate, containing ammonium carbamate, and other ammonium carbonates
Lead carbonate
Carbonates nesoi, and peroxocarbonates (percarbonates)
Sodium cyanide
Cyanides and cyanide oxides, except those of sodium
Potassium ferricyanide
Complex cyanides, excluding potassium ferricyanide
Sodium metasilicates
Sodium silicates except sodium metasilicates
Potassium silicate
Other alkali metal silicates nesoi
Anhydrous disodium tetraborate (refined borax)
Disodium tetraborate (refined borax) except anhydrous
Borates, other than disodium tetraborate (refined borax)
Peroxoborates (perborates)
Sodium dichromate
Potassium dichromate
Chromates except of zinc or lead and dichromates except of sodium or potassium; peroxochromates
Potassium permanganate
Manganites, manganates and permanganates (except potassium permanganate) Ammonium molybdate
Molybdates, other than of ammonium
Tungstates (wolframates)
2841.90.10 Vanadates
2841.90.40 Aluminates
Ammonium perrhenate Potassium stannate
Chromates of zinc or of lead
HTSUS Subheading
2841.90.50 2842.10.00 2842.90.10 2842.90.90 2843.10.00 2843.21.00 2843.29.01 2843.30.00 2843.90.00
2844.10.10 2844.10.20 2844.10.50
2845.10.00 2846.10.00 2846.90.20 2846.90.40
2847.00.00 2849.10.00 2849.20.10 2849.20.20 2849.90.10 2849.90.20 2849.90.30 2849.90.50 2850.00.05 2850.00.07 2850.00.10 2850.00.20 2850.00.50
2852.10.10 2852.10.90 2852.90.05 2852.90.90
2853.10.00 2853.90.10
2853.90.50 2853.90.90
Product Description
Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids nesoi
Double or complex silicates
Fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanates
Salts of inorganic acids or peroxoacids nesoi, excluding azides Colloidal precious metals
Silver nitrate
Silver compounds, other than silver nitrate
Gold compounds
Inorganic or organic compounds of precious metals, excluding those of silver and gold; amalgams of precious metals
Natural uranium metal
Natural uranium compounds
Alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing natural uranium or natural uranium compounds
Heavy water (Deuterium oxide)
Cerium compounds
Mixtures of rare-earth oxides or of rare-earth chlorides
Yttrium materials and compounds containing by wt. >19% But < 85% yttrium oxide equivalent
Compounds, inorganic or organic, of rare-earth metals, of yttrium or of scandium, or of mixtures of these metals, nesoi
Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not solidified with urea
Calcium carbide
Silicon carbide, crude
Silicon carbide, in grains, or ground, pulverized or refined
Boron carbide
Chromium carbide
Tungsten carbide
Carbides, nesoi
Hydride, nitride, azide, silicide and boride of calcium
Hydride, nitride, azide, silicide and boride of titanium
Hydride, nitride, azide, silicide and boride of tungsten
Hydride, nitride, azide, silicide and boride of vanadium
Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and borides other than of calcium, titanium, tungsten or vanadium
Mercuric oxide, mercuric cyanide, mercuric oxycyanide and mercuric potassium cyanide Other chemically defined compounds of mercury excluding amalgams
Albuminates, tannates, and phosphides of mercury
Inorganic or organic compounds of mercury, not chemically defined, not albuminates, tannates, or phosphides, excluding amalgams
Cyanogen chloride (Chlorocyan)
Phosphor copper containing more than 15% by weight of phosphorus, excluding ferrosphosphorus
Phosphides, whether or not chemically defined, excluding ferrophosphorus, of other metals or of nonmetals
Other phosphides, excl ferrophosphorous, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
2901.10.10 2901.10.30 2901.10.40
Product Description
Ethane and butane
n-Pentane and isopentane
Saturated acyclic hydrocarbon (not ethane,butane,n-pentane or isopentane),derived in whole or part from petroleum,shale oil or natural gas
Saturated acyclic hydrocarbon (not ethane,butane,n-pentane or isopentane),not derived in whole or part petroleum,shale oil or natural gas
2901.21.00 Ethylene
2901.24.10 Buta-l,3-diene
Propene (Propylene)
Butene (Butylene) and isomers thereof
2901.24.20 2901.24.50 2901.29.10
Isoprene, having a purity of 95 percent or more by weight
Isoprene less than 95 percent pure
Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi, derived in whole or in part from petroleum, shale oil or natural gas
Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi, not derived in whole or in part from petroleum, shale oil or natural gas
2902.11.00 Cyclohexane
2902.20.00 Benzene 2902.30.00
Toluene 2902.41.00
o-Xylene 2902.42.00
m-Xylene 2902.43.00
Cyclanic hydrocarbons (except cyclohexane), cyclenic hydrocarbons and cycloterpenes
2902.50.00 Styrene 2902.60.00
Ethylbenzene 2902.70.00
Cumene 2902.90.10
Mixed xylene isomers
Acenaphthene, chrysene, cymene, dimethylnaphthalenes, fluoranthene, fluorene, indene, mesitylene, and other specified cyclic hydrocarbons
Alkylbenzenes and polyalkylbenzenes
Anthracene and 1,4-di-(2-methylstyryl)benzene
Biphenyl (diphenyl), in flakes
Cyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi
Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) & chloroethane (Ethyl chloride) Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride)
Chloroform (Trichloromethane)
Carbon tetrachloride
1,2-Dichloroethane (Ethylene dichloride)
1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) and dichlorobutanes Hexachloroethane and tetrachloroethane
sec-Butyl chloride
Saturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi Vinyl chloride (Chloroethylene)
2903.22.00 Trichloroethylene
Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene)
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
Unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi
Ethylene dibromide
Acetylene tetrabromide; alkyl bromides; methylene dibromide; and vinyl bromide Fluorinated, brominated or iodinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons, nesoi
2903.71.00 Chlorodifluoromethane 2903.72.00
Dichlorotrifluoroethanes 2903.73.00
Dichlorofluoroethanes 2903.74.00
Chlorodifluoroethanes 2903.75.00
Bromochlorodifluoromethane, bromotrifluoromethane and dibromotetrafluoroethanes Other acyclic hydrocarbon derivatives,perhalogenated only with flourine and chlorine Other perhalogenated acyclic hydrocarbon derivatives, nesoi
2903.79.10 Bromochloromethane
Other halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens, nesoi
1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH (ISO)), including Lindane(ISO, INN)
Aldrin (ISO), chlordane (ISO) and heptachlor (ISO)
Halogenated derivatives of cyclanic cyclenic or cycloterpenic hydrocarbons: Mirex (ISO)
2903.89.05 Dibromoethyldibromocyclohexane
2903.89.11 2903.89.15 2903.89.20 2903.89.31
Halogenated pesticides derived in whole or in part from benzene or other aromatic hydrocarbon, nesoi
Halogenated products derived in whole or in part from benzene or other aromatic hydrocarbon, described in additional U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
Halogenated derivatives derived in whole or in part from benzene or other aromatic hydrocarbon, nesoi
Chlorinated, but not otherwise halogenated derivatives of cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic hydrocarbons
2903.89.40 1,3,5,7,9,11-Hexabromocyclododecane 2903.89.60
Other halogenated derivatives of cyclanic etc hydrocarbons not deriv from benzene or
other aromatic hydrocarbons 2903.91.10 Chlorobenzene
2903.91.20 o-Dichlorobenzene 2903.91.30
2903.93.00 2903.94.00 2903.99.05
2903.99.08 2903.99.10 2903.99.15 2903.99.20
Hexachlorobenzene (ISO) and DDT (clofenatone (INN), (1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-bis(p- chlorophenyl)ethane))
Halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, pentachlorobenzene Halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, hexabromobiphenyls 3-Bromo-alpha,alpha,alpha-trifluorotoluene; and other specified halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons
p-Chlorobenzotrifluoride; and 3,4-Dichlorobenzotrifluoride
m-Dichlorobenzene; 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-ethylphenyl)ethane; and trichlorobenzenes Triphenylmethyl chloride
Benzyl chloride (alpha-Chlorotoluene); benzotrichloride (alpha,alpha,alpha- trichlorotoluene)
2903.99.23 Pentabromoethylbenzene
HTSUS Subheading
2903.99.27 Tribromocumene
Product Description
2903.99.30 2903.99.80 2904.10.04 2904.10.08 2904.10.10
2904.10.15 2904.10.32
2904.10.37 2904.10.50
Pesticides derived from halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons Other halogenated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, nesoi 2-Anthracenesulfonic acid
Benzenesulfonyl chloride
m-Benzenedisulfonic acid, sodium salt; 1,5-naphthalenedisulfonic acid; and p- toluenesulfonyl chloride
Mixtures of 1,3,6-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid and 1,3,7-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid Aromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only sulfo groups, their salts and ethyl esters, described in add. U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
Aromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only sulfo groups, their salts and ethyl esters, nesoi
Nonaromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only sulfo groups, their salts and ethyl esters, nesoi
2904.20.10 p-Nitrotoluene 2904.20.15
p-Nitro-o-xylene 2904.20.20
2904.20.30 2904.20.35 2904.20.40
2904.20.45 2904.20.50
2904.31.00 2904.32.00 2904.33.00 2904.34.00 2904.35.00 2904.36.00 2904.91.00 2904.99.04 2904.99.08 2904.99.15
2904.99.20 2904.99.30 2904.99.35 2904.99.40
2904.99.50 2905.11.10
5-tert-Butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylene (Musk xylol) and other artificial musks
Nitrated benzene, nitrated toluene (except p-nitrotoluene) or nitrated naphthalene Aromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only nitro or only nitroso groups, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only nitro or only nitroso groups, nesoi Nonaromatic derivatives of hydrocarbons containing only nitro or only nitroso groups, nesoi
Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid
Ammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate
Lithium perfluorooctane sulfonate
Potassium perfluorooctane sulfonate
Other salts of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid
Perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride
Trichloronitromethane (chloropicrin)
Monochloromononitrobenzenes; o-nitrochlorobenzene; p-nitrochlorobenzene Monochloromononitrobenzenes nesoi
4-Chloro-3-nitro-a,a,a-trifluorotoluene; 2-Chloro-5-nitro-a,a,a-trifluorotoluene; and 4- Chloro-3,5-dinitro-a,a,a-trifluorotoluene
Nitrotoluenesulfonic acids
1-Bromo-2-nitrobenzene; 1,2-Dichloro-4-nitrobenzene and o-Fluoronitrobenzene 4,4'-Dinitrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid
Sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of aromatic products described in additional US note 3 to section 6
Other sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons excluding aromatic products described in add US note 3 to section 6
Nonaromatic sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, nesoi Methanol (Methyl alcohol) imported only for use in producing synthetic natural gas (SNG) or for direct use as a fuel
HTSUS Subheading
2905.12.00 2905.13.00 2905.14.10 2905.14.50
2905.16.00 2905.17.00
Product Description
Methanol (Methyl alcohol), other than imported only for use in producing synthetic natural gas (SNG) or for direct use as fuel
Propan-1-ol (Propyl alcohol) and Propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol)
Butan-1-ol (n-Butyl alcohol)
tert-Butyl alcohol, having a purity of less than 99 percent by weight
Butanols other than butan-1-ol and tert-butyl alcohol having a purity of less than 99 percent by weight
Octanol (Octyl acohol) and isomers thereof
Dodecan-1-ol (Lauryl alcohol); hexadecan-1-ol (Cetyl alcohol); octadecan-1-ol (Stearyl alcohol)
Pentanol (Amyl alcohol) and isomers thereof
Saturated monohydric alcohols, nesoi
2905.22.10 Geraniol 2905.22.20
2905.42.00 Pentaerythritol
Acyclic terpene alcohols, other than geraniol and isophytol
Allyl alcohol
Unsaturated monohydric alcohols, other than allyl alcohol or acyclic terpene alcohols Ethylene glycol (Ethanediol)
Propylene glycol (Propane-1,2-diol)
Butylene glycol
Neopentyl glycol
Hexylene glycol
Dihydric alcohols (diols), nesoi
2-Ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)propane-1,3-diol (Trimethylolpropane)
2905.49.30 Xylitol
Triols and tetrols
Esters of glycerol formed with the acids of heading 2904
2905.59.30 Dibromoneopentylglycol
Polyhydric alcohols derived from sugars, nesoi
Polyhydric alcohols, nesoi
Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of monohydric alcohols
2906.11.00 Menthol
Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of acyclic alcohols, nesoi
2906.13.10 Inositols 2906.13.50
2906.19.30 Terpineols
Cyclohexanol, methylcyclohexanols and dimethylcyclohexanols
4,4'-Isopropylidenedicyclohexanol;and mixt. w/not less 90% stereoisomers of 2- isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexanol but n/o 30% any 1 stereoisomer
2906.21.00 2906.29.10 2906.29.20
Other cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Benzyl alcohol
Phenethyl alcohol
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of aromatic alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
2906.29.30 2906.29.60
Product Description
1,1-Bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethanol (Dicofol); and p-nitrobenzyl alcohol Other aromatic alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Phenol (Hydroxybenzene) and its salts
Cresols and their salts
Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their isomers; salts thereof
2907.15.10 alpha-Naphthol 2907.15.30
2907.19.10 Alkylcresols 2907.19.20
Alkylphenols 2907.19.40
Naphthols and their salts, other than alpha-Naphthol and 2-Naphthol
2907.29.05 Phenol-alcohols
2-t-Butyl ethyl phenol; and 6-t-butyl-2,4-xylenol and ylenols and their salts Other monophenols
Resorcinol and its salts
Hydroquinone (Quinol) and its salts, photographic grade
Hydroquinone (Quinol) and its salts, other than photographic grade 4,4'-Isopropylidenediphenol (Bisphenol A, Diphenylolpropane) and its salts
2907.29.15 4,4'-Biphenol 2907.29.25
Pyrogallic acid
2908.19.05 2,2-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoropropane
Other polyphenols, nesoi Pentachlorophenol (ISO)
6-Chloro-m-cresol [OH=1]; m-chlorophenol; and chlorothymol
2908.19.15 3-Hydroxy-alpha,alpha,alpha-trifluorotoluene
2908.19.20 2908.19.25 2908.19.35
2908.91.00 2908.92.00 2908.99.03
2908.99.06 2908.99.09 2908.99.12
Pentachlorophenol and its salts; and 2,4,5-trichlorophenol and its salts Tetrabromobisphenol A
Derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols containing only halogen substituents and their salts described in add. U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
Other halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenol or phenol- alcohols
Dinoseb (ISO) and its salts
4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC (ISO)) and its salts
Specified derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols containing only sulfo groups, their salts and esters
4-Hydroxy-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid
1,8-Dihydroxynaphthalene-3,6-disulfonic acid and its sodium salt
Derivatives nesoi,of phenols or phenol-alcohols cont. only sulfo groups, their salts and esters, described in add. U.S. note 3 to section VI
Derivatives of phenol or phenol-alcohols containing only sulfo groups, their salts and esters, nesoi
Nitrophenols, except p-nitrophenol
Dinitro-o-cresols (other than 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol) and 4-nitro-m-cresol
2908.99.20 p-Nitrophenol
2908.99.25 2908.99.33
HTSUS Subheading
2908.99.40 2908.99.80
2909.11.00 2909.19.14 2909.19.18 2909.19.30 2909.19.60
2909.20.00 2909.30.05
2909.30.07 2909.30.09
2909.30.10 2909.30.20
2909.30.30 2909.30.40 2909.30.60
Product Description
Dinitrobutylphenol and its salts
Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol- alcohols described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of phenols or phenol- alcohols, nesoi
Diethyl ether
Methyl tertiay-butyl ether. (MTBE)
Ethers of acyc monohydric alcohols & deriv, nesoi
Triethylene glycol dichloride
Ethers of polyhydric alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
5-Chloro-2-nitroanisole; 6-chloro-3-nitro-p-dimethoxybenzene; and dimethyl diphenyl ether
Decabromodiphenyl oxide; and octabromodiphenyl oxide Bis-(tribromophenoxy)ethane; pentabromodiphenyl oxide; and tetradecabromodiphenoxy benzene
6-tert-Butyl-3-methyl-2,4-dinitroanisole (Musk ambrette) and other artificial musks Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Pesticides, of aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi, described in add. U.S. note 3 to section VI
Other aromatic ethers and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
2,2'-Oxydiethanol (Diethylene glycol, Digol)
Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol
Monoalkyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol
Other aromatic ether-alcohols, their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives described in add. US note 3 to section VI
Aromatic ether-alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Nonaromatic glycerol ethers
Di-pentaerythritol having a purity of 94% or more by weight
Other non-aromatic ether-alcohols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
2909.49.05 Guaifenesoin
2909.49.10 2909.49.15
2909.49.20 2909.49.30 2909.49.60
2909.50.10 4-Ethylguaiacol
2909.50.20 2909.50.40
Guaiacol and its derivatives
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols & their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, nitrosated derivatives
Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols & their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, nitrosated derivatives nesoi, in add. U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
HTSUS Subheading
2909.50.50 2909.60.10 2909.60.20 2909.60.50
Product Description
Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol-phenols and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Aromatic alcohol, ether and ketone peroxides and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, nitrosated derivatives, in add. US note 3 sec. VI
Aromatic alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone peroxides and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Nonaromatic alcohol, ether and ketone peroxides and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
2910.40.00 Dieldrin 2910.50.00
Oxirane (Ethylene oxide)
Methyloxirane (Propylene oxide) 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (Epichlorohydrin)
2910.90.10 2910.90.20
Butylene oxide
Aromatic epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a three- membered ring, and their derivatives, nesoi
Other nonaromatic epoxides, epoxyalcohols and epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated deriv
2911.00.10 1,1-Bis-(1-methylethoxy)cyclohexane
Acetals and hemiacetals, whether or not with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Methanal (Formaldehyde)
Ethanal (Acetaldehyde)
2912.19.10 Citral
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function, nesoi
Butanal (Butyraldehyde, normal isomer)
2912.19.30 Glyoxal 2912.19.40
2912.21.00 Benzaldehyde 2912.29.10
Acyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function, nesoi
2912.49.10 p-Anisaldehyde 2912.49.15
3,4-Dimethylbenzaldehyde; paraldehyde, USP grade; and p-tolualdehyde Other cyclic aldehydes without other oxygen function
Vanillin (4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde)
Ethylvanillin (3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde)
2912.49.55 Hydroxycitronellal
Other aromatic aldehyde-alcohols, aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes with other oxygen function
2912.49.60 2912.49.90
2912.50.10 2912.50.50
Nonaromatic aldehyde-alcohols, other than hydroxycitronellal
Nonaromatic aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes with other oxygen function, nesoi
Metaldehyde from cyclic polymers of aldehydes
Cyclic polymers of aldehydes, other than Metaldehyde.
HTSUS Subheading
2912.60.00 Paraformaldehyde
2913.00.20 4-Fluoro-3-phenoxybenzaldehyde
Product Description
2913.00.40 2913.00.50
Aromatic halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of product of heading 2912
Nonaromatic halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of products of heading 2912
Acetone, derived in whole or in part from cumene Acetone, not derived in whole or in part from cumene Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone) 4-Methylpentan-2-one (Methyl isobutyl ketone) Acyclic ketones without other oxygen function, nesoi
2914.22.10 Cyclohexanone 2914.22.20
2914.29.10 Isophorone
Ionones and methylionones
2914.29.30 2914.29.31 2914.29.50 2914.31.00 2914.39.10
Natural camphor
Synthetic camphor
Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones without other oxygen function, nesoi Phenylacetone (Phenylpropan-2-one) 7-Acetyl-1,1,3,4,4,6-hexamethyltetrahydronaphthalene; 1-(2-Naphthalenyl)ethanone; and 6-Acetyl-1,1,2,3,3,5-hexamethylindan
Aromatic ketones without other oxygen function, nesoi 4-Hydroxy-4-methylpentan-2-one (Diacetone alcohol)
1,2,3-Indantrione monohydrate (Ninhydrin)
Aromatic ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes, nesoi
2914.40.60 1,3-Dihydroxyacetone
2914.61.00 Anthraquinone
Nonaromatic ketone-alcohols and ketone-aldehydes, nesoi 5-Benzoyl-4-hydroxy-2-methoxy-benzenesulfonic acid
Aromatic ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen function Nonaromatic ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen function
2914.69.10 2914.69.60 2914.69.90 2914.71.00 2914.79.10 2914.79.30 2914.79.40
Photographic chemicals of quinones
1,4-Dihydroxyanthraquinone; and 2-ethylanthraquinone
Quinones, nesoi
Halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: chlordecone (ISO) 2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinone and other artificial musks
Anthraquinone disulfonic acid, sodium salt; and 4-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1-tetralone Other halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated, etc derivatives of aromatic ketones and quinones whether or not with other oxygen function
2914.79.60 1-Chloro-5-hexanone
2915.11.00 2915.12.00 2915.13.10 2915.13.50
Other halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of nonaromatic ketones and quinones whether or not with other ogygen function
Formic acid
Salts of formic acid
Aromatic esters of formic acid Nonaromatic esters of formic acid
HTSUS Subheading
2915.21.00 2915.24.00 2915.29.10 2915.29.20 2915.29.30 2915.29.50 2915.31.00 2915.32.00 2915.33.00 2915.36.00 2915.39.10 2915.39.20
Product Description
Acetic acid
Acetic anhydride
Cupric acetate monohydrate
Sodium acetate
Cobalt acetates
Other salts of acetic acid
Ethyl acetate
Vinyl acetate
n-Butyl acetate
Dinoseb (ISO) acetate
Benzyl acetate
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of aromatic esters of acetic acid, other than benzyl acetate
Aromatic esters of acetic acid described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic esters of acetic acid, nesoi
Linalyl acetate
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of nonaromatic esters of acetic acid, nesoi Acetates of polyhydric alcohols or of polyhydric alcohol ethers
2915.39.60 Bis(bromoacetoxy)butene
2915.39.70 2915.39.80 2915.39.90 2915.40.10 2915.40.20
2915.40.30 2915.40.50 2915.50.10 2915.50.20 2915.50.50 2915.60.10 2915.60.50 2915.70.01 2915.90.10 2915.90.14 2915.90.18 2915.90.20
2916.11.00 2916.12.10 2916.12.50 2916.13.00 2916.14.10 2916.14.20
Isobutyl acetate
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate (Ethylene glycol, monoethyl ether acetate)
Other non-aromatic esters of acetic acid
Chloroacetic acids
Aromatic salts and esters of chlorocetic acids, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic salts and esters of chlorocetic acids, nesoi
Nonaromatic salts and esters of chlorocetic acids, nesoi
Propionic acid
Aromatic salts and esters of propionic acid
Nonaromatic salts and esters of propionic acid
Aromatic salts and esters of butyric acids and valeric acids
Butyric acids, valeric acids, their nonaromatic salts and esters
Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their salts and esters
Fatty acids of animal or vegetable origin, nesoi
Valproic acid
Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, nesoi
Aromatic anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids, of saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, and their derivatives, nesoi
Nonaromatic anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids, of saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, and their derivatives, nesoi
Acrylic acid and its salts
Aromatic esters of acrylic acid
Nonaromatic esters of acrylic acid
Methacrylic acid and its salts
Dicyclopentenyloxyethyl methacrylate
Other esters of methacrylic acid
HTSUS Subheading
2916.15.10 2916.15.51 2916.16.00 2916.19.10 2916.19.20 2916.19.30 2916.19.50
Product Description
Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids
Salts and esters of oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids
Binapacryl (ISO)
Potassium sorbate
Sorbic acid
Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, nesoi
Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acid anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives, nesoi
2916.20.10 Tefluthrin
2916.31.11 2916.31.20 2916.31.30
2916.31.50 2916.32.10 2916.32.20 2916.34.10 2916.34.15 2916.34.25 2916.34.55 2916.39.03
Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives
Benzoic acid and its salts
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of benzoic acid esters
Benzoic acid esters, except odoriferous or flavoring compounds, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Benzoic acid esters, nesoi
Benzoyl peroxide
Benzoyl chloride
Phenylacetic acid (alpha-Toluic acid)
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of phenylacetic acid and its salts
Phenylacetic acid salts, nesoi, described in additional US note 3 to section VI Phenylacetic acid salts, nesoi
Benzoic anhydride; tert-butyl peroxybenzoate; p-nitrobenzoyl chloride; 2-nitro-m-toluic acid; and 3-nitro-o-toluic acid
Specified derivatives of benzoic and toluic acids
Cinnamic acid
4-Chloro-3-nitrobenzoic acid
4-Chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid and its esters
2916.39.15 Ibuprofen
2916.39.16 2916.39.17 2916.39.21
2916.39.77 2916.39.79
2917.11.00 2917.12.10 2917.12.20 2917.12.50 2917.13.00 2917.14.10
4-Chlorobenzoic acid
2,2-Dichlorophenylacetic acid ethyl ester and m-toluic acid
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of aromatic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and derivatives
Aromatic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and derivatives described in add'l US note 3 to section VI
Phenylacetic acid esters, nesoi
Other aromatic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives
Oxalic acid, its salts and esters
Adipic acid
Plasticizers of adipic acid salts and esters
Adipic acid salts and esters, nesoi
Azelaic acid, sebacic acid, their salts and esters
Maleic anhydride derived in whole or in part from benzene or other aromatic hydrocarbons
HTSUS Subheading
2917.19.10 2917.19.15 2917.19.17 2917.19.20
2917.19.23 2917.19.27
2917.19.30 2917.19.35 2917.19.40
2917.19.70 2917.20.00
2917.32.00 2917.33.00 2917.34.01 2917.35.00 2917.36.00 2917.37.00 2917.39.04
2917.39.08 2917.39.12 2917.39.15 2917.39.17 2917.39.20
2917.39.30 2917.39.70
2918.11.10 2918.11.51 2918.12.00 2918.13.10 2918.13.20 2918.13.30 2918.13.50 2918.14.00 2918.15.10 2918.15.50 2918.16.10
Product Description
Maleic anhydride, except derived in whole or in part from benzene or other aromatic hydrocarbons
Ferrous fumarate
Fumaric acid, derived in whole or in part from aromatic hydrocarbons
Fumaric acid except derived in whole or in part from aromatic hydrocarbons
Specified acyclic polycarboxylic acids and their derivatives, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Maleic acid
Succinic acid, glutaric acid, and their derivatives, and derivatives of adipic, fumeric and maleic acids, nesoi
Ethylene brassylate
Malonic acid
Acyclic polycarboxylic acids, derived from aromatic hydrocarbons, and their derivatives, nesoi
Acyclic polycarboxylic acids and derivative (excluding plasticizers)
Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives
Dioctyl orthophthalates
Dinonyl or didecyl orthophthalates
Esters of orthophthalic acid, nesoi
Phthalic anhydride
Terephthalic acid and its salts
Dimethyl terephthalate
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid,1,2-dianhydride(trimellitic anhydride);naphthalic anhydride;phthalic acid;& 4-sulfo-1,8-naphthalic anhydride
Naphthalic anhydride
4,4'-(Hexafluoroisopropyl-indene)bis(phthalic anhydride)
Isophthalic acid
Tetrabromophthalic anhydride
Plasticizers of aromatic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives
Aromatic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives nesoi, in add. U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
Other aromatic polycarboxylic acids and their derivatives (excluding those described in additional US note 3 to section VI
Lactic acid
Salts and esters of lactic acid
Tartaric acid
Potassium antimony tartrate (Tartar emetic)
Potassium bitartrate (Cream of tartar)
Potassium sodium tartrate (Rochelle salts)
Salts and esters of tartaric acid, nesoi
Citric acid
Sodium citrate
Salts and esters of citric acid, except sodium citrate
Gluconic acid
HTSUS Subheading
2918.16.50 2918.17.00 2918.18.00 2918.19.11 2918.19.12 2918.19.15 2918.19.20
2918.19.60 2918.19.90
2918.21.10 2918.21.50 2918.23.10 2918.23.20
2918.23.30 2918.23.50 2918.29.04
Product Description
Salts and esters of gluconic acid
2,2-Diphenyl-2-hydroxyacetic acid (benzilic acid)
Chlorobenzilate (ISO)
Benzilic acid, methyl ester
Phenylglycolic acid (Mandelic acid)
Phenylglycolic (Mandelic) acid salts and esters
Aromatic carboxylic acids with alcohol function, w/o other oxygen functions, and their derivatives, described in add. U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
Aromatic carboxylic acids with alcohol function, without other oxygen functions, and their derivatives, nesoi
Malic acid
Nonaromatic carboxylic acids with alcohol function, without other oxygen function, and their derivatives, nesoi
Salicylic acid and its salts, suitable for medicinal use
Salicylic acid and its salts, not suitable for medicinal use
Salol (Phenyl salicylate) suitable for medicinal use
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of other esters of salicyclic acid and their salts, nesoi
Esters of salicylic acid and their salts, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI Esters of salicylic acid and their salts, nesoi
2,3-Cresotic acid; m-hydroxybenzoic acid;2-hydroxybenzoic acid, calcium salt; and other specified carboxylic acids w/phenol function
2918.29.06 1,6-hexanediol-bis(3,5-dibutyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate
2918.29.08 2918.29.20 2918.29.22 2918.29.25 2918.29.30 2918.29.39 2918.29.65
2918.30.10 2918.30.15
2918.30.25 2918.30.30 2918.30.70 2918.30.90
2918.91.00 2918.99.05
m-Hydroxybenzoic acid
Gentisic acid; and hydroxycinnamic acid and its salts
p-Hydroxybenzoic acid
3-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid
Gallic acid
4,4-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-pentanoic acid; and 3,5,6-triclorosalicylic acid
Carboxylic acids with phenol function but w/o other oxygen function, described in add'l. U.S. note 3 to section VI
Other carboxylic acids w/phenol function but w/o other oxygen function & their derivatives (excluding goods of add. US note 3 to section VI)
1-Formylphenylacetic acid, methyl ester 2-Chloro-4,5-difluoro-beta-oxobenzenepropanoic acid, ethyl ester; and ethyl 2-keto-4- phenylbutanoate
Aromatic carboxylic acids w/aldehyde or ketone function but w/o other oxygen function & their deriv desc. in add US note 3 to sec VI, nesoi
Aromatic carboxylic acids with aldehyde or ketone function, but without other oxygen function, and derivatives, nesoi
Dimethyl acetyl succinate; oxalacetic acid diethyl ester sodium salt; 4,4,4-trifluoro-3- oxobutanoic acid, both ethyl & methyl ester versions
Non-aromatic carboxylic acids w/aldehyde or ketone function but w/o other oxygen func. their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, etc derivatives
2, 4, 5-T (ISO) (2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid), its salts and esters
p-Anisic acid; clofibrate and 3-phenoxybenzoic acid
HTSUS Subheading
2918.99.06 2918.99.18 2918.99.20 2918.99.35 2918.99.43 2918.99.47 2918.99.50
2919.10.00 2919.90.15 2919.90.25 2919.90.30
2920.11.00 2920.19.10 2920.19.40
2920.21.00 2920.22.00 2920.23.00 2920.24.00 2920.29.00
2920.30.00 2920.90.10
2920.90.20 2920.90.51
2921.11.00 2921.12.01 2921.13.00 2921.14.00 2921.19.11
Product Description
1-Hydroxy-6-octadecyloxy-2-naphthalenccarboxylic acid; and 1-hydroxy-6-docosyloxy-2- naphthalene carboxylic acid
4-(4-Chloro-2-methyl-phenoxy)butyric acid; p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid; and 2-(2,4- dichlorophenoxy)propionic acid
Aromatic pesticides, derived from carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function, and their derivatives, nesoi
Odoriferous or flavoring compounds of carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function, and their derivatives, nesoi
Aromatic carboxylic acids with add'l oxygen function and their anhydrides, halide, etc deriv described in add US note 3 to sect VI, nesoi
Other aromatic carboxylic acids with add'l oxygen function and their anhydrides, halide, etc deriv (exclud goods in add US note 3 to sec VI)
Nonaromatic carboxylic acids with additional oxygen function, and their derivatives, nesoi
Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl phosphate)
Triphenyl phosphate plasticizers
Other aromatic plasticizers
Aromatic phosphoric esters and their salts, including lactophosphates, and their derivatives, not used as plasticizers
Nonaromatic phosphoric esters and their salts, including lactophosphates, and their derivatives
Parathion (ISO) and parathion-methyl (ISO) (methyl-parathion) O,O-Dimethyl-O-(4-nitro-m-tolyl)-phosphorothioate (Fenitrothion)
Other aromatic thiophosphoric esters (phosphorothioates) and their salts; their halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Nonaromatic phosphorothioates, their salts and halogenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, nesoi
Dimethyl phosphite
Diethyl phosphite
Trimethyl phosphite
Triethyl phosphite
Other phosphite esters and their salts; their haolgenated, sulfonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
Endosulfan (ISO)
Aromatic pesticides of esters of other inorganic acids (excluding hydrogen halides), their salts and their derivatives
Aromatic esters of other inorganic acids (excluding hydrogen halides) their salts and their derivatives, nesoi
Nonaromatic esters of inorganic acids of nonmetals and their salts and derivatives, excluding esters of hydrogen halides, nesoi
Methylamine, di- or trimethylamine, and their salts
2-(N,N-Dimethylamino)ethyl chloride hydrochloride
2-(N,N-Diethylamino)ethyl chloride hydrochloride
2-(N,N,-Diisopropylamino)ethyl chloride hydrochloride
Mono- and triethylamines; mono-, di-, and tri(propyl- and butyl-) monoamines; salts of any of the foregoing
HTSUS Subheading
2921.19.31 2921.19.61
2921.21.00 2921.22.05 2921.22.10
Product Description
3-Amino-3-methyl-1-butyne; (Dimethylamino)isopropyl chloride hydrochloride N,N-Dialkyl (methyl, ethyl, N-Propyl or Isopropyl)-2-Chloroethylamines and their protonated salts; Acylcic monoamines and their derivatives, nesoi Ethylenediamine and its salts
Hexamethylenediamine adipate (Nylon salt)
Hexamethylenediamine and its salts (except Nylon salt), derived in whole or in part from adipic acid
Hexamethylenediamine and its salts (except Nylon salt), not derived in whole or in part from adipic acid
Acyclic polyamines, their derivatives and salts, other than ethylenediamine or hexamethylenediamine and their salts
2921.30.05 1,3-Bis(aminoethyl)cyclohexane
2921.41.10 Aniline
Cyclanic, cyclenic, cycloterpenic mono- or polyamines, derivatives and salts, from any aromatic compound desc in add US note 3, sec. VI
Cyclanic, cyclenic, cycloterpenic mono- or polyamines and their derivative, deriv from any aromatic cmpd (excl goods in add US note 3 sec VI
Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic mono- or polyamines, and their derivatives and salts, from any nonaromatic compounds
2921.42.10 N,N-Dimethylaniline
Aniline salts
N-Ethylaniline and N,N-diethylaniline
2921.42.16 2,4,5-Trichloroaniline
o-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid; 6-chlorometanilic acid; 2-chloro-5-nitroaniline; 4-chloro- 3-nitroaniline; dichloroanilines; and other specified
Metanilic acid
Sulfanilic acid
2921.42.23 3,4-Dichloroaniline
2921.42.55 2921.42.65 2921.42.90 2921.43.04 2921.43.08
m-Chloroaniline;2-chloro-4-nitroaniline;2,5-dicholoraniline-4-sulfonic acid & its monosodium salt; & other specified aniline derivatives
Fast color bases of aniline derivatives and their salts
Aniline derivatives and their salts of products in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI Other aniline derivatives and their salts
3-Chloro-o-toluidine; and 6-chloro-o-toluidine
4-Chloro-o-toluidine hydrochloride; 5-chloro-o-o-toluidine; 6-chloro-2-toluidine-sulfonic acid; 4-chloro-a,a,a-trifluoro-o-toluidine;& other alpha,alpha,alpha-Trifluoro-2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-p-toluidine (Trifluralin) alpha,alpha,alpha-Trifluoro-o-toluidine; alpha,alpha,alpha-trifluoro-6-chloro-m-toluidine
2921.43.22 N-Ethyl-N-(2-methyl-2-propenyl)-2,6-dinitro-4-(trifluoromethyl)benzenamine
2921.43.24 2921.43.40
2-Amino-5-chloro-4-ethyl-benzenesulfonic acid; 2-amino-5-chloro-p-toluenesulfonic acid; p-nitro-o-toluidine; and 3-(trifluoromethyl)aniline
Toluidines and their derivatives; salts thereof; described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Other toluidines and their derivatives; and salts thereof, nesoi 4,4'-Bis(alpha,alpha-dimethlbenzyl)diphenylamine; and N-nitrosodiphenylamine
2921.44.10 Nitrosodiphenylamine
HTSUS Subheading
2921.45.20 2921.45.25
2921.45.90 2921.49.10
Product Description
Diphenylamine and its derivatives (except nitrodiphenylamine); salts thereof, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Diphenylamine and its derivatives; salts thereof; excluding goods in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
7-Amino-1,3-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, specified naphthalenesulfonic acids and their salts; N-phenyl-2-napthylamine
Specified aromatic monoamines and their derivatives; salts thereof
Mixture of 5- & 8-amino-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid;2-naphthalamine-o-sulfonic acid;& o-naphthionic acid (1-amino-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid)
Aromatic monoamines and their derivatives and salts described in additional US note 3 to section VI, nesoi
Aromatic monoamines and their derivatives and salts thereof nesoi 4-Amino-2-stilbenesulfonic acid and its salts, p-ethylaniline; 2,4,6-trimethylaniline (Mesidine); and specified xylidines
2921.49.15 m-Nitro-p-toluidine
2921.49.50 2921.51.10
2921.59.04 2921.59.08
Aromatic monoamines and their derivatives nesoi; salts thereof, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic monoamines and their derivatives and salts thereof, nesoi 4-Amino-2-(N,N-diethylamino)toluene hydrochloride; m- and o-phenylenediamine; toluene-2,4- and -2,5-diamine; and toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate
Photographic chemicals of o-, m-, p-phenylenediamine, diaminotoluenes, and their derivatives, and salts thereof
o-, m-, p-Phenylenediamine, diaminotoluenes, and their derivatives, and salts thereof, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
o-, m-, p-Phenylenediamine, and diaminotoluenes and their derivatives, and salts thereof, nesoi
1,8-diaminonaphthalene (1,8-naphthalenediamino) 5-Amino-2-(p-aminoanilino)benzenesulfonic acid; 4,4-diamino-3-biphenylsulfonic acid; 3,3-dimethylbenzidine (o-tolidine); & other specified
4,4'-Benzidine-2,2'-disulfonic acid;1,4-diaminobenzene-2-sulfonic acid;4,4'- methylenebis-(2,6-diethylaniline);m-xylenediamine; and 1 other 4,4'-Diamino-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid
2921.59.30 4,4'-Methylenedianiline
Aromatic polyamines and their derivatives and salts thereof, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic polyamines and their derivatives; salts thereof nesoi
Monoethanolamine and its salts
2922.15.00 Triethanolamine
Diethanolamine and its salts
Diethylammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate Methyldiethanolamine and ethyldiethanolamine
2922.18.00 2-(N,N-Diisopropylamino)ethanol
2922.21.10 2922.21.25
1-Amino-8-hydroxy-3,6-naphthalenedisulfonic acid; and other specified aminohydroxynaphthalenesulfonic acids and their salts 1-Amino-8-hydroxy-4,6-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, monosodium salts
HTSUS Subheading
2922.21.50 2922.29.03 2922.29.06 2922.29.08 2922.29.10
2922.29.13 2922.29.15
2922.29.20 2922.29.26 2922.29.27
2922.39.05 2922.39.10
Product Description
Aminohydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acids and their salts of products described in additional US note 3 to section VI
Aminohydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acids and their salts, nesoi
o-Anisidine; p-anisidine; and p-phenetidine
m-Nitro-p-anisidine and m-nitro-o-anisidine as fast color bases m-Nitro-p-anisidine and m-nitro-o-anisidine, nesoi 2-Amino-6-chloro-4-nitrophenol and other specified amino-naphthols and amino- phenols, their ethers and esters; salts thereof
o-Aminophenol; and 2,2-bis-[4-(4-aminophenoxy)phenyl]propane m-Diethylaminophenol; m-dimethylaminophenol; 3-ethylamino-p-cresol; and 5- methoxy-m-phenylenediamine
4-Chloro-2,5-dimethoxyaniline; and 2,4-dimethoxyaniline
Amino-naphthols and other amino-phenols and their derivatives used as fast color bases Drugs of amino-naphthols and -phenols, their ethers and esters, except those cont. more than one oxygen function; salts thereof, nesoi
Photographic chemicals of amino-naphthols and -phenols, their ethers/esters, except those cont. more than one oxygen function; salts, nesoi
Amino-naphthols and other amino-phenols and their derivatives of products described in add'l U.S. note 3 to section VI
Amino-naphthols and other amino-phenols; their ethers, esters & salts (not containing more than one oxygen function) thereof nesoi
1-Amino-2,4-dibromoanthraquinone; and 2-Amino-5-chlorobenzophenone 2'-Aminoacetophenone & other specified aromatic amino-aldehydes, -ketones and - quinones, other than those with more than one oxygen function
2922.39.14 2-Aminoanthraquinone 2922.39.17
2922.39.25 2922.39.45 2922.39.50
2922.42.10 2922.42.50 2922.43.10 2922.43.50 2922.49.05 2922.49.10
2922.49.26 2922.49.30 2922.49.37 2922.49.43
Aromatic amino-aldehydes, -ketones and -quinones, other than those with more than one oxygen function; salts; desc in add US note 3 sec VI
Aromatic amino-aldehydes, -ketones and -quinones, other than those with more than one oxygen function; salts thereof; nesoi
Nonaromatic amino-aldehydes, -ketones and -quinones, other than those with more than one kind of oxygen function, salts thereof; nesoi
Monosodium glutamate
Glutamic acid and its salts, other than monosodium glutamate
Anthranilic acid and its salts, described in additional US note 3 to section VI Anthranilic acid and its salts, nesoi
(R)-alpha-Aminobenzeneacetic acid; and 2-amino-3-chlorobenzoic acid, methyl ester m-Aminobenzoic acid, technical; and other specified aromatic amino-acids and their esters, except those with more than one oxygen function
Aromatic amino-acids drugs and their esters, not containing more than one kind of oxygen function, nesoi
Aromatic amino-acids and their esters, excl. those with more than one oxygen function; salts; described in add. U.S. note 3 to sect VI
Aromatic amino-acids and their esters, not contng more than 1 kind of oxygen function (excluding goods in add U.S. note 3 to sec VI), nesoi
Glycine (aminoacetic acid)
HTSUS Subheading
2923.10.00 2923.20.10
Product Description
Nonaromatic amino-acids, other than those containing more than one kind of oxygen function, other than glycine
3-Aminocrotonic acid, methyl ester; and (R)-alpha-amino-1,4-cyclohexadiene-1-acetic acid
Non-aromatic esters of amino-acids, other than those containing more than one kind of oxygen function; salts thereof
Choline and its salts
Purified egg phospholipids, pharmaceutical grade meeting requirements of the U.S. FDA for use in intravenous fat emulsion
Lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids, nesoi
Tetraethylammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate
Didecylmethylammonium perfluorooctane sulfonate
Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides, whether or not chemically defined, nesoi Fluoroacetamide (ISO), monocrotophos (ISO) and phosphamidon (ISO)
Acyclic amides (including acyclic carbamates)
Acyclic amide derivatives; salts thereof; nesoi 3-(p-Chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (Monuron) 1,1-Diethyl-3-(alpha,alpha,alpah-trifluoro-m-tolyl)urea (Fluometuron)
2924.21.12 1-(2-Methylcyclohexyl)-3-phenylurea
Aromatic ureines and their derivatives pesticides, nesoi
2924.21.18 sym-Diethyldiphenylurea
2924.21.45 2924.21.50 2924.23.10 2924.23.70 2924.23.75 2924.25.00 2924.29.01
Aromatic ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof; described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof, nesoi
Nonaromatic ureines and their derivatives; and salts thereof
2-Acetamidobenzoic acid
2-Acetamidobenzoic acid salts described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI 2-Acetamidobenzoic acid salts, nesoi
Alachlor (ISO)
p-Acetanisidide; p-acetoacetatoluidide; 4'-amino-N-methylacetanilide; 2,5- dimethoxyacetanilide; and N-(7-hydroxy-1-naphthyl)acetamide
2924.29.03 3,5-Dinitro-o-toluamide
Acetanilide; N-acetylsulfanilyl chloride; aspartame; and 2-methoxy-5-acetamino-N,N- bis(2-acetoxyethyl)aniline
2-Acetamido-3-chloroanthraquinone; o-acetoacetaidide; o-acetoacetotoluidide; 2,4- acetoacetoxylidide; and 1-amino-5-benzamidoanthraquinone
4-Aminoacetanilide; 2-2-oxamidobis[ethyl-3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4- hydroxyphenyl)propionate]; and other specified cyclic amide chemicals
2924.29.26 3-Aminomethoxybenzanilide
2924.29.28 2924.29.31 2924.29.33
N-[[(4-Chlorophenyl)amino]carbonyl]difluorobenzamide; and 3,5-dichloro-N-(1,1- dimethyl-2-propynyl)benzamide (pronamide)
4-Acetamido-2-aminophenol; p-acetaminobenzaldehyde; acetoacetbenzylamide; p- acetoacetophenetidide; N-acetyl-2,6-xylidine; & other specified 3-Hydroxy-2-naphthanilide; 3-hydroxy-2-naphtho-o-toluidide; 3-hydroxy-2-naphtho-o- anisidine; 3-hydroxy-2-naphtho-o-phenetidide; & other
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
3-Ethoxycarbonylaminophenyl-N-phenylcarbamate (desmedipham); and Isopropyl-N-(3- chlorophenyl)carbamate (CIPC)
Other cyclic amides used as pesticides
2924.29.65 5-Bromoacetyl-2-salicylamide
2924.29.80 2,2-Dimethylcyclopropylcarboxamide
Aromatic cyclic amides and their derivatives of products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI, nesoi
Aromatic cyclic amides (incl cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives and salts thereof, nesoi
Other nonaromatic cyclic amides and their derivatives; salts thereof; nesoi Saccharin and its salts
2925.19.10 Ethylenebistetrabromophthalimide
2925.19.30 2925.19.42 2925.19.70 2925.19.91 2925.21.00 2925.29.10
Bis(o-tolyl)carbodiimide; and 2,2,6,6-tetraisopropyldiphenylcarbodiimide
Other aromatic imides and their derivatives; salts thereof; nesoi
N-Chlorosuccinimide; and N,N-ethylenebis(5,6-dibromo-2,3-norbornanedicarbooximide Other non-aromatic imides and their derivatives
Chlordimeform (ISO)
N'-(4-Chloro-o-tolyl)-N,N-dimethylformamidine; bunamidine hydrochloride; and pentamidine
N,N'-diphenylguanidine; 3-dimethylaminomethyleneiminophenol hydrochloride; 1,3-di- o-tolyguandidine; and one other specified chemical
Aromatic drugs of imines and their derivatives, nesoi
Aromatic imines and their derivatives; salts thereof (excluding drugs); nesoi
2925.29.70 Tetramethylguanidine
2926.10.00 Acrylonitrile
Non-aromatic imines and their derivatives; salts thereof
2926.30.20 4-Cyano-2-dimethylamino-4,4-diphenylbutane 2926.90.01
1-Cyanoguanidine (Dicyandiamide) Fenproporex (INN) and its salts
2-Amino-4-chlorobenzonitrile (5-chloro-2-cyanoaniline); 2-amino-5-chlorobenzonitrile;
4-amino-2-chlorobenzonitrile; and others specified 2926.90.08 Benzonitrile
2926.90.11 2,6-Diclorobenzonitrile
Other dichlorobenzonitriles
p-Chlorobenzonitrile and verapamil hydrochloride
Specifically named derivative of dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylic acid
2926.90.17 o-Chlorobenzonitrile
2926.90.19 2926.90.21 2926.90.23 2926.90.25 2926.90.30 2926.90.43
N,N-Bis(2-cyanoethyl)aniline; and 2,6-diflourobenzonitrile Aromatic fungicides of nitrile-function compounds 3,5-Dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile (Bromoxynil) Aromatic herbicides of nitrile-function compounds, nesoi Other aromatic nitrile-function pesticides
Aromatic nitrile-function compounds, nesoi, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
Aromatic nitrile-function compounds other than those products in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI, nesoi
Nonaromatic nitrile-function compounds, nesoi
4-Aminoazobenzenedisulfonic acid, monosodium salt
p-Aminoazobenzenedisulfonic acid; and diazoaminobenzene (1,3-diphenyltriazine)
2927.00.15 1,1'-Azobisformamide
1-Naphthalenesulfonic acid, 6-diazo-5,6-dihydro-5-oxo, ester with phenyl compound; and three other specified chemicals
Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds used as photographic chemicals
Fast color bases and fast color salts, of diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds
Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds, nesoi, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI Other diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds, nesoi
2928.00.15 Phenylhydrazine
2928.00.25 2928.00.30
2928.00.50 2929.10.10 2929.10.15 2929.10.20 2929.10.27
Aromatic organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine
Nonaromatic drugs of organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine, other than Methyl ethyl ketoxime
Nonaromatic organic derivatives of hydrazine or of hydroxylamine, nesoi Toluenediisocyanates (unmixed)
Mixtures of 2,4- and 2,6-toluenediisocyanates
Bitolylene diisocyanate (TODI); o-Isocyanic acid, o-tolyl ester; and Xylene diisocyanate N-Butylisocyanate; cyclohexyl isocyanate; 1-isocyanato-3-(trifluoromethyl)benzene; 1,5- naphthalene diisocyanate; and octadecyl isocyanate
2929.10.30 3,4-Dichlorophenylisocyanate
2929.10.35 2929.10.55 2929.10.80 2929.90.05
1,6-Hexamethylene diisocyanate
Isocyanates of products described in additioonal U.S. note 3 to sect VI
Other isocyanates, nesoi
2,2-Bis(4-cyanatophenyl)-1,1,1,3,3,3,-hexafluoropropane; 2,2-bis(4- cyanatophenyl)propane; 1,1-ethylidenebis(phenyl-4-cyanate); and 2 others
Other aromatic compounds with other nitrogen function of products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic compounds with other nitrogen function, nesoi
Nonaromatic compounds with other nitrogen functions, except isocyanates Aromatic pesticides of thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates
Aromatic compounds of thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates, excluding pesticides
2930.20.70 S-(2,3,3-trichloroallyl)diisopropylthiocarbamate
2930.40.00 Methionine
2930.60.00 2-(N,N-Diethylamino)ethanethiol
Other non-aromatic thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates
Tetramethylthiuram monosulfide
Thiuram mono-, di- or tetrasulfides, other than tetramethylthiuram monosulfide
Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)sulfide (thiodiglycol (INN))
Aldicarb (ISO), captafol (ISO) and methamidophos (ISO) Aromatic pesticides of organo-sulfur compounds, nesoi
2930.90.24 N-Cyclohexylthiophthalimide
3-(4-Aminobenzamido)phenyl-beta-hydroxyethylsulfone; 2-[(4- aminophenyl)sulfonyl]ethanol, hydrogen sulfate ester; diphenylthiourea; & others
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
Other aromatic organo-sulfur compounds (excluding pesticides) Thiocyanates, thiurams and isothiocyanates O,O-Dimethyl-S-methylcarbamoylmethyl phosphorodithioate; and malathion Other non-aromatic organo-sulfur compounds used as pesticides dl(underscored)-Hydroxy analog of dl(underscored)-methionine Nonaromatic organo-sulfur acids, nesoi
2930.90.71 Dibutylthiourea
Other non-aromatic organo-sulfur compounds Tetramethyl lead & tetraethyl lead
Tributyltin compounds
Dimethyl methylphosphonate
2931.35.00 2,4,6-Tripropyl-1,3,5,2,4,6-trioxatriphosphinane-2,4,6-trioxide
Dimethyl propylphosphonate
Diethyl ethylphosphonate
Sodium 3-(trihydroxysilyl)propyl methylphosphonate
2931.36.00 2931.37.00 2931.38.00 2931.39.00 2931.90.05 2931.90.15 2931.90.22 2931.90.26 2931.90.30
(5-Ethyl-2-methyl-2-oxido-1,3,2-dioxaphosphinan-5-yl)methyl methylphosphonate Bis[(5-ethyl-2-methyl-2-oxido-1,3,2-dioxaphosphinan-5-yl)methyl] methylphosphonate Salt of methylphosphonic acid and (aminoiminiomethyl)urea (1:1)
Other organo-phosphorous derivatives, nesoi
Diphenyldichlorosilane; and phenyltrichlorosilane
Sodium tetraphenylboron
Drugs of aromatic organo-inorganic (except organo-sulfur) compounds
Pesticides of aromatic organo-inorganic (except organo-sulfur) compounds
Aromatic organo-inorganic compounds, nesoi, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Other aromatic organo-inorganic compounds (excluding products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI) N,N'-Bis(trimethylsilyl)urea;2-Phosphonobutane-1,2,4-tricarboxylic acid and its salts; and one other specified chemical
Other non-aromatic organo-inorganic compounds
2932.11.00 Tetrahydrofuran
2932.14.00 Sucralose
2-Furaldehyde (Furfuraldehyde)
Furfuryl alcohol and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol
2932.19.10 2932.19.51
Aromatic heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only, containing an unfused furan ring, nesoi
Nonaromatic compounds containing an unfused furan ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the ring
2932.91.00 Isosafrole
2932.92.00 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)propan-2-one
2932.94.00 Safrole
Piperonal (heliotropin)
Tetrahydrocannabinols (all isomers) 2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-benzodioxol-4-yl methylcarbamate (Bendiocarb)
2932.99.08 2-Ethoxy-2,3-dihydro-3,3-dimethyl-5-benzofuranylmethanesulfonate
Aromatic pesticides of heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
2932.99.32 2932.99.35 2932.99.39 2932.99.55
2932.99.70 2932.99.90 2933.19.04
2933.19.15 2933.19.18
Product Description
Benzofuran (Coumarone); and Dibenzofuran (Diphenylene oxide) 2-Hydroxy-3-dibenzofurancarboxylic acid
Benzointetrahydropyranyl ester; and Xanthen-9-one Bis-O-[(4-methylphenyl)methylene]-D-glucitol (Dimethylbenzylidene sorbitol); and Rhodamine 2C base
Aromatic heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only, nesoi Nonaromatic heterocyclic compounds with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only, nesoi Aminoethylphenylpyrazole (phenylmethylaminopyrazole); 3-methyl-1-(p-tolyl)-2- pyrazolin-5-one (p-tolylmethylpyrazolone) 3-(5-Amino-3-methyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonic acid; amino-J-pyrazolone; and another 12 specified chemicals
1,2-Dimethyl-3,5-diphenyl-1H-pyrazolium methyl sulfate (difenzoquat methyl sulfate) 2-Chloro-5-sulfophenylmethylpyrazolone; phenylcarbethyoxypyrazolone; and 3 other specified chemicals
Aromatic or modified aromatic pesticides containing an unfused pyrazole ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure
Aromatic or modified aromatic photographic chemicals containing an unfused pyrazole ring (whether or n/hydrogenated) in the structure, nesoi
Aromatic or modified aromatic drugs of heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero- atom(s) only containing an unfused pyrazole ring
Aromatic or mod. aromatic compound desc in add US note 3 to section VI contain an unfused pyrazole ring (w/wo hydrogenated) in the structure
Aromatic or modified aromatic compounds (excluding products in add US note 3 to sec VI) containing an unfused pyrazole ring in the structure
Nonaromatic drugs of heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only containing an unfused pyrazole ring
2933.19.70 3-Methyl-5-pyrazolone
2933.21.00 2933.29.05
Other compound (excluding aromatic, modified aromatic & drugs) containing unfused pyrazole ring (whether or n/hydrogenated) in the structure
Hydantoin and its derivatives 1-[1-((4-Chloro-2-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)imino)-2-propoxyethyl]-1H-imidazole (triflumizole); and ethylene thiourea
2933.29.10 2-Phenylimidazole
2933.29.60 Imidazole
Aromatic or modified aromatic drugs of heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero- atom(s) only cont. an unfused imidazole ring
Aromatic or mod. aromatic goods in add US note 3 to sect VI containing an unfused imidazole ring (whether or n/hydrogenated) in structure
Aromatic or mod aromatic goods contng unfused imidazole ring (whether or n/hydrogenated) in the structure (exc prod in add US note 3 sec VI)
Nonaromatic drugs of heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only, containing an unfused imidazole ring, nesoi
Other compounds (excluding drugs, aromatic and modified aromatic compounds) containing an unfused imidazole ring (whether or n/hydrogenated)
Pyridine and its salts
2933.32.10 Piperidine
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
2933.61.00 Melamine
2933.69.20 2,4-Diamino-6-phenyl-1,3,5-triazine 2933.69.50
Piperidine salts
Other compounds containing an unfused triazine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure
6-Hexanelactam (epsilon-Caprolactam)
2933.79.04 2,4-Dihydro-3,6-diphenylpyrrolo-(3,4-C)pyrrole-1,4-dione
Aromatic or modified aromatic lactams with nitrogen hetero-atoms only described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic or modified aromatic lactams, nesoi
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone; and 2-pyrrolidone
N-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone, monomer
12-Aminododecanoic acid lactam
Aromatic or modified aromatic lactams with nitrogen hetero-atoms only, nesoi
2933.92.00 Azinphos-methyl
2934.10.10 2934.10.20 2934.10.70 2934.10.90
Aromatic or modified aromatic heterocyclic compounds cont. an unfused thiazole ring, described in add. U.S. note 3 to section VI
Aromatic or modified aromatic heterocyclic compounds, nesoi, containing an unfused thiazole ring
4,5-Dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one; thiothiamine hydrochloride; and 4 other specified chemicals
Other compounds (excluding aromatic or modified aromatic) containing an unfused thiazole ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure
2934.20.05 N-tert-Butyl-2-benzothiazolesulfenamide 2934.20.10
2934.20.15 2934.20.20 2934.20.25
2934.20.35 2934.20.40
2-Mercaptobenzothiazole; and N-(Oxydiethylene)benzothiazole-2-sulfenamide 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole, sodium salt (2-Benzothiazolethiol, sodium salt) 2-Amino-5,6-dichlorobenzothiazole; 2-amino-6-nitrobenzothiazole; and 2 other specified chemicals
2-Amino-6-methoxybenzothiazole and other specified heterocyclic compounds, cont. a benzothiazole ring-system, not further fused
Pesticides containing a benzothiazole ring-system, not further fused
Heterocyclic compounds containing a benzothiazole ring-system, not further fused, described in add. U.S. note 3 to section VI
2940.00.20 D-Arabinose
Other compounds containing a benzothiazole ring system (whether or not hydrogenated), not further fused
Other alkaloids, natural or reproduced by synthesis and their salts, ethers, esters & other derivatives, nesoi
2940.00.60 2942.00.03
2942.00.05 2942.00.10
Other sugars, nesoi excluding d-arabinose [2,2'-Thiobis(4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-n-butyl)phenolato)(2,1)]-O,O',S-s(1-butanamine), nickel II
Aromatic or modified aromatic drugs of other organic compounds, nesoi
Aromatic or modified aromatic organic compounds, nesoi, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
HTSUS Subheading
2942.00.50 3101.00.00
3102.10.00 3102.21.00 3102.29.00 3102.30.00 3102.40.00
3102.50.00 3102.60.00 3102.80.00 3102.90.01
3103.19.00 3103.90.01 3104.20.00 3104.30.00 3104.90.01 3105.10.00
3105.30.00 3105.40.00
3105.51.00 3105.59.00
3105.60.00 3105.90.00
3201.10.00 3201.20.00 3201.90.10 3201.90.25
3201.90.50 3202.10.10
Product Description
Other aromatic or modified aromatic organic compounds (excluding products described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI)
Nonaromatic organic compounds, nesoi
Animal or vegetable fertilizers; fertilizers produced by the mixing or chemical treatment of animal or vegetable products
Urea, whether or not in aqueous solution
Ammonium sulfate
Double salts and mixtures of ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate
Ammonium nitrate, whether or not in aqueous solution
Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate or other inorganic nonfertilizing substances
Sodium nitrate
Double salts and mixtures of calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate
Mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate in aqueous or ammoniacal solution
Mineral or chemical fertilizers, nitrogenous, nesoi, including mixtures not specified elsewhere in heading 3102
Superphosphates containing by weight 35% or more of diphosphorous pentaoxide (P2O5)
Superphosphates nesoi
Mineral or chemical fertilizers, phosphatic
Potassium chloride
Potassium sulfate
Mineral or chemical fertilizers, potassic, nesoi
Fertilizers of chapter 31 in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight not exceeding 10 kg
Mineral or chemical fertilizers nesoi, containing the three fertilizing elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (Diammonium phosphate)
Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate (Monoammonium phosphate), mixtures thereof with diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (Diammonium phosphate)
Mineral or chemical fertilizers nesoi, containing nitrates and phosphates
Mineral or chemical fertilizers nesoi, containing the two fertilizing elements nitrogen and phosphorus
Mineral or chemical fertilizers nesoi, containing the two fertilizing elements phosphorous and potassium
Mineral or chemical fertilizers cont. two or three of the fertilizing elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, nesoi
Quebracho tanning extract
Wattle tanning extract
Tannic acid, containing by weight 50 percent or more of tannic acid
Tanning extracts of canaigre,chestnut curupay,divi- divi,eucalyptus,gambier,hemlock,larch,mangrove,myrobalan,oak,sumac,tara,urunday,va lonia
Tanning extracts of vegetable origin nesoi; tannins and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives
Aromatic or modified aromatic synthetic organic tanning substances
HTSUS Subheading
3202.10.50 3202.90.10
3203.00.10 3203.00.30
3203.00.80 3204.11.10 3204.11.15 3204.11.18
3204.11.35 3204.11.50 3204.12.05 3204.12.13 3204.12.17
3204.12.30 3204.12.45
3204.12.50 3204.13.10 3204.13.20 3204.13.25 3204.13.45 3204.13.60 3204.13.80 3204.14.10 3204.14.20 3204.14.25 3204.14.30
3204.14.50 3204.15.10
3204.15.20 3204.15.25 3204.15.30 3204.15.35
Product Description
Synthetic organic tanning substances, nonaromatic
Tanning substances, tanning preparations and enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning consisting wholly of inorganic substances
Tanning substances, tanning preparations and enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning, nesoi
Coloring matter of annato, archil, cochineal, cudbear, litmus and marigold meal Mixtures of 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-2,4,6,-trihydroxypphenylmethanone and 2-(2,4- dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one
Coloring matter of vegetable or animal origin, nesoi
Disperse blue 19 and other specified dispersed dyes and preparations based thereon Disperse blue 30 and preparations based thereon N-[2-[2,6-Dicyano-4-methylphenylazo]-5-(diethylamino)phenyl]methanesulfonamide; and 1 other specified disperse dye
Disperse dyes described in add'l U.S. note 3 to section VI
Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon, nesoi
Acid black 210 powder and presscake
Acid violet 19
Acid dyes, whether or not premetallized, and preparations based thereon, acid black 31, and other specified acid or mordant dyes
Acid black 61 and other specified acid and mordant dyes and preparations based thereon
Mordant black 75, blue 1, brown 79, red 81, 84 and preparations based thereon
Acid dyes, whether or not premetallized, and preparations based thereon, described in add'l U.S. note 3 to section VI
Synthetic acid and mordant dyes and preparations based thereon, nesoi
Basic black 7 and other specified basic dyes and preparations based thereon
Basic orange 22, basic red 13 dyes, and preparations based thereon
Basic blue 3; basic red 14; and basic yellow 1, 11, 13; and preparations based thereon 3,7-Bis(dimethylamino)phenazathionium chloride (methylene blue); and basic blue 147 Basic dyes and preparations based thereon, described in add'l U.S note 3 to section VIvi Basic dyes and preparations based thereon, nesoi
Direct black 62 and other specified basic dyes and preparations based thereon
Direct black 51 and other specified basic dyes and preparations based thereon
Direct blue 86; direct red 83; direct yellow 28 dyes; and preparations based thereon Direct dyes nesoi, and preparations based thereon, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Direct dyes and preparations based thereon, nesoi
Vat blue 1 (synthetic indigo) dye, "Colour Index No. 73000" and preparations based thereon
Vat brown 3; vat orange 2, 7; and vat violet 9, 13 dyes and preparations based thereon Vat red 1
Solubilized vat blue 5 and specified solubilized vat dyes and preparations based thereon Solubilized vat orange 3, vat blue 2, vat red 44; and vat yellow 4, 20 and preparations based thereon
Vat dyes (incl. those usable as pigments) and preparations based thereon, described in add. U.S. note 3 to sec. VI
HTSUS Subheading
3204.15.80 3204.16.10
3204.16.20 3204.16.30
3204.16.50 3204.17.04
3204.17.08 3204.17.20 3204.17.40
3204.17.90 3204.19.06 3204.19.11 3204.19.20
3204.19.25 3204.19.30
3204.19.35 3204.19.40
Product Description
Vat dyes (including those usable in that state as pigments) and preparations based thereon, nesoi
Reactive black 1; blue 1, 2, 4; orange 1; red 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; and yellow 1; and preparations based thereon
Specified reactive dye mixtures and preparations based thereon
Reactive dyes and preparations based thereon nesoi, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Synthetic reactive dyes and preparations based thereon, nesoi
Pigments and preparations based thereon, pigment black 1, and other specified pigments, nesoi
Pigment red 178; pigment yellow 101, 138
Copper phthalocyanine ([Phthalocyanato(2-)]copper) not ready for use as a pigment Pigments and preparations based thereon, isoindoline red pigment; pigment red 242, 245; pigment yellow 155, 183, nesoi
Pigments and preparations based thereon, products described in add'l U.S. note 3 to section VI, nesoi
Other pigments and preparations based thereon, nesoi
Solvent yellow 43, 44, 85, 172
Solvent black 2 and other specified solvent dyes and preparations based thereon Solvent dyes and preparations based thereon, products described in add'l U.S. note 3 to section VI
Solvent dyes and preparations based thereon nesoi
Sulfur black, "Colour Index Nos. 53185, 53190 and 53195" and preparations based thereon
Beta-carotene and other carotenoid coloring matter
Synthetic organic coloring matter and preparations based thereon, nesoi, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Synthetic organic coloring matter and preparations based thereon nesoi, including mixtures of items from subheading 320411 to 320419
Fluorescent brightening agent 32
Synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents, nesoi Synthetic organic coloring matter or preparations based thereon, nesoi; synthetic organic products used as luminophores
Carmine food coloring solutions, cont cochineal carmine lake and paprika oleoresins, not including any synthetic organic coloring matter
Carmine color lakes and preparations as specified in note 3 to this chapter, nesoi Color lakes and preparations based thereon, described in additional U.S. note 3 to section VI
Color lakes and preparations based thereon, nesoi
Pigments & preparations based on titanium dioxide containing 80 percent or more by weight off titanium dioxide calculated on the dry weight
Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide, nesoi
Pigments and preparations based on chromium compounds
Ultramarine and preparations based thereon
Lithopone and other pigments and preparations based on zinc sulfide
3204.20.40 Benzoxazol
3204.20.80 3204.90.00
3205.00.15 3205.00.40
3205.00.50 3206.11.00
3206.19.00 3206.20.00 3206.41.00 3206.42.00
HTSUS Subheading
3206.49.10 3206.49.20 3206.49.30 3206.49.40 3206.49.55
3206.49.60 3206.50.00 3207.10.00
3207.20.00 3207.30.00
3207.40.10 3207.40.50 3208.10.00
3208.20.00 3208.90.00 3209.10.00 3209.90.00 3210.00.00
3211.00.00 3212.10.00 3212.90.00
3213.10.00 3213.90.00 3214.10.00 3214.90.10 3214.90.50
3215.11.10 3215.11.30 3215.11.90 3215.19.10
Product Description
Concentrated dispersions of pigments in plastics materials
Coloring preparations based on iron oxides, as specified in note 3 to this chapter 32 Coloring preparations based on zinc oxides, as specified in note 3 to this chapter 32 Coloring preparations based on carbon black, as specified in note 3 to this chapter 32 Pigments and preparations based on hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides and ferricyanides)
Coloring matter and preparations, nesoi, as specified in note 3 to this chapter 32 Inorganic products of a kind used as luminophores
Prepared pigments, opacifiers, colors, and similar preparations, of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips), and similar preparations, of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
Liquid lustres and similar preparations, of a kind used in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry
Glass frit and other glass, ground or pulverized
Glass frit and other glass, in the form of granules or flakes
Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on polyesters in a nonaqueous medium
Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on acrylic or vinyl polymers in a nonaqueous medium
Paints and varnishes based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers nesoi, in a nonaqueous medium
Paints and varnishes (including enamels and lacquers) based on acrylic or vinyl polymers in an aqueous medium
Paints and varnishes based on synthetic polymers or chemically modified natural polymers nesoi, in an aqueous medium
Other paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers and distempers) nesoi; prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing leather
Prepared driers for paints and varnishes
Stamping foils
Pigments dispersed in nonaqueous media, in liquid or paste form, used in making paints; dyes & coloring matter packaged for retail sale
Artists', students' or signboard painters' colors, in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles, pans or in similar packings, in sets
Artists', students' or signboard painters' colors, in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles, pans or in similar packings, not in sets
Glaziers' putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics; painters' fillings
Nonrefractory surfacing preparations for facades, indoor walls, floors, ceilings or the like, based on rubber
Nonrefractory surfacing preparations for facades, indoor walls, floors, ceilings or the like, not based on rubber
Printing ink, black, solid, in engineered shapes for apparatus in 8443.31,32,39
Printing ink, black, solid, other
Printing ink, black, not solid, other
Printing ink, not black, solid, in engineered shapes for apparatus in 8443.31,32,39
HTSUS Subheading
3215.19.30 3215.19.90 3215.90.10 3215.90.50 3301.13.00 3302.90.10
3303.00.10 3303.00.20 3303.00.30 3304.10.00 3304.20.00 3304.30.00 3304.91.00 3304.99.10 3304.99.50
Product Description
Printing ink, not black, solid, other Printing ink, not black, not solid Drawing ink
Inks, other than printing or drawing inks Essential oils of lemon
Mixtures of or with a basis of odoriferous substances, used in other than the food or drink industries, zero to 10% alcohol by weight
Mixtures of or with a basis of odoriferous substances, used in other than the food or drink industries, over 10 percent alcohol by weight
Floral or flower waters, not containing alcohol
Perfumes and toilet waters, other than floral or flower waters, not containing alcohol Perfumes and toilet waters, containing alcohol
Lip make-up preparations
Eye make-up preparations
Manicure or pedicure preparations
Beauty or make-up powders, whether or not compressed
Petroleum jelly put up for retail sale
Beauty or make-up preparations & preparations for the care of the skin, excl. medicaments but incl. sunscreen or sun tan preparations, nesoi
3305.10.00 Shampoos
3305.20.00 3305.30.00 3305.90.00 3306.90.00
3307.10.10 3307.10.20 3307.20.00 3307.30.10 3307.30.50 3307.41.00
3307.90.00 3401.11.10 3401.11.50
3401.20.00 3401.30.10
3401.30.50 3402.11.20
Preparations for permanent waving or straightening the hair
Hair lacquers
Preparations for use on the hair, nesoi
Preparations for oral or dental hygiene, including denture fixative pastes and powders, excluding dentifrices
Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations, not containing alcohol Pre-shave, shaving or after-shave preparations, containing alcohol Personal deodorants and antiperspirants
Bath salts, whether or not perfumed
Bath preparations, other than bath salts
"Agarbatti" and other odoriferous preparations which operate by burning, to perfume or deodorize rooms or used during religious rites
Preparations for perfuming or deodorizing rooms, including odoriferous preparations used during religious rites, nesoi
Depilatories and other perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations. nesoi
Castile soap in the form of bars, cakes or molded pieces or shapes
Soap, nesoi; organic surface-active products used as soap, in bars, cakes, pieces, soap- impregnated paper, wadding, felt, for toilet use
Soap; organic surface-active products used as soap, in bars, cakes, pieces; soap- impregnated paper, wadding, felt, not for toilet use
Soap, not in the form of bars, cakes, molded pieces or shapes
Organic surface-active products for wash skin, in liquid or cream, contain any aromatic/mod aromatic surface-active agent, put up for retail
Organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin, in liquid or cream form, put up for retail sale, nesoi
Linear alkylbenzene sulfonates
HTSUS Subheading
3402.11.50 3402.12.10 3402.12.50 3402.13.10 3402.13.20
3402.13.50 3402.19.10
3402.19.50 3402.20.11
3402.90.10 3402.90.30
3402.90.50 3403.11.20
3403.11.40 3403.11.50
3403.91.10 3403.91.50 3404.20.00 3404.90.10 3404.90.51 3405.10.00 3405.20.00
3405.30.00 3405.40.00 3405.90.00 3502.11.00 3502.90.00 3506.10.10
3506.10.50 3506.91.10
Product Description
Anionic, aromatic or modified aromatic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale, nesoi
Nonaromatic anionic organic surface-active agents (other than soap)
Aromatic or modified aromatic cationic organic surface-active agents (other than soap) Nonaromatic cationic organic surface-active agents (other than soap)
Aromatic or modified aromatic nonionic organic surface-active agents (other than soap) Nonaromatic nonionic organic surface-active agents (other than soap) of fatty substances of animal or vegetable origin
Nonaromatic nonionic organic surface-active agents (other than soap), other than of fatty substances of animal or vegetable origin
Aromatic or modified aromatic organic surface-active agents (other than soap) other than anionic, cationic or nonionic
Nonaromatic organic surface-active agents (other than soap) nesoi Surface-active/washing/cleaning preparations containing any aromatic or mod aromatic surface-active agent, put up for retail, not head 3401
Surface-active, washing, and cleaning preparations nesoi, put up for retail sale, not of heading 3401
Synthetic detergents put up for retail sale
Surface-active, washing, and cleaning preparations cont. any aromatic or modified aromatic surface-active agent, put up for retail sale
Surface-active, washing, and cleaning preparations nesoi, put up for retail sale Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, containing 50 but not over 70 percent or more by weight of petroleum oils
Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, containing less than 50 percent by weight of petroleum oils
Preparations for the treatment of leather, furskins, other materials nesoi, containing less than 70% petroleum or bituminous mineral oils
Preparations for the treatment of textile materials, nesoi
Preparations nesoi, for the treatment of leather, furskins or other materials nesoi Artificial waxes and prepared waxes of polyethylene glycol
Artificial waxes and prepared waxes containing bleached beeswax
Artificial waxes and prepared waxes
Polishes, creams and similar preparations for footwear or leather
Polishes, creams and similar preparations for the maintenance of wooden furniture, floors or other woodwork
Polishes and similar preparations for coachwork, other than metal polishes Scouring pastes and powders and other scouring preparations
Polishes, creams and similar preparations for glass or metal
Egg albumin, dried
Albumins, albuminates and other albumin derivatives, nesoi
Animal glue, including casein glue but not including fish glue, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg, put up for retail sale
Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, nesoi, not exceeding 1 kg, put up for retail sale
Adhesive preparations based on rubber or plastics (including artificial resins), optically clear, for flat panel & touchscreen displays
HTSUS Subheading
3506.91.50 3506.99.00
3507.10.00 3507.90.20 3507.90.70 3606.10.00
3701.20.00 3701.30.00
3702.52.01 3702.53.00
3702.54.00 3702.55.00
3702.56.00 3702.96.00
Product Description
Other adhesive preparations based on rubber or plastics (including artificial resins) Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, excluding adhesives based on rubber or plastics, nesoi
Rennet and concentrates thereof
Penicillin G amidase
Enzymes and prepared enzymes, nesoi
Liquid or liquefied-gas fuels in containers used for filling cigarette or similar lighters of a capacity not exceeding 300 cubic cm
Photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitized, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles, for X-ray use
Instant print film in the flat, sensitized, unexposed, whether or not in packs Photographic plates and film nesoi, with any side 255 mm, in the flat, sensitized, unexposed, not of paper, paperboard, or textiles
Photographic plates, film, for color photography, nesoi, in the flat, sensitized, unexposed, not of paper, paperboard, textiles
Photographic dry plates, nesoi, sensitized, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles
Photographic plates and film, nesoi, in the flat, sensitized, unexposed, of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles
Photographic film in rolls, sensitized, unexposed, for X-ray use; of any material other than paper, paperboard or textiles
Film in rolls, for color photography, without sprocket holes, of a width not exceeding 105 mm, sensitized, unexposed
Film in rolls, with silver halide emulsion, without sprocket holes, of a width not exceeding 105 mm, sensitized, unexposed
Film in rolls without sprocket holes, width not exceeding 105 mm, other than color photography or silver halide emulsion film
Film in rolls, without sprocket holes, of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length exceeding 200 m, for color photography
Film in rolls, without sprocket holes, of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length exceeding 200 m, other than for color photography
Film in rolls, without sprocket holes, of a width exceeding 610 mm and of a length not exceeding 200 m
Film in rolls, without sprocket holes, of a width exceeding 105 mm but not exceeding 610 mm
Film for color photography, in rolls, of a width not exceeding 16 mm
Film for color photography, in rolls, exceeding 16 but not 35 mm in width and of a length not exceeding 30 m, for slides
Film for color photography, in rolls, exceeding 16 but not 35 mm in width, of a length not exceeding 30 m, other than for slides
Film for color photography, in rolls, exceeding 16 but not 35 mm in width and of a length exceeding 30 m
Film for color photography, in rolls, of a width exceeding 35 mm
Photographic film nesoi, in rolls, of a width not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m
HTSUS Subheading
3702.98.00 3703.10.30
3703.10.60 3703.20.30 3703.20.60 3703.90.30 3703.90.60
3704.00.00 3705.00.00 3706.10.30
3706.90.00 3707.10.00 3707.90.31 3707.90.32 3707.90.60
3801.10.50 3801.20.00 3801.30.00 3801.90.00
3802.10.00 3802.90.10 3802.90.20 3802.90.50 3803.00.00 3804.00.10 3804.00.50 3805.10.00 3805.90.10 3805.90.50
Product Description
Photographic film nesoi, in rolls, of a width not exceeding 35 mm and of a length exceeding 30 m
Photographic film nesoi, in rolls, of a width exceeding 35 mm
Silver halide photographic papers, sensitized, unexposed, in rolls of a width exceeding 610 mm
Photographic paper (other than silver halide), paperboard and textiles, sensitized, unexposed, in rolls of a width exceeding 610 mm
Silver halide papers, other than in rolls of a width exceeding 610 mm, for color photography, sensitized, unexposed
Photographic paper (not silver halide), paperbd & textiles for color photos, other than in rolls of a width > 610 mm, sensitized, unexposed
Silver halide photographic papers, sensitized, unexposed, not for color photography, other than in rolls of a width exceeding 610 mm
Photographic paper (not silver halide), paperbd, tex., not for color photo, other than in rolls of a width > 610 mm, sensitized, unexposed
Photographic plates, film, paper, paperboard and textiles, exposed but not developed Photographic plates and film, exposed and developed, other than cinematographic film Sound recordings on motion-picture film of a width of 35 mm or more, suitable for use with motion-picture exhibits
Motion-picture film of a width of 35 mm or more, exposed and developed, whether or not incorporating sound track, nesoi
Motion-picture film, exposed and developed, less than 35 mm wide
Sensitizing emulsions, for photographic uses, nesoi
Acid violet 19 for photographic uses
Chemical preparations for photographic uses, nesoi
Unmixed products for photographic uses, put up in measured portions or put up for retail sale in a form ready for use
Artificial graphite plates, rods, powder and other forms, for manufacture into brushes for electric generators, motors or appliances
Artificial graphite, nesoi
Colloidal or semi-colloidal graphite
Carbonaceous pastes for electrodes and similar pastes for furnace linings
Preparations based on graphite or other carbon in the form of pastes, blocks, plates or other semimanufactures, nesoi
Activated carbon
Bone black
Activated clays and activated earths
Activated natural mineral products, nesoi; animal black, including spent animal black Tall oil, whether or not refined
Lignin sulfonic acid and its salts
Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp, nesoi, excluding tall oil
Gum, wood or sulfate turpentine oils
Pine oil containing alpha-terpineol as the main constituent
Terpenic oils, nesoi, produced by treatment of coniferous woods; crude dipentene; sulfite turpentine and other crude para-cymene
Rosin and resin acids
HTSUS Subheading
3806.20.00 3806.30.00 3806.90.00
3808.52.00 3808.59.10
3808.59.40 3808.59.50 3808.61.10
3808.61.50 3808.62.10
3808.62.50 3808.69.10
3808.69.50 3808.91.10 3808.91.15
3808.91.25 3808.91.30 3808.91.50 3808.92.05 3808.92.15 3808.92.24 3808.92.28
3808.92.30 3808.92.50 3808.93.05
3808.93.15 3808.93.20 3808.93.50
3808.94.10 3808.94.50 3808.99.04
Product Description
Salts of rosin or of resin acids
Ester gums
Resin acids, derivatives of resin acids and rosin, rosin spirit and rosin oils, run gums, nesoi
Wood tar and its oils; wood creosote; wood naphtha; vegetable pitch; preparations based on rosin, resin acids or vegetable pitch
DDT (ISO) (clofenatone (INN)), in packings of a net weight content not exceeding 300 g Pesticides containing any aromatic or modified aromatic specified in note 1 to chapter 38
Disinfectants specified in note 1 to chapter 38
Pesticides, nesoi specified in note 1 to chapter 38
Pesticides containing any aromatic or modified aromatic, not exceeding 300g, specified in note 2 to chapter 38
Pesticides, nesoi , not exceeding 300g, specified in note 2 to chapter 38
Pesticides containing any aromatic or modified aromatic, >300g but <7.5kg, specified in note 2 to chapter 38
Pesticides, nesoi , >300g but <7.5kg, specified in note 2 to chapter 38
Pesticides containing any aromatic or modified aromatic, >7.5kg, specified in note 2 to chapter 38
Pesticides, nesoi , >7.5kg, specified in note 2 to chapter 38
Fly ribbons (ribbon fly catchers), put up in packings for retail sale
Mixtures of N-[[(chlorophenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2,6-difluorobenzamide and inert substances
Insecticides containing any aromatic or modified aromatic insecticide, nesoi Insecticides, nesoi, containing an inorganic substance, put up for retail sale
Insecticides, nesoi, for retail sale or as preparations or articles
Mixtures of dinocap and application adjuvants
Fungicides containing any aromatic or modified aromatic fungicide, nesoi
Maneb; zinab; mancozeb; and metiram
Fungicides containing any fungicide which is a thioamide, thiocarbamate, dithio carbamate, thiuram or isothiocyanate, nesoi
Fungicides, nesoi, containing an inorganic substance, put up for retail sale
Fungicides nesoi, put up in forms or packing for retail sale or as preparations or articles Herbicides, antisprouting products and plant-growth regulators, aromatic or modified aromatic, for retail sale
Herbicides containing any aromatic or modified aromatic herbicide, antisprouting agent or plant-growth regulator, nesoi
Herbicides, antisprouting products and plant-growth regulators, nesoi, containing an inorganic substance, for retail sale
Herbicides, antisprouting products and plant-growth regulators nesoi, put up for retail sale
Disinfectants, containing any aromatic or modified aromatic disinfectant
Disinfectants not subject to subheading note 1 of chapter 38, nesoi
Mixtures of 1,1-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethanol (Dicofol) and application adjuvants
Rodenticides containing any aromatic or modified aromatic pesticide, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
3808.99.70 3808.99.95 3809.91.00
3809.92.10 3809.92.50 3809.93.10 3809.93.50 3810.10.00 3810.90.10 3810.90.20 3810.90.50 3811.11.10
3811.11.50 3811.19.00 3811.90.00
3812.10.10 3812.10.50 3812.20.10 3812.20.50
3812.31.00 3812.39.20 3812.39.30 3812.39.60
3812.39.70 3812.39.90 3813.00.10
Product Description
Formulated biocides based on 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one, or 2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin- 3-one, or on certain other chemicals; metaldehyde
Rodenticides containing an inorganic substance
Rodenticides, nesoi
Finishing agents, dye carriers and like products, nesoi, used in the textile or like industries
Finishing agents, dye carriers and other preparations used in paper or like industries, 5% or more by wt. aromatic (mod.) substance(s)
Finishing agents, dye carriers and other preparations used in paper or like industries, < 5% by weight of aromatic (mod.) substance(s)
Finishing agents, dye carriers and other preparations used in leather and like industries, > 5% by weight aromatic (mod.) substance(s)
Finishing agents, dye carriers and other preparations used in leather and like industries, < 5% by weight aromatic (mod.) substance(s)
Pickling preparations for metal surfaces; soldering, brazing or welding powders and pastes consisting of metal and other materials
Preparations used for soldering or cores or coatings for welding electrodes or rods, 5% or more by weight aromatic (or mod.) substance(s)
Preparations used for soldering or as cores or coatings for welding electrodes or rods, consisting wholly of inorganic substances
Preparations used for soldering or as cores or coatings for welding electrodes or rods, nesoi
Antiknock preparations based on tetraethyl lead or on a mixture of tetraethyl lead and tetramethyl lead
Antiknock preparations based on lead compounds, nesoi
Antiknock preparations based on other than lead compounds
Prepared additives for mineral oils (incl. gasoline) or other liquids used for the same purposes as mineral oils, nesoi
Prepared rubber accelerators containing any aromatic or modified aromatic rubber accelerator nesoi
Prepared rubber accelerators not containing any aromatic or modified aromatic rubber accelerator nesoi
Compound plasticizers for rubber or plastics containing any aromatic or modified aromatic plasticizer nesoi
Compound plasticizers for rubber or plastics not containing any aromatic or modified aromatic plasticizer nesoi
Mixtures of oligomers of 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline (TMQ)
Mixtures of N,N'-diaryl-p-phenylenediamines
Master batches of poly[nitrilomethanetetraartlnitr
Compound plasticizers for rubber/plastics cont any aromatic or modified aromatic antioxidant or other stabilizer, nesoi
Bis(1,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl) sebacate
Antioxiding prep & oth compound stabilizers for rubber or plastics, nesoi
Preparations and charges for fire extinguishers; charged fire-extinguishing grenades; consisting wholly of inorganic substances
HTSUS Subheading
3815.11.00 3815.12.00
3815.90.50 3816.00.00
3817.00.10 3817.00.15 3817.00.20 3818.00.00
3824.10.00 3824.30.00 3824.40.10
3824.40.50 3824.50.00 3824.71.01 3824.72.00
3824.73.00 3824.74.00 3824.75.00 3824.76.00 3824.77.00 3824.78.00
Product Description
Preparations and charges for fire extinguishers; charged fire-extinguishing grenades; nesoi
Organic composite solvents and thinners containing 5 to 25 percent, by weight of one or more aromatic substances
Organic composite solvents and thinners containing more than 25 percent by weight of one or more aromatic substances
Organic composite solvents and thinners, nesoi; prepared paint or varnish removers; nesoi
Supported catalysts with nickel or nickel compounds as the active substance
Supported catalysts with precious metal or precious metal compounds as the active substance
Supported catalysts other than with nickel or precious metal or their compounds as the active substance
Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations, nesoi, consisting wholly of bismuth, of tungsten or of vanadium
Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations, nesoi, consisting wholly of mercury or of molybdenum
Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations, nesoi, consisting wholly of inorganic substances nesoi
Reaction initiators, reaction accelerators and catalytic preparations, nesoi
Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions, other than products of heading 3801
Mixed linear alkylbenzenes, other than those of heading 2707 or 2902
Mixed alkylbenzenes, other than linear or those of heading 2707 or 2902
Mixed alkylnaphthalenes, other than those of heading 2707 or 2902
Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, in the form of discs, wafers etc., chemical compounds doped for electronic use
Hydraulic brake fluids and transmission fluids cont. less than 70% by weight of petroleum oils, or bituminous mineral oils
Prepared binders for foundry molds or cores
Nonagglomerated metal carbides mixed together or with metallic binders
Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes containing 5% or more by weight of aromatic or modified aromatic substances
Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes consisting wholly of inorganic substances
Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes, nesoi
Non-refractory mortars and concretes
Mixtures containing chlorofluorocarbons
Containing bromochlorodiflourormethane, bromotrifluoromethane or dibromotetrafluroroethane
Mixtures containing hydrobromofluorocarbons
Mixtures containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons
Mixtures of halogenated hydrocarbons containing carbon tetrachloride
Containing 1,1,1,-trichloroethane
Containing bromomethane or bomochloromethane
Containing PFCs or HFCs but not CFCs or HCFCs
HTSUS Subheading
3824.79.10 3824.79.90
3824.81.00 3824.82.10
3824.83.00 3824.84.00
3824.86.00 3824.87.00
3824.88.00 3824.91.00 3824.99.11 3824.99.19 3824.99.21
Product Description
Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane, ethane, or propane, nesoi, chlorinated but not otherwise halogenated
Mixtures containing halogenated derivatives of methane, ethane, or propane, nesoi, other than chlorinated but not halogenated
Chemical mixtures containing oxirane (ethylene oxide)
Containing PCBs, PCTs or PBBs: mixtures of halogenated hydrocarbons, chlorinated but not otherwise halogenated, nesoi
Containing PCBs, PCTs or PBBs: mixtures of halogenated hydrocarbons other than chlorinated only, nesoi
Containing tris (2,3-dibromopropyl phosphate)
Other mixtures cont aldrin, camphechlor(toxaphene), chlordane, chlordecone, DDT(clofenatone), 1,1,1-TRICHLORO-2,2-BIS(P-CHLOROPHENYL)ETHANE), ETC. Mixtures containing 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH (ISO)), including lindane (ISO,INN)
Mixtures containing pentachlorobenzene (ISO) or hexachlorobenzene (ISO)
Mixtures containing perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, its salts, perfluorooctane sulfonamides, or perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride
Mixtures containing tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-, or octabromodiphenyl ethers Mixtures consisting mainly of methylphosphonate etc.
Cultured crystals, weighing not less than 2.5g each, in the form of ingots
Cultured crystals, weighing not less than 2.5g each except in the form of ingots Mixtures consisting wholly of substances found naturally in coal tar, whether obtained from coal tar or other source
Mixtures of triphenyl sulfonium chloride, diphenyl (4-phenylthio)phenyl sulfonium chloride & (thiodi-4,1- phenylene)bis(diphenyl sulfonium) dichloride
3824.99.26 Benzene,2,4-Diisocyanate-1,3,5-tris-(1-methylethyl)
3824.99.31 3824.99.32 3824.99.33 3824.99.34 3824.99.35 3824.99.36 3824.99.39 3824.99.41 3824.99.48
3824.99.50 3824.99.55 3824.99.70
3824.99.75 3824.99.92
Mixtures containing 5% or more by weight of one or more aromatic or modified aromatic substance, nesoi
Mixtures of bismuth
Mixtures of hydrosulfite compounds, of sulfoxylate compounds, or of both Mixtures of mercury
Mixtures of molybdenum
Mixtures of tungsten
Mixture of vanadium
Mixtures of two or more inorganic compounds, nesoi
Mixtures of fatty substances of animal or vegetable origin and mixtures thereof Mixtures that are in whole or in part of hydrocarbons derived in whole or in part from petroleum, shale oil or natural gas
Mixtures chlorinated but not otherwise halogenated
Mixtures of halogenated hydrocarbons, nesoi
Mixtures of dibromoneopentyl gylcol;polydibromophenylene oxide;tetrabromobisphenol-A-carbonate oligomers;electroplating chemical and electroless
Mixtures of naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble salts and their esthers Chemical products and preparations and residual products of the chemical or allied industries, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
3825.41.00 3825.49.00 3825.50.00 3825.61.00
3825.69.00 3825.90.00
3826.00.10 3826.00.30 3901.40.00 3905.99.30 3909.31.00 3909.39.00 3912.11.00 3912.31.00 3913.90.20 3915.10.00 3915.20.00 3915.30.00 3915.90.00 3916.90.20
3917.10.10 3917.10.60 3917.10.90 3917.33.00
3917.39.00 3918.10.10 3918.10.20 3918.10.31
3918.10.32 3918.10.40
3918.10.50 3918.90.10 3918.90.20
3918.90.30 3918.90.50
Product Description
Halogenated waste organic solvents
Waste organic solvents, other than halogenated
Wastes of metal-pickling liquors, hydraulic fluids, brake fluids and anti-freeze fluids Other wastes from the chemical or allied industries mainly containing organic constituents
Other wastes from the chemical or allied industries, other than those mainly containing organic constituents
Residual products of the chemical or allied industries, nesoi; other wastes, nesoi, specified in note 6 to chapter 38
Biodiesel not containing petroleum or bituminous oil
Biodiesel containing <70% petroleum or bituminous oil
Ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymers, having a specific gravity of less than 0.94
Polyvinyl carbazole (including adjuvants)
Poly(methylene phenyl isocyanate) (crude MDI, polymeric MDI)
Amino-resins, nesoi
Cellulose acetates, nesoi, in primary forms, nonplasticized
Carboxymethylcellulose and its salts
Polysaccharides and their derivatives, nesoi, in primary forms
Waste, parings and scraps, of polymers of ethylene
Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of styrene
Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of vinyl chloride
Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics, nesoi
Monofilament racket strings of plastics of which any cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm
Artificial guts (sausage casings) of cellulosic plastics materials
Artificial guts (sausage casings) of collagen
Artificial guts (sausage casings) of hardened protein, nesoi
Flexible plastic tubes, pipes and hoses, nesoi, with fittings, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials
Flexible plastic tubes, pipes and hoses, nesoi
Vinyl tile floor coverings
Vinyl flooring, excluding vinyl tile
Wall or ceiling coverings, with a backing of manmade fibers, greater than 70% by weight of PVC
Wall or ceiling coverings, with a backing of manmade fibers, less than or equal to 70% by weight of PVC
Wall or ceiling coverings of polymers of vinyl chloride with a backing of textile fibers other than of manmade fibers
Wall or ceiling coverings of polymers of vinyl chloride, without a backing of textile fibers Floor coverings of plastics, other than of polymers of vinyl chloride, nesoi
Wall or ceiling coverings, with a backing of manmade fibers, of plastics other than polymers of vinyl chloride
Wall or ceiling coverings of plastics other than of polymers of vinyl chloride with a backing of textile fibers other than of manmade fiber
Wall or ceiling coverings of plastics other than vinyl chloride, without a backing of textile fibers
HTSUS Subheading
3922.90.00 3923.10.20
3923.10.90 3923.21.00 3923.29.00 3923.30.00
3923.40.00 3923.50.00 3923.90.00 3925.10.00
3925.90.00 3926.20.10 3926.20.20 3926.20.30 3926.20.40 3926.20.60
3926.20.90 3926.90.30
3926.90.45 3926.90.55 3926.90.56
3926.90.57 3926.90.59
3926.90.60 3926.90.83 3926.90.87 3926.90.94
4001.10.00 4001.21.00 4001.22.00 4001.29.00
Product Description
Bidets, lavatory pans, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware nesoi, of plastics
Boxes and similar articles for the conveyance or packing of semiconductor wafers, masks or reticules of subheadings 3923.10 or 8485.90
Other boxes, cases, crates and similar articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics
Sacks and bags (including cones) for the conveyance or packing of goods, of polymers of ethylene
Sacks and bags (including cones) for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics other than polymers of ethylene
Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics
Spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports, of plastics
Stoppers, lids, caps and other closures, of plastics
Articles nesoi, for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers, of a capacity exceeding 300 liters, of plastics
Builders' ware of plastics, nesoi
Gloves, seamless, of plastics
Baseball and softball gloves and mitts, of plastics
Gloves specially designed for use in sports, nesoi, of plastics
Gloves, nesoi, of plastics
Plastic rainwear, incl jackets, coats, ponchos, parkas & slickers, w/ outer shell PVC and w/wo attached hoods, val not over $10 per unit
Articles of apparel & clothing accessories, of plastic, nesoi
Parts for yachts or pleasure boats of heading 8903 and watercraft not used with motors or sails, of plastics
Gaskets, washers and other seals, of plastics
V-belts of plastics, containing textile fibers
Belting and belts (except V-belts) for machinery, of plastics, containing predominately vegetable fibers
Belting and belts (except V-belts) for machinery, of plastics, containing predominately man-made fibers
Belting and belts (except V-belts) for machinery, of plastics, containing textile fibers nesoi
Belting and belts (except V-belts) for machinery, of plastics, not containing textile fibers Empty cartridges and cassettes for typewriter and machine ribbons, of plastics
Flexible document binders with tabs, rolled or flat, of plastics
Cards, not punched, suit. for jacquard cards; jacquard cards & jacquard heads for power-driven weaving mach, etc;& trans sheet plast 30%lead
Casing for bicycle derailleur cable;and casing for cable or inner wire for caliper and cantilever bake,whether or not cut length; of plastic
Natural rubber latex, whether or not prevulcanized
Natural rubber smoked sheets
Technically specified natural rubber (TSNR), in primary forms
Natural rubber in primary forms other than latex, smoked sheets or technically specified natural rubber (TSNR)
HTSUS Subheading
4001.30.00 4002.11.00
4002.20.00 4002.31.00 4002.39.00
4002.41.00 4002.49.00
4002.51.00 4002.59.00
4002.60.00 4002.70.00
4003.00.00 4004.00.00
4005.10.00 4005.20.00
4005.91.00 4005.99.00 4006.90.10
4007.00.00 4008.11.10 4008.11.50 4008.19.20 4008.19.40
Product Description
Balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle and similar natural rubber gums, in primary forms Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) or carboxylated styrene-butadiene rubber (XSBR), latex, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), carboxylated styrene-butadiene rubber (XSBR), except latex, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Butadiene rubber (BR), in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber (IIR), in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip Halo-isobutene-isoprene rubber (CIIR or BIIR), in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber (CR), latex, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber (CR), other than latex, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), latex, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR), other than latex, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Isoprene rubber (IR), in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip Ethylene-propylene-nonconjugated diene rubber (EPDM), in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Mixtures of natural rubber gums with synthetic rubber, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Synthetic rubber and factice derived from oils, in latex form, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip, nesoi
Synthetic rubber and factice derived from oils, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip, nesoi
Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and powders and granules obtained therefrom
Rubber, unvulcanized, compounded with carbon black or silica, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Solutions and dispersions of rubber, unvulcanized, compounded with other than carbon black or silica
Compounded rubber, unvulcanized, in plates, sheets and strip
Compounded rubber, unvulcanized, in primary forms, nesoi
Rods, tubes, profile shapes, discs, rings, and similar articles, of natural, unvulcanized rubber
Rods, tubes, profile shapes, discs, rings, and similar articles, of synthetic unvulcanized rubber
Vulcanized rubber thread and cord
Plates, sheets and strip of vulcanized natural cellular rubber, other than hard rubber Plates, sheets and strip of vulcanized synthetic cellular rubber, other than hard rubber Rods and profile shapes of vulcanized natural cellular rubber, other than hard rubber Vulcanized natural cellular rubber, other than hard rubber, other than rods and profile shapes,nesoi
Rods and profile shapes of vulcanized, synthetic cellular rubber, other than hard rubber
HTSUS Subheading
4008.21.00 4008.29.20 4008.29.40
4010.19.91 4010.31.30
4010.31.60 4010.32.30 4010.32.60 4010.33.30
Product Description
Vulcanized, synthetic cellular rubber, other than hard rubber, other than rods and profile shapes
Plates, sheets and strip of vulcanized, noncellular rubber, other than hard rubber Rods and profile shapes of vulcanized, noncellular rubber, other than hard rubber Vulcanized, noncellular rubber, other than hard rubber, other than rods and profile shapes, nesoi
Tubes, pipes and hoses of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, not reinforced or combined w/other materials, without fittings
Tubes, pipes and hoses of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, reinforced or combined only with metal, without fittings
Tubes, pipes and hoses of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, reinforced or combined only with metal, with fittings
Tubes, pipes and hoses of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, reinforced or combined only with textile materials, without fittings
Tubes, pipes and hoses of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, reinforced or combined only with textile materials, with fittings
Tubes, pipes and hoses of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, reinforced or combined with other materials nesoi, without fittings
Conveyor belts or belting of vulcanized rubber reinforced only with textile materials, in which vegetable fibers predominate ov other fibers
Conveyor belts/belting of vulcanized rubber reinforced w/textile material, mostly man- made fiber, width exceeds 20 cm
Conveyor belts/belting of vulcanized rubber reinforced only w/textile material, mostly man-made fiber, width not over 20 cm
Conveyor belts or belting of vulcanized rubber reinforced only with textile materials, nesoi
Conveyor belts or belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, combined with textile materials in which vegetable fibers predominate ov other fibers
Conveyor belts/belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, combined w/textile components in which man-made fibers predominate, width exceed 20 cm
Conveyor belts/belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, combined w/textile components in which man-made fibers predominate, width under 20 cm
Conveyor belts/belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, combined with textile materials nesoi
Conveyor belts/belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi
Transmission V-belts of vulcanized rubber, V-ribbed, circumference exceed 60 cm but not exceed 180 cm, combined with textile materials
Transmission V-belt of vulcanized rubber, V-ribbed, circumference exceed 60 cm but not exceed 180 cm, other than combined w/textile material
Transmission V-belts of vulcanized rubber, not V-ribbed, circumference exceed 60 cm but not exceed 180 cm, combined with textile materials
Transmission V-belt of vulcanized rubber, not V-ribbed, circumference exceed 60 cm not exceed 180 cm, other than combined w/textile material
Transmission V-belts of vulcanized rubber, V-ribbed, circumference exceed 180 cm but not exceed 240 cm, combined with textile materials
HTSUS Subheading
4010.33.60 4010.34.30 4010.34.60 4010.35.30 4010.35.41 4010.35.45 4010.35.50 4010.35.90 4010.36.30 4010.36.41 4010.36.45 4010.36.50 4010.36.90 4010.39.10 4010.39.20 4010.39.30 4010.39.41 4010.39.45 4010.39.50 4010.39.90 4011.10.10 4011.10.50
4011.20.10 4011.20.50
Product Description
Transmission V-belt of vulcanized rubber, V-ribbed, circumference exceed 180 cm not exceed 240 cm, other than combined w/textile material
Transmission V-belts of vulcanized rubber, not V-ribbed, circumference exceed 180 cm but not exceed 240 cm, combined with textile materials
Transmission V-belt of vulcanized rubber, not V-ribbed, circumference exceed 180 cm not exceed 240 cm,other than combined w/textile material
Endless synchronous transmission belt of vulcan. rubber, circum. 60-150 cm, combined w/textile mat. w/vegetable fiber more than other fibers
Endless synchronous transmission belt of vulcan. rubber, circum. 60-150 cm, combine w/textile mat.;manmade fiber predominant; width ov 20 cm
Endless synchronous transmission belt of vulcan. rubber, circum. 60-150 cm, combine w/text. mat.;manmade fiber predominant; width n/o 20 cm
Endless synchronous transmission belt of vulcanized rubber, circumference 60 to 150 cm, combined with textile materials nesoi
Endless synchronous transmission belt of vulcanized rubber, circumference 60 to 150 cm, other than combined with textile materials
Endless synchronous transmission belt of vulcan. rubber, circum. 150-198 cm, combined w/textile with vegetable fiber predom over other fiber
Endless synchronous transmission belt of vulcan. rubber, circum. 150-198cm, combined w/manmade fiber exceeding other fibers, width ov 20 cm
Endless synchronous transmission belt of vulcan. rubber, circum. 150-198cm, combined w/manmade fiber exceeding other fiber, width n/o 20 cm
Endless synchronous transmission belts of vulcanized rubber, circumference 150 to 198 cm, combined with textile materials nesoi
Endless synchronous transmission belts of vulcanized rubber, circumference 150 to 198 cm, other than combined with textile materials
Transmission V-belts and V-belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, combined with textile materials
Transmission V-belts and V-belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, other than combined with textile materials
Transmission belts or belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, combined with textile materials in which vegetable fiber predominate other fibers
Transmission belts or belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, combined w. textile materials with man-made fibers predominant, width over 20 cm
Transmission belts or belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, combined w. textile materials with man-made fibers predominant, width n/o 20 cm
Transmission belts or belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, combined with textile materials nesoi
Transmission belts or belting of vulcanized rubber, nesoi, other than combined with textile materials
New pneumatic radial tires, of rubber, of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars)
New pneumatic tires excluding radials, of rubber, of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars)
New pneumatic radial tires, of rubber, of a kind used on buses or trucks
New pneumatic tires excluding radials, of rubber, of a kind used on buses or trucks
HTSUS Subheading
4011.40.00 4011.50.00 4011.70.00 4011.80.10
4011.80.20 4011.80.80
4011.90.10 4011.90.20 4011.90.80 4012.11.40
4012.12.40 4012.12.80 4012.19.20
4012.19.40 4012.20.10 4012.20.15
4012.20.45 4012.20.60
4012.20.80 4012.90.10 4012.90.30 4012.90.45 4012.90.70 4012.90.90
4013.20.00 4013.90.10
4013.90.50 4015.19.05 4015.19.10
Product Description
New pneumatic tires, of rubber, of a kind used on motorcycles
New pneumatic tires, of rubber, of a kind used on bicycles
New pneumatic tires of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines New pneumatic tires of a kind used on construction, mining or industrial handling vehicles and machines having a herring-bone or similar tread
New pneumatic tires of a kind used on construction, mining or industrial handling vehicles and machines having a radial tread
New pneumatic tires of a kind used on construction, mining or industrial handling vehicles and machines, other
New pneumatic tires, of a kind nesoi, have a herring-bone or similar tread
New pneumatic tires, of a kind nesoi, have a radial tread
New pneumatic tires, nesoi
Retreaded radial pnuematic tires, of rubber, of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars)
Retreaded pnuematic tires (nonradials), of rubber, of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars)
Retreaded pnuematic radial tires, of rubber, of a kind used on buses or trucks Retreaded pnuematic tires (nonradials), of rubber, of a kind used on buses or trucks Retreaded pneumatic tires, of rubber, designed for certain agricultural or horticultural machinery
Retreaded pnuematic radial tires, of rubber, not elsewhere specified or included
Used pneumatic tires of rubber, for aircraft
Used pneumatic tires of rubber, designed for certain agricultural or horticultural machinery,for on-highway trasnport of passengers or goods
Used pneumatic tires of rubber, designed for certain agricultural or horticultural machinery, nesoi
Used pneumatic tires, of rubber, for vehicles for on-highway transport of passengers or goods nesoi, or vehicles of heading 8705
Used pneumatic tires, of rubber for machinery, nesoi
Solid or cushion tires of rubber
Bicycle rim strips of natural rubber
Interchangeable tire treads and tire flaps, of natural rubber, nesoi
Bicycle rim strips of rubber other than of natural rubber
Interchangeable tire treads and tire flaps, of rubber other than natural rubber, except bicycle rim strips, nesoi
Inner tubes of rubber, of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars), buses or trucks
Inner tubes of rubber, of a kind used on bicycles
Inner tubes of rubber designed for tires used on certain agricultural or horticultural machinery
Inner tubes of rubber for vehicles nesoi
Medical gloves of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber
Seamless gloves of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, other than surgical or medical gloves
Nonseamless gloves of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, other than surgical or medical gloves
HTSUS Subheading
4016.10.00 4016.91.00 4016.93.10
4016.99.60 4017.00.00
4104.11.10 4104.11.20 4104.11.30 4104.11.40 4104.11.50 4104.19.10 4104.19.20 4104.19.30 4104.19.40 4104.19.50 4104.41.10 4104.41.20
Product Description
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, excluding gloves, of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber
Articles of vulcanized cellular rubber other than hard rubber
Floor covering and mats, of noncellular vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber Gaskets, washers and other seals, of noncellular vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber , for use in automotive goods in C87
Gaskets, washers and other seals, of noncellular vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, not for use in automotive goods in C87
Boat or dock fenders, whether or not inflatable, of noncellular vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber
Containers of noncellular vulcanized rubber, other than hard rubber, of a kind for packing, transport or marketing of merchandise
Articles made of noncellular vulcanized natural rubber, used as vibration control goods in vehicles of 8701 through 8705
Articles made of noncellular vulcanized natural rubber, not used as vibration control goods in vehicles of 8701 through 8705 nesoi
Articles nesoi, of noncellular vulcanized synthetic rubber other than hard rubber, used as vibration control goods in veh 8701/8705
Articles of noncellular vulcanized synthetic rubber other than hard rubber
Hard rubber (for example, ebonite) in all forms, including waste and scrap; articles of hard rubber
Tanned whole bovine skin and hide upper/lining leather, w/o hair on, unit surface area n/o 2.6 sq m, in the wet state
Tanned whole bovine skin and hide leather (not upper/lining), w/o hair on, unit surface area n/o 2.6 sq m, in the wet state
Full grain unsplit or grain split buffalo hide or skin, w/o hair on, tanned but not further prepared, surface ov 2.6 m2, in the wet state
Full grain unsplit/grain split bovine nesoi and equine upper & sole hides/skins, w/o hair, tanned but not further prepared, in the wet state
Full grain unsplit/grain split bovine (except buffalo) nesoi and equine hides/skins, w/o hair, tanned not further prepared, in the wet state
Whole bovine skin upper or lining leather, w/o hair on, unit surface n/o 2.6 sq m, tanned but not further prepared, in the wet state
Whole bovine skin leather (not upper or lining), w/o hair on, surface n/o 2.6 sq m, tanned but not further prepared, in the wet state
Buffalo hides and skins nesoi, w/o hair on, unit surface area ov 2.6 m2, tanned but not further prepared, in the wet state
Upper and sole bovine (except buffalo) and equine hides and skins, nesoi, w/o hair, tanned but not further prepared, in the wet state
Bovine (except buffalo) and equine hides and skins (not upper/sole) nesoi, w/o hair, tanned but not further prepared, in the wet state
Crust whole bovine hide and skin upper or lining leather, w/o hair on, unit surface n/o 2.6 sq m, tanned but not further prepared
Crust whole bovine hide and skin leather (not upper or lining), w/o hair on, surface n/o 2.6 sq m, tanned but not further prepared
HTSUS Subheading
4105.10.10 4105.10.90
4106.31.10 4106.31.90
4106.40.00 4106.91.00
4106.92.00 4107.11.10 4107.11.20 4107.11.30 4107.11.40
Product Description
Crust full grain unsplit or grain split buffalo hides and skins, surface area over 2.6 m2, without hair on, tanned but not further prepared
Crust full grain unsplit/grain split bovine (ex. buffalo) nesoi/equine hides/skins upper/sole leather, w/o hair, tanned not further prepared
Crust full grain unsplit/grain split bovine (except buffalo) nesoi and equine hides and skins, nesoi, w/o hair, tanned not further prepared
Crust whole bovine hide and skin upper or lining leather, w/o hair on, unit surface n/o 2.6 sq m, tanned but not further prepared, nesoi
Crust whole bovine hide and skin (not upper or lining leather), w/o hair on, surface n/o 2.6 sq m, tanned but not further prepared, nesoi
Crust buffalo hides and skins nesoi, without hair on, surface area over 2.6 m2, tanned but not further prepared
Crust upper and sole equine and bovine (except buffalo) nesoi hides and skins, nesoi, w/o hair, tanned but not further prepared
Crust bovine (except buffalo) nesoi and equine hides and skins, nesoi, w/o hair, tanned but not further prepared
Sheep or lamb skins, without wool on, tanned but not further prepared, wet blue
Sheep or lamb skins, without wool on, tanned but not further prepared, in the wet state other than wet blue
Sheep or lamb skins, without wool on, tanned but not further prepared, in the dry state (crust)
Hides and skins of goats or kids, without hair on, tanned but not further prepared, wet blue
Hides and skins of goats or kids, without hair on, tanned but not further prepared, in the wet state other than wet blue
Hides and skins of goats or kids, without hair on, tanned but not further prepared, in the dry state (crust)
Hides and skins of swine, without hair on, tanned but not further prepared, wet blue Hides and skins of swine, without hair on, tanned but not further prepared, in the wet state other than wet blue
Hides and skins of swine, without hair on, tanned but not further prepared, in the dry state (crust)
Tanned or cust hides and skins of reptiles, whether or not split, but not further prepared Hides and skins of animals nesoi, without hair on, tanned but not further prepared, in the wet state (including wet-blue)
Hides and skins of animals nesoi, without hair on, tanned but not further prepared, in the dry state (crust)
Full grain unsplit whole bovine upper or lining leather, w/o hair on, surface n/o 2.6 m2, prepared after tanning or crusting, not head 4114
Full grain unsplit whole bovine leather (not upper/lining), w/o hair on, not fancy, n/o 2.6 m2,prepared after tanning or crust,not head 4114
Full grain unsplit whole bovine leather (not upper/lining), w/o hair on, fancy, n/o 2.6 m2, prepared after tanning or crusting,not head 4114
Full grain unsplit whole buffalo leather, without hair on, surface over 2.6 sq m, prepared after tanning or crusting, not heading 4114
HTSUS Subheading
4107.11.50 4107.11.60 4107.11.70 4107.11.80 4107.12.10 4107.12.20 4107.12.30 4107.12.40 4107.12.50 4107.12.60 4107.12.70 4107.12.80 4107.19.10 4107.19.20 4107.19.30 4107.19.40 4107.19.50 4107.19.60 4107.19.70 4107.19.80 4107.91.40 4107.91.50 4107.91.60
Product Description
Full grain unsplit upholstery leather of bovines (not buffalo) nesoi and equines, w/o hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Full grain unsplit upper & sole leather of bovines (not buffalo) nesoi or equine, w/o hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Full grain unsplit whole bovine (not buffalo) nesoi and equine leather nesoi, w/o hair, prepared after tanning/crusting, not fancy, not 4114
Full grain unsplit whole bovine (not buffalo) nesoi and equine leather nesoi, w/o hair, prepared after tanning or crusting, fancy, not 4114
Grain split whole bovine skin upper or lining leather, w/o hair on, unit surface n/o 2.6 sq m, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Grain split whole bovine skin leather (not upper or lining), w/o hair, not fancy, n/o 2.6 sq m, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Grain split whole bovine skin leather (not upper or lining), w/o hair on, fancy, n/o 2.6 sq m, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Grain split whole buffalo leather, without hair on, unit surface area over 2.6 sq m, prepared after tanning or crusting, not of heading 4114
Grain split whole upholstery leather of bovines (not buffalo) nesoi and equines, w/o hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Grain split whole upper & sole leather of bovines (not buffalo) nesoi or equines, w/o hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Grain split whole bovine (not buffalo) nesoi and equine nesoi leathers, w/o hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not fancy, not 4114
Grain split whole bovine (not buffalo) nesoi and equine nesoi leathers, without hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, fancy, not 4114
Whole bovine skin upper or lining leather nesoi, w/o hair on, unit surface n/o 2.6 m2, prepared after tanning or crusting, not of head 4114
Whole bovine skin leather (not upper or lining) nesoi, w/o hair on, not fancy, n/or 2.6 sq m, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Whole bovine skin leather (not upper or lining) nesoi, w/o hair on, fancy, surface n/o 2.6 m2, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Whole buffalo skin leather (not full grain unsplits/grain splits), w/o hair on, over 2.6 sq m, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Whole upholstery leather of bovines (not buffalo) nesoi and equines nesoi, without hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Whole upper & sole leather of bovines (not buffalo) nesoi or equines nesoi, without hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Whole bovine (not buffalo) and equine leather, nesoi, without hair on, not fancy, prepared after tanning or crusting, not of heading 4114
Whole bovine (not buffalo) and equine leather, nesoi, without hair on, fancy, prepared after tanning or crusting, not of heading 4114
Full grain unsplit buffalo leather (not whole), w/o hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting (including parchment-dressed), not head 4114
Full grain unsplit upholstery leather of bovines (not buffalo) & equines, not whole, w/o hair, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Full grain unsplit upper & sole leather of bovines (not buffalo) or equines, not whole, w/o hair, prep. after tanning or crusting, not 4114
HTSUS Subheading
4107.91.70 4107.91.80 4107.92.40 4107.92.50 4107.92.60 4107.92.70 4107.92.80 4107.99.40 4107.99.50 4107.99.60 4107.99.70 4107.99.80 4112.00.30 4112.00.60 4113.10.30 4113.10.60 4113.20.00 4113.30.30 4113.30.60 4113.90.30 4113.90.60
4114.10.00 4114.20.30 4114.20.40 4114.20.70
Product Description
Full grain unsplit bovine (not buffalo) & equine leather, not whole, w/o hair on, nesoi, not fancy, prep. after tanning/crusting, not 4114
Full grain unsplit bovine (not buffalo) & equine leather, not whole, w/o hair on, nesoi, fancy, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Grain splits buffalo leather (not whole), without hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, other than of heading 4114
Grain splits upholstery leather of bovines (not buffalo) and equines, not whole, w/o hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Grain splits upper & sole leather of bovines (not buffalo) or equines, not whole, w/o hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Grain splits bovine (not buffalo) and equine leather, not whole, w/o hair on, nesoi, not fancy, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Grain splits bovine (not buffalo) and equine leather, not whole, without hair on, nesoi, fancy, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Buffalo leather other than full grains unsplit & grain splits, not whole, w/o hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not heading 4114
Upholstery leather of bovines (not buffalo) or equines, not whole, nesoi, without hair on, prepared after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Upper & sole leather of bovines (not buffalo) or equines, not whole, nesoi, w/o hair on, prepare after tanning or crusting, not 4114
Bovine (not buffalo) and equine leather, not whole, nesoi, without hair on, not fancy, prepared after tanning or crusting, not heading 4114
Bovine (not buffalo) and equine leather, not whole, nesoi, without hair on, fancy, prepared after tanning or crusting, not of heading 4114
Sheep or lamb skin leather, without wool on, not fancy, prepared after tanning or crusting, other than of heading 4114
Sheep or lamb skin leather, without wool on, fancy, further prepared after tanning or crusting, other than of heading 4114
Goat or kidskin leather, without hair on, not fancy, further prepared after tanning or crusting, other than of heading 4114
Goat or kidskin leather, without hair on, fancy, further prepared after tanning or crusting, other than of heading 4114
Leather of swine, without hair on, further prepared after tanning or crusting, other than leather of heading 4114
Reptile leather, not fancy, further prepared after tanning or crusting, other than leather of heading 4114
Reptile leather, fancy, further prepared after tanning or crusting, other than leather of heading 4114
Leather of animals nesoi, without hair on, not fancy, further prepared after tanning or crusting, other than leather of heading 4114
Leather of animals nesoi, without hair on, fancy, further prepared after tanning or crusting, other than leather of heading 4114
Chamois (including combination chamois) leather
Patent leather
Patent laminated leather or metallized leather, of calf or kip
Patent laminated leather or metallized leather, other than calf or kip
HTSUS Subheading
4201.00.30 4201.00.60
4202.11.00 4202.12.21
4202.12.29 4202.12.40
4202.12.60 4202.12.81 4202.12.89 4202.19.00 4202.21.30 4202.21.60 4202.21.90 4202.22.15 4202.22.35 4202.22.40 4202.22.45 4202.22.60 4202.22.70 4202.22.81 4202.22.89 4202.29.10 4202.29.20
Product Description
Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather fiber, in slabs, sheets or strip, whether or not in rolls
Dog leashes, collars, muzzles, harnesses and similar dog equipment, of any material Saddlery and harnesses for animals nesoi, (incl. traces, leads, knee pads, muzzles, saddle cloths and bags and the like), of any material
Trunks, suitcases, vanity & all other cases, occupational luggage & like containers, surface of leather, composition or patent leather
Trunks, suitcases, vanity and attache cases and similar containers, with outer surface of plastics
Occupational luggage and similar containers, with outer surface of plastics
Trunks, suitcases, vanity & attache cases, occupational luggage & like containers, surfaces of cotton, not of pile or tufted construction
Trunks, suitcases, vanity & attache cases, occupational luggage & like containers, w outer surface of veg. fibers, excl. cotton
Trunks, suitcases, vanity & attache cases, occupational luggage and similar containers, with outer surface of MMF materials
Trunks, suitcases, vanity & attache cases, occupational luggage and similar containers, with outer surface of textile materials nesoi
Trunks, suitcases, vanity cases, attache cases, occupational luggage & like containers surface of vulcanized fiber or paperboard nesoi
Handbags, with or without shoulder strap or without handle, with outer surface of reptile leather
Handbags, with or without shoulder strap or without handle, with outer surface of leather, composition or patent leather, nesoi, n/o $20 ea.
Handbags, with or without shoulder strap or without handle, with outer surface of leather, composition or patent leather, nesoi, over $20 ea.
Handbags, with or without shoulder straps or without handle, with outer surface of sheeting of plastics
Handbags with or without shoulder strap or without handle, with outer surface of textile materials, wholly or in part of braid, of abaca
Handbags with or without shoulder strap or without handle, with outer surface of textile materials, wholly or in part of braid, nesoi
Handbags with or without shoulder strap or without handle, with outer surface of cotton, not of pile or tufted construction or braid
Handbags with or w/o shoulder strap or w/o handle, outer surface of veg. fibers, exc. cotton, not of pile or tufted construction or braid
Handbags with or w/o shoulder strap or w/o handle, with outer surface containing 85% or more of silk, not braided
Handbags with or without shoulder strap or without handle, with outer surface of MMF materials
Handbags with or without shoulder strap or without handle, with outer surface of textile materials nesoi
Handbags w. or w/o shld. strap or w/o handle of mat. (o/t leather, shtng. of plas., tex. mat., vul. fib. or paperbd.), paper cov., of plas.
Handbags w. or w/o shld. strap or w/o handle of mat. (o/t leather, shtng. of plas., tex. mat., vul. fib. or paperbd.), paper cov., of wood
HTSUS Subheading
4202.32.93 4202.32.99
4202.91.10 4202.91.90
4202.92.08 4202.92.10 4202.92.15
4202.92.31 4202.92.33
Product Description
Handbags w. or w/o shld. strap or w/o handle of mat. (o/t leather, shtng. of plas., tex. mat., vul. fib. or paperbd.), pap.cov.,of mat. nesoi
Handbags with or without shoulder straps or without handle, with outer surface of vulcanized fiber or of paperboard, not covered with paper
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of reptile leather
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, composition or patent leather, nesoi
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of reinforced or laminated plastics
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting, nesoi
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of cotton, not of pile or tufted construction
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag,with outer surface of vegetable fibers,not of pile or tufted construction, nesoi
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface 85% or more silk or silk waste
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of cotton
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of MMF Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of other textile materials
Articles of kind usually carried in pocket or handbag (o/t leather, shtng. of plas., tex. mat., vul. fib. or paperbd.), pap. cov., of plas.
Articles of kind usually carried in pocket or handbag (o/t leather, shtng. of plas., tex. mat., vul. fib. or paperbd.), pap. cov., of wood
Articles of kind usu. carried in pocket or handbag (o/t lea., shtng. of plas., tex. mat., vul. fib. or paperbd.), pap. cov., of mat. nesoi
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of vulcanized fiber or of paperboard
Golf bags, with outer surface of leather or composition leather
Cases, bags and containers nesoi, other than golf bags, with outer surface of leather, of composition leather
Insulated beverage bag w/outer surface textiles, interior only flexible plastic container storing/dispensing beverage thru flexible tubing
Insulated food or beverage bags with outer surface of textile materials, nesoi Insulated food or beverage bags with outer surface of sheeting of plastic
Travel, sports and similar bags with outer surface of cotton, not of pile or tufted construction
Travel, sports and similar bags with outer surface of vegetable fibers, excl. cotton, not of pile construction
Travel, sports and similar bags with outer surface of MMF textile materials
Travel, sports and similar bags with outer surface of textile materials of paper yarn, silk or cotton
HTSUS Subheading
4202.92.45 4202.92.50 4202.92.60 4202.92.91
4202.92.93 4202.92.94 4202.92.97
4202.99.10 4202.99.20 4202.99.30 4202.99.50 4202.99.90
4203.10.20 4203.10.40 4203.21.20 4203.21.40
4203.21.55 4203.21.60 4203.21.70 4203.21.80
4203.29.05 4203.29.08 4203.29.15 4203.29.18
4203.29.20 4203.29.30 4203.29.40
4203.29.50 4203.30.00
Product Description
Travel, sports and similar bags with outer surface of textile materials other than MMF, paper yarn, silk, cotton
Travel, sports and similar bags with outer surface of plastic sheeting
Musical instrument cases, with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials Bags, cases and similar containers, nesoi, with outer surface of cotton
Bags, cases and similar containers with outer surface of textile materials, of MMF except jewelry boxes
Bags, cases and similar containers with outer surface of textile materials, not of MMF Cases for CDs, CD players, cassettes, or cassette players
Bags, cases & similar containers with outer surface of sheeting of plastic materials,not containers for CDs or cassettes, or CD or cassette players
Cases, bags and sim. containers, nesoi, of mat. (o/t leather, shtng. of plas., tex. mat., vul. fib., or paperbd.), pap. cov., of plastic
Cases & sim. cont., nesoi, of mat. (o/t lea., shtng. of plas., tex. mat., vul. fib. or paperbd.), pap. cov., of wood, not lined with tex.fab.
Cases, bags & sim. cont., nesoi, of mat. (o/t lea., plas. shtng., tex. mat., vul. fib. or paperbd.), pap. cov., of wood, lined with tex. fab.
Cases, bags & sim. cont., nesoi, of mat. (o/t lea., plas. shtng., tex. mat., vul. fib. or paperbd.), pap. cov., except of wood or plastic
Cases, bags and similar containers, nesoi, with outer surface of vulcanized fiber or of paperboard
Articles of apparel, of reptile leather
Articles of apparel, of leather or of composition leather, nesoi
Batting gloves, of leather or of composition leather
Baseball and softball gloves and mitts, excluding batting gloves, of leather or of composition leather
Cross-country ski gloves, mittens and mitts, of leather or of composition leather
Ski or snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts, nesoi, of leather or of composition leather Ice hockey gloves, of leather or of composition leather
Gloves, mittens and mitts specially designed for use in sports, nesoi, of leather or of composition leather
Gloves, wholly of horsehide or cowhide leather not specially designed for use in sports, with fourchettes or sidewalls
Gloves, wholly of horsehide or cowhide (except calfskin) leather, not specially designed for use in sports, nesoi
Gloves not wholly of horsehide or cowhide leather not specially designed for use in sports, with fourchettes or sidewalls
Gloves not wholly of horsehide or cowhide leather not specially designed for use in sports, nesoi
Gloves, mittens and mitts of leather or composition leather, nesoi, not seamed
Men's gloves, mittens and mitts of leather or composition leather, nesoi, seamed Gloves, mittens and mitts of leather or composition leather, nesoi, not lined, for persons other than men
Gloves, mittens and mitts of leather or composition leather, nesoi, lined, for persons other than men
Belts and bandoliers with or without buckles, of leather or of composition leather
HTSUS Subheading
4203.40.30 4203.40.60 4205.00.05
4205.00.20 4205.00.40 4205.00.60 4205.00.80 4302.11.00
4302.19.13 4302.19.15 4302.19.30 4302.19.45 4302.19.55 4302.19.60 4302.19.75 4302.20.30 4302.20.60 4302.20.90
4302.30.00 4303.10.00 4303.90.00 4304.00.00 4401.10.00 4401.21.00 4401.22.00 4401.31.00 4401.39.20 4401.39.40 4402.10.00
Product Description
Clothing accessories nesoi, of reptile leather
Clothing accessories of leather or of composition leather, nesoi
Belting leather cut or wholly or partly manufactured into forms or shapes suit. for conversion into belting for machinery or appliances
Articles of leather or composition leather used in machinery or mechanical appliances or for other technical uses, except belting leathers
Shoelaces of leather or of composition leather
Straps and strops of leather or of composition leather
Articles of reptile leather, nesoi
Articles of leather or of composition leather, nesoi, excluding reptile leather
Tanned or dressed whole furskins of mink, with or without head, tail or paws, not assembled
Tanned/dressed whole skins of Astrakhan, Broadtail, Caracul, Persian, Indian, Mongolian, Chinese & Tibetan lamb, not assembled
Tanned or dressed whole furskins of silver, black or platinum fox (including mutations), with or without head, tail or paws, not assembled
Tanned or dressed whole furskins of beaver, chinchilla, ermine, lynx, raccoon, sable, other specified animals, not dyed, not assembled
Tanned or dressed whole furskins of beaver, chinchilla, ermine, lynx, raccoon, sable, wolf, other specified animals, dyed, not assembled
Tanned or dressed whole furskins of rabbit or hare, with or without head, tail or paws, not assembled
Tanned or dressed whole furskins, nesoi, with or without head, tail or paws, not assembled, not dyed
Tanned or dressed whole furskins, nesoi, with or without head, tail or paws, not assembled, dyed
Heads, tails, paws, other pieces or cuttings of dressed or tanned furskins, of beaver, ermine, wolf, other specified animals, nt assembled
Heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings of dressed or tanned furskins, nesoi, not assembled, not dyed
Heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings of dressed or tanned furskins, nesoi, not assembled, dyed
Whole furskins and pieces or cuttings thereof, tanned and dressed, assembled
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of furskins
Articles of furskin, nesoi
Artificial fur and articles thereof
Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or similar forms
Coniferous wood in chips or particles
Nonconiferous wood in chips or particles
Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, pellets
Artificial fire logs, composed of wax and sawdust, with or without added materials Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, excluding pellets or artificial logs, nesoi
Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal), whether or not agglomerated, of bamboo
Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal), whether or not agglomerated, other than of bamboo
HTSUS Subheading
4403.10.00 4403.20.00 4403.41.00 4403.49.01 4403.91.00
4403.92.00 4403.99.00 4404.10.00
4405.00.00 4406.10.00 4406.90.00 4407.10.01
4407.21.00 4407.22.00 4407.25.00 4407.26.00
4407.27.00 4407.28.00 4407.29.01
4407.91.00 4407.92.00 4407.93.00 4407.94.00 4407.95.00 4407.99.01
4408.10.01 4408.31.01 4408.39.02
Product Description
Wood in the rough whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared, treated with paint, stain, creosote or other preservatives
Coniferous wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood or roughly squared, not treated with preservatives
Wood in the rough/roughly squared,of Dark Red Meranti,Light Red Meranti and Meranti Bakau,not treated with paint/stain/cresote/other preserv
Wood in the rough/roughly squared, of other tropical wood, not treated with paint/stain/creosote/other preserv
Oak wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared, not treated with preservatives
Beech wood in the rough, not treated with preservatives
Wood in the rough, nesoi
Coniferous wood, roughly shaped into poles, pickets, stakes, sticks and other forms, to be finished into specific articles or products
Nonconiferous wood, roughly shaped into poles, pickets, stakes, sticks and other forms, to be finished into specific articles or products
Wood wool (excelsior); wood flour
Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, not impregnated
Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, impregnated
Coniferous wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm
Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and other specified tropical woods, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Okoume, Obeche, Sapelli and other specified tropical woods, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and Meranti Bakau wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
White Lauan, White Meranti, White Seraya, Yellow Meranta and Alan wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Sapelli wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Iroko wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Tropical wood specified in chapter 44 subheading note 1, nesoi, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Oak wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Beech wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Maple wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Cherry wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Ash wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick Nonconiferous woods, nesoi, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, over 6 mm thick
Coniferous veneer sheets and sheets for plywood & coniferous wood sawn/sliced/peeled not over 6 mm thick
Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti and Meranti Bakau veneer sheets and sheets for plywood and other wood sawn/sliced/peeled, n/o 6 mm thick
Other tropical wood veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, and wood sawn/sliced/peeled n/o 6 mm thick
HTSUS Subheading
4409.21.90 4409.22.05
4409.22.10 4409.22.25 4409.22.40 4409.22.50 4409.22.60 4409.22.65 4409.22.90 4409.29.06 4409.29.11 4409.29.26
Product Description
Nontropical nonconiferous veneer sheets and sheets for plywood and other wood sawn/sliced/peeled, not over 6 mm thick
Coniferous wood continuously shaped along any of its ends, whether or not also continuously shaped along any its edges or faces
Coniferous wood siding continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces but not on its ends
Coniferous wood flooring continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces but not on its ends
Standard wood moldings of pine (Pinus spp.) continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces but not on its ends
Standard coniferous wood moldings, other than of pine, continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces but not on its ends
Coniferous wood moldings, other than standard type, continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces but not on its ends
Coniferous wood dowel rods, plain, continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces but not on its ends
Coniferous wood dowel rod, sanded/grooved/otherwise advanced in condition, continuously shaped along any of edges or faces but not its ends
Coniferous wood, other than siding, flooring, moldings or dowel rod, continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces but not on its ends
Nonconiferous wood (bamboo) continuously shaped along any of its ends, wether or not also continuously shaped along any its edges or faces
Bamboo, other than continuously shaped along any of its ends
Nonconiferous tropical wood continuously shaped along any ends, whether or not also continuously shaped along any edges or faces
Nonconiferous tropical wood siding, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
Nonconiferous tropical wood flooring, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
Nonconiferous tropical wood standard moldings, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
Other nonconiferous tropical wood moldings, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
Plain nonconiferous tropical wood dowel rods, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
Nonconif. tropical wood dowel rods, sanded/grooved/otherwise advanced in condition, whether or not continuous. along edges or faces but not ends
Other nonconiferous tropical wood, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
Other nonconiferous wood, continuously shaped along any ends, whether or not also continuously shaped along any edges or faces
Other nonconiferous wood siding, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
Other nonconiferous wood flooring, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
HTSUS Subheading
4410.11.00 4410.12.00
4410.19.00 4410.90.00 4411.12.10 4411.12.20 4411.12.30 4411.12.60
4411.12.90 4411.13.10 4411.13.20 4411.13.30 4411.13.60
4411.13.90 4411.14.10 4411.14.20
4411.14.30 4411.14.60
4411.14.90 4411.92.10
4411.92.20 4411.92.30
4411.92.40 4411.93.10
Product Description
Other nonconiferous standard wood moldings, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
Other nonconiferous wood moldings, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
Plain other nonconif. wood dowel rods, whether or not continuously shaped along edges or faces but not ends
Other nonconif. wood dowel rods, sanded/grooved/otherwise advanced in condition, whether or not continuously shaped along edges or faces but not ends
Other nonconiferous wood, whether or not continuously shaped along its edges or faces but not its ends
Waferboard, including oriented strand board, of wood
Oriented strand board and waferboard, of wood, unworked or not further worked than sanded
Particle board and similar board of wood, other than waferboard
Particle board and similar board of ligneous materials other than wood
MDF , <= 5mm thick, not mechanically worked or surface covered
MDF, <= 5mm thick, for construction, laminated
MDF , <= 5mm thick, for construction, not laminated, nesoi
Fiberboard of a density over 0.5 g/cm3 but not over 0.8 g/cm3, not mechanically worked surface covered (Except for oil treatment)
MDF, <= 5mm thick, not for construction, nesoi
MDF, >5mm but <= 9 mm thick, not mechanically worked or surface covered
MDF, >5mm but <= 9 mm thick,, for construction, laminated
MDF , >5mm but <= 9 mm thick, for construction, not laminated, nesoi
Fiberboard of a density over 0.5 g/cm3 but not over 0.8 g/cm3, not mechanically worked surface covered(except for oil treatment)
MDF, >5mm but <= 9 mm thick, not for construction, nesoi
Fiberboard of a thickness exceeding 9 mm, not mechanically worked or surface covered Fiberboard of a thickness exceeding 9 mm, edgeworked continuously, laminated, for construction uses
Fiberboard of a thickness exceeding 9 mm , tongued, grooved or rabbetted continuously, for construction uses, nesoi
Fiberboard of a thickness exceeding 9 mm, not mechanically worked surface covered (except for oil treatment)
Fiberboard nesoi,of a thickness exceeding 9 mm
Fiberboard of a density exceeding 0.8 g/cm3, not mechanically worked or surface covered
Fiberboard, of a density exceeding 0.8 g/cm3, mechanically worked, not surface covered (except for oil treatment)
Fiberboard, of a density exceeding 0.8 g/cm3, mechanically edged-worked, for construction uses
Fiberboard nesoi, density exceeding 0.8 g/cm3
Fiberboard, not MDF, of a density >0.5 but <=0.8 g/cm3, not mechanically worked or surface covered
Fiberboard, not MDF, of a density >0.5 but <=0.8 g/cm3, edgeworked continuously, laminated, for construction uses
HTSUS Subheading
4411.93.30 4411.93.60
4411.93.90 4411.94.00
4412.10.05 4412.10.90 4412.31.06
4412.31.26 4412.31.41 4412.31.52 4412.31.61 4412.31.92 4412.32.06 4412.32.26 4412.32.32 4412.32.57 4412.39.10 4412.39.30 4412.39.40 4412.39.50 4412.94.10 4412.94.31 4412.94.41 4412.94.51
Product Description
Fiberboard, not MDF, of a density >0.5 but <=0.8 g/cm3, tongued, grooved or rabbetted continuously, for construction, nesoi
Fiberboard of a density over 0.5 g/cm3 but not over 0.8 g/cm3, not mechanically worked surface covered (Except for oil)
Fiberboard, not MDF, of a density >0.5 but <=0.8 g/cm3, nesoi
Fiberboard of a density exceeding 0.35 g/cm3 but not exceeding 0.5 g/cm3, not mechanically worked or surface covered
Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, of bamboo
Veneered panels and similar laminated wood, of bamboo, other than plywood
Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, tropical wood outer ply, birch face ply, not surface covered beyond clear/transparent
Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, tropical wood outer ply, Spanish cedar or walnut face ply, not surface covered beyond clear/transparent
Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, with specified tropical wood outer ply, with face ply nesoi, not surface covered beyond clear/transparent
Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, tropical wood nesoi at least one outer ply, with face ply nesoi, not surface covered beyond clear/transparent
Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, with certain specified tropical wood outer ply, surface covered beyond clear or transparent
Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, tropical wood nesoi at least one outer ply, surface covered beyond clear or transparent
Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, outer ply of nonconiferous wood, birch face ply, not surface covered beyond clear/transparent
Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, outer ply nonconiferous wood, face ply Spanish ceder or walnut, not surface covered beyond clear/transparent
Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, outerply of nonconiferous wood nesoi, face ply nesoi, not surface covered beyond clear/transparent
Plywood sheets n/o 6mm thick, outerply of nonconiferous wood nesoi, face ply nesoi, surface covered beyond clear/transparent
Plywood of wood sheets, n/o 6 mm thick each, with outer plies of coniferous wood, face ply of Parana pine, not or clear surface covered
Plywood of wood sheets, n/o 6 mm thick each, with outer plies of coniferous wood, European red pine face ply, not or clear surface covered
Plywood of wood sheets, n/o 6 mm thick each, with outer plies of coniferous wood, with face ply nesoi, not or clear surface covered
Plywood of wood sheets, n/o 6 mm thick each, with outer plies of coniferous wood, nesoi, surface covered, nesoi
Plywood nesoi, at least one nonconiferous outer ply, not surface-covered beyond clear/transparent, face ply of birch
Blockboard etc.: plywood nesoi, at least one nonconifer outer ply, not surface-covered beyond clear/transparent, not w/face ply of birch
Blockboard etc: plywood nesoi, at least one nonconiferous outer ply, surface covered other than clear or transparent
Blockboard etc: veneered panels and similar laminated wood w/ at least one nonconiferous outer ply, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
4412.94.95 4412.99.06
4412.99.10 4412.99.31 4412.99.41 4412.99.51 4412.99.57 4412.99.60 4412.99.70 4412.99.80 4412.99.90 4412.99.95
4413.00.00 4415.10.30 4415.10.60 4415.10.90 4415.20.40
4416.00.30 4416.00.60 4416.00.90 4417.00.60 4417.00.80
Product Description
Blockboard etc: plywood nesoi,other outer plies,not surf.-cov. Beyond clear/transp., face ply Parana pine
Blockboard etc: plywood nesoi, other outer plies,not surf.-cov. Beyond clear/transp.,face ply Europe red pine
Blockboard etc: plywood nesoi,other outer plies,not surface-covered beyond clear/transparent, face ply nesoi
Blockboard etc: plywood nesoi, other outer plies, surface covered other than clear or transparent
Blockboard etc: veneered panels and similar laminated wood nesoi, other outer plies Plywood nesoi,veneered panel & similar laminated wood w/nonconiferous outer ply, at least one layer of particle board
Not blockboard: plywood at least 1 outer ply of nonconif wood, nesoi, with a face ply of birch, not surface covered or clear/transparent
Not blockboard: plywood nesoi, at least 1 nonconiferous outer ply, not surface-covered beyond clear/transparent, not w/face ply of birch
Not blockboard: plywood nesoi, at least 1 nonconiferous outer ply, surface covered other than clear or transparent
Not blockboard: veneered panels and similar laminated wood w/ at least 1 nonconiferous outer ply, nesoi
Not blockboard: plywood/veneered panel/sim. Laminated wood nesoi, at least 1 nonconiferous outer ply,at least 1 layer of particle board
Not blockboard:plywood nesoi,at least 1 nonconiferous outer ply, no particle board,not surf.-cov. Beyond clear/transp., face ply Parana pine
Not blockboard: plywood nesoi, at least 1 non conif outer ply,no particle board,not surf.-cov. Beyond clear/transp.,face ply Europe red pine
Not blockboard:plywood nesoi, at least 1 non conif outer ply, no particle board,not surface-covered beyond clear/transparent, face ply nesoi
Not blockboard: plywood, veneer panels and similar laminated wood, at least 1 nonconiferous outer ply, nesoi
Not blockboard: veneered panels and similar laminated wood, nesoi, at least 1 nonconiferous outer ply, no particle board, nesoi
Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes
Packing boxes and cases of wood with solid sides, lids and bottoms
Wooden containers designed for use in the harvesting of fruits and vegetables
Wood cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings nesoi; cable-drums of wood Wooden pallets, box-pallets and other load boards designed for use in the harvesting of fruits and vegetables
Wooden pallets, box-pallets and other load boards, other than designed for use in the harvesting of fruits and vegetables
Wooden casks, barrels and hogsheads
Wooden staves and hoops; tight barrelheads of softwood
Wooden vats, tubs and other coopers' products and parts thereof
Wooden brush backs
Wooden tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles nesoi; wooden boot or shoe lasts and trees
Wooden windows, French-windows and their frames
HTSUS Subheading
4418.20.40 4418.20.80 4418.40.00 4418.50.00 4418.60.00 4418.73.10 4418.73.20
4418.73.30 4418.73.40 4418.73.60 4418.73.70
4418.73.90 4418.74.10 4418.74.20
4418.91.10 4418.91.90
4418.99.10 4418.99.90 4420.90.45 4420.90.65
4420.90.80 4421.91.10 4421.91.20 4421.91.70 4421.91.93 4421.91.94
Product Description
French doors of wood
Doors of wood, other than French doors
Wooden formwork (shuttering) for concrete constructional work
Wooden shingles and shakes
Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, Posts and Beams
Assembled flooring panels of bamboo, for mosaic floors, solid
Assembled flooring panels of bamboo, for mosaic floors other than solid, having a face ply more than 6mm in thickness
Assembled flooring panels of bamboo, for mosaic floors other than solid, having a face ply less than or equal to 6 mm in thickness
Assembled flooring panels of bamboo, other than for mosaic, multilayer, having a face ply more than 6mm in thickness
Assembled flooring panels of bamboo, other than mosaic, multilayer, having a face ply <=equal to 6mm in thickness, of unidirectional bamboo
Assembled flooring panels of bamboo, other than for mosaic, multilayer, having a face ply <= 6mm in thickness, not of unidirectional bamboo
Assembled flooring panels of bamboo, other than for mosaic or multilayer, nesoi Assembled wood flooring panels, other than of bamboo, for mosaic floors, solid Assembled wood flooring panels, other than of bamboo, for mosaic floors other than solid, having a face ply more than 6 mm in thickness
Assembled wood flooring panels, other than of bamboo, for mosaic floors other than solid, having a face ply less than or equal to 6 mm in thickness
Assembled wood flooring panels, other than of bamboo, other than for mosaic, multilayer, having a face ply more than 6 mm in thickness
Assembled wood flooring panels, other than of bamboo, other than for mosaic, multilayer, having a face ply less than or equal to 6 mm in thickness
Assembled wood flooring panels, other than of bamboo, other than for mosaic or multilayer
Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, of bamboo, drilled or notched lumber studs Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, of bamboo, other than drilled or notched lumber studs
Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, of wood other than of bamboo, drilled or notched lumber studs
Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, of wood other than of bamboo, other than drilled or notched lumber studs
Wooden jewelry boxes, silverware chests, microscope, tool or utensil cases, similar boxes, cases and chests, not lined with textile fabrics
Wooden jewelry boxes, silverware chests, microscope, tool or utensil cases, similar boxes, cases and chests, lined with textile fabrics
Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; wooden articles of furniture, nesoi
Plain wood dowel pins of bamboo
Wood dowel pins of bamboo, sanded, grooved or otherwise advanced in condition Pickets, palings, posts and rails of bamboo, sawn; assembled fence sections of bamboo Theatrical, ballet and operatic scenery and properties, including sets, of bamboo Edge-glued lumber of bamboo
HTSUS Subheading
4421.99.10 4421.99.15 4421.99.20
4421.99.70 4421.99.93
4421.99.94 4421.99.97
4501.10.00 4501.90.20 4501.90.40 4502.00.00
4503.10.20 4503.10.30 4503.10.40 4503.10.60
4503.90.20 4503.90.40 4503.90.60 4504.10.10
4504.10.20 4504.10.30 4504.10.40 4504.10.45
4504.10.47 4504.10.50
4504.90.00 4601.21.40 4601.21.80 4601.21.90 4601.22.40 4601.22.80 4601.22.90
Product Description
Other articles, nesoi, of bamboo, incl pencil slats, burial caskets, gates for confining children or pets
Plain coniferous wood dowel pins
Plain wood dowel pins, other than of coniferous wood or of bamboo
Wood dowel pins of wood other than of bamboo, the foregoing sanded, grooved or otherwise advanced in condition
Pickets, palings, posts and rails, sawn, of wood other than of bamboo; assembled fence sections of wood other than of bamboo
Theatrical, ballet and operatic scenery and properties, including sets, of wood other than of bamboo
Edge-glued lumber of wood other than of bamboo
Other articles, nesoi, of wood other than of bamboo, incl pencil slats, burial caskets, gates for confining children or pets,
Natural cork, raw or simply prepared
Waste cork
Crushed, granulated or ground cork
Natural cork, debacked or roughly squared or in rectangular blocks, plates, sheets or strip (incl. sharp-edged blanks for corks or stoppers)
Corks and stoppers of natural cork, tapered and of a thickness (or length) greater than the maximum diameter, n/o 19 mm maximum diameter
Corks and stoppers wholly of natural cork,tapered & of a thickness (or length) greater than the maximum diam.,over 19 mm maximum diam.
Corks and stoppers of natural cork, tapered & of a thickness (or length) greater than the maximum diam.,over 19 mm maximum diam., nesoi
Corks and stoppers of natural cork, of a thickness (or length) not greater than the maximum diameter
Disks, wafers and washers of natural cork
Natural cork wallcoverings, backed with paper or otherwise reinforced
Articles of natural cork, other than corks and stoppers
Vulcanized sheets and slabs wholly of agglomerated ground or pulverized cork and rubber
Insulation of compressed agglomerated cork, coated or not coated
Floor coverings of agglomerated cork
Agglomerated cork wallcoverings, backed with paper or otherwise reinforced Agglomerated cork stoppers, not tapered, wholly of cork, of a thickness (or length) greater than the maximum diameter
Corks, stoppers, disks, wafers and washers of agglomerated cork, nesoi
Blocks, plates, sheets and strip; tiles of any shape; solid cylinder; all the foregoing of cork; all the foregoing, nesoi
Agglomerated cork and articles of cork, nesoi
Woven or partly assembled materials of bamboo, for mats, matting and screens Bamboo floor coverings
Mats, matting and screens of bamboo, nesoi
Woven or partly assembled materials of rattan for mats, matting and screens Rattan floor coverings
Mats, matting and screens of rattan, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
4601.29.40 4601.29.60
4601.29.80 4601.29.90 4601.92.05
4601.92.20 4601.93.01 4601.93.05
4601.93.20 4601.94.05
4601.94.20 4601.94.40 4601.99.05 4601.99.90
4602.11.05 4602.11.07 4602.11.09 4602.11.21 4602.11.35 4602.11.45 4602.12.05 4602.12.14 4602.12.16 4602.12.23 4602.12.25 4602.12.35 4602.12.45 4602.19.05 4602.19.12 4602.19.14 4602.19.16 4602.19.17 4602.19.18 4602.19.22 4602.19.23 4602.19.25 4602.19.29
Product Description
Woven or partly assembled materials of willow for mats, matting and screens
Woven or partly assembled vegetable materials other than bamboo, rattan or willow, for mats, matting and screens
Willow floor coverings
Mats, matting and screens of willow, nesoi
Plaits of bamboo and similar products of such plaiting materials, whether or not assembled into strips
Products of bamboo other than plaits and similar products such as plaiting materials. Rattan webbing for mats, matting and screens
Plaits of rattan and similar products of such plaiting materials, whether or not assembled into strips
Products of rattan other than plaits and similar products such as plaiting materials. Plaits of vegetable materials and similar products of such plaiting materials, whether or not assembled into strips
Products nesoi, of plaiting materials, bound together in parallel strands or woven, in sheet form, of willow or wood
Products nesoi, of plaiting vegetable materials nesoi, bound together in parallel strands or woven, in sheet form
Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials (not vegetable), whether or not assembled into strips
Products nesoi of plaiting materials (not vegetable), bound together in parallel strands or woven, in sheet form, nesoi
Fishing baskets or creels made from bamboo
Baskets and bags of bamboo wickerwork
Baskets and bags of bamboo other than wickerwork
Luggage, handbags and flat goods, whether or not lined, of bamboo
Articles of wickerwork, nesoi, of bamboo
Basketwork and other articles, nesoi, of one or more of bamboo
Fishing baskets or creels made from rattan
Baskets and bags of rattan wickerwork
Baskets and bags of rattan other than wickerwork
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag, of rattan
Luggage, handbags and flat goods, whether or not lined, of rattan,nesoi
Articles of wickerwork, nesoi, of rattan
Basketwork and other articles, nesoi, of rattan
Fishing baskets or creels made from vegetable materials
Baskets and bags, nesoi, whether or not lined, of willow
Baskets and bags of palm leaf wickerwork
Baskets and bags of palm leaf other than wickerwork
Baskets and bags of vegetable material wickerwork, nesoi
Baskets and bags of vegetable material, nesoi
Luggage, handbags and flat goods, whether or not lined, of willow
Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag,of palm leaf Luggage, handbags and flat goods, whether or not lined, of palm leaf, nesoi
Luggage, handbags and flat goods, whether or not lined, made from plaiting materials nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
4602.19.35 4602.19.45 4602.19.60 4602.19.80 4602.90.00
4701.00.00 4702.00.00 4703.11.00
4703.19.00 4703.21.00 4703.29.00 4704.11.00 4704.19.00 4704.21.00 4704.29.00
4705.00.00 4706.10.00 4706.20.00 4706.30.00 4706.91.00 4706.92.01 4706.93.01 4707.10.00
4707.20.00 4707.30.00
4707.90.00 4801.00.01 4802.10.00 4802.20.10
4802.20.20 4802.20.40
Product Description
Articles of wickerwork, nesoi, of willow or wood
Basketwork and other articles, nesoi, of willow or wood
Articles of wickerwork, nesoi, of vegetable materials, nesoi
Basketwork and other articles, nesoi, of vegetables materials, nesoi
Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles made directly from plaiting materials or from articles of heading 4601, nesoi; loofah articles
Mechanical woodpulp
Chemical woodpulp, dissolving grades
Chemical woodpulp, soda or sulfate, other than dissolving grades, of unbleached coniferous wood
Chemical woodpulp, soda or sulfate, other than dissolving grades, of unbleached nonconiferous wood
Chemical woodpulp, soda or sulfate, other than dissolving grades, of semibleached or bleached coniferous wood
Chemical woodpulp, soda or sulfate, other than dissolving grades, of semibleached or bleached nonconiferous wood
Chemical woodpulp, sulfite, other than dissolving grades, of unbleached coniferous wood
Chemical woodpulp, sulfite, other than dissolving grades, of unbleached nonconiferous wood
Chemical woodpulp, sulfite, other than dissolving grades, of semibleached or bleached coniferous wood
Chemical woodpulp, sulfite, other than dissolving grades, of semibleached or bleached nonconiferous wood
Semichemical woodpulp
Cotton linters pulp
Pulps of fibers derived from recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard
Pulps of fibrous cellulosic material, of bamboo
Pulps of fibrous cellulosic material, other than cotton linters pulp, mechanical
Pulps of fibrous cellulosic material, other than cotton linters pulp, chemical
Pulps of fibrous cellulosic material, other than cotton linters pulp, semichemical
Waste and scrap of unbleached kraft paper or paperboard or of corrugated paper or paperboard
Waste and scrap of other paper or paperboard, made mainly of bleached chemical pulp, not colored in the mass
Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example, newspapers, journals, and similar printed matter)
Waste and scrap of paper or paperboard nesoi, including unsorted waste and scrap Newsprint, in rolls or sheets
Handmade paper and paperboard
Paper & paperboard use for photo-sensitive/heat-sensitive/electro-sensitive paper/paperboard, in strip/rolls ov 15 cm wide or certain sheets
Uncoated basic paper for photo-sensitive/heat-sensitve/eletro-sensitive paper/paperboard to be sensitized for photography, roll/sheets nesoi
Uncoated paper and paperboard of a kind used for photo-sensitive/heat- sensitve/eletro-sensitive paper/paperboard, in rolls or sheets nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
4802.40.00 4802.54.10
4802.54.20 4802.54.31 4802.54.50 4802.54.61 4802.55.10 4802.55.20 4802.55.30 4802.55.40 4802.55.60 4802.55.70 4802.56.10 4802.56.20 4802.56.30 4802.56.40 4802.56.60 4802.56.70 4802.57.10 4802.57.20 4802.57.30 4802.57.40 4802.58.10
Product Description
Wallpaper base (hanging paper), in rolls or sheets
Writing paper, weigh < 40 g/m2, cont. n/o 10% total fiber content by a mechanical/chemi- process, in strip/roll ov 15 cm wide/certain sheets
India & bible paper, weigh < 40 g/m2, n/o 10% total fiber content by a mechanical/chemi- process, in strip/roll ov 15 cm wide/certain sheets
Carbonizing base paper weighing n/ov 15 g/m2, in strip/roll over 15 cm wide or rectangular sheets w/side ov 36 cm and other ov 15 cm unfold
Other basic paper to be sensitized use in photography, wt < 40g/m2, n/o 10% total fiber by mechanical/chem- process, in rolls/sheets nesoi
Carbonizing base paper of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, in rolls or sheets nesoi
Writing/cover paper, wt 40 g/m2-150 g/m2, n/o 10% total fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, in rolls exceeding 15 cm in width
Drawing paper, wt 40 g/m2 -150 g/m2, n/o 10% total fiber content by mechanical/chemi- process, in rolls exceeding 15 cm in width
India/bible paper, wt 40 g/m2-150 g/m2, n/o 10% total fiber content by mechanical/chemi- process, in rolls exceeding 15 cm in width
Paper & paperboard, nesoi, 40 g/m2-150 g/m2, n/o 10% total fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, in rolls exceeding 15 cm in width
Other basic paper be sensitized for use photography, 40g/m2-150g/m2, n/o 10% total fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, rolls n/o 15 cm wide
Other paper/paperboard for writing/printing/other graphic purpose,40g/m2- 150g/m2,n/o 10% fiber mechanical/chemi- process,roll n/o 15 cm wide
Writing & cover paper, wt 40 g/m2-150 g/m2, n/o 10% by weight total fiber content by mechanical/chemi- process, in certain size sheets
Drawing paper, wt 40 g/m2-150 g/m2, contain n/o 10% weight total fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in certain size sheets
India & bible paper, wt 40 g/m2-150 g/m2, n/o 10% by wt. total fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in certain size sheets
Paper & paperboard nesoi, 40 g/m2-150 g/m2, n/o 10% by wt. total fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in certain size sheets
Other basic paper be sensitized use in photography, wt. 40g/m2-150g/m2, n/o 10% total fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, other sized sheets
Paper/paperboard for writing/printing/other graphic purpose,wt 40g/m2-150g/m2, n/o 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process,other sized sheets
Writing/cover paper, wt 40 g/m2-150 g/m2, cont. n/o 10% by weight total fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in sheets nesoi
Drawing paper, wt 40 g/m2 to 150 g/m2, cont. n/o 10% by weight total fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in sheets nesoi
India & bible paper, wt 40 g/m2 to 150 g/m2, cont. n/o 10% by wt. total fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in sheets nesoi
Paper & paperboard nesoi, 40 g/m2-150 g/m2, cont. n/o 10% by wt. total fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in sheets nesoi
Writing/cover paper, >150 g/m2, n/o 10% by wt total fiber content by mechanical process/chemi-, in strip/roll ov 15 cm wide or certain sheet
HTSUS Subheading
4803.00.20 4803.00.40
4804.11.00 4804.19.00 4804.21.00 4804.29.00 4804.31.10
4804.31.20 4804.31.40 4804.31.60
Product Description
Paper & paperboard nesoi, >150 g/m2, n/o 10% total fiber content by mechanical/chemi- process, in strip/roll ov 15 cm wide or certain sheets
Basic paper be sensitized for photography, wt >150 g/m2, n/o 10% total fiber content by mechanical process/chemi-, in rolls/sheets nesoi
Paper/paperboard for writing/printing/other graphic purpose,>150 g/m2, n/o 10% fiber content by mechanical process/chemi-,rolls/sheets nesoi
Writing & cover paper, over 10% by wt total fiber content consists of fiber obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in rolls over 15 cm wide
Drawing paper, over 10% by weight total fiber content consists of fiber obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in rolls over 15 cm wide
Paper and paperboard for graphic purpose nesoi, ov 10% total fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in rolls over 15 cm wide
Basic paper to be sensitized for photography, ov 10% total fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in rolls n/o 15 cm wide
Paper/paperboard for writing/printing/other graphic purposes nesoi, ov 10% total fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, in rolls n/o 15 cm wide
Writing & cover paper, over 10% by wt total fiber content consists of fiber obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in certain size sheets
Drawing paper, which ov 10% by weight total fiber content consists of fiber obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in certain size sheets
Paper and paperboard for graphic purposes nesoi, ov 10% by wt total fiber obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in certain size sheets
Basic paper to be sensitized for use in photography, ov 10% by wt total fiber obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, other sized sheets
Paper/paperboard for graphic purposes nesoi, ov 10% by wt total fiber obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, other sized sheets
Writing & cover paper, of which over 10% by weight total fiber content consists of fiber obtained by mechanical process, sheets nesoi
Drawing paper, of which over 10% by weight total fiber content consists of fiber obtained by mechanical process, in sheets nesoi
Paper and paperboard for graphic purposes nesoi, ov 10% by wt total fiber obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, in sheets nesoi
Cellulose wadding in rolls over 36 cm wide or sheets with at least one side over 36 cm Toilet, facial tissue, towel or napkin stock and paper for household/sanitary purposes, in rolls or sheets of specific measure
Uncoated, unbleached kraftliner, in rolls or sheets
Uncoated kraftliner, other than unbleached, in rolls or sheets
Uncoated, unbleached sack kraft paper, in rolls or sheets
Uncoated sack kraft paper, other than unbleached, in rolls or sheets
Uncoated, unbleached kraft condenser paper, in rolls or sheets, weighing more than 15 g/m 2 but not over 30 g/m 2
Uncoated, unbleached kraft condenser paper, in rolls or sheets, weighing less than 15 g/m 2 or more than 30 g/m 2 to 150 g/m 2
Uncoated, unbleached kraft wrapping paper in rolls or sheets, weighing 150 g/m2 or less
Uncoated, unbleached kraft paper nesoi, in rolls or sheets, weighing 150 g/m2 or less
HTSUS Subheading
4804.39.20 4804.39.40 4804.39.60 4804.41.20 4804.41.40 4804.42.00 4804.49.00 4804.51.00 4804.52.00 4804.59.00 4805.11.00 4805.12.10 4805.12.20 4805.19.10 4805.19.20 4805.24.50 4805.24.70 4805.24.90 4805.25.00
4805.30.00 4805.40.00 4805.50.00 4805.91.10
Product Description
Uncoated kraft condenser paper, other than unbleached, in rolls or sheets, weighing 150 g/m2 or less
Uncoated kraft wrapping paper, other than unbleached, in rolls or sheets, weighing 150 g/m2 or less
Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, other than unbleached, in rolls or sheets, weighing 150 g/m2 or less, nesoi
Uncoated, unbleached kraft wrapping paper in rolls or sheets, weighing more than 150 but less than 225 g/m2
Uncoated, unbleached kraft paper and paperboard, nesoi, in rolls or sheets, weighing more than 150 but less than 225 g/m2
Uncoated, bleached kraft paper and paperboard,over 150 but n/o 225 g/m2,over 95% content of wood fibers by chemical process,rolls or sheets
Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, nesoi, in rolls or sheets, weighing more than 150 but less than 225 g/m2, nesoi
Uncoated, unbleached kraft paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weighing 225 g/m2 or more
Uncoated, bleached kraft paper & paperboard, over 225 g/m2, over 95% content of wood fibers obtained by chemical process, rolls or sheets
Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets, weighing 225 g/m2 or more, nesoi
Uncoated semichemical fluting paper, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than as specified in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated straw fluting paper, weighing 150 g/m2 or less, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than as specified in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated straw fluting pape, weighing over 150 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than as specified in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated fluting paper nesoi, weighing 150 g/m2 or less, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than as specified in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated fluting paper nesoi, weighing over 150 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than as specified in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated testliner (recycled liner board), weighing n/o 15 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated testliner, weighing over 15 g/m2 but not over 30 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated testliner, weighing over 30 g/m2 but not over 150 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated testliner, weighing more than 150 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than as specified in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated sulfite wrapping paper in rolls or sheets
Uncoated filter paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets
Uncoated felt paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets
Uncoated multi-ply paper & paperboard, bibulous & wrapping paper, weigh 150 g/m2 or less, in rolls/sheets, not further worked than in note 3
Uncoated condenser paper, weighing 150 g/m2 or less, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than as specified in note 3 to chapter 48
HTSUS Subheading
4805.91.50 4805.91.70 4805.91.90 4805.92.20 4805.92.40 4805.93.20 4805.93.40
4806.10.00 4806.20.00 4806.30.00 4806.40.00 4807.00.10
4807.00.91 4807.00.92 4807.00.94
4808.10.00 4808.40.00 4808.90.20 4808.90.40 4808.90.60 4809.20.20
4809.20.40 4809.90.20 4809.90.40 4809.90.60 4809.90.71 4809.90.80
Product Description
Uncoated paper and paperboard nesoi, weighing not over 15 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than as in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated paper and paperboard nesoi, weigh over 15 g/m2 but n/o 30 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated paper and paperboard nesoi, weigh ov 30 g/m2 but n/o 150 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated pressboard, weighing more than 150 g/m2 but less than 225 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated paper & paperboard nesoi, weighing > 150 g/m2 but < 225 g/m2, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated pressboard weighing 225 g/m2 or more, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than as specified in note 3 to chapter 48
Uncoated paper and paperboard nesoi, weighing 225 g/m2 or more, in rolls or sheets, not further worked than as in note 3 to chapter 48
Vegetable parchment in rolls or sheets
Greaseproof papers in rolls or sheets
Tracing papers in rolls or sheets
Glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers, in rolls or sheets Composite paper and paperboard, laminated internally with bitumen, tar or asphalt, not surface-coated or impregnated, in rolls or sheets
Composite straw paper and paperboard, not surface-coated or impregnated, in rolls or sheets
Composite cloth-lined or reinforced paper, not surface-coated or impregnated, in rolls or sheets
Composite paper and paperboard nesoi, not surface-coated or impregnated, in rolls or sheets
Corrugated paper and paperboard, whether or not perforated, in rolls or sheets
Kraft paper, creped or crinkled, whether or not embossed or perforated
Paper and paperboard, creped or crinkled, in rolls or sheets, nesoi
Paper and paperboard, embossed, in rolls or sheets, nesoi
Paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, nesoi
Self-copy writing paper in rolls over 36 cm wide or rectangular sheets over 36 cm on side(s)
Self-copy paper in rolls over 36 cm wide or rectangular sheets over 36 cm on side(s), other than writing paper
Stereotype-matrix board and mat in rolls over 36 cm wide or in rectangular sheets over 36 cm on side(s)
Simplex decalcomania paper in rolls over 36 cm wide or in rectangular sheets over 36 cm on side(s)
Duplex decalcomania paper in rolls over 36 cm wide or in rectangular sheets over 36 cm on side(s)
Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer paper, Impregnated, coated or both, but otherwise not treated
Copying or transfer papers, nesoi, in rolls over 36 cm wide or rectangular sheets over 36 cm on side(s)
HTSUS Subheading
4810.13.11 4810.13.13 4810.13.19 4810.13.20 4810.13.50 4810.13.60 4810.13.70 4810.14.11 4810.14.13 4810.14.19 4810.14.20 4810.14.50 4810.14.60 4810.14.70 4810.19.11 4810.19.13 4810.19.19 4810.19.20 4810.22.10 4810.22.50 4810.22.60 4810.22.70 4810.29.10
Product Description
Basic paper be sensitized for photography, coated w/inorganic, n/o 150 g/m2, n/o 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, rolls ov 15 cm wide
India or bible paper, coated w/inorganic, n/o 150 g/m2, n/o 10% fiber content obtained by a mechanical/chemi- process, rolls ov 15 cm wide
Paper/paperboard for graphic use nesoi, coated w/inorganic, n/o 150g/m2, n/o 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, rolls ov 15 cm wide
Paper and paperboard for graphic use, coated w/inorganic, ov 150g/m2, n/o 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, in rolls over 15 cm wide
Printed/embossed/perforated paper & paperboard graphic use, coated w/inorganic, n/o 10% fiber by mech/chemi- process, rolls n/o 15 cm wide
Basic paper be sensitized for photography, coated w/kaolin/inorganic, n/o 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, rolls n/o 15 cm wide
Paper & paperboard for graphic purposes nesoi, coated w/kaolin/inorganic, n/o 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, rolls n/o 15 cm wide
Basic paper be sensitized for photography, coated w/inorganic, n/o 150g/m2, n/o 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, certain size sheets
India or bible paper, coated w/inorganic, n/o 150 g/m2, of n/o 10% fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, certain size sheets
Paper and paperboard for graphic use nesoi, coated w/inorganic, n/o 150g/m2, n/o 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, certain size sheets
Paper and paperboard for graphic use, coated w/inorganic, ov 150g/m2, n/o 10% fiber obtained mechanical/chemi- process, certain size sheets
Printed/embossed/perforated paper & paperboard, coated w/inorganic, n/o 10% fiber obtained mechanical/chemi- process, other sized sheets
Basic paper be sensitized use in photography, coated w/inorganic, n/o 10% fiber obtained mechanical/chemi- process, other sized sheets
Paper & paperboard for graphic purposes nesoi, coated w/inorganic, n/o 10% fiber obtained mechanical/chemi- process, other sized sheets
Basic paper be sensitized use in photography, coated w/inorganic, n/o 150g/m2, n/o 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, sheets nesoi
India or bible paper, coated w/inorganic, n/o 150 g/m2, of n/o 10% fiber content obtained by a mechanical/chemi- process, sheets nesoi
Paper & paperboard for graphic use nesoi, coated w/inorganic, n/o 150g/m2, n/o 10% fiber obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, sheets nesoi
Paper and paperboard for graphic use, coated w/inorganic, ov 150g/m2, n/o 10% fiber obtained by a mechanical/chemi- process, sheets nesoi
Light-weight coated paper for graphic use, > 10% fiber content obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, strip/roll ov 15 cm wide/sized sheets
Light-wt coated printed/embossed/perforated paper/paperboard for graphic, > 10% fiber obtained mechanical/chemi- process, roll/sheet nesoi
Light-weight coated basic paper be sensitized use in photography, > 10% fiber obtained mechanical/chemi- process, rolls/sheets nesoi
Light-wt coated paper & paperboard used for graphic purposes, > 10% fiber obtained by a mechanical/chemi- process, roll/sheet nesoi
Paper/paperboard for graphic, coated w/inorganic, > 10% fiber obtained by mechanical/chemi- process, strip/roll ov 15 cm wide & sized sheets
HTSUS Subheading
4810.29.50 4810.29.60 4810.29.70 4810.31.10 4810.31.30 4810.31.65 4810.32.10 4810.32.30 4810.32.65 4810.39.12 4810.39.14 4810.39.30 4810.39.65 4810.92.12 4810.92.14 4810.92.30 4810.92.65 4810.99.10 4810.99.30 4810.99.65 4811.10.11 4811.10.21 4811.41.10
Product Description
Printed/embossed/perforated paper/paperboard for graphic, coated w/inorganic, > 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, rolls/sheets nesoi
Basic paper to be sensitized for use in photography, coated w/inorganic, > 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, rolls/sheets nesoi
Paper/paperboard used for graphic purposes, coated w/inorganic, > 10% fiber by mechanical/chemi- process, rolls/sheets nesoi
Nongraphic bleached coated kraft paper/paperboard, >95% wood fiber by chemical process, 150g/m2 or <, strip/roll ov 15 cm wide/certain sheet
Bleached coated kraft paper cards, not punched, for punchcard machine, >95% wood fiber by chemical process, 150g/m2 or <, rolls/sheets nesoi
Nongraphic bleached coated kraft paper/paperboard nesoi, of > 95% wood fiber by chemical process, 150 g/m2 or less, in rolls or sheets nesoi
Nongraphic bleached coated kraft paper/paperboard, > 95% wood fiber by chemical process, >150g/m2, strip/roll ov 15 cm wide/certain sheets
Bleached coated kraft paper card, not punched, for punchcard machine, >95% wood fiber by chemical process, > 150g/m2, in strips/sheets nesoi
Nongraphic bleached coated kraft paper/paperboard nesoi, of > 95% wood fiber obtained chemical process, > 150 g/m2, in rolls or sheets nesoi
Nongraphic nonbleach uniformly kraft paper/paperboard,coated w/inorganic,wheth impreg but not treated,strip/roll ov 15cm wide/certain sheet
Nongraphic nonbleached uniformly kraft paper and paperboard nesoi, coated w/kaolin/inorganic substances, strip/roll ov 15 cm/certain sheets
Nonbleached uniformly kraft paper cards, not punched, for punchcard machines, coated w/inorganic substances, strips/sheets nesoi
Nongraphic nonbleached uniformly kraft paper or paperboard nesoi, coated with kaolin or other inorganic substances, in rolls or sheets nesoi
Multi-ply paper & paperboard nesoi, coat w/kaolin/other inorganic substances, wt > 150g/m2, strips/rolls ov 15 cm wide or certain sheets
Multi-ply paper/paperboard nesoi, coat w/kaolin/other inorganic substances, wt 150g/m2 or less, strips/rolls ov 15 cm wide or certain sheets
Mult-ply paper/paperboard cards, not punched, for punchcard machines, coated w/kaolin/other inorganic substances, in strips/sheets nesoi
Multi-ply paper or paperboard nesoi, coated with kaolin or other inorganic substances, in rolls n/o 15 cm wide and rectangular sheets nesoi
Paper & paperboard nesoi, coated with kaolin or other inorganic substances, in strips/rolls ov 15 cm wide or certain size rectangular sheets
Paper & paperboard cards nesoi, not punched, for punchcard machines, coated w/kaolin/inorganic substances, in strips or sheets nesoi
Paper and paperboard nesoi, coated with kaolin or other inorganic substances, in rolls n/o 15 cm wide and rectangular sheets nesoi
Tarred, bituminized or asphalted paper & paperboard, in strip/roll ov 15cm wide or rectangular sheet w/side ov 36cm & other ov 15cm unfolded
Tarred, bituminized or asphalted paper and paperboard, in strips or rolls not over 15 cm wide or in rectangular sheets nesoi
Self-adhesive paper & paperboard, in strips/rolls ov 15cm wide or rectangular sheets w/1 side ov 36cm & other side ov 15cm in unfolded
HTSUS Subheading
4811.41.21 4811.41.30 4811.49.10
4811.49.21 4811.49.30 4811.51.20 4811.51.40 4811.51.60 4811.59.20 4811.59.40 4811.59.60 4811.60.40 4811.60.60 4811.90.10 4811.90.20 4811.90.30 4811.90.40 4811.90.60 4811.90.80 4811.90.90
4812.00.00 4813.10.00 4813.20.00 4813.90.00 4816.20.00 4816.90.01 4817.10.00
Product Description
Self-adhesive paper and paperboard, in strips or rolls not over 15 cm wide Self-adhesive paper and paperboard, in rectangular sheets nesoi
Gummed or adhesive paper and paperboard (other than self-adhesive), in strips or rolls over 15 cm wide or certain sized rectangular sheets
Gummed or adhesive paper and paperboard (other than self-adhesive), in strips or rolls not over 15 cm wide
Gummed or adhesive paper and paperboard (other than self-adhesive), in rectangular sheets nesoi
Bleached paper and paperboard, coated/impregnated/covered w/plastics, wt >150g/m2, 0.3mm or more thick, in certain size strips/rolls/sheets
Bleached paper and paperboard, coated/impregnated/covered w/plastics, wt > 150 g/m2, < 0.3 mm thick, in certain size strips/rolls/sheets
Bleached paper and paperboard, coated/impregnated/covered w/plastics, wt > 150 g/m2, in rolls n/o 15 cm wide or rectangular sheets nesoi
Bleached nesoi/nonbleached printing paper, coated, impregnated or covered with plastics, in strips/rolls ov 15cm wide or certain size sheets
Bleached nesoi/nonbleached paper and paperboard nesoi, coated/impregnated/covered with plastics, in certain size strip/rolls/sheets
Bleached nesoi/nonbleached paper & paperboard, coated/impregnated/covered with plastics, in rolls n/o 15 cm wide or rectangular sheets nesoi
Paper and paperboard, coated/impregnated/covered with wax/paraffin/stearin/oil/glycerol, in strips/rolls ov 15cm wide or certain size sheets Paper and paperboard, coated/impregnated/covered with wax/paraffin/stearin/oil/glycerol, in rolls n/o 15cm wide or rectangular sheets nesoi Handmade paper of cellulose fibers, in strip or roll ov 15 cm wide or rectangular sheets w/1 side ov 36 cm and other ov 15 cm in unfolded
Paper/paperboard/cell wadding/webs of cell fibers, all/partly covered w/flock/gelatin/metal/metal solutions, in certain strip/rolls/sheets
Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibers, impregnated with latex, in certain size strips/rolls/sheets
Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibers, nesoi, weighing not over 15 g/m2, in certain size strips, rolls or sheets
Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and web of cellulose fibers, nesoi, wt ov 15g/m2 n/o 30g/m2, in certain size strips, rolls or sheets
Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibers, nesoi, weighing over 30 g/m2, in certain size strips, rolls or sheets
Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibers, nesoi, in rolls n/o 15 cm wide or rectangular sheets nesoi
Filter blocks, slabs and plates of paper pulp
Cigarette paper in the form of booklets or tubes
Cigarette paper in rolls of a width not exceeding 5 cm
Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size, nesoi
Self-copy paper, nesoi
Carbon or similar copying papers, nesoi
Envelopes of paper or paperboard
HTSUS Subheading
4817.20.40 4817.30.00
4818.10.00 4818.20.00
4818.30.00 4818.50.00 4818.90.00
4819.10.00 4819.20.00 4819.30.00
4819.40.00 4819.50.20
4819.50.30 4819.50.40
4819.60.00 4820.10.20 4820.10.40
4820.20.00 4820.30.00 4820.40.00 4820.50.00 4820.90.00
4821.10.20 4821.10.40 4821.90.20 4821.90.40 4822.10.00
4822.90.00 4823.20.10 4823.20.90
Product Description
Sheets of writing paper with border gummed or perforated, prepared for use as combination sheets and envelopes
Other letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards, nesoi
Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery
Toilet paper
Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and towels of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fiber
Tablecloths and table napkins of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fiber
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers
Bedsheets and similar household, sanitary or hospital articles of paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers, nesoi
Cartons, boxes and cases of corrugated paper or paperboard
Folding cartons, boxes and cases of noncorrugated paper or paperboard
Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of 40 cm or more, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers
Sacks and bags, nesoi, including cones, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers
Sanitary food and beverage containers of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers, nesoi
Record sleeves of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers Packing containers, nesoi, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers
Box files, letter trays, storage & like articles, used in offices & shops, of paper,paperboard,cellulose wadding/webs of cellulose fibers
Diaries, notebooks and address books, bound; letter and memorandum pads and similar articles, of paper or paperboard
Registers, account, order and receipt books, and similar articles, of paper or paperboard, nesoi
Exercise books of paper or paperboard
Binders (other than book covers), folders and file covers of paper or paperboard Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets of paper or paperboard
Albums for samples or for collections, of paper or paperboard
Blotting pads and other articles of stationery nesoi, and book covers, of paper or paperboard
Paper and paperboard labels, printed in whole or part by a lithographic process
Paper and paperboard labels, printed by other than a lithographic process Pressure-sensitive paper and paperboard labels, not printed
Paper and paperboard labels, not printed, nesoi
Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of paper pulp, paper or paperboard of a kind used for winding textile yarn
Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of paper pulp, paper or paperboard, nesoi Paint filters and strainers of paper or paperboard
Filter paper and paperboard, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
4823.40.00 4823.61.00 4823.69.00 4823.70.00 4823.90.10 4823.90.20 4823.90.31
4823.90.40 4823.90.50 4823.90.60 4823.90.67 4823.90.70 4823.90.80
5001.00.00 5002.00.00 5003.00.10
5004.00.00 5005.00.00 5006.00.10 5006.00.90 5007.10.30 5007.10.60 5007.20.00
5007.90.30 5007.90.60
5101.11.10 5101.11.20 5101.11.40 5101.11.50
5101.11.60 5101.19.10
Product Description
Rolls, sheets and dials of paper or paperboard printed for self-recording apparatus Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like, of paper or paperboard: of bamboo
Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like, of paper or paperboard
Molded or pressed articles of paper pulp
Articles of paper pulp, nesoi
Articles of papier-mache, nesoi
Cards of paper or paperboard, nesoi, not punched, for punchcard machines, whether or not in strips
Frames or mounts for photographic slides of paper or paperboard
Hand fans of paper or paperboard
Gaskets, washers and other seals of coated paper or paperboard
Coated paper or paperboard, nesoi
Articles of cellulose wadding, nesoi
Gaskets, washers and other seals of paper, paperboard and webs of cellulose fibers, nesoi
Articles of paper pulp, paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers, nesoi
Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling
Raw silk (not thrown)
Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock) not carded or combed
Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock) carded or combed
Silk yarns (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale
Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale
Spun yarn, containing 85% or more by weight of silk, put up for retail sale; silkworm gut Spun silk yarn, containing less than 85% by weight of silk, put up for retail sale
Woven fabrics of noil silk, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste Woven fabrics of noil silk, containing less than 85 percent by weight of silk or silk waste Woven fabrics containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or of silk waste, other than noil silk
Woven silk fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste, nesoi Other silk woven fabrics, containing less than 85 percent by weight of silk or silk waste, nesoi
Unimproved wool and other wool not finer than 46s, greasy, shorn, not carded or combed, for special uses
Unimproved wool and other wool not finer than 40s, greasy, shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 40s but not 44s, greasy, shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 44s but not 46s, greasy, shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 46s, greasy, shorn, not carded or combed Unimproved wool and other wool not finer than 46s, greasy, not shorn, not carded or combed, for special uses
HTSUS Subheading
5101.19.20 5101.19.40 5101.19.50 5101.19.60 5101.21.10 5101.21.15 5101.21.30 5101.21.35 5101.21.40 5101.21.65 5101.21.70 5101.29.10 5101.29.15 5101.29.30 5101.29.35 5101.29.40 5101.29.65 5101.29.70 5101.30.10 5101.30.15 5101.30.30 5101.30.40 5101.30.65
Product Description
Unimproved wool and other wool not finer than 40s, greasy, not shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excl. unimproved, finer than 40s, but not 44s, greasy, not shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 44s but not 46s, greasy, not shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 46s, greasy, incl. fleece-washed, not shorn, not carded or combed
Unimproved wool and other wool not finer than 46s, degreased, not further processed, shorn, not carded or combed, for special uses
Unimproved wool and other wool not finer than 40s, degreased, not further processed, shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excl. unimproved, finer than 40s but not 44s, degreased, not further processed, shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excl. unimproved, finer than 44s but not 46s, degreased, not further processed, shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excl. unimproved, finer than 46s, degreased, not further processed, shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Unimproved wool and other wool, not finer than 46s, degreased, shorn, not carbonized, not carded or combed
Unimproved wool and other wool, finer than 46s, degreased, shorn, not carbonized, not carded or combed
Unimproved wool and other wool not finer than 46s, degreased, not further processed, not shorn, not carded or combed, for special uses
Unimproved wool and other wool not finer than 40s, degreased, not further processed, not shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excl. unimproved, finer than 40s but not 44s, degreased, not further processed, not shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excl. unimproved, finer than 44s but not 46s, degreased, not further processed, not shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Wool, excl. unimproved, finer than 46s, degreased, not further processed, not shorn, not carded or combed, not for special uses
Unimproved wool and other wool, not finer than 46s, not shorn, not carbonized, degreased and further processed, not carded or combed
Wool, finer than 46s, not carded or combed, not carbonized, not shorn, degreased and processed to remove grease
Unimproved wool and other wool, not finer than 40s, carbonized, not further processed, not carded or combed
Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 40s but not finer than 44s, carbonized, not further processed, not carded or combed
Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 44s but not finer than 46s, carbonized, not further processed, not carded or combed
Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 46s, carbonized, not further processed, not carded or combed
Unimproved wool and other wool, not finer than 46s, carbonized and further processed, not carded or combed
HTSUS Subheading
5102.19.80 5102.19.90
5102.20.00 5103.10.00 5103.20.00
5103.30.00 5104.00.00 5105.10.00 5105.21.00 5105.29.00 5105.31.00 5105.39.00 5105.40.00 5106.10.00
5106.20.00 5107.10.30 5107.10.60 5107.20.30 5107.20.60
5108.10.30 5108.10.40 5108.10.80
5108.20.30 5108.20.40 5108.20.80
Product Description
Unimproved wool and other wool, finer than 46s, carbonized and further processed, not carded or combed
Fine hair of Kashmir (cashmere) goats, not processed in any manner beyond the degreased or carbonized condition, not carded or combed
Fine hair of Kashmir (cashmere) goats, processed beyond the degreased or carbonized condition, not carded or combed
Fine hair of the camel, not processed in any manner beyond the degreased or carbonized condition, not carded or combed
Fine animal hair (other than Kashmir or camel), not processed beyond the degreased or carbonized condition, not carded or combed
Fur, prepared for hatters' use, not carded or combed
Fine animal hair (other than Kashmir), processed beyond the degreased or carbonized condition, not carded or combed
Coarse animal hair, not carded or combed
Noils of wool or of fine animal hair
Waste, other than noils, of wool or of fine animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock
Waste of coarse animal hair, including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair
Carded wool
Combed wool in fragments
Wool tops and other combed wool, except in fragments
Fine hair of Kashmir (cashmere) goats, carded or combed
Fine animal hair (other than Kashmir), carded or combed
Coarse animal hair, carded or combed
Yarn of carded wool, containing 85 percent or more by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale
Yarn of carded wool, containing less than 85 percent by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale
Yarn of combed wool, containing 85% or more by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale, of wool fiber avg diameter 18.5 micron or <
Yarn of combed wool, containing 85% or more by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale, nesoi
Yarn of combed wool, containing less than 85 percent by weight of wool, not put up retail sale, of wool fiber avg diameter 18.5 micron or <
Yarn of combed wool, containing less than 85 percent by weight of wool, not put up retail sale, nesoi
Yarn of Angora rabbit hair, carded, not put up for retail sale
Yarn of mohair, carded, not put up for retail sale
Yarn of fine animal hair other than Angora rabbit hair or mohair, carded, not put up for retail sale
Yarn of Angora rabbit hair, combed, not put up for retail sale
Yarn of mohair, combed, not put up for retail sale
Yarn of fine animal hair other than Angora rabbit hair or mohair, combed, not put up for retail sale
HTSUS Subheading
5109.10.20 5109.10.40 5109.10.80 5109.10.90 5109.90.20 5109.90.40 5109.90.80 5109.90.90 5110.00.00 5111.11.20 5111.11.30 5111.11.70 5111.19.10 5111.19.20 5111.19.60 5111.20.05 5111.20.10 5111.20.90 5111.30.05 5111.30.10 5111.30.90 5111.90.30 5111.90.40
Product Description
Yarn of wool, containing 85 percent or more by weight of wool, colored, cut into uniform lengths of not over 8 cm, put up for retail sale
Yarn of Angora rabbit hair, containing 85 percent or more by weight of the Angora hair, put up for retail sale
Yarn of wool nesoi, or fine animal hair nesoi, over 85% or > of that wool/hair, for retail sale, of wool fiber avg diamter 18.5 micron or <
Yarn of wool nesoi, or fine animal hair nesoi, over 85% or > of that wool/hair, put up for retail sale, nesoi
Yarn of wool, colored, and cut into uniform lengths of not over 8 cm, containing less than 85% by weight of wool, put up for retail sale
Yarn of Angora rabbit hair containing less than 85 percent by weight of the Angora hair, put up for retail sale
Yarn of wool nesoi, or fine animal hair nesoi, < 85% of that wool/hair, for retail sale, of wool fiber avg diameter 18.5 micron or <
Yarn of wool nesoi, or fine animal hair nesoi, < 85% of that wool/hair, put up for retail sale, nesoi
Yarn of coarse animal hair or horsehair (including gimped horsehair yarn) whether or not put up for retail sale
Tapestry and upholstery fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, over 85% wool or hair, weighing not over 140 g/m2
Hand-woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, 85% or more wool or hair, loom width less than 76 cm, weight not over 300 g/m2
Woven fabrics, 85% or more by weight of carded wool/fine animal hair, weight not over 300 g/m2, nesoi
Tapestry and upholstery fabrics, woven, 85% or more by weight of carded wool/fine animal hair, weight over 300 g/m2
Hand-woven fabrics, with 85 percent or more by weight of carded wool/fine animal hair, loom width of less than 76 cm, weight ov 300 g/m2
Woven fabrics, with 85 percent or more by weight of carded wool/fine animal hair nesoi, weight over 300 g/m2
Tapestry & upholstery fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, weight exceeding 300 g/m2
Tapestry & upholstery fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, weight not over 140 g/m2
Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, nesoi
Tapestry & upholstery fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, mixed mainly/solely with man-made staple fibers, weight exceeding 300 g/m2
Tapestry & upholstery fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, mixed mainly/solely with man-made staple fibers, weight not over 140 g/m2
Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, mixed mainly or solely with man-made staple fibers, nesoi
Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, containing 30 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste, valued over $33/kg
Tapestry and upholstery fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, weight over 300 g/m2, containing less than 85% wool or hair, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
5111.90.50 5111.90.90 5112.11.10 5112.11.30 5112.11.60 5112.19.20 5112.19.60 5112.19.95 5112.20.10 5112.20.20 5112.20.30 5112.30.10 5112.30.20 5112.30.30 5112.90.30 5112.90.40 5112.90.50
5112.90.90 5113.00.00 5201.00.05
5201.00.12 5201.00.14 5201.00.18 5201.00.22
Product Description
Tapestry and upholstery fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, weight not over 140 g/m2, containing less than 85% wool or hair, nesoi
Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair, containing less than 85% wool or hair, nesoi
Tapestry and upholstery fabrics of combed wool/fine more wool or hair, weight not over 140 g/m2
Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, over 200 g/m2, avg wool fiber diameter 18.5 micron or < Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, over 200 g/m2, nesoi
Tapestry and upholstery fabrics of combed wool/fine hair, weight over 300 g/m2
Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, over 200 g/m2, avg wool fiber diameter 18.5 micron or < Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, over weight over 200 g/m2, nesoi
Tapestry and upholstery fabrics of combed wool/fine
with man-made filaments, weight over 300 g/m2
Tapestry and upholstery fabrics of combed wool/fine
with man-made filaments, weight not over 140 g/m2
Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, nesoi
Tapestry and upholstery fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, mixed mainly/solely with man-made staple fibers, weight over 300 g/m2
Tapestry & upholstery fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, mixed mainly/solely with man-made staple fibers, weight not over 140 g/m2
Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, mixed mainly or solely with man-made staple fibers, nesoi
Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, nesoi, containing 30 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste, valued over $33/kg
Woven tapestry/upholstery fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, con. by wt. under 85% wool/hair & under 30% silk, over 300 g/m2, nesoi
Woven tapestry/upholstery fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, con. by wt. under 85% wool/hair & under 30% silk, n/o 140 g/m2, nesoi
Woven fabrics of combed wool or combed fine animal hair, nesoi
Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair
Cotton, not carded or combed, having a staple length under 19.05 mm (3/4 inch), harsh or rough
Cotton, n/carded or combed, having a staple length < 28.575 mm (1-1/8 inches), n/harsh or rough, described in gen. note 15
Cotton, n/carded or combed, having a staple length < 28.575 mm (1-1/8 inches), n/harsh or rough, quota described in ch 52 add'l US note 5
Cotton, not carded or combed, having a staple length under 28.575 mm (1-1/8 inches), n/harsh or rough, nesoi
Cotton, not carded or combed, staple length of 28.575 mm or more but under 34.925 mm, described in gen. note 15
animal hair, containing 85% or 85% wool or hair, weight not over 85% wool or hair, weight not over
animal hair, over 85% wool or 85% wool or fine animal hair, ov 85% wool or fine animal hair,
animal hair, mixed mainly/solely animal hair, mixed mainly/solely
HTSUS Subheading
5201.00.24 5201.00.28 5201.00.34 5201.00.38 5201.00.55 5201.00.60
5201.00.80 5202.10.00 5202.91.00 5202.99.05
5202.99.10 5202.99.30
5202.99.50 5203.00.05
5203.00.30 5203.00.50 5204.11.00
5204.20.00 5205.11.10
5205.11.20 5205.12.10 5205.12.20 5205.13.10 5205.13.20
Product Description
Cotton,n/carded or combed,harsh or rough,staple length 29.36875 mm or more but n/o 34.925 mm,white in color,quota descrd ch 52 add US note 6
Cotton, not carded or combed, harsh or rough, staple length of 29.36875 mm or more but under 34.925 mm & white in color, nesoi
Cotton, not carded or combed, staple length of 28.575 mm or more but under 34.925 mm, other, quota described in chapter 52 add'l US note 7
Cotton, not carded or combed, staple length of 28.575 mm or more but under 34.925 mm, nesoi
Cotton, not carded or combed, having a staple length of 34.925 mm or more, described in the gen. note 15
Cotton, not carded or combed, having a staple length of 34.925 mm or more, quota described in chapter 52 add'l US note 8
Cotton, not carded or combed, having a staple length of 34.925 mm or more, nesoi Cotton yarn waste (including thread waste)
Cotton garnetted stock
Cotton card strips made from cotton waste having staple length under 30.1625 mm & lap, sliver & roving waste described in gen. nte 15
Cotton card strips made from cotton waste w/staple length under 30.1625 mm & lap, sliver & roving waste, quota dscrbd in ch 52 add US note 9
Cotton card strips made from cotton waste having staple length under 30.1625 mm & lap, sliver & roving waste, nesoi
Cotton waste, other than yarn waste and garnetted stock, nesoi
Cotton fibers, carded or combed, of cotton fiber processed but not spun, described in gen. note 15
Cotton fibers, carded or combed, of cotton fiber processed but not spun, quota described in chapter 52 add'l US note 10
Cotton fibers, carded or combed, of cotton fiber processed, but not spun, nesoi
Cotton carded or combed, excluding fibers of cotton processed but not spun
Cotton sewing thread, containing 85 percent or more by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale
Cotton sewing thread, containing less than 85 percent by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale
Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, not over 14 nm, unbleached, not mercerized, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, n/o 14 nm, bleached or mercerized
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton, of uncombed fibers, over 14 but n/o 43 nm, unbleached, not mercerized, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, over 14 nm but n/o 43 nm, bleached or mercerized
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton, of uncombed fibers, over 43 but n/o 52 nm, unbleached, not mercerized, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton, of uncombed fibers, over 43 nm but n/o 52 mm, bleached or mercerized
HTSUS Subheading
5205.14.10 5205.14.20 5205.15.10 5205.15.20 5205.21.00 5205.22.00 5205.23.00 5205.24.00 5205.26.00 5205.27.00 5205.28.00 5205.31.00 5205.32.00 5205.33.00 5205.34.00 5205.35.00 5205.41.00 5205.42.00 5205.43.00 5205.44.00 5205.46.00 5205.47.00 5205.48.00
Product Description
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton, of uncombed fibers, over 52 but n/o 80 nm, unbleached, not mercerized, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, over 52 but n/o 80 nm, bleached or mercerized
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton, of uncombed fibers, over 80 nm, unbleached, not mercerized, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton, of uncombed fibers, over 80 nm, bleached or mercerized, not put up for retail sale, nesoi
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton by weight, of combed fibers, not over 14 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 14 but n/o 43 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 43 but n/o 52 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 52 but n/o 80 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn,85% or > cotton by wt, of combed fiber, meas.<125 but not<106.38 decitex, >80nm but not >94nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn,85% or > cotton by wt,of combed fiber,meas.<106.38 but not<83.33 decitex, >94nm but not >120nm,not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, 85% or > cotton by wt, of combed fibers, meas.<83.33 decitex, >120 nm, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton
14 nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton
over 14 but n/o 43 nm, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton
over 43 but n/o 52 nm, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton
over 52 but n/o 80 nm, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton
80 nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton
over 14 nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton
over 14 but n/o 43 nm, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton
over 43 but n/o 52 nm, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or more cotton
over 52 but n/o 80 nm, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or > cotton by wt, of combed fibers, >80nm but not >94nm/single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or > cotton by wt, of combed fibers, >94nm but not >120nm/single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, 85% or > cotton by wt, of combed fibers, >120nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
by weight, of uncombed fibers, n/o by weight, of uncombed fibers, yarn by weight, of uncombed fibers, yarn by weight, of uncombed fibers, yarn by weight, of uncombed fibers, over by weight, of combed fibers, not
by weight, of combed fibers, yarn by weight, of combed fibers, yarn by weight, of combed fibers, yarn
HTSUS Subheading
5206.11.00 5206.12.00 5206.13.00 5206.14.00 5206.15.00 5206.21.00 5206.22.00 5206.23.00 5206.24.00 5206.25.00 5206.31.00 5206.32.00 5206.33.00 5206.34.00 5206.35.00 5206.41.00 5206.42.00 5206.43.00 5206.44.00 5206.45.00 5207.10.00 5207.90.00 5208.11.20
Product Description
Single cotton yarn, less than 85 percent cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, not over 14 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, less than 85 percent cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, over 14 but n/o 43 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, less than 85 percent cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, over 43 but n/o 52 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, less than 85 percent cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, over 52 but n/o 80 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, less than 85 percent cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, over 80 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, less than 85 percent cotton by weight, of combed fibers, not over 14 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, less than 85 percent cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 14 but n/o 43 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, less than 85 percent cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 43 but n/o 52 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, less than 85 percent cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 52 but n/o 80 nm, not put up for retail sale
Single cotton yarn, less than 85 percent cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 80 nm, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, < 85% cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, not over 14 nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, < 85% cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, over 14 but n/o 43 nm/single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, < 85% cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, over 43 but n/o 52 nm/single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, < 85% cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, over 52 but n/o 80 nm/single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, < 85% cotton by weight, of uncombed fibers, over 80 nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, < 85% cotton by weight, of combed fibers, n/o 14 nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, < 85% cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 14 but n/o 43 nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, < 85% cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 43 but n/o 52 nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, < 85% cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 52 but n/o 80 nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled cotton yarn, < 85% cotton by weight, of combed fibers, over 80 nm per single yarn, not put up for retail sale
Cotton yarn, other than sewing thread, containing 85 percent or more cotton by weight, put up for retail sale
Cotton yarn, other than sewing thread, containing less than 85 percent cotton by weight, put up for retail sale
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, weight not over 100 g/m2, unbleached, of number 42 or lower
HTSUS Subheading
5208.11.40 5208.11.60 5208.11.80 5208.12.40 5208.12.60 5208.12.80 5208.13.00 5208.19.20 5208.19.40 5208.19.60 5208.19.80 5208.21.20 5208.21.40 5208.21.60 5208.22.40 5208.22.60 5208.22.80 5208.23.00 5208.29.20 5208.29.40 5208.29.60 5208.29.80 5208.31.20
Product Description
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, weight not over 100 g/m2, unbleached, of numbers 43-68
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, wt n/o 100 g/m2, unbleached, of number 69 or over, for typewriter ribbon
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, weight not over 100 g/m2, unbleached, of number 69 or over, nesoi
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, weight over 100 but n/o 200 g/m2, unbleached, of numbers 42 or lower
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, weight over 100 but n/o 200 g/m2, unbleached, of numbers 43-68
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, weight over 100 but n/o 200 g/m2, unbleached, of number 69 or over
Unbleached 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, incl. cross twill, containing 85% or more of cotton by weight, weighing not over 200 g/m2
Unbleached satin or twill weave fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, nesoi
Unbleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, 85% or more of cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Unbleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, 85% or more of cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Unbleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, 85% or more of cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Woven cotton fabric, 85 percent or more cotton by weight, plain weave, not over 100 g/m2, bleached, of number 42 or lower
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, not over 100 g/m2, bleached, of numbers 43-68
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, not over 100 g/m2, bleached, of number 69 or higher
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, over 100 but n/o 200 g/m2, bleached, of number 42 or lower
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, over 100 but n/o 200 g/m2, bleached, of numbers 43-68
Woven cotton fabric, 85% or more cotton by weight, plain weave, over 100 but n/o 200 g/m2, bleached, of number 69 or higher
Woven cotton fabric, >= 85% by wt. cotton, <= 200 g/m2, bleached, exc. plain weave, 3- or 4-thread twill
Bleached satin or twill weave fabrics, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, nesoi
Bleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Bleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Bleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Dyed plain weave certified hand-loomed fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 100 g/m2
HTSUS Subheading
5208.31.40 5208.31.60 5208.31.80 5208.32.10 5208.32.30 5208.32.40 5208.32.50 5208.33.00 5208.39.20 5208.39.40 5208.39.60 5208.39.80 5208.41.20 5208.41.40 5208.41.60 5208.41.80 5208.42.10 5208.42.30 5208.42.40 5208.42.50 5208.43.00 5208.49.20 5208.49.40
Product Description
Dyed plain weave fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 100 g/m2, of number 42 or lower, nesoi
Dyed plain weave fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 100 g/m2, of numbers 43-68, nesoi
Dyed plain weave fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 100 g/m2, of number 69 or higher, nesoi
Dyed plain weave certified hand-loomed fabrics of cotton, cont. 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing over 100 g/m2 but not over 200 g/m2
Dyed plain weave fabrics of cotton, nesoi, 85% or more cotton by weight, over 100 g/m2 but not more than 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Dyed plain weave fabrics of cotton, nesoi, 85% or more cotton by weight, over 100 g/m2 but not more than 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Dyed plain weave fabrics of cotton, nesoi, 85% or more cotton by weight, over 100 g/m2 but not more than 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Dyed 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, including cross twill, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2
Dyed satin or twill weave fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, nesoi
Dyed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Dyed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Dyed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Plain weave certified hand-loomed fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not over 100 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not over 100 g/m2, number 42 or lower, of yarns of different colors
Plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not over 100 g/m2, of numbers 43-68, of yarns of different colors
Plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not over 100 g/m2, of number 69 or higher, of yarn of different colors
Plain weave certified hand-loomed fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, over 100 but n/o 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, over 100 but n/o 200 g/m2, of numbers 42 or lower, of yarns of different colors
Plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, over 100 but n/o 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68, of yarns of different colors
Plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, over 100 but n/o 200 g/m2, number 69 or higher, of yarns of different colors
3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, including cross twill, 85% or more cotton by weight, not over 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Satin or twill weave fabrics of cotton, cont. 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not over 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, 85% or more cotton by weight, wt not more than 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower, of yarns of different colors
HTSUS Subheading
5208.49.60 5208.49.80 5208.51.20 5208.51.40 5208.51.60 5208.51.80 5208.52.10 5208.52.30 5208.52.40 5208.52.50 5208.59.10 5208.59.20 5208.59.40 5208.59.60 5208.59.80 5209.11.00 5209.12.00 5209.19.00 5209.21.00 5209.22.00 5209.29.00 5209.31.30 5209.31.60
Product Description
Woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, 85% or more cotton by weight, wt not over 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68, of yarns of different colors
Woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, 85% or more cotton by weight, wt not over 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher, of yarns of different colors
Printed certified hand-loomed plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not over 100 g/m2
Printed plain weave fabrics of cotton, containg 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not over 100 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Printed plain weave fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not over 100 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Printed plain weave fabrics of cotton, containg 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not over 100 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Printed certified hand-loomed plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, wt more than 100 g/m2 but not more than 200 g/m2
Printed plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing over 100g/m2 but not more than 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Printed plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing over 100 g/m2 but not more than 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Printed plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing over 100g/m2 but not more than 200g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Printed 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, including cross twill, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2
Printed satin or twill weave fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, nesoi
Printed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Printed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Printed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Unbleached plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85 percent or more cotton by weight, weight more than 200 g/m2
Unbleached 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, including cross twill, 85 percent or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2
Unbleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200g/m2
Bleached plain weave fabrics of cotton, 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2
Bleached 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, including cross twill, 85 percent or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2
Bleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200g/m2
Dyed, plain weave certified hand-loomed fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2
Dyed, plain weave fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
5209.32.00 5209.39.00 5209.41.30 5209.41.60 5209.42.00 5209.43.00 5209.49.00 5209.51.30 5209.51.60 5209.52.00 5209.59.00 5210.11.40 5210.11.60 5210.11.80 5210.19.10 5210.19.20 5210.19.40 5210.19.60 5210.19.80 5210.21.40 5210.21.60 5210.21.80 5210.29.10
Product Description
Dyed 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, including cross twill, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2
Dyed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2
Plain weave certified hand-loomed fabrics of cotton, cont. 85% or more cotton by weight,weighing over 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Plain weave fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Denim containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton,incl. cross twill, nesoi, 85% or more cotton by wt, weighing ov 200g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Printed plain weave certified hand-loomed fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2
Printed plain weave fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2
Printed 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, including cross twill, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2
Printed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing 85% or more cotton by weight, weighing more than 200 g/m2
Unbleached plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton, mixed mainly/solely with man- made fibers, wt < 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Unbleached plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton, mixed mainly/solely with man- made fibers, wt < 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Unbleached plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton, mixed mainly/solely with man- made fibers, wt < 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Unbleached 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, incl. cross twill, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with mm fibers, n/o 200 g/m2
Unbleached satin or twill weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, not more than 200 g/m2
Unbleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Unbleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Unbleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Bleached plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Bleached plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, not over 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Bleached plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Bleached 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, incl. cross twill, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2
HTSUS Subheading
5210.29.20 5210.29.40 5210.29.60 5210.29.80 5210.31.40 5210.31.60 5210.31.80 5210.32.00 5210.39.20 5210.39.40 5210.39.60 5210.39.80 5210.41.40 5210.41.60 5210.41.80 5210.49.10 5210.49.20 5210.49.40 5210.49.60 5210.49.80 5210.51.40 5210.51.60 5210.51.80
Product Description
Bleached satin or twill weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, not more than 200 g/m2
Bleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Bleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Bleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Dyed plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man- made fibers, not over 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Dyed plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man- made fibers, not over 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Dyed plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man- made fibers, not over 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Dyed 3 or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, incl. cross twill, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, wt n/o 200 g/m2
Dyed satin or twill weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, weighing not more than 200 g/m2
Dyed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fibers, not over 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Dyed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fibers, not over 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Dyed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/man- made fibers, not over 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
Plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/mm fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower, of yarn of diff colors
Plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/mm fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68, of yarn of different colors
Plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/mm fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, number 69 or higher, of yarn of diff colors
3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton,incl. cross twill,< 85% cotton by wt,mixed mainly/solely w/mm fibers,n/o 200 g/m2,of yarn diff colors
Satin or twill weave fabrics of cotton,< 85% cotton by wt,mixed mainly/solely w/mm fibers, wt n/o 200g/m2, of yarn of different colors,nesoi
Woven fabrics of cotton,nesoi,< 85% cotton by wt,mixed mainly/solely w/mm fibers, n/o 200g/m2, of number 42 or lower, of yarn of diff colors
Woven fabrics of cotton,nesoi,< 85% cotton by wt,mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, numbers 43-68, of yarn of diff colors
Woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly with m-m fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, number 69 or higher, of yarn of diff colors
Printed plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man- made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Printed plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man- made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Printed plain weave cotton fabrics, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2, of number 69 or higher
HTSUS Subheading
5210.59.10 5210.59.20 5210.59.40 5210.59.60 5210.59.80 5211.11.00 5211.12.00 5211.19.00 5211.20.21 5211.20.22 5211.20.29 5211.31.00 5211.32.00 5211.39.00 5211.41.00 5211.42.00 5211.43.00 5211.49.00 5211.51.00 5211.52.00 5211.59.00 5212.11.10 5212.11.60
Product Description
Printed 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, incl. cross twill, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fibers, n/o 200 g/m2
Printed satin or twill weave cotton fabrics, nesoi, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, weighing n/o 200 g/m2
Printed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, wt n/o 200g/m2, of number 42 or lower
Printed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, weighing n/o 200g/m2, of numbers 43-68
Printed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/man- made fibers, weighing n/o 200g/m2, number 69 or higher
Unbleached plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, over 200 g/m2
Unbleached 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, incl. cross twill, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fiber, ov 200 g/m2
Unbleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, more than 200 g/m2
Bleached plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, over 200 g/m2
Bleached 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, incl. cross twill, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fibers, over 200 g/m2
Bleached woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, containing < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, more than 200g/m2
Dyed plain weave fabrics of cotton, containing < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, more than 200 g/m2
Dyed 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, incl. cross twill, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fibers, more than 200g/m2
Dyed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, weighing more than 200g/m2
Plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely with man- made fibers, over 200g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Denim containing < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made fibers, weighing > 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
3-or 4-thread twill fab of cotton,incl cross twill,nesoi,< 85% cotton wt,mixed mainly/solely w/mm fibers,ov 200 g/m2, of yarn of diff colors
Woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely w/manmade fibers, over 200g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Printed plain weave fabrics of cotton, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, weighing more than 200g/m2
Printed 3- or 4-thread twill fabrics of cotton, incl cross twill, < 85% cotton by wt, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, over 200g/m2
Printed woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, < 85% cotton by weight, mixed mainly/solely with man-made fibers, weighing more than 200g/m2
Other woven fabrics of cotton, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine hair, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached
Other woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached
HTSUS Subheading
5212.12.60 5212.13.10
5212.13.60 5212.14.10
5212.14.60 5212.15.10
5212.15.60 5212.21.10
5212.21.60 5212.22.10
5212.22.60 5212.23.10
5212.23.60 5212.24.10
5212.24.60 5212.25.10
5212.25.60 5301.10.00 5301.21.00 5301.29.00 5301.30.00 5302.10.00 5302.90.00
5303.10.00 5303.90.00
5306.10.00 5306.20.00 5307.10.00 5307.20.00
Product Description
Other woven fabrics of cotton, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine hair, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, bleached
Other woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, bleached Other woven fabrics of cotton, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine hair, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, dyed
Other woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, dyed
Other woven fabrics of cotton, containing 36% or more of wool or fine hair, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Other woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Other woven fabrics of cotton, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine hair, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, printed
Other woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, printed
Other woven fabrics of cotton, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine hair, weighing more than 200 g/m2, unbleached
Other woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, weighing more than 200 g/m2, unbleached Other woven fabrics of cotton, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine hair, weighing more than 200 g/m2, bleached
Other woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, weighing more than 200 g/m2, bleached
Other woven fabrics of cotton, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine hair, weighing more than 200 g/m2, dyed
Other woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, weighing more than 200 g/m2, dyed
Other woven fabrics of cotton,containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine hair,weighing more than 200 g/m2,of yarns of different colors
Other woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, weighing more than 200 g/m2, of yarns of different colors
Other woven fabrics of cotton, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine hair, weighing more than 200 g/m2, printed
Other woven fabrics of cotton, nesoi, weighing more than 200 g/m2, printed
Flax, raw or retted
Flax, broken or scutched
Flax, hackled or otherwise processed, except broken or scutched but not spun
Flax tow and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)
True hemp, raw or retted
True hemp, processed but not spun; tow and waste of true hemp (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)
Jute and other textile bast fibers (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie), raw or retted Jute and other textile bast fibers (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie), processed but not spun; tow and waste of these fibers
Coconut, abaca, ramie, other veg. fibers, nesoi, raw or processed, not spun; tow noils and their wastes (incl. yarn waste and garnetted stoc
Flax yarn, single
Flax yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled
Yarn of jute or other textile bast fibers (excluding flax, true hemp, and ramie), single Yarn of jute or other textile bast fibers (excluding flax, true hemp, and ramie), multiple (folded) or cabled
HTSUS Subheading
5308.10.00 5308.20.00 5308.90.10 5308.90.90 5309.11.00
5310.10.00 5310.90.00
5311.00.20 5311.00.30
5311.00.40 5311.00.60 5401.10.00 5401.20.00 5402.11.30 5402.11.60
5402.19.30 5402.19.60
5402.20.30 5402.20.60
5402.31.30 5402.31.60
Product Description
Coir yarn
True hemp yarn
Paper yarn
Yarn of other vegetable textile fibers, nesoi
Woven fabrics of flax, containing 85 percent or more by weight of flax, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics of flax, containing 85 percent or more by weight of flax, other than unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics of flax, containing less than 85% by weight of flax, containing over 17% of wool or fine animal hair, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics of flax, < 85% by wt of flax, unbleached or bleached, containing < 17% by wt of wool and containing cotton and manmade fibers
Woven fabrics of flax, containing less than 85 percent by weight of flax, unbleached or bleached, nesoi
Woven fabrics of flax, containing < 85% by wt of flax, contain over 17% by wt of wool or fine animal hair, other than unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics of flax, less than 85% by wt of flax, containing less than 17% by wt of wool and containing cotton and manmade fibers, nesoi
Woven fabrics of flax, containing less than 85 percent by weight of flax, other than unbleached or bleached, nesoi
Unbleached woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibers of heading 5303
Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibers of heading 5303, other than unbleached
Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibers, containing more than 17% by weight of wool or fine animal hair
Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibers, containing cotton and manmade fibers, nesoi
Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibers, nesoi
Woven fabrics of paper yarn
Sewing thread of synthetic filaments, whether or not put up for retail sale
Sewing thread of artificial filaments, whether or not put up for retail sale
Single high tenacity yarn of aramids, not put up for retail sale
Multiple (folded) or cabled high tenacity yarn (except sewing thread) of aramids, not put up for retail sale
Single high tenacity yarn of nylon or polyamides (except aramids), not put up for retail sale
Multiple (folded) or cabled high tenacity yarn (except sewing thread) of nylon or other polyamides (except aramids), not put up for retail s
Single high tenacity yarn of polyesters, not put up for retail sale
Multiple (folded) or cabled high tenacity yarn (except sewing thread) of polyesters, not put up for retail sale
Single textured yarn, of nylon or other polyamides, measuring not more than 500 decitex, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled textured yarn (except sewing thread), of polyamides, single yarn not more than 500 decitex, not put up for retail sale
HTSUS Subheading
5402.32.30 5402.32.60
5402.33.30 5402.33.60
5402.34.30 5402.34.60
5402.39.31 5402.39.61 5402.44.00
5402.45.10 5402.45.90 5402.46.00 5402.47.10 5402.47.90 5402.48.00 5402.49.11 5402.49.91 5402.51.00 5402.52.10 5402.52.90 5402.53.00 5402.59.01 5402.61.00 5402.62.00 5402.63.00
Product Description
Single textured yarn, of nylon or other polyamides, measuring more than 500 decitex, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled textured yarn (except sewing thread), of polyamides, single yarn more than 500 decitex, not put up for retail sale
Single textured yarn of polyesters, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled textured yarn (except sewing thread), of polyesters, not put up for retail sale
Single textured polypropylene yarn, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled textured polypropylene yarn (except sewing thread), not put up for retail sale
Single textured yarn, nesoi, not put up for retail sale
Multiple or cabled textured yarn (except sewing thread), nesoi, not put up for retail sale Single elastomeric yarns, monofil, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 50 turns per meter, not for retail sale
Synth filament yarn, for doll wigs, of colored multifil, untwisted/with twist < 5 turns/meter, of nylon or other polyamide, not retail sale
Syn filament yarn (not for doll wigs), of colored multifil, untwisted/with twist < 5 turns/meter, of nylon or o/polyamides, not retail sale
Non-textured yarn of polyesters, partially oriented, single, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 50 turns/m, not put up for retail sale
Single yarn, twist of 0-50 turns/m, wholly polyester, 75-80 decitex, 24 filaments, nesoi, not put up for retail sale
Single yarn, twist of 0-50 turns/m, other than wholly of polyester, nesoi, not put up for retail sale
Non-textured polypropylene yarns, monofil, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 50 turns per meter, not for retail sale
Colored multifilament yarn to be used to make wigs for dolls, of modacrylic, untwisted or twisted, < 5 turns per meter, not for retail sale
Other yarns, monofil; multifil, untwisted or twisted > or = to 5, not exceeding 50 turns per meter of other synthetic, not for retail sale
Nylon or other polyamide yarns, single, with a twist exceeding 50 turns/m, not put up for retail sale
Single yarn, twist exceeding 50 turns/m, wholly polyester, 75-80 decitex, 24 filaments, nesoi, not put up for retail sale
Single yarn, twist exceeding 50 turns/m, other than wholly of polyester, nesoi, not put up for retail sale
Synthetic filament yarn of polypropylene: single other twisted yarns exc nylon/polyester, >50 turns/M, not put up for retail sale
Synthetic filament yarn nesoi: single other twisted yarns exc nylon/polyester, >50 turns/M, not put up for retail sale
Nylon or other polyamide yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled, (except sewing thread), not put up for retail sale
Polyester yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled, (except sewing thread), not put up for retail sale
Synthetic filament yarn exc sewing thread of polypropylene, not for retail sale inc monofilament <67 decitex:other yarn multiple (folded) or cabled
HTSUS Subheading
5403.10.30 5403.10.60
5403.39.90 5403.41.00
5403.42.00 5403.49.10 5403.49.90 5404.11.00 5404.12.10 5404.12.90 5404.19.10 5404.19.80 5404.90.00 5405.00.30
5405.00.60 5406.00.10 5406.00.20 5407.10.00
5407.20.00 5407.30.10
Product Description
Synthetic filament yarn exc sewing thread nesoi, not for retail sale inc monofilament <67 decitex:other yarn multiple (folded) or cabled
Single high tenacity yarn of viscose rayon, not put up for retail sale
Multiple (folded) or cabled high tenacity yarn of viscose rayon (except sewing thread), not put up for retail sale
Single yarn of viscose rayon (not high ten. or sewing thread), untwisted or with a twist not over 120 turns/m, not put up for retail sale
Single yarn of viscose rayon (not high ten. or sewing thread), with twist exceeding 120 turns/m, not put up for retail sale
Single yarn of cellulose acetate (not high ten. or sewing thread), not put up for retail sale
Single textured artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale
Artificial filament yarn nesoi, single, not put up for retail sale
Viscose rayon yarn (except sewing thread), multiple (folded) or cabled, not put up for retail sale
Yarn of cellulose acetate (except sewing thread) multiple (folded) or cabled, not put up for retail sale
Multiple (folded) or cabled textured artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale
Multiple (folded) or cabled non-textured artificial filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up for retail sale
Synthetic monofilament (exc. polypropylene), elastomeric, of 67 decitex or more and with no cross-sectional dimension > 1 mm, nesoi
Polypropylene monofilament of 67 decitex or more (not racket strings), and with no cross-sectional dim. > 1 mm, not over 254 mm in length
Polypropylene monofilament of 67 decitex or more (not racket strings), and with no cross-sectional dim. > 1 mm, over 254 mm in length
Racket strings of synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross- sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm
Synthetic monofilament (exc. polypropylene), of 67 decitex or more and with no cross- sectional dimension > 1 mm, nesoi
Strip and the like of synthetic textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm
Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or more and of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm
Strip and the like of artificial textile materials of an apparent width not exceeding 5 mm Synthetic filament yarn (except sewing thread), put up for retail sale
Artificial filament yarn (except sewing thread), put up for retail sale
Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides or of polyesters
Woven fabrics obtained from strip or the like of synthetic textile materials
Woven fabrics specified in note 9 to section XI, of synthetic filament yarn, over 60 percent by weight of plastics
Woven fabrics specified in note 9 to section XI, of synthetic filament yarn, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
5407.52.20 5407.53.10
5407.53.20 5407.54.00 5407.61.11 5407.61.19 5407.61.21 5407.61.29 5407.61.91 5407.61.99
5407.69.10 5407.69.20 5407.69.30
5407.69.90 5407.71.00
5407.72.00 5407.73.10
Product Description
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of filaments of nylon or other polyamides, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of filaments of nylon or other polyamides, dyed
Woven fabrics, over 85% by wt fil. of nylon/other polyamides, of diff colored yarns, thread count over 69-142/cm warp, over 31-71/cm filling
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of filaments of nylon or other polyamides, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of filaments of nylon or other polyamides, printed
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of textured polyester filaments, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics, over 85 percent textured polyester filaments, dyed, less than 77 cm in width, thread count 69-142/cm warp, 31-71/cm filling
Woven fabrics, over 85 percent textured polyester filaments, dyed, nesoi
Woven fabrics, over 85% textured polyester filaments, of different colored yarns, thread count 69-142/cm warp and 31-71/cm filling
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of textured polyester filaments, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of textured polyester filaments, printed
Woven fab, dyed, 100% polyester, <77cm wide, >69-142 warp >31-71 filling, of non-tex singles yarn, 75-80dtx, 24 fil/yn, twist 900+ turns/m
Woven fab,dyed,85%+ non-tex poly. fil., <77cm wide, >69-142 warp >31-71 filling (not 100%poly. sin.yarn, 75-80dtx, 24 fil/yn & 900+ turns/m)
Woven fab,yn diff colors,<77cm wide, >69-142 warp, >31-71 filling, 100% poly.non-tex sin. yarn of 75-80 dtx., 24 fil/yn & twist 900+ turns/m
Woven fab,85%+ non-tex poly,yn diff colors,<77cm wide,>69-142 warp,>31-71 filling (not 100%poly sin yarn, 75-80dtx,24 fil/yn & 900+ turns/m)
Woven fab, 85%+ non-tex poly fil, wholly of polyester, of single yarns 75-80 decitex, 24 fil/yarn & a twist of 900 or more turns/m
Woven fab, of 85%+ non-text. polyester filaments, nesoi (not wholly polyester single yarns, 75-80 dtx, 24 fil/yarn & twist 900+ turns/m)
Woven fab, containing 85%+ by wt of polyester filaments nesoi, unbleached or bleached Woven fab, containing 85%+ by wt of polyester filaments nesoi, dyed
Woven fab, cont. 85%+ by wt polyester filaments nesoi, thread count >69-142/cm in warp & >31-71/cm filling, of yarns of diff. colors
Woven fab, containing 85%+ by wt polyester filaments nesoi, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Woven fab, containing 85%+ by wt polyester filaments nesoi, printed
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of synthetic filaments, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of synthetic filaments, dyed Woven fabrics, cont. 85% or more syn. filaments by weight, thread count >69-142/cm warp and >31-71/cm filling, of different colored yarns
HTSUS Subheading
5407.74.00 5407.81.00
5407.91.20 5407.92.05
5407.92.20 5407.93.05
5407.93.10 5407.93.15
5407.93.20 5407.94.05
5407.94.20 5408.10.00 5408.21.00
5408.22.10 5408.22.90
5408.23.11 5408.23.19 5408.23.21
Product Description
Woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic filaments, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of synthetic filaments, printed Woven fabrics, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics, containing less than 85 percent by weight of synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, dyed
Woven fabrics, less than 85 percent by weight of synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of yarns of different colors
Woven fabrics, containing less than 85 percent by weight of synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, printed
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, containing 36 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, unbleached or bleached, nesoi
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, unbleached or bleached, nesoi
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, containing 36 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair, dyed
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, cont. <36% wool/fine animal hair, dyed
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, dyed, nesoi
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair, of yarns of different colors
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Woven fabrics, cont. 85% or more of man-made filaments, thread count >69-142/cm warp and >31-71/cm filling, of different colored yarns
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, containing 36 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair, printed
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, mixed mainly/solely with wool/fine animal hair, contain < 36% wool/fine animal hair, printed
Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn nesoi, printed, nesoi
Woven fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn, of viscose rayon
Woven fabrics, containing 85 percent or more by weight of artificial filament or strip or the like, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabric, 85%+ artificial filament or strip or the like, dyed, of cuprammonium rayon Woven fabric, 85%+ artificial filament or strip or the like, dyed, not of cuprammonium rayon, nesoi
Woven fabric, 85%+ artificial filament/strip, of yarns of different colors,> 69-142 warp & > 31-71 filling yarns, of cupra/rayon, nesoi
Woven fabric, 85%+ artificial filament/strip, of yarns of different colors,> 69-142 warp & > 31-71 filling yarns, not of cupra/rayon, nesoi
Woven fabric, 85%+ artificial filament/strip, of yarns of different colors, not 69-142 warp & 31-71 filling yarns, of cupra/rayon, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
5408.24.10 5408.24.90 5408.31.05
5408.31.20 5408.32.05
5408.32.10 5408.32.30
5408.32.90 5408.33.05
5408.33.90 5408.34.05
5408.34.10 5408.34.30
5408.34.90 5501.10.00 5501.20.00 5501.30.00 5501.40.00 5501.90.01 5502.10.00 5502.90.00 5503.11.00
5503.19.10 5503.19.90
Product Description
Woven fabric, 85%+ artificial filament/strip, of yarns of different colors, not 69-142 warp & 31-71 filling yarns, not of cupra/rayon, nesoi
Woven fabric, 85%+ artificial filament/strip, printed, of cuprammonium rayon, nesoi Woven fabric, 85%+ artificial filament/strip, printed, not of cuprammonium rayon, nesoi Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, containing 36 percent or more by wt of wool or fine animal hair, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, unbleached or bleached, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, unbleached or bleached, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, containing 36 percent or more by wt of wool or fine animal hair, dyed
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, dyed, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, dyed, 30 percent or more by wt of silk or silk waste, valued over $33/kg
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, dyed, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, containing 36% or more by wt of wool or fine animal hair, of yarns of different colors
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Woven fabrics cont. 85% or more mm filaments nesoi, thread count > 69-142/cm warp and > 31-71/cm filling, of different colored yarns
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, of yarns of different colors, 30 percent or more of silk or silk waste, valued over $33/kg
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, containing 36 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair, printed
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, printed, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, printed, 30 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste, valued over $33/kg
Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn nesoi, printed, nesoi
Synthetic filament tow of nylon or other polyamides
Synthetic filament tow of polyesters
Synthetic filament tow of acrylic or modacrylic
Synthetic filament tow, of polypropylene
Synthetic filament tow, nesoi
Artificial filament tow of cellulose acetate
Artificial filament tow other than of cellulose acetate
Synthetic staple fibers, n/carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, of aramids
Synthetic staple fibers, n/carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, of nylon/other polyamides (except aramids), cont 10% or more
Synthetic staple fibers, n/carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, of nylon or other polyamides (except aramids), nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
5503.90.90 5504.10.00
5505.10.00 5505.20.00 5506.10.00
5506.20.00 5506.30.00 5506.40.00
5506.90.01 5507.00.00 5508.10.00 5508.20.00 5509.11.00
5509.12.00 5509.21.00 5509.22.00 5509.31.00 5509.32.00 5509.41.00 5509.42.00 5509.51.30
Product Description
Synthetic staple fibers, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, of polyesters
Synthetic (acrylic or modacrylic) staple fibers, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
Synthetic staple fibers, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, of polypropylene
Synthetic staple fibers, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, of vinyon
Synthetic staple fibers, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, nesoi Artificial staple fibers, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, of viscose rayon
Artificial staple fibers, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, other than of viscose rayon
Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of synthetic fibers
Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of artificial fibers
Synthetic staple fibers, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, of nylon or other polyamides
Synthetic staple fibers, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning, of polyesters
Synthetic (acrylic or modacrylic) staple fibers, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
Synthetic staple fibers of polypropylene, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
Other Synthetic staple fibers nesoi, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning Artificial staple fibers, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibers, whether or not put up for retail sale
Sewing thread of artificial staple fibers, whether or not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) containing 85% or more by weight of nylon/polyamide staple fibers, singles, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) cont. 85% or more by weight of nylon/polyamide staple fibers, multiple or cabled, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) containing 85% or more by weight of polyester staple fibers, singles, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) cont. 85% or more by weight of polyester staple fibers, multiple or cabled, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (not sewing thread) cont. 85% or more by weight of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers, singles, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (not sewing thread) cont. 85% or more by wt. of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers,multiple or cabled,not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, singles, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) cont. 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, multiple or cabled, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (not sewing thread) of polyester staple fibers mixed mainly/solely with artificial staple fibers, single, not put up for retail sale
HTSUS Subheading
5509.99.60 5510.11.00
5510.90.60 5511.10.00
5511.20.00 5511.30.00
Product Description
Yarn (not sewing thread) of polyester staple fibers mixed mainly/solely with artificial staple fibers, multiple, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of polyester staple fibers mixed mainly/solely with wool or fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of polyester staple fibers mixed mainly or solely with cotton, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of polyester staple fibers nesoi, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers mixed with wool or fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers mixed mainly or solely with cotton, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (not sew thread) of acrylic/modacrylic staple fibers mixed mainly/solely w/artificial staple fibers, singles, not for retail sale
Yarn (not sewing thread) of acrylic/modacrylic staple fiber mixed mainly/solely w/artificial staple fiber,multiple or cabled,not retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers nesoi, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibers mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibers mixed mainly or solely with cotton, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (not sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, mixed mainly/solely w/artificial staple fibers, singles, not for retail sale
Yarn (not sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, mixed mainly/solely w/artificial staple fibers, multiple, not for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, not put up for retail sale Yarn (other than sewing thread) containing 85% or more by weight of artificial staple fibers, singles, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) cont. 85% or more by weight of artificial staple fibers, multiple or cabled, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibers mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibers mixed mainly or solely with cotton, not put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibers mixed mainly/solely with synthetic staple fibers, singles, not for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibers mixed mainly/solely with synthetic staple fibers, multiple, not for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibers nesoi, not put up for retail sale Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibers, containing 85% or more by weight of such fibers, put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibers, containing less than 85% by weight of such fibers, put up for retail sale
Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibers, put up for retail sale
HTSUS Subheading
5512.11.00 5512.19.00 5512.21.00 5512.29.00 5512.91.00 5512.99.00 5513.11.00 5513.12.00 5513.13.00 5513.19.00 5513.21.00 5513.23.01 5513.29.00 5513.31.00 5513.39.01 5513.41.00 5513.49.10 5513.49.20 5513.49.90 5514.11.00 5514.12.00 5514.19.10 5514.19.90
Product Description
Woven fabrics containing 85% or more by weight of polyester staple fibers, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics containing 85% or more by weight of polyester staple fibers, other than unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics containing 85% or more by weight of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics containing 85% or more by weight of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers, other than unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic fibers nesoi, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic fibers nesoi, other than unbleached or bleached
Woven fabric of poly staple fiber,< 85% wt poly staple fibers,mixed mainly/solely w/cotton,wt n/o 170 g/m2,plain weave,unbleached/bleached
Woven 3-or 4-thread twill fabric of poly staple fib,< 85% poly staple fiber,mixed mainly/solely w/cotton,wt n/o 170 g/m2,unbleached/bleached
Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers,< 85% polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/cotton,n/o 170 g/m2,unbleached/bleached, nesoi
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, < 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed with cotton, n/o 170g/m2, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers, < 85% polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/cotton, not over 170 g/m2, plain weave, dyed
Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers, < 85% by wt polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/cotton, not over 170 g/m2, dyed, nesoi
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, < 85% by wt of such fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/cotton, weighing n/o 170g/m2, dyed, nesoi
Woven fabrics of poly staple fib,< 85% polyester staple fibers,mixed mainly/solely w/cotton,n/o 170 g/m2,plain weave,of yarns of dif. colors
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers nesoi,< 85% by wt of such fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/cotton, n/o 170g/m2, of dif. colored yarns
Printed plain weave fabrics of poly staple fib,< 85% by weight polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely with cotton, n/o 170g/m2
Printed 3-or 4-thread twill fabric of poly staple fib,incl cross twill,< 85% wt poly staple fibers,mixed mainly/solely w/cotton,n/o 170g/m2
Printed woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers, < 85% by wt polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely with cotton, weighing n/o 170g/m2
Printed woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, < 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, n/o 170g/m2
Plain weave fabrics of poly staple fiber,< 85% wt polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/cotton, wt ov 170 g/m2, unbleached/bleached
Wov 3-or 4-thread twill fabric of poly staple fib,< 85% polyester staple fiber,mixed mainly/solely w/cotton,ov 170 g/m2,unbleached/bleached
Woven fabric of polyester staple fiber, < 85% wt polyester , mixed mainly/solely w/cotton, over 170 g/m2, unbleached/bleached
Unbleached or bleached woven fabric of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, < 85% by wt of such fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/cotton, over 170g/m2
HTSUS Subheading
5515.19.00 5515.21.00
5515.22.05 5515.22.10
5515.29.00 5515.91.00
5515.99.05 5515.99.10
Product Description
Plain weave fabrics of polyester staple fiber, < 85% by wt polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely with cotton, over 170 g/m2, dyed
Wov 3-or 4-thread twill fabric of poly staple fib,incl cross twill,< 85% poly staple fibers,mixed mainly/solely w/cotton,ov 170 g/m2, dyed
Woven fabrics of polyester staple fib, < 85% by wt polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/cotton, over 170 g/m2, dyed, nesoi
Dyed woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, < 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, over 170g/m2
Plain weave fabrics of poly staple fiber, < 85% polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely with cotton,ov 170 g/m2,of yarns of dif. colors
Woven 3-or 4-thread twill fabric of poly staple fib,< 85% poly staple fibers,mixed mainly/solely w/cotton,ov 170 g/m2,of yarn of dif. colors
Woven fabrics of poly staple fiber,< 85% polyester staple fibers,mixed mainly/solely w/cotton,ov 170 g/m2,of yarns of different colors,nesoi
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, < 85% by wt of such fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/cotton, ov 170g/m2, of dif. colored yarns
Printed plain weave fabrics of polyester staple fiber, < 85% by wt polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, over 170g/m2
Printed 3-or 4-thread twill fab of poly staple fib,incl cross twill,< 85% by wt poly staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/cotton,ov 170g/m
Printed woven fabrics of polyester staple fiber, < 85% by wt polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly/solely with cotton, over 170g/m2, nesoi
Printed woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers nesoi, < 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, over 170g/m2
Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly or solely with viscose rayon staple fibers, nesoi
Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, nesoi
Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers, containing 36 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair, nesoi
Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, nesoi
Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers, nesoi
Woven fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers, mixed mainly or solely with man- made filaments, nesoi
Woven fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers, containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair, nesoi
Woven fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, nesoi
Woven fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers, nesoi
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers (not polyester/acrylic or modacrylic staple fiber) mixed mainly/solely w/man-made filaments, nesoi
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers (not polyester/acrylic or modacrylic staple fiber) contain 36% or more wool/fine animal hair, nesoi
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers (not polyester/acrylic/modacrylic staple fiber) mixed mainly/solely w/wool/fine animal hair,nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
5515.99.90 5516.11.00 5516.12.00 5516.13.00 5516.14.00 5516.21.00 5516.22.00 5516.23.00 5516.24.00 5516.31.05 5516.31.10 5516.32.05 5516.32.10 5516.33.05 5516.33.10 5516.34.05 5516.34.10 5516.41.00 5516.42.00 5516.43.00 5516.44.00
5516.91.00 5516.92.00 5516.93.00 5516.94.00
Product Description
Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers (not of polyester, acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers), nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, containing 85% or more by weight of such fibers, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, containing 85% or more by weight of such fibers, dyed
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, containing 85% or more by weight of such fibers, of yarns of different colors
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, containing 85% or more by weight of such fibers, printed
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly/solely with man-made filaments, unbleached/bleached
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly/solely with man-made filaments, dyed
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% by wt of such fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/man-made filaments, of different colored yarns
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly or solely with man-made filaments, printed
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% of such fibers, containing 36% or more of wool or fine animal hair,unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% of such fibers, mixed mainly/solely w/wool or fine animal hair, unbleached/bleached, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% of such fibers, containing 36% or more of wool or fine animal hair, dyed
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly/solely with wool or fine animal hair, dyed, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% such fibers, containing 36% or more of wool or fine animal hair, of different colored yarns
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% of such fiber, mixed mainly/solely w/wool or fine animal hair, of dif. colored yarns, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% of such fibers, containing 36% or more of wool or fine animal hair, printed
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% of such fibers, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair, printed, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, unbleached or bleached
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, less than 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, dyed
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, < 85% by wt. of such fibers, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of yarns of different colors
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers, less than 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, printed
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers nesoi, unbleached or bleached, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers nesoi, dyed, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers nesoi, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers nesoi, printed, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
5601.21.00 5601.22.00 5601.29.00
5601.30.00 5602.10.10 5602.10.90
5602.21.00 5602.29.00
5602.90.30 5602.90.60 5602.90.90 5603.11.00
5603.12.00 5603.13.00
5603.14.30 5603.14.90
5603.94.30 5603.94.90
5604.10.00 5604.90.20
5604.90.90 5605.00.10 5605.00.90 5606.00.00
Product Description
Wadding of cotton and other articles of cotton wadding nesoi
Wadding of man-made fibers and other articles of such wadding nesoi
Wadding of textile materials (excluding cotton and man-made fibers) and articles thereof, nesoi
Textile flock, not exceeding 5 mm in length, and textile dust and mill neps
Laminated fabrics of needleloom felt or stitch-bonded fiber fabrics
Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fabrics, whether or not impregnated, coated or covered, nesoi
Felt, excluding needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fiber fabrics, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, of wool or fine animal hair
Felt, excluding needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fiber fabrics, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, of textile materials nesoi
Laminated fabrics of felt, nesoi
Felt, impregnated, coated or covered, of man-made fibers, nesoi
Felt, impregnated, coated or covered, nesoi
Nonwovens, of man-made filaments, weighing not >25 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
Nonwovens, of man-made filaments, weighing >25 but not >70 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
Nonwovens, of man-made filaments, weighing >70 but not >150 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
Laminated nonwoven fabs, of man-made filaments, weighing >150 g/square m Nonwovens (except laminated), of man-made filaments, weighing >150 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, or covered
Nonwovens (not of man-made filaments), weighing not >25 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
Nonwovens (not of man-made filaments), weighing >25 but not >70 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
Nonwovens (not of man-made filaments), weighing >70 but not >150 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
Nonwoven floor covering underlays (not of man-made filaments), weighing >150 g/square m, whether or not impreg, coated, cov or laminated
Laminated nonwovens nesoi (not of man-made filaments), weighing >150 g/square m Nonwovens nesoi (not of man-made filaments), weighing >150 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered but not laminated
Rubber thread and cord, textile covered
High tenacity yarn of polyesters, of nylon or other polyamides or of viscose rayon, impregnated or coated
Textile yarn and strip and the like of heading 5404 or 5405, impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics, nesoi
Metal coated or metal laminated man-made monofilament or strip or the like, ungimped & untwisted or w/twist of less than 5 turns per meter
Metalized textile yarn nesoi, of man-made monofilament or strip or the like, other than ungimped or w/twist of < 5 turns per meter
Gimped yarn, and strip and the like of man-made monofilament; chenille yarn; loop wale-yarn
HTSUS Subheading
5607.21.00 5607.29.00
5607.41.10 5607.41.30 5607.49.10
5607.90.10 5607.90.15
5607.90.25 5607.90.35
5607.90.90 5608.11.00 5608.19.10 5608.19.20
5608.90.10 5608.90.23 5608.90.27 5608.90.30
5609.00.10 5609.00.20
5609.00.30 5609.00.40
5701.10.13 5701.10.16
Product Description
Binder or baler twine, of sisal or other textile fibers of genus Agave
Twine (except binder or baler twine), cordage, rope and cables of sisal or other textile fibers of genus Agave
Binder or baler twine of wide nonfibrillated strip, of polyethylene or polypropylene Binder or baler twine, of polyethylene or polypropylene, nesoi
Twine (other than binder or baler twine), cordage, rope and cables of wide nonfibrillated strip, of polyethylene or polypropylene
Twine (ex binder/baler twine), cordage, rope and cables, of polyethylene or polypropylene, not braided or plaited, less than 4.8 mm in diam
Twine (except binder or baler twine), cordage, rope and cables, of polyethylene or polypropylene, not braided or plaited, nesoi
Twine (except binder or baler twine), cordage, rope and cables, of polyethylene or polypropylene, nesoi
3- or 4-ply multicolor twine of synthetic fibers nesoi at least 10% cotton, having "S" twist, < 3.5 mm diameter, not braided or plaited
Twine nesoi, cordage, rope and cables of synthetic fibers, other than of polyethylene or polypropylene, not braided or plaited
Twine, cordage, rope and cables of synthetic fibers, other than of polyethylene or polypropylene, nesoi
Twine, cordage, rope and cables, of coir
Twine, cordage, rope and cables, of jute or other textile bast fibers (excluding flax, true hemp and ramie)
Twine, cordage, rope and cables of abaca or other hard (leaf) fibers, of stranded construction measuring 1.88 cm or over in diameter
Twine, cordage, rope & cables of abaca or other hard (leaf) fibers, other than stranded construction or stranded n/o 1.88 cm in diameter
Twine, cordage, rope and cables, of materials nesoi
Made-up fishing nets, of man-made textile materials
Fish netting (other than made-up fishing nets) of man-made textile materials
Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope (excluding fish netting or made-up fishing nets) of man-made textile materials
Fish netting and fishing nets, of textile materials other than man-made materials Hammocks, of cotton
Netting or nets, of cotton, other than hammocks or netting or nets for fishing
Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope or other made-up nets (not fish netting and nets) of textile materials (not cotton/manmade mat.)
Articles of yarn, strip, twine, cordage, rope or cables nesoi, of cotton
Articles of yarn, strip, twine, cordage, rope or cables nesoi, of vegetable fibers except cotton
Articles of yarn, strip, twine, cordage, rope or cables nesoi, of man-made fibers
Articles of yarn, strip or the like of man-made monofilaments, twine, cordage, rope or cables, nesoi
Carpet & other textile floor covering,hand-knotted/hand-inserted,w/ov 50% wt pile of fine animal hair,foregoing cert. hand-loomed & folklore
Carpets & other textile floor coverings, hand-knotted or hand-inserted, w/ov 50% by weight of the pile of fine animal hair, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
5702.20.10 5702.20.20
5702.31.10 5702.31.20 5702.32.10 5702.32.20 5702.39.10 5702.39.20 5702.41.10 5702.41.20 5702.42.10 5702.42.20 5702.49.10 5702.49.15 5702.49.20 5702.50.20 5702.50.40
Product Description
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, of wool or fine animal hair, hand-hooked (tufts were inserted and knotted by hand or hand tool)
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, of wool or fine animal hair, not hand-hooked, not hand knotted during weaving
Carpet and oth textile floor covering, knotted,of text. materials (not wool/hair) nesoi, pile inserted & knotted during weaving or knitting
Carpet & oth textile floor covering, knotted, of text materials (not wool/hair) nesoi,not w/pile inserted & knotted during weaving/knitting
Certified hand-loomed and folklore products being "Kelem", "Schumacks", "Karamanie" and similar hand-woven rugs
"Kelem", "Schumacks", "Karamanie" and similar hand-woven rugs, other than certified hand-loomed and folklore products
Floor coverings of coconut fibers (coir), woven, not tufted or flocked, with pile
Floor coverings of coconut fibers (coir), woven, not tufted or flocked, other than with pile
Wilton, velvet and like floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, not made up, of wool or fine animal hair
Carpets and other textile floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, not made up, of wool/fine animal hair, nesoi
Wilton, velvet and like floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, not made up, of man-made textile materials
Carpets & other textile floor coverings of pile construction, woven,not tufted or flocked, not made up, of man-made textile materials, nesoi
Carpets and other textile floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, not made up, of jute
Carpets and other textile floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, not made up, of other textile materials nesoi
Wilton, velvet and like floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, made up, of wool or fine animal hair
Carpets and other textile floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, made up, of wool or fine animal hair, nesoi
Wilton, velvet and like floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, made up, of man-made textile materials
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, made up, of man-made textile materials, nesoi
Carpets not other textile floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, made up, of cotton
Carpets and other textile floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, made up, of jute
Carpets & other textile floor coverings of pile construction, woven, not tufted or flocked, made up, of other textile materials nesoi
Carpets & other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven but not on a power-driven loom,not made up,of wool/fine animal hair
Carpets & other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven, not made up, of wool or fine animal hair, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
5702.50.52 5702.50.56 5702.50.59 5702.91.20 5702.91.30 5702.91.40 5702.92.10 5702.92.90 5702.99.05 5702.99.15 5702.99.20 5703.10.20 5703.10.80 5703.20.10 5703.20.20 5703.30.20 5703.30.80 5703.90.00 5704.10.00 5704.20.00 5704.90.01
5705.00.10 5705.00.20 5801.10.00
Product Description
Carpets & other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven, not made up, of man-made textile materials
Carpets & other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven, not made up, of cotton
Carpets & other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven, not made up, of other textile materials nesoi
Certified hand-loomed & folklore floor covering, woven not on power-driven loom,not of pile construction,made up,of wool or fine animal hair
Floor coverings,not of pile construction,woven not on power-driven loom, made up, of wool or fine animal hair,nesoi
Carpets & other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven nesoi, made up, of wool or fine animal hair, nesoi
Hand-loomed carpet & other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven, made up, of man-made textile materials,nesoi
Carpet & other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven, made up, of man-made textile materials,nesoi
Hand-loomed carpets and other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven, made up, of cotton
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven, made up, of cotton, nesoi
Carpets & other textile floor coverings, not of pile construction, woven, made up, of other textile materials nesoi
Hand-hooked carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up, of wool or fine animal hair
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up, of wool or fine animal hair, nesoi
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up, of nylon or other polyamides, hand-hooked
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up, of nylon or other polyamides, nesoi
Hand-hookded carpets & other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up, of man-made materials (not nylon/other polyamides)
Carpets & other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up, of man-made textile materials (not nylon/other polyamides), nesoi
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or not made up, of other textile materials nesoi
Carpet tiles of felt, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, having a maximum surface area of 0.3 m2
Carpet tiles of felt, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, having a maximum surface area exceeding 0.3m2 but not exceeding 1m2
Carpets and other textile floor coverings of felt, not tufted or flocked, whether or not made up, other surface area
Carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up, of coir, nesoi Carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or not made up, nesoi
Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806, of wool or fine animal hair
HTSUS Subheading
5801.21.00 5801.22.10
5801.23.00 5801.26.00 5801.27.10 5801.27.50 5801.31.00 5801.32.00 5801.33.00
5801.36.00 5801.37.10
5801.37.50 5801.90.10
5801.90.20 5802.11.00 5802.19.00 5802.20.00
5802.30.00 5803.00.10 5803.00.20
5803.00.40 5803.00.50 5803.00.90 5804.10.10
5804.10.90 5804.21.00 5804.29.10 5804.29.90
Product Description
Uncut weft pile fabrics of cotton, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806
Cut corduroy woven pile fabrics of cotton, greater than 7.5 wales per cm, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806
Cut corduroy woven pile fabrics of cotton, less than 7.5 wales per cm, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806
Weft pile fabrics, cut, of cotton, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806, nesoi Chenille fabrics of cotton, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806
Warp pile fabrics, epingle (uncut), of cotton, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806 Warp pile fabrics, cut, of cotton, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806
Uncut weft pile fabrics of man-made fibers, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806 Cut corduroy of man-made fibers, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806
Weft pile fabrics of man-made fibers, cut, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806, nesoi
Chenille fabrics of man-made fibers, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806
Warp pile fabrics, epingle (uncut), of man-made fibers, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806
Warp pile fabrics, cut, of man-made fibers, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806 Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics of vegetable fibers except cotton, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806
Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics of textile materials nesoi, other than fabrics of heading 5802 or 5806
Terry toweling and similar woven terry fabrics (other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806) of cotton, unbleached
Terry toweling and similar woven terry fabrics (other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806) of cotton, other than unbleached
Terry toweling and similar woven terry fabrics (other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806) of textile materials other than cotton
Tufted textile fabrics, other than products of heading 5703
Gauze (other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806) of cotton
Gauze (other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806) tapestry and upholstery fabrics, of wool or fine animal hair, weighing not over 140 g/m2
Gauze (not narrow fabrics of heading 5806), except tapestry and upholstery fabrics, of wool or fine animal hair, weighing n/o 140 g/m2
Gauze (other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806) of vegetable fibers except cotton Gauze (other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806) of man-made fibers
Gauze (other than narrow fabrics of heading 5806) of other textile materials nesoi
Tulles and other net fabrics (not including woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics) of cotton or man-made fibers
Tulles and other net fabrics (not including woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics) of textile fibers except cotton or man-made
Mechanically made lace, in the piece, in strips or in motifs (not fabric of heading 6002), of man-made fibers
Mechanically made lace, in the piece, in strips or in motifs (not fabric of heading 6002), of cotton
Mechanically made lace, in the piece, in strips or in motifs (not fabric of heading 6002), of textile materials (not cotton or mm fibers)
HTSUS Subheading
5804.30.00 5805.00.10
5805.00.25 5805.00.30 5805.00.40
5806.10.10 5806.10.24 5806.10.28 5806.10.30 5806.20.00 5806.31.00 5806.32.10 5806.32.20 5806.39.10 5806.39.20 5806.39.30 5806.40.00 5807.10.05 5807.10.15 5807.10.20 5807.90.05 5807.90.15 5807.90.20 5808.10.10
Product Description
Hand-made lace, in the piece, in strips or in motifs (other than fabrics of heading 6002) Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like, used only as wall hangings, valued over $215/m2
Certified hand-loomed and folklore hand-woven tapestries nesoi and needle-worked tapestries, of wool or fine animal hair
Hand-woven tapestries nesoi and needle-worked tapestries, of wool or fine animal hair Hand-woven tapestries nesoi and needle-worked tapestries, of cotton
Hand-woven tapestries nesoi and needle-worked tapestries, other than of cotton, wool or fine animal hair
Narrow woven pile fabrics (including terry toweling and the like) and chenille fabrics (other than goods of heading 5807) of cotton
Narrow woven pile fastener fabric tapes (other than goods of heading 5807) of man- made fibers
Narrow woven pile fabrics, incl terry toweling/chenille fabric (excl fastener fabric tape)) (other than goods of heading 5807) of m-m fibers
Narrow woven pile fabrics (including terry toweling/the like) & chenille fabrics, except of cotton or of m-m fibers (not goods of head 5807)
Narrow woven fabrics (not goods of heading 5807), not pile, containing by weight 5 percent or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread
Narrow woven fabrics (other than goods of heading 5807), not pile, not cont by wt 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber, of cotton, nesoi
Woven ribbons of man-made fibers, not pile, not cont by wt 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber
Narrow woven fabrics (other than ribbons), not pile, of man-made fibers, not cont by wt 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber
Narrow woven fabrics (not goods of heading 5807), not pile, of wool/fine animal hair, not cont by wt 5% or more elastomeric yarn or rubber
Narrow woven fabric (not good of heading 5807), not pile, of vegetable fibers except cotton, not cont by wt 5% or more elastomer yarn/rubber
Narrow woven fabrics (not goods of heading 5807), not pile, of textile materials nesoi, not cont by wt 5% or more elastomeric yarn or rubber
Narrow fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of an adhesive (bolducs)
Labels, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, woven, not embroidered, of cotton or man-made fibers
Labels, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, woven, not embroidered, of textile materials other than cotton or man-made fibers
Woven badges and similar articles of textile materials (except labels), in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, not embroidered
Labels, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, nonwoven, not embroidered, of cotton or man-made fibers
Labels, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size, nonwoven, not embroidered, of textile materials other than cotton or man-made fiber
Badges & similar articles (except labels) of textile materials, not woven, not embroidered, in the piece, in strips or cut to shape or size
Braids, in the piece, of abaca or ramie, suitable for making or ornamenting headwear
HTSUS Subheading
5810.10.00 5810.91.00
5810.92.10 5810.92.90 5810.99.10 5810.99.90 5811.00.10 5811.00.20 5811.00.30 5811.00.40 5901.10.10 5901.10.20 5901.90.20 5901.90.40
5902.10.00 5902.20.00 5902.90.00 5903.10.10
Product Description
Braids in the piece, suitable for making or ornamenting headwear, of cotton or man- made fibers
Braids in the piece, suitable for making or ornamenting headwear, of textile materials other than cotton or man-made fibers
Braids in the piece, not suitable for making or ornamenting headwear, of cotton or man- made fibers
Braids in the piece, not suitable for making or ornamenting headwear, of textile materials other than cotton or man-made fibers
Ornamental trimmings in the piece, without embroidery, other than knitted or crocheted; tassels, pompons and similar articles
Woven fabrics of metal thread & woven fabrics of metallized yarn of heading 5605, used in apparel, as furnishing fabrics or the like, nesoi
Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs, without visible ground
Embroidery of cotton, in the piece, in strips or in motifs, other than without visible ground
Badges, emblems, and motifs of man-made fibers, embroidered, in the piece or in strips, other than without visible ground
Embroidery in the piece or in strips (excluding badges, emblems and motifs), of man- made fibers, other than without visible ground
Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs, of wool or fine animal hair, other than without visible ground
Embroidery in piece/strips/motifs,of textile material except cotton, man-made fiber, wool or fine animal hair, other than w/o visible ground
Quilted textile products in the piece (excluding embroidery), of one or more layers assembled with padding, of wool or fine animal hair
Quilted textile products in the piece (excluding embroidery), of one or more layers assembled with padding, of cotton
Quilted textile products in the piece (excluding embroidery), of one or more layers assembled with padding, of man-made fibers
Quilted textile products in the piece (excluding embroidery), of one or more layers assembled with padding, of textile materials nesoi
Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances, of a kind used for outer covers of books or the like, of man-made fibers
Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances, of a kind used for outer covers of books or the like, other than man-made fibers
Tracing cloth, prepared painting canvas, buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics used in hat foundations, of man-made fibers
Tracing cloth, prepared painting canvas, buckram and similar stiffened textile fabrics used in hat foundations, except of man-made fibers
Tire cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides
Tire cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of polyesters
Tire cord fabric of high tenacity yarns of viscose rayon
Textile fabrics of cotton, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyvinyl chloride
Textile fabric spec in note 9 to sect XI, of man-made fibers, impreg, coated, covered or laminated w/polyvinyl chloride, over 60% plastics
HTSUS Subheading
5903.20.10 5903.20.15
5903.20.30 5903.90.10
5904.10.00 5904.90.10
5905.00.10 5905.00.90 5906.10.00
5906.91.10 5906.91.20 5906.91.25
Product Description
Textile fabrics spec in note 9 to section XI, of man-made fibers, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyvinyl chloride, nesoi
Textile fabrics nesoi,of man-made fibers,impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyvinyl chloride, over 70% wt. rubber or plastics
Textile fabrics nesoi,of man-made fibers,impregnated,coated,covered or laminated with polyvinyl chloride, n/o 70% by wt. rubber or plastics
Textile fabrics nesoi, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyvinyl chloride, other than those of heading 5902
Textile fabrics of cotton, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyurethane Textile fabrics spec in note 9 to section XI, of man-made fibers, impreg, coated, covered or laminated with polyurethane, over 60% plastics
Textile fabrics specified in note 9 to section XI, of man-made fibers, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyurethane, nesoi
Textile fabrics of man-made fibers, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyurethane, over 70% weight rubber or plastics
Textile fabrics of man-made fibers, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyurethane, n/o 70% by weight rubber or plastics
Textile fabrics nesoi, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyurethane Textile fabrics of cotton, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics nesoi, other than those of heading 5902
Textile fabrics spec in note 9 to section XI, of man-made fibers, impreg, coated, covered or laminated w/plastics, nesoi, over 60% plastics
Textile fabrics specified in note 9 to section XI, of man-made fabrics, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, nesoi
Textile fabrics of man-made fibers, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, nesoi, over 70% weight rubber or plastics
Textile fabrics of man-made fibers, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, nesoi, n/o 70% by weight rubber or plastics
Textile fabrics nesoi, impreg, coated, covered or laminated w/plastics other than vinyl chloride or polyurethane, other than those head 5902
Linoleum, whether or not cut to shape
Floor coverings consisting of a coating or covering applied on a textile backing, with a base consisting of needleloom felt or nonwovens
Floor coverings consisting of a coating or covering applied on textile backing, with textile base other than of needleloom felt or nonwovens
Textile wall coverings backed with permanently affixed paper
Textile wall coverings, nesoi
Rubberized textile fabric adhesive tape of a width not exceeding 20 cm (other than fabric of heading 5902)
Rubberized textile fabrics of cotton, knitted or crocheted (other than fabric of heading 5902
Rubberized textile fabrics (other than of heading 5902) nesoi, knitted or crocheted, of man-made fibers, ov 70% by wt of rubber or plastics
Rubberized textile fabrics (other than of head 5902), nesoi, knitted or crocheted, of man-made fibers, n/o 70% by wt of rubber or plastics
HTSUS Subheading
5910.00.10 5910.00.90
5911.10.10 5911.10.20
5911.20.20 5911.20.30 5911.31.00
5911.32.00 5911.40.00 5911.90.00
Product Description
Rubberized textile fabrics (other than of heading 5902) nesoi, knitted or crocheted, other than of cotton or man-made fibers
Rubberized textile fabrics not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, other than fabrics of heading 5902
Rubberized textile fabrics (other than of head 5902), nesoi, not knitted or crocheted, of man-made fibers, ov 70% by wt of rubber/plastics
Rubberized textile fabrics (other than of head 5902), nesoi, not knitted or crocheted, of man-made fibers, n/o 70% by wt of rubber/plastics
Rubberized textile fabrics, not knitted or crocheted, other than those of heading 5902, nesoi
Laminated fabrics specified in note 9 to sect. XI of HTS, of m-m fiber, for theatrical, ballet, & operatic scenery & properties, incl sets
Laminated fabrics spec in note 9 to sect XI of HTS, of m-m fiber, other than theatrical, ballet, & operatic scenery & properties, incl sets
Lam fabs specified in nte 9 to sect. XI of HTS, of tx mats except m-m fiber, for theatrical, ballet, & opera scenery & properties, incl sets
Lam fabs specified in nte 9 to sect. XI of HTS, of tx mats except m-m fiber, other than theatrical, ballet, & oper scenery & prop, incl sets
Other fabric, impregnated, coated or covered, and painted canvas being theatrical scenery, back-cloths or the like, of man-made fibers
Other fabric, impregnated, coated or covered, & painted canvas being theatrical scenery, back-cloths or the like, other than man-made fibers
Textile wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps, stoves, candles and the like; gas mantles and tubular knitted gas mantle fabric
Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing of vegetable fibers, with or without lining, armor or accessories of other materials
Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing nesoi, with or without lining, armor or accessories of other materials
Transmission or conveyor belts or belting of man-made fibers
Transmission or conveyor belts or belting of textile materials, other than man-made fibers
Printers' rubberized blankets of textile fabrics
Textile fabrics, felt and felt-lined woven fabrics, combined with layer(s) of rubber, leather or other material, for technical uses, nesoi
Bolting cloth fabrics principally used for stenciling purposes in screen-process printing, whether or not made up
Bolting cloth nesoi, of silk, whether or not made up
Bolting cloth, whether or not made up, nesoi
Textile fabrics and felts, endless or fitted with linking devices, used for papermaking or similar machines, weighing less than 650 g/m2
Textile fabrics and felts, endless or fitted with linking devices, used for papermaking or similar machines, weighing 650 g/m2 or more
Straining cloth of a kind used in oil presses or the like, of textile material or of human hair
Textile products and articles, of a kind used in machinery or plants for technical uses, specified in note 7 to chapter 59, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
6001.10.20 6001.10.60 6001.21.00 6001.22.00 6001.29.00
6001.91.00 6001.92.00
6001.99.10 6001.99.90 6002.40.40 6002.40.80 6002.90.40 6002.90.80 6003.10.10 6003.10.90 6003.20.10 6003.20.30 6003.30.10 6003.30.60 6003.40.10 6003.40.60 6003.90.10 6003.90.90 6004.10.00 6004.90.20
Product Description
Knitted or crocheted "long pile" fabrics of man-made fibers
Knitted or crocheted "long pile" fabrics, other than of man-made fibers
Knitted or crocheted looped pile fabrics of cotton
Knitted or crocheted looped pile fabrics of man-made fibers
Knitted or crocheted looped pile fabrics of textile materials, other than of cotton or man-made fibers
Knitted or crocheted pile fabrics (other than "long pile" or looped pile) of cotton Knitted or crocheted pile fabrics (other than "long pile" or looped pile) of man-made fibers
Knitted or crocheted pile fabrics (except long or looped pile), of tex mats other than cotton or mmf, containing 85% or more by wt of silk
Knitted or crocheted pile fabrics (except long or looped pile), of tex mats other than cotton or mmf, cont less than 85% by wt of silk,
Knitted or crocheted fabrics nesoi, width not exceeding 30 cm, containing 5% or more elastomeric yarn but no rubber thread, of cotton
Knitted or crocheted fabrics nesoi, width n/o 30 cm, containing 5% or more elastomeric yarn but no rubber thread, other than of cotton
Knitted or crocheted fabrics nesoi, width not exceeding 30 cm, containing 5% or more elastomeric yarn or rubber thread nesoi, of cotton
Knitted or crocheted fabrics nesoi, width n/o 30 cm, containing 5% or more elastomeric yarn or rubber thread nesoi, other than of cotton
Warp knit open-worked fabrics of wool or fine animal hair, width not exceeding 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of wool or fine animal hair nesoi, width not exceeding 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002
Warp knit open-worked fabrics of cotton, width not exceeding 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton (other than warp knit open-worked), width not exceed 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002
Warp knit open-worked fabrics of synthetic fibers, width not exceeding 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibers nesoi, width not over 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002
Warp knit open-worked fabrics of artificial fibers, width not exceeding 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of artifical fibers nesoi, width not over 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002
Warp knit open-worked fabrics nesoi, width not exceeding 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002
Knitted or crocheted fabrics nesoi, width not exceeding 30 cm, other than those of heading 6001 or 6002
Knitted or crocheted fabrics, width exceeding 30 cm, containing 5% or more of elastomeric yarn but no rubber thread, not of heading 6001
Knitted or crocheted fabrics, width exceeding 30 cm, containing 5% or more of elastomeric yarn and rubber thread, other than of heading 6001
HTSUS Subheading
6006.10.00 6006.21.10
6006.21.90 6006.22.10
6006.22.90 6006.23.10
6006.23.90 6006.24.10
6006.24.90 6006.31.00
Product Description
Knitted or crocheted fabrics, width exceeding 30 cm, containing 5% or more of rubber thread, other than those of heading 6001
Unbleached or bleached warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of cotton, other than of headings 6001 to 6004
Dyed warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of cotton, other than those of headings 6001 to 6004
Warp knit fabrics of yarns of different colors (including made on galloon knitting machines) of cotton, other than headings 6001 to 6004
Printed warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of cotton, other than those of headings 6001 to 6004
Wrap knit fabrics of synthetic fibers,specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter excluding headings 6001 to 6004
Other wrap knit fabrics of synthetic fibers, bleached or unbleached, but not dyed and not specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter
Other wrap knit fabrics of synthetic fibers, dyed, not specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter
Other wrap knit fabrics of synthetic fibers, of yarns of different colors, not specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter
Other wrap knit fabrics of synthetic fibers, printed, not specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter
Unbleached or bleached warp knit fabrics (including made on galloon knitting machines) of artificial fiber, other than headings 6001 to 6004
Dyed warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of artificial fibers, other than those of headings 6001 to 6004
Warp knit fabrics of yarn of different color (including made on galloon knitting machine) of artificial fiber, other than headings 6001-6004
Printed warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machine) of artificial fibers, other than those of headings 6001 to 6004
Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of wool or fine animal hair, other than those of headings 6001 to 6004
Warp knit fabric (including made on galloon knit machine), not of wool/fine animal hair, cotton or manmade fiber, not of headings 6001-6004
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of wool or fine animal hair, nesoi
Unbleached or bleached circular knit fabric, wholly of cotton yarns over 100 metric number per single yarn, nesoi
Unbleached or bleached knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton, nesoi
Dyed circular knit fabric, wholly of cotton yarns over 100 metric number per single yarn, nesoi
Dyed knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton, nesoi
Circular knit fabric, of yarns of different colors, wholly of cotton yarns over 100 metric number per single yarn, nesoi
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Printed circular knit fabric, wholly of cotton yarns over 100 metric number per single yarn, nesoi
Printed knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton, nesoi
Unbleached or bleached knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibers, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
6006.32.00 6006.33.00 6006.34.00 6006.41.00 6006.42.00 6006.43.00 6006.44.00 6006.90.10
6006.90.90 6501.00.30 6501.00.60 6501.00.90 6502.00.20 6502.00.40 6502.00.60 6502.00.90 6504.00.30 6504.00.60 6504.00.90
6505.00.01 6505.00.04 6505.00.08 6505.00.15 6505.00.20
6505.00.25 6505.00.30 6505.00.40 6505.00.50
Product Description
Dyed knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibers, nesoi
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibers, of yarns of different colors, nesoi Printed knitted or crocheted fabrics of synthetic fibers, nesoi
Unbleached or bleached knitted or crocheted fabrics of artificial fibers, nesoi
Dyed knitted or crocheted fabrics of artificial fibers, nesoi
Knitted or crocheted fabrics of artificial fibers, of yarns of different colors, nesoi
Printed knitted or crocheted fabrics of artificial fibers, nesoi
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics nesoi, containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste
Other knitted or crocheted fabrics nesoi, other than of wool, cotton or manmade fibers & containing < 85% by wt of silk/silk waste
Hat forms, hat bodies and hoods, not blocked to shape or with made brims; plateaux & manchons; all of fur felt, for men or boys
Hat forms, hat bodies and hoods, not blocked to shape or with made brims; plateaux & manchons; all of fur felt, not for men or boys
Hat forms, hat bodies and hoods, not blocked to shape or with made brims; plateaux & manchons; all of felt, other than fur felt
Hat shapes, plaited or assembled from strips, not blocked/lined/trimmed & w/o made brims, of veg. fibers or materls, or paper yarn, sewed
Hat shapes, plaited or asmbld from strips, n/blocked/lined/trimmed & w/o made brims, of veg. fibers or materls, not sewed/bleached/colored
Hat shapes, plaited or asmbld from strips, n/blocked/lined/trimmed & w/o made brims, of veg. fibers or materls, not sewed but bleachd/colord
Hat shapes, plaited or assembled from strips, not blocked/lined/trimmed & w/o made brims, not veg. fibers/veg. materials/paper yarn, nesoi
Hats and headgear, plaited or assembled from strips of veg. fibers or unspun fibrous veg. materials and/or paper yarn, sewed
Hats and headgear, plaited or assembled from strips of veg. fibers or unspun fibrous veg. materials and/or paper yarn, not sewed
Hats and headgear, plaited or assembled from strips of any material (o/than veg. fibers/unspun fibrous veg. materials and/or paper yarn)
Hair-nets of any material, whether or not lined or trimmed
Hats and headgear of fur felt made from hat forms and hat bodies of 6501
Hats and headgear made from hat forms and hat bodies of 6501, except of fur felt
Hats and headgear, of cotton and/or flax, knitted
Headwear, of cotton, not knitted; certified hand-loomed and folklore hats & headgear, of cotton or flax, not knitted
Hats and headgear, of cotton or flax, not knitted, not certified hand-loomed folklore goods
Hats and headgear, of wool, knitted or crocheted or made up from knitted or crocheted fabric
Hats and headgear, of wool, made up from felt or of textile material, not knitted or crocheted or made up from knitted or crocheted fabric
Hats and headgear, of man-made fibers, knitted or crocheted or made up from knitted or crocheted fabric, wholly or in part of braid
HTSUS Subheading
6506.10.30 6506.10.60
6506.99.30 6506.99.60
6801.00.00 6802.10.00
6802.91.05 6802.91.15
6802.91.20 6802.91.25 6802.91.30 6802.92.00
Product Description
Hats and headgear, of man-made fibers, knitted or crocheted or made up from knitted or crocheted fabrics, not in part of braid
Hats and headgear, of man-made fibers, made up from felt or of textile material, not knitted or crocheted, wholly or in part braid
Hats and headgear, of man-made fibers, made up from felt or of textile material, not knitted or crocheted, not in part of braid
Hats and headgear, of textile materials (other than of cotton, flax, wool or man-made fibers), nesoi
Safety headgear of reinforced or laminated plastics, whether or not lined or trimmed Safety headgear, other than of reinforced or laminated plastics, whether or not lined or trimmed
Headgear (other than safety headgear), nesoi, of rubber or plastics, whether or not lined or trimmed
Headgear, nesoi, of furskin, whether or not lined or trimmed
Headgear (other than safety headgear), nesoi, of materials other than rubber, plastics, or furskins, whether or not lined or trimmed
Headbands, linings, covers, hat foundations, hat frames, peaks (visors) and chinstraps, for headgear
Articles of feathers or down (other than articles & apparel filled or stuffed with feathers/down and worked quills & scapes)
Skins and o/parts of birds w/their feathers or down, feathers, pts of feathers/down, nesoi
Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural stone (except slate)
Tiles/cubes/similar arts. of natural stone, enclosable in a sq. w/a side less than 7 cm; artificially colored granules, chippings & powder
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, of travertine, simply cut/sawn, w/flat or even surface
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, of marble & alabaster, simply cut/sawn, w/flat or even surface
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, of granite, simply cut/sawn, w/flat or even surface
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, of calcareous stone, nesoi, simply cut/sawn, w/flat or even surface
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, of stone, nesoi, simply cut/sawn, w/flat or even surface
Marble slabs, further worked than simply cut/sawn
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof (o/than slabs), of marble, further worked than simply cut/sawn, nesoi
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, of travertine, dressed or polished but not further worked, nesoi
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, of travertine, further worked than dressed or polished, nesoi
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, of alabaster, further worked than simply cut/sawn, nesoi
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, of calcareous stone, nesoi, further worked than simply cut/sawn, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
6802.93.00 6802.99.00
6803.00.10 6803.00.50 6804.10.00 6804.21.00
6804.22.10 6804.22.40 6804.22.60
6804.23.00 6804.30.00 6805.10.00 6805.20.00 6805.30.10
6805.30.50 6806.10.00 6806.20.00
6807.10.00 6807.90.00 6808.00.00
6810.19.12 6810.19.14
6810.19.50 6810.91.00
Product Description
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, of granite, further worked than simply cut/sawn, nesoi
Monumental or building stone & arts. thereof, nesoi, further worked than simply cut/sawn, nesoi
Roofing slate
Worked slate (other than roofing slate) and articles of slate or agglomerated slate Millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping
Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, nesoi, of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond
Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, nesoi, of agglomerated abrasives nesoi, or ceramics, bonded with synthetic resins
Abrasive wheels of agglomerated abrasives nesoi, or ceramics, not bonded with synthetic resins
Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, nesoi, of agglomerated abrasives nesoi, or ceramics, not bonded w/synthetic resins
Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, nesoi, of natural stone
Hand sharpening or polishing stones
Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain on a base of woven textile fabric only Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain on a base of paper or paperboard only Articles wholly or partly coated natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain, on a base of materials nesoi, in sheets, strips, disks,etc.
Natural or artificial abrasive powder or grain on a base of materials nesoi, in forms nesoi Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools, in bulk, sheets or rolls
Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag and similar expanded mineral materials
Mixtures and articles of heat-insulating, sound-insulating or sound-absorbing mineral materials, nesoi
Articles of asphalt or of similar material, in rolls
Articles of asphalt or of similar material, not in rolls
Panels, boards, tiles and similar articles of vegetable fiber, straw or wood wastes, agglomerated with cement, plaster or o/mineral binders
Panels, boards, sheets, tiles and similar articles of plaster or comp. plaster, n/ornamented, faced or reinforced w/paper or paperboard only
Panels, boards, sheets, tiles and similar articles of plaster or comp. plaster, not ornamented, nesoi
Articles (other than panels, boards, sheets, tiles, etc.) of plaster or of compositions based on plaster, nesoi
Building blocks and bricks, of cement, concrete or artificial stone, whether or not reinforced
Floor and wall tiles, of stone agglomerated with binders other than cement
Floor and wall tiles, of cement, concrete, or of artificial stone (except stone agglom. w/binders other than cement)
Tiles, flagstones, and similar articles, nesoi, of cement, concrete or artificial stone, whether or not reinforced
Prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering, of cement, concrete or artificial stone, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
6811.40.00 6811.81.00 6811.82.00
6811.89.90 6812.80.10 6812.80.90 6812.91.10 6812.91.90 6812.92.00 6812.93.00 6812.99.00
6813.20.00 6813.81.00 6813.89.00
6814.10.00 6814.90.00
6815.10.01 6815.20.00 6815.91.00 6815.99.20
6901.00.00 6902.10.10 6902.10.50
6902.20.10 6902.20.50
6902.90.10 6902.90.50 6903.10.00
Product Description
Articles of cement (other than tiles, flagstones, bricks and similar arts.), of concrete or artificial stone, nesoi
Articles of asbestos-cement
Corrugated sheets, of cellulose fiber-cement or the like (not containing asbestos) Sheets (other than corrugated), panels, tiles and similar articles of cellulose-fiber cement or the like (not containing asbestos)
Tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings, of cellulose fiber-cement or the like (not containing asbestos)
Articles of cellulose fiber-cement or the like (not containing asbestos), nesoi Footwear of crocidolite
Articles or mixtures of crocidolite, nesoi
Footwear of asbestos other than crocidolite
Clothing, accessories, and headgear of asbestos other than crocidolite
Paper, millboard and felt of asbestos other than crocidolite
Compressed asbestos (other than crocidolite) fiber jointing, in sheets
Articles nesoi, of asbestos other than crocidolite or mixtures with a basis of asbestos other than crocidolite
Friction material & articles thereof, containing asbestos
Brake linings and pads not containing asbestos
Friction material & articles thereof with a basis of mineral substances (other than asbestos) or of cellulose, nesoi
Agglomerated or reconstituted mica, in plates, sheets and strips, whether or not on a support
Worked mica and articles of mica, nesoi, whether or not on a support of paper, paperboard or other materials
Nonelectrical articles of graphite or other carbon
Articles of peat, nesoi
Articles containing magnesoite, dolomite or chromite, nesoi
Talc, steatite and soapstone, cut or sawn, or in blanks, crayons, cubes, disks or other forms
Articles of stone or of other mineral substances (including carbon fibers & articles thereof), nesoi
Siliceous fossil meal or earth bricks, blocks, tiles and other ceramic goods
Refractory bricks of magnesoite, containing by weight o/50% MgO
Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar goods containing by weight o/50% MgO, CaO, or Cr2O3
Refractory bricks containing by weight o/50% alumina (Al2O2) or silica (SiO2) or mixtures or compounds thereof
Refractory blocks, tiles & similar goods (o/than bricks), cont. by wt. o/50% alumina (Al2O2) or silica (SiO2) or mixtures thereof
Refractory bricks, nesoi
Refractory blocks, tiles & similar goods (other than bricks), nesoi
Refractory ceramic goods (o/than of siliceous fossil meals or earths), nesoi, cont. by wt. o/50% graphite or o/forms or mix. of carbon
Refractory ceramic goods (o/than of siliceous fossil meals or earths), nesoi, cont. by wt. o/50% alumina or mix. or comp. of Al2O3 & SiO3
HTSUS Subheading
6903.90.00 6904.10.00 6904.90.00 6905.10.00 6905.90.00
6906.00.00 6907.21.10
6907.21.90 6907.22.10
6907.22.20 6907.22.30 6907.22.40 6907.22.90 6907.23.10 6907.23.20 6907.23.30 6907.23.40
6907.23.90 6907.30.10 6907.30.20 6907.30.30
6907.30.90 6907.40.10 6907.40.20 6907.40.30 6907.40.40
Product Description
Refractory ceramic goods (o/than of siliceous fossil meals or earths), nesoi Ceramic building bricks (o/than refractory bricks)
Ceramic flooring blocks, support or filler tiles and the like (other than bricks) Ceramic roofing tiles
Ceramic chimney pots, cowls, chimney liners, architectural ornaments and other construction goods
Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings
Unglazed ceramic tiles, other than those of subheading 6907.30 and 6907.40, of H2O absorp coeff by wt <=0.5%
Glazed ceramic tiles having <=3229 tiles per m2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm, H2O absorp coeff by wt <=0.5%
Glazed ceramic tiles having surface area <38.7cm2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm, of H2O absorp coeff by wt <=0.5%
Glazed ceramic tiles having surface area >=38.7cm2, , surf area in sq w/ side <7cm, of a H2O absorp coeff by wt <=0.5%
Glazed ceramic tiles nesoi, of a H2O absorp coeff by wt <=0.5%
Unglazed ceramic tiles, other than those of subheading 6907.30 and 6907.40, of H2O absorp coeff by wt exceeding 0.5% but not exceeding 10%
Glazed ceramic tiles having <=3229 tiles per m2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm, H2O absorp coeff by wt exceeding 0.5% but not exceeding 10%
Glazed ceramic tiles having surface area <38.7cm2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm, of H2O absorp coeff by wt exceeding 0.5% but not exceeding 10%
Glazed ceramic tiles having surface area >=38.7cm2, , surf area in sq w/ side <7cm, of a H2O absorp coeff by wt exceeding 0.5% but not exceeding 10%
Glazed ceramic tiles nesoi, of a H2O absorp coeff by wt exceeding 0.5% but not exceeding 10%
Unglazed ceramic tiles, other than those of subheading 6907.30 and 6907.40, of H2O absorp coeff by wt >10%
Glazed ceramic tiles having <=3229 tiles per m2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm, H2O absorp coeff by wt >10%
Glazed ceramic tiles having surface area <38.7cm2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm, of H2O absorp coeff by wt >10%
Glazed ceramic tiles having surface area >=38.7cm2, , surf area in sq w/ side <7cm, of a H2O absorp coeff by wt >10%
Glazed ceramic tiles nesoi, of a H2O absorp coeff by wt >10%
Unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes, o/t subheading 6907.40
Glazed ceramic mosaic cubes having <=3229 tiles per m2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm Glazed ceramic mosaic cubes having surface area <38.7cm2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm
Glazed ceramic mosaic cubes having surface area >=38.7cm2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm
Glazed ceramic mosaic cubes nesoi, o/t subheading 6907.40
Unglazed finishing ceramics
Glazed finishing ceramics having <=3229 tiles per m2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm Glazed finishing ceramics having surface area <38.7cm2, surf area in sq w/ side <7cm Glazed finishing ceramics having surface area >=38.7cm2, , surf area in sq w/ side <7cm
HTSUS Subheading
6907.40.90 6909.11.20 6909.11.40
6909.19.10 6909.19.50
6909.90.00 6914.10.40 6914.10.80 6914.90.41 6914.90.80
7001.00.10 7001.00.20 7001.00.50 7002.10.10 7002.10.20 7002.20.50 7002.31.00 7002.32.00
7002.39.00 7003.12.00
7003.20.00 7003.30.00 7004.20.10
7004.20.20 7004.20.50 7004.90.05 7004.90.10
Product Description
Glazed finishing ceramics nesoi
Porcelain or china ceramic machinery parts
Porcelain or china ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses (other than machinery parts), nesoi
Ceramic wares (o/than of porcelain or china) for laboratory, chemical or technical uses, w/hardness equivalent to 9 or more on Mohs scale
Ceramic ferrite core memories
Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical or other technical uses (o/than of porcelain or china), nesoi
Ceramic troughs, tubes & siml. receptacles for agriculture; ceramic pots, jars, & siml. arts. for conveyance or packing of goods
Porcelain or china ceramic ferrules, n/o 3mm diam or 25mm long, w/fiber channel open. and/or ceramic mating sleeves of Al2O3 or zirconia
Porcelain or china arts. (o/than tableware/kitchenware/household & ornament. arts),nesoi
Ceramic (o/porcelain or china) ferrules, n/o 3mm or 25mm long, w/fiber channel open. and/or ceramic mating of sleeves of Al2O3 or zirconia
Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) arts. (o/than tableware/kitchenware/household & ornament. arts), nesoi
Glass in the mass of fused quartz or other fused silica
Glass in the mass (other than of fused quartz or other fused silica)
Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass
Glass in balls (o/than microspheres of heading 7018), unworked, n/o 6mm in diameter Glass in balls (o/than microspheres of heading 7018), unworked, over 6 mm in diameter Glass rods (o/than of fused quartz or other fused silica), unworked
Glass tubes of fused quartz or other fused silica, unworked
Glass tubes (o/than fused quartz/silica), w/linear coefficient of expansion n/o 5x10-6 per Kelvin in range of 0-300 degrees C, unworked
Glass tubes (o/than fused quartz/silica), nesoi, unworked
Cast or rolled glass, in nonwired sheets, colored thru the mass, opacified, flashed or w/absorbent,reflect. or non-reflect.layer, not wkd.
Cast or rolled glass, in nonwired sheets, n/colored thru the mass, opacified, flashed, etc. & not further worked
Cast or rolled glass, in wired sheets
Cast or rolled glass profiles
Drawn or blown glass, in sheets, w/absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, n/furth. wkd.
Drawn or blown glass, in rect. sheets, colored thru the mass, etc., w/o absorbent, reflecting or non-reflect. layer, n/furth wkd
Drawn or blown glass, in sheets (o/than rect.), colored thru the mass, opacified, flashed, w/o absorbent, etc. layer, n/furth. wkd.
Drawn or blown glass, nesoi, in rectangular sheets, w/thick. n/o 1.5 mm & n/o 0.26 m2 in area, n/further wkd.
Drawn or blown glass, nesoi, in rectangular sheets, w/thick. n/o 1.5 mm & over 0.26 m2 in area, n/further wkd.
HTSUS Subheading
7004.90.50 7005.10.40
7005.30.00 7006.00.10
7006.00.20 7006.00.40 7007.11.00 7007.19.00 7007.21.10 7007.21.50 7007.29.00
Product Description
Drawn or blown glass, nesoi, in rectangular sheets, w/thick. over 1.5 but n/o 2 mm & n/o 0.26 m2 in area, n/further wkd.
Drawn or blown glass, nesoi, in rectangular sheets, w/thick. over 1.5 but n/o 2 mm & over 0.26 m2 in area, n/further wkd.
Drawn or blown glass, nesoi, in rectangular sheets, w/thick. over 2 but n/o 3.5 mm, not further wkd.
Drawn or blown glass, nesoi, in rectangular sheets, w/thick. over 3.5 mm & n/o 0.65 m2 in area, not further wkd.
Drawn or blown glass, nesoi, in rectangular sheets, w/thick. over 3.5 mm & over 0.65 m2 in area, not further wkd.
Drawn or blown glass, nesoi, in sheets (other than rectangular), nesoi
Surface ground or polished glass, w/absorb. or reflect. layer, n/o 1.2 mm thick & n/o 0.8 M2 in area, suitable for use in LCD's
Float glass & surface ground or polished glass, nonwired, in sheets, w/absorb. or reflect. layer, nesoi, not worked
Float glass & surface ground or polished glass, nonwired, in sheets, colored thru mass, opacified, flashed, under 10 mm thick, not worked
Float glass & surface ground or polished glass, nonwired, in sheets, colored thru mass, opacified, flashed, 10 mm or more thick, not worked
Float glass & surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, less than 10 mm thick, w/area n/o 0.65 M2 & for liquid crystal displays
Float glass & surface ground or polished glass, nonwired, in sheets, less than 10 mm thick, w/area n/o 0.65 M2 & not for LCD's
Float glass & surface ground or polished glass, in sheets, less than 10 mm thick, w/area o/0.65 M2 & for liquid crystal displays
Float glass & surface ground or polished glass, nonwired, in sheets, less than 10 mm thick, w/area over 0.65 M2 & not for LCD's
Float glass & surface ground or polished glass, nonwired, in sheets, 10 mm or more in thickness
Float glass & surface ground or polished glass, wired, in sheets
Glass of heading 7003-7005 in strips n/o 15.2 cm wide & o/2 mm thick, w/longitudinal edges ground or smoothed
Drawn or blown glass, not containing wire netting & not surface ground or polished, but bent, edged or otherwise worked but not framed
Glass of heading 7003-7005, bent, edgeworked, engraved, drilled, enameled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted, nesoi
Toughened (tempered) safety glass, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels
Toughened (tempered) safety glass, not of size or shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels
Laminated safety glass, windshields, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels
Laminated safety glass (o/than windshields), of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels
Laminated safety glass, not of size or shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels
HTSUS Subheading
7008.00.00 7009.10.00 7009.91.10 7009.91.50 7009.92.10 7009.92.50 7010.10.00 7010.20.20 7010.20.30 7010.90.05 7010.90.20
7010.90.30 7010.90.50
7011.10.10 7011.10.50
7011.20.10 7011.20.45
7011.20.85 7011.90.00
7014.00.10 7014.00.20 7014.00.30
7014.00.50 7016.10.00
7016.90.10 7016.90.50 7017.10.30 7017.10.60 7017.20.00
7017.90.10 7017.90.50
Product Description
Glass multiple-walled insulating units
Glass rearview mirrors for vehicles
Glass mirrors (o/than rearview mirrors), unframed, n/o 929 cm2 in reflecting area
Glass mirrors (o/than rearview mirrors), unframed, over 929 cm2 in reflecting area Glass mirrors (o/than rearview mirrors), framed, n/o 929 cm2 in reflecting area
Glass mirrors (o/than rearview mirrors), framed, over 929 cm2 in reflecting area
Glass ampoules used for the conveyance or packing of goods
Glass stoppers, lids and other closures produced by automatic machine
Glass stoppers, lids and other closures not produced by automatic machine
Glass serum bottles, vials and other pharmaceutical containers
Glass containers for conveyance/packing perfume/toilet preps & containers with/designed for ground glass stopper, made by automatic machine
Glass containers for convey/pack perfume/toilet preps & containers with/designed for ground glass stopper, not made by automatic machine
Glass carboys, bottles, jars, pots, flasks, & other containers for conveyance/packing of goods (w/wo closures) & preserving jars, nesoi
Glass bulbs (w/o fittings) for electric incandescent lamps
Glass envelopes, open, & glass parts thereof, for electric lighting (other than bulbs for incandescent lamps), without fittings
Glass cones (w/o fittings) for cathode-ray tubes
Monochrome glass envelopes (open & w/o fittings), certified by importer for actual use in computer or graphic display CRTs
Glass envelopes (open & w/o fittings) & glass parts thereof, nesoi, for cathode-ray tubes Glass envelopes (open & w/o fittings) & glass parts thereof (o/than for electric lighting or cathode-ray tubes
Glass lens blanks (other than for spectacles), not optically worked
Glass optical elements (other than lens blanks), not optically worked
Glass lenses and filters (other than optical elements) and parts thereof, for signaling purposes, not optically worked
Signaling glassware, nesoi, not optically worked
Glass cubes and other glass smallwares, whether or not on a backing, for mosaics or similar decorative purposes
Paving blocks, slabs, bricks, squares, tiles & other arts. of pressed or molded glass, for building or construction purposes
Leaded glass windows & the like; multicellular or foam glass in blocks, panels, plates, shells or similar forms
Fused quartz reactor tubes and holders designed for insertion into diffusion and oxidation furnaces for semiconductor wafer production
Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, whether or not calibrated or graduated, of fused quartz or other fused silica, nesoi
Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, whether or not calibrated or graduated, of glass w/low coefficient of heat expansion
Glass microscope slides and micro cover glasses
Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, whether or not calibrated, nesoi, of glass, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
7018.10.20 7018.10.50 7018.20.00 7018.90.50
7019.11.00 7019.12.00 7019.19.05
7019.19.15 7019.19.24
7019.19.28 7019.19.30 7019.19.70
7019.19.90 7019.31.00 7019.32.00 7019.39.10 7019.39.50
7019.40.05 7019.40.15 7019.40.30 7019.40.40 7019.40.70 7019.40.90 7019.51.10 7019.51.90 7019.52.30 7019.52.40 7019.52.70
Product Description
Glass imitation pearls and pearl beads of all shapes and colors, whether or not drilled, not strung and not set
Glass imitation precious or semiprecious stones (except beads)
Glass beads (o/than imitat. pearls) & similar glass smallwares, nesoi
Glass microspheres not exceeding 1 mm in diameter
Articles (o/than imitation jewellry) of glass beads, pearls and imitation stones and statuettes & ornaments of lamp-worked glass
Glass fiber chopped strands of a length not more than 50 mm
Glass fiber rovings
Fiberglass rubber reinforcing yarn,not color,of electrically nonconductive continuous filament 9 to 11 microns diam & impreg for adhesion to
Glass fiber yarns, not colored, other than fiberglass rubber reinforcing yarn
Fiberglass rubber reinforce yarn,color,of electrically nonconduct. continuous filament 9 to 11 microns diam & impreg for adhesion to polym.
Glass fiber yarns, colored, other than fiberglass rubber reinforcing yarn
Glass fiber chopped strands of a length more than 50 mm
Fiberglass rubber reinforce cord,of electrically nonconduct. contin. filament 9 to 11 microns diam & impreg for adhesion to polymeric comp.
Glass fiber slivers
Nonwoven glass fiber mats
Nonwoven glass fiber in thin sheets (voiles)
Nonwoven glass wool insulation products
Nonwoven glass fiber webs, mattresses, boards and similar articles of nonwoven glass fibers, nesoi
Woven fiberglass tire cord fabric of rovings,n/o 30 cm wide,of elect. nonconductive cont. filament 9-11 micron diam & impreg for adhesion
Woven glass fiber fabric of rovings, n/o 30 cm in width, other than fiberglass tire cord fabric
Woven fiberglass tire cord fabric of roving,o/30 cm wide,n/color, of elect. nonconduct. contin. fil. 9-11 micron diam & impreg for adhesion
Woven glass fiber fabric of rovings, o/30 cm wide, not colored, other than fiberglass tire cord fabric
Woven fiberglass tire cord fabric of roving,o/30 cm wide,color,of elect nonconduct. cont. filament 9-11 micron diam & impreg for adhesion
Woven glass fiber fabrics of rovings, o/30 cm wide, colored, other than fiberglass tire cord fabric
Woven fiberglass tire cord fabric,n/roving,n/o 30 cm wide,of electrical nonconduct. contin. filament 9-11 micron diam & impreg for adhesion
Woven glass fiber fabric, not of rovings, n/o 30 cm wide, other than fiberglass tire cord fabric
Woven fiberglass tire cord fabric,n/rov,pl.weave,o/30 cm wide & less than 250 g/m2,w/no single yarn o/136 tex,n/colrd,of elect nonconduct
Woven glass fiber woven fabric, not colored, not of rovings, plain weave, o/30 cm wide, less than 250 g/m2, w/no single yarn o/136 tex,nesoi
Woven fiberglass tire cord fabric,n/rov,color,pl. weave,o/30 cm wide & less thna 250 g/m2,w/no single yarn o/136 tex, of elect nonconduct
HTSUS Subheading
7019.52.90 7019.59.30
7019.59.40 7019.59.70
7019.59.90 7019.90.10 7019.90.50 7020.00.30
7020.00.40 7020.00.60 7102.21.10 7102.21.30 7102.21.40 7102.29.00 7105.10.00 7105.90.00 7106.10.00 7106.91.10 7106.91.50 7106.92.10
7106.92.50 7107.00.00 7108.11.00 7108.12.10 7108.12.50 7108.13.10 7108.13.55
7108.20.00 7109.00.00 7110.11.00 7110.19.00 7110.21.00 7110.29.00 7110.31.00 7110.39.00 7110.41.00 7110.49.00
Product Description
Woven glass fiber fabric,not colored,not rovings,plain weave,o/30 cm wide & less than 250 g/m2,w/no single yarn not more than 136 tex, nesoi
Woven fiberglass tire cord fabric,n/colored,nesoi,o/30 cm wide,of elect. noncond contin filament 9-11 micron diam and impreg for adhesion
Woven glass fiber woven fabrics, not colored, nesoi, o/30 cm wide, nesoi
Woven fiberglass tire cord fabric,colored,nesoi,o/30 cm wide,of elect. nonconduct contin filaments 9-11 micron diam & impreg for adhesion
Woven glass fiber woven fabrics, colored, nesoi, o/30 cm wide, nesoi
Woven glass fiber articles (other than fabrics), nesoi
Glass fibers (including glass wool), nesoi, and articles thereof, nesoi
Quartz reactor tubes and holders designed for insertion into diffusion and oxidation furnaces for semiconductor wafer production, nesoi
Glass inners for vacuum flasks or for other vacuum vessels
Articles of glass, not elsewhere specified or included
Miners' diamonds, unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted
Industrial diamonds (other than miners' diamonds), simply sawn, cleaved or bruted Industrial diamonds (other than miners' diamonds), unworked
Industrial diamonds, worked, but not mounted or set
Diamond dust and powder
Natural or synthetic precious (except diamond) or semiprecious stone dust and powder Silver powder
Silver bullion and dore
Silver, unwrought (o/than bullion and dore)
Silver (incl. silver plate w gold/platinum),semimanufacture,rectangular/near rectangular shape,99.5% or > pure,marked only by wgt/identity
Silver (including silver plated with gold or platinum), in semimanufactured form, nesoi Base metals clad with silver, not further worked than semimanufactured
Gold powder
Gold, nonmonetary, bullion and dore
Gold, nonmonetary, unwrought (o/than gold bullion and dore)
Gold leaf
Gold (incl. gold plated w platinum),not money,semimanufacture,rectangle/near rectangular shape,99.5% or > pure,marked only by wgt/identity
Gold (including gold plated with platinum), nonmonetary, in semimanufactured forms (except gold leaf), nesoi
Gold, monetary, in unwrought, semimanufactured or powder form
Base metals or silver clad with gold, but not further worked than semimanufactured Platinum, unwrought or in powder form
Platinum, in semimanufactured forms
Palladium, unwrought or in powder form
Palladium, in semimanufactured forms
Rhodium, unwrought or in powder form
Rhodium, in semimanufactured forms
Iridium, osmium and ruthenium, unwrought or in powder form
Iridium, osmium and ruthenium, in semimanufactured forms
HTSUS Subheading
7112.30.00 7112.91.00
7112.92.00 7112.99.00
7114.11.10 7114.11.20 7114.11.30 7114.11.40
7114.11.50 7114.11.60
7114.11.70 7114.19.00
7114.20.00 7115.10.00 7115.90.05
7115.90.30 7115.90.40 7115.90.60
7201.10.00 7201.20.00 7201.50.30 7201.50.60 7202.11.10
7202.11.50 7202.19.10 7202.19.50
Product Description
Base metals, silver or gold clad with platinum, not further worked than semimanufactured
Ash containing precious metals or precious metal compounds
Gold waste and scrap, including metal clad with gold but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals
Platinum waste and scrap, including metal clad with platinum but excluding sweepings containing other precious metals
Precious metal (other than of gold or platinum) waste and scrap, including metal clad with precious metals, nesoi
Knives with handles of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal Forks with handles of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal Spoons and ladles with handles of sterling silver
Spoons and ladles (o/than w/sterling silver handles) of silver, whether or not plated or clad w/other precious metal
Sets of two or more knives or forks w/silver handles or spoons and ladles of silver, whether or not clad or plated w/prec.metal
Tableware, nesoi, of sterling silver
Articles of silver nesoi, for household, table or kitchen use, toilet and sanitary wares, including parts thereof
Silversmiths' wares (other than for household/table/kitchen use & toilet and sanitary wares) of silver, nesoi
Precious metal (o/than silver) articles, nesoi, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal, nesoi
Goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares of base metal clad with precious metal
Platinum catalysts in the form of wire cloth or grill
Precious metal articles, incl. metal clad w/precious metal,rectangle/near rectangle shape,99.5%/ or pure,marked only by wgt/identity
Gold (including metal clad with gold) articles (o/than jewellry or goldsmiths' wares), nesoi
Silver (including metal clad with silver) articles (o/than jewellry or silversmiths' wares), nesoi
Articles of precious metal (o/than gold or silver), including metal clad with precious metal, nesoi
Nonalloy pig iron containing by weight 0.5 percent or less of phosphorus
Nonalloy pig iron containing by weight more than 0.5 percent of phosphorus
Alloy pig iron in blocks or other primary forms
Spiegeleisen in blocks or other primary forms
Ferromanganese containing by weight more than 2 percent but not more than 4 percent of carbon
Ferromanganese containing by weight more than 4 percent of carbon Ferromanganese containing by weight not more than 1 percent of carbon Ferromanganese containing by weight more than 1 percent but not more than 2 percent of carbon
Ferrosilicon containing by weight more than 55% but not more than 80% of silicon and more than 3% of calcium
HTSUS Subheading
7202.21.75 7202.21.90 7202.29.00 7202.30.00 7202.41.00 7202.49.10
Product Description
Ferrosilicon containing by weight more than 55% but not more than 80% of silicon, nesoi
Ferrosilicon containing by weight more than 80% but not more than 90% of silicon Ferrosilicon containing by weight more than 90% of silicon
Ferrosilicon containing by weight 55% or less of silicon
Ferrosilicon manganese
Ferrochromium containing by weight more than 4 percent of carbon
Ferrochromium containing by weight more than 3 percent but not more than 4 percent of carbon
7202.60.00 Ferronickel 7202.70.00
Ferrochromium containing by weight 3 percent or less of carbon Ferrosilicon chromium
7202.92.00 Ferrovanadium
Ferrotungsten and ferrosilicon tungsten Ferrotitanium and ferrosilicon titanium
Ferroniobium containing by weight less than 0.02 percent of phosphorus or sulfur or less than 0.4 percent of silicon
Ferroniobium, nesoi
7202.99.10 Ferrozirconium
7202.99.20 7202.99.80 7203.10.00 7203.90.00
7204.10.00 7204.21.00 7204.29.00 7204.30.00 7204.41.00
7204.49.00 7204.50.00 7205.10.00 7205.21.00 7205.29.00 7216.61.00
7216.69.00 7216.91.00
7301.20.10 7301.20.50 7302.30.00
Calcium silicon ferroalloys
Ferroalloys nesoi
Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore
Spongy ferrous products, in lumps, pellets or like forms; iron of a minimum purity by weight of 99.94% in lumps, pellets or like forms
Cast iron waste and scrap
Stainless steel waste and scrap
Alloy steel (o/than stainless) waste and scrap
Tinned iron or steel waste and scrap
Ferrous turnings, shavings, chips, milling wastes, sawdust, fillings, trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles
Ferrous waste and scrap nesoi
Iron or steel remelting scrap ingots
Pig iron, spiegeleisen, and iron or steel granules
Alloy steel powders
Pig iron, spiegeleisen, and iron or steel (o/than alloy steel) powders
Iron/nonalloy steel, angles, shapes & sections nesoi, not further worked than cold- formed or cold-finished, from flat-rolled products
Iron/nonalloy steel, angles, shapes & sections nesoi, not further worked than cold- formed or cold-finished, not from flat-rolled products
Iron/nonalloy steel, angle, shapes & sections nesoi,cold-formed/cold-finished from flat- rolled prod. & furth wkd th/cold-formed/cold-finish
Iron or nonalloy steel, angles, shapes and sections, welded
Alloy steel, angles, shapes and sections of alloy steel, welded
Iron or steel, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and other crossing pieces, for jointing or fixing rails
HTSUS Subheading
7303.00.00 7307.11.00 7307.19.30 7307.19.90 7307.21.10
7307.22.10 7307.22.50 7307.23.00 7307.29.00 7307.91.10
7307.91.30 7307.91.50
7307.92.30 7307.92.90 7307.93.30
7308.30.10 7308.30.50
7308.40.00 7309.00.00
7310.10.00 7310.21.00 7310.29.00 7311.00.00
Product Description
Cast iron, tubes, pipes and hollow profiles
Cast nonmalleable iron, fittings for tubes or pipes
Cast ductile iron or steel, fittings for tubes or pipes
Cast iron or steel, fittings for tubes or pipes, nesoi
Stainless steel, flanges for tubes/pipes, forged, not machined, not tooled and not otherwise processed after forging
Stainless steel, not cast, flanges for tubes/pipes, not forged or forged and machined, tooled and otherwise processed after forging
Stainless steel, not cast, threaded sleeves (couplings) for tubes/pipes
Stainless steel, not cast, threaded elbow and bends for tubes/pipes
Stainless steel, not cast, butt welding fittings for tubes/pipes
Stainless steel, not cast, fittings for tubes/pipes, nesoi
Iron or nonalloy steel, flanges for tubes/pipes, forged, not machined, not tooled and not otherwise processed after forging
Alloy steel (o/than stainless), not cast, flanges for tubes/pipes, forged, not machined/tooled and not otherwise processed after forging
Iron or steel (o/than stainless), not cast, flanges for tubes/pipes, not forged or forged and machined, tooled & processed after forging
Iron or steel (o/than stainless), not cast, threaded sleeves (couplings) for tubes/pipes Iron or steel (o/than stainless), not cast, threaded elbow and bends for tubes/pipes
Iron or nonalloy steel, not cast, butt welding fittings for tubes/pipes, w/inside diam. less than 360mm
Alloy steel (o/than stainless), not cast, butt welding fittings for tubes/pipes, w/inside diam. less than 360mm
Iron or alloy steel (o/than stainless), not cast, butt welding fittings for tubes/pipes, w/inside diam. 360mm or more
Iron or nonalloy steel, fittings for tubes/pipes, nesoi, forged, not machined, not tooled and not otherwise processed after forging
Alloy steel (o/than stainless), fittings for tubes/pipes, nesoi, forged, not machined/tooled and not otherwise processed after forging
Iron/steel (o/than stainless), n/cast, fittings for tubes/pipes, nesoi, not forged or forged and machined, tooled & processed after forging
Stainless steel, doors, windows and their frames, and thresholds for doors
Iron or steel (o/than stainless), doors, windows and their frames, and thresholds for doors
Iron or steel, props and similar equipment for scaffolding, shuttering or pit-propping Iron/steel, reservoirs, tanks, vats, siml. contain., for any material (o/than compress./liq.gas), w/capacity o/300 l, n/fit. w/mech/thermal
Iron/steel, tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes & siml. cont. for any material (o/than compress./liq.gas), w/cap. of 50+ l but n/o 300 l
Iron/steel, cans for any material (o/compressed/liq. gas), closed by soldering or crimping, w/cap. less than 50 l
Iron/steel, cans for any material (o/compressed/liq. gas), n/closed by soldering or crimping, w/cap. less than 50 l
Iron/steel, containers for compressed or liquefied gas
HTSUS Subheading
7312.90.00 7313.00.00
7314.19.01 7314.20.00
Product Description
Stainless steel, stranded wire, not elect. insulated, fitted with fittings or made up into articles
Stainless steel, stranded wire, not elect. insulated, not fitted with fittings or made up into articles
Iron or steel (o/than stainless), stranded wire, not elect. insul., fitted with fittings or made up into articles
Iron or steel (o/than stainless), stranded wire, not elect. insul., not fitted with fittings or made up into articles
Stainless steel, ropes, cables and cordage (o/than stranded wire), not elect. insul., fitted with fittings or made up into articles
Stainless steel, ropes, cables and cordage (o/than stranded wire), not elect. insul., not fitted with fittings or made up into articles
Iron/steel (o/stainless), ropes, cables & cordage (o/than stranded wire), n/elect. insul., fitted with fittings or made up into articles
Iron/steel (o/stainless), ropes, cables & cordage, of brass plated wire (o/than stranded wire), n/elect. insul., w/o fittings or arts.
Iron/steel (o/stainless), ropes, cables & cordage, o/th of brass plate wire (o/than stranded wire), n/elect. insul., w/o fittings etc.
Iron/steel (o/stainless), plaited bands, slings and the like, not electrically insulated Iron/steel, barbed wire; iron/steel, twisted hoop or single flat wire and loosely twisted double wire, of a kind used for fencing
Stainless steel, woven cloth endless bands for machinery, w/meshes not finer than 12 wires to the lineal cm in warp or filling
Stainless steel, woven cloth endless bands for machinery, w/meshes finer than 12 but n/finer than 36 wires to the lineal cm warp or filling
Stainless steel, Fourdrinier wires for papermaking machines w/94 or more wires to the lineal cm in warp or filling
Stainless steel, Fourdrinier wires for papermaking machines w/36 to 93 wires to the lineal cm in warp or filling
Stainless steel, woven cloth endless bands for machinery, nesoi, w/meshes finer than 36 wires to the lineal cm in warp or filling
Stainless steel, woven cloth (o/than endless bands for machinery), w/meshes not finer than 12 wires to the lineal cm in warp or filling
Stainless steel, woven cloth (o/than endless bands for machinery), w/meshes finer 12 but n/finer 36 wires to the lineal cm warp/filling
Stainless steel, Fourdrinier wires (o/than endless bands) for papermaking machines,w/meshes 94 or more wire to lineal cm warp/filling
Stainless steel, Fourdrinier wires (o/than endless bands) for papermaking machines, w/meshes 36 to 93 wires to the lineal cm warp/filling
Stainless steel woven cloth (other than endless band for machinery), nesoi, w/meshes finer than 36 wires to the lineal cm in warp or filling
Iron or steel (o/than stainless), woven cloth
Iron/steel, grill, netting & fencing, of wire w/maximum x-sect. dimension 3 mm or more, welded at intersection, w/mesh size 100 cm2 or more
Iron/steel, fencing, of wire, welded at the intersection, plated or coated with zinc, whether or not covered w/plastic material
HTSUS Subheading
7314.31.50 7314.39.00 7314.41.00 7314.42.00 7314.49.30
7314.49.60 7314.50.00 7315.11.00 7315.12.00 7315.19.00 7315.20.10 7315.20.50 7315.81.00 7315.82.10 7315.82.30 7315.82.50 7315.82.70 7315.89.10
7315.89.50 7315.90.00 7316.00.00 7317.00.20
7317.00.30 7317.00.55 7317.00.65 7317.00.75
7318.11.00 7318.12.00 7318.13.00 7318.14.10 7318.14.50 7318.15.20
Product Description
Iron/steel, grill and netting, of wire, welded at the intersection, plated or coated with zinc, nesoi
Iron/steel, grill, netting and fencing, of wire, welded at the intersection, not plated or coated with zinc
Iron/steel, grill, netting and fencing, of wire, not welded at the intersection, plated or coated with zinc
Iron/steel, grill, netting and fencing, of wire, not welded at the intersection, coated with plastics
Iron/steel, grill, netting and fencing, of wire, not welded at the intersection, not cut to shape
Iron/steel, grill, netting and fencing, of wire, not welded at the intersection, cut to shape Iron or steel, expanded metal
Iron or steel, roller chain
Iron or steel, articulated link chain (other than roller chain)
Iron or steel, parts of articulated link chain
Iron or steel, skid chain, not over 8 mm in diameter
Iron or steel, skid chain, over 8 mm in diameter
Iron or steel, stud link chain
Alloy steel, welded link chain, not over 10 mm in diameter
Alloy steel, welded link chain, over 10 mm in diameter
Iron or nonalloy steel, welded link chain, not over 10 mm in diameter
Iron or nonalloy steel, welded link chain, over 10 mm in diameter
Iron or steel, chain nesoi, with links of essentially round cross section, not over 8 mm in diameter
Iron or steel, chain nesoi, with links of essentially round cross sections, over 8 mm in diameter
Iron or steel, chain nesoi
Iron or steel, parts of chain (other than articulated link chain)
Iron or steel, anchors, grapnels and parts thereof
Iron or steel, nails, tacks, corrugated nails, staples & similar arts., not threaded, suitable for use in powder-actuated hand tools
Iron or steel, nails, tacks, corrugated nails, staples & similar arts., threaded, suitable for use in powder-actuated hand tools
Iron or steel, nails, tacks, corrugated nails, staples & similar arts., of one piece construction, made of round wire, nesoi
Iron or steel, nails, tacks, corrugated nails, staples & similar arts., of one piece construction, not made of round wire, nesoi
Iron or steel, nails, tacks, corrugated nails, staples & similar arts., of two or more pieces, nesoi
Iron or steel, coach screws
Iron or steel, wood screws (o/than coach screws)
Iron or steel, screw hooks and screw rings
Iron or steel, self-tapping screws, w/shanks or threads less than 6 mm in diameter
Iron or steel, self-tapping screws, w/shanks or threads 6 mm or more in diameter
Iron or steel, bolts and bolts & their nuts or washers, imported in the same shipment
HTSUS Subheading
7318.15.50 7318.15.60
7318.15.80 7318.19.00
7318.21.00 7318.22.00 7318.23.00 7318.24.00 7318.29.00
7320.10.30 7320.10.60
7320.10.90 7320.90.10 7320.90.50 7321.11.10
7321.11.30 7321.11.60 7321.90.10 7321.90.20 7321.90.40 7321.90.50
7321.90.60 7322.11.00 7322.19.00
7322.90.00 7323.10.00 7323.99.90
Product Description
Iron or steel, machine screws (o/than cap screws), 9.5 mm or more in length and 3.2 mm in diameter
Iron or steel, threaded studs
Iron or steel, screws and bolts, nesoi, having shanks or threads less than 6 mm in diameter
Iron or steel, screws and bolts, nesoi, having shanks or threads 6 mm or more in diameter
Iron or steel, threaded articles similar to screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws & screw hooks, nesoi
Iron or steel, spring washers and other lock washers
Iron or steel, washers (o/than spring washers and other lock washers)
Iron or steel, rivets
Iron or steel, cotters and cotter pins
Iron or steel, nonthreaded articles similar to rivets, cotters, cotter pins, washers and spring washers
Iron or steel, leaf springs & leaves therefore, to be used in motor vehicles having a G.V.W. not exceeding 4 metric tons
Iron or steel, leaf springs & leaves therefore, suitable for motor vehicle suspension (o/than for motor vehicles w/a G.V.W. o/4 metric tons)
Iron or steel, leaf springs & leaves therefore, not suitable for motor vehicle suspension Iron or steel, hairsprings
Iron or steel, springs (o/than leaf springs, helical springs or hairsprings)
Iron or steel, portable non-electric domestic cooking appliances and plate warmers, for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels
Iron or steel, nonportable non-electric domestic stoves or ranges, for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels
Iron or steel, nonportable non-electric domestic cook. appl. (o/th stoves or ranges) & plate warmers, for gas fuel or both gas & other fuels
Iron/steel, cooking chambers for nonportable non-electric domestic stoves or ranges, for gas or for gas and other fuels
Iron/steel, top surface panels w/ or w/o burners/controls for nonportable non-elect. domest. stoves or ranges, for gas or gas & other fuels
Iron/steel, door assmbly w/more than one of inner panel, out. panel, window, insul., for non-elect. stoves or ranges, for gas or gas & other
Iron/steel, parts of nonportable non-electric domestic stoves or ranges, nesoi, for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels
Iron/steel, parts, of nonelectric domestic cooking and warming appliances, nesoi
Cast iron, non-electrically heated radiators and parts thereof, for central heating
Iron (o/than cast) or steel, non-electrically heated radiators and parts thereof, for central heating
Iron or steel, non-electrically heated air heaters and hot air distributors w/motor driven fan or blower and parts thereof
Iron or steel wool; iron or steel pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like
Iron (o/th cast)/steel (o/th tinplate or stainless), table, kitchen (o/th cooking.) or o/household arts & part, n/coated/plated w/prec.metal
HTSUS Subheading
7324.10.00 7324.21.10 7324.21.50 7324.90.00
7325.10.00 7325.91.00 7325.99.10 7325.99.50 7326.11.00 7326.19.00 7326.20.00 7326.90.10 7326.90.25
7326.90.45 7326.90.60 7326.90.86 7401.00.00 7402.00.00 7403.11.00 7403.12.00 7403.13.00 7403.19.00 7403.21.00 7403.22.00 7403.29.01 7404.00.30
7404.00.60 7405.00.10
7406.10.00 7406.20.00 7407.10.15 7407.10.30 7407.10.50 7407.21.15 7407.21.30 7407.21.50 7407.21.70 7407.21.90
Product Description
Stainless steel, sinks and wash basins
Cast iron, baths (whether or not enameled), coated or plated with precious metal
Cast iron, baths (whether or not enameled), not coated or plated with precious metal Iron or steel, sanitary ware (o/than baths or stainless steel sinks and wash basins) and parts thereof
Nonmalleable cast iron, articles, nesoi
Iron or steel, cast grinding balls and similar articles for mills
Cast iron (o/than nonmalleable cast iron), articles nesoi
Steel, cast articles nesoi
Iron or steel, forged or stamped grinding balls and similar articles for mills
Iron or steel, articles forged or stamped but n/further worked, nesoi
Iron or steel, articles of wire, nesoi
Tinplate, articles nesoi
Iron or steel, cable or inner wire for caliper and cantilever brakes and casing therefore, whether or not cut to length
Iron or steel, containers of a kind normally carried on the person, in the pocket or in the handbag, nesoi
Iron or steel, horse and mule shoes
Iron or steel, articles nesoi, coated or plated with precious metal
Iron or steel, articles, nesoi
Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper)
Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining
Refined copper cathodes and sections of cathodes
Refined copper, wire bars
Refined copper, billets
Refined copper, unwrought articles nesoi
Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), unwrought nesoi
Copper-tin base alloys (bronze), unwrought nesoi
Copper alloys (o/than copper-zinc, copper-tin alloys), unwrought nesoi
Copper spent anodes; copper waste & scrap containing less than 94% by weight of copper
Copper, waste and scrap containing 94% or more by weight of copper
Copper master alloys, containing 5% or more but n/more than 15% by weight of phosphorus
Copper master alloys, not containing 5% or more but n/more than 15% by weight of phosphorus
Copper, powders of non-lamellar structure
Copper, powders of lamellar structure; copper flakes
Refined copper, hollow profiles
Refined copper, profiles (o/than hollow profiles)
Refined copper, bars and rods
Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), hollow profiles
Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), profiles (o/than hollow profiles)
Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), low fuming brazing rods
Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), bars & rods nesoi, having a rectangular cross section Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), bars & rods nesoi, not having a rectangular cross section
HTSUS Subheading
7407.29.16 7407.29.34
7407.29.38 7407.29.40
7407.29.50 7408.11.30 7408.11.60
7408.19.00 7408.21.00 7408.22.10
7409.11.10 7409.11.50
7409.19.10 7409.19.50
7409.21.00 7409.29.00 7409.31.10
7409.31.50 7409.31.90 7409.39.10 7409.39.50 7409.39.90 7409.40.00 7409.90.10
Product Description
Copper alloys , hollow profiles
Copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver), profiles (o/than hollow profiles)
Copper alloys (o/than cupro-nickel or nickel silver), profiles (o/than hollow profiles) Copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver), bars & rods
Copper alloys (o/than brass, cupro-nickel or nickel silver), bars and rods
Refined copper, wire, w/maximum cross-sectional dimension over 9.5 mm
Refined copper, wire, w/maximum cross-sectional dimension over 6 mm but not over 9.5 mm
Refined copper, wire, w/maximum cross-sectional dimension of 6 mm or less Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), wire
Copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver), wire, coated or plated with metal
Copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver), wire, not coated or plated w/metal
Copper alloys (o/than brass, cupro-nickel or nickel-silver), wire, coated or plated with metal
Copper alloys (o/than brass, cupro-nickel or nickel-silver), wire, not coated or plated with metal
Refined copper, plates, sheets and strip, in coils, with a thickness of 5 mm or more Refined copper, plates, sheets and strip, in coils, with a thickness over 0.15mm but less than 5 mm
Refined copper, plates, sheets and strip, not in coils, with a thickness of 5 mm or more Refined copper, plates, sheets and strip, not in coils, with a thickness o/0.15mm but less than 5 mm & a width of 500 mm or more
Refined copper, plates, sheets and strip, not in coils, with a thickness o/0.15mm but less than 5 mm & a width of less than 500 mm
Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), plates, sheets and strip, in coils
Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), plates, sheets and strip, not in coils
Copper-tin base alloys (bronze), plates, sheets and strip, in coils. with a thickness of 5 mm or more
Copper-tin base alloys (bronze), plates, sheets and strip, in coils, with a thickness o/0.15mm but less than 5mm & a width of 500mm or more
Copper-tin base alloys (bronze), plates, sheets and strip, in coils, w/thickness o/0.15mm but less than 5mm & a width of less than 500mm
Copper-tin base alloys (bronze), plates, sheets and strip, with a thickness of 5 mm or more
Copper-tin base alloys (bronze), plates, sheets and strip, with a thickness o/0.15 but less than 5 mm & of a width of 500 mm or more
Copper-tin base alloys (bronze), plates, sheets and strip, with a thickness o/0.15 but less than 5 mm & of a width of less than 500 mm
Copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver), plates, sheets and strip, w/thickness o/0.15mm
Copper alloys (o/than brass/bronze/cupro-nickel/nickel silver), plates, sheets & strip, with thickness of 5 mm or more
HTSUS Subheading
7409.90.50 7409.90.90
7410.11.00 7410.12.00 7410.21.30 7410.21.60 7410.22.00 7411.10.10 7411.10.50 7411.21.10 7411.21.50 7411.22.00
7411.29.10 7411.29.50
7412.10.00 7412.20.00 7413.00.10
7413.00.50 7413.00.90 7415.10.00
7415.21.00 7415.29.00 7415.33.05 7415.33.10 7415.33.80
7415.39.00 7418.20.10 7418.20.50 7419.10.00 7419.91.00 7419.99.03
7419.99.06 7419.99.09 7419.99.15
Product Description
Copper alloys (o/than brass/bronze/cupro-nickel/nickel silver), plates, sheets & strip, w/thick. o/0.15mm but less th/5mm & width 500mm+
Copper alloys (o/than brass/bronze/cupro-nickel/nickel silver), plates, sheets & strip, w/thick. o/0.15mm but less th/5mm & width less 500mm
Refined copper, foil, w/thickness of 0.15 mm or less, not backed Copper alloys, foil, w/thickness of 0.15 mm or less, not backed
Refined copper, clad laminates, w/thickness of 0.15 mm or less, backed Refined copper, foil, w/thickness of 0.15 mm or less, backed
Copper alloys, foil, w/thickness of 0.15 mm or less, backed
Refined copper, tubes and pipes, seamless
Refined copper, tubes and pipes, other than seamless
Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), tubes and pipes, seamless
Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), tubes and pipes, other than seamless
Copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel-silver), tubes and pipes
Copper alloys (o/than brass/cupro-nickel/nickel-silver), pipes and tubes, seamless Copper alloys (o/than brass/cupro-nickel/nickel-silver), pipes and tubes, other than seamless
Refined copper, fittings for tubes and pipes
Copper alloys, fittings for tubes and pipes
Copper, stranded wire, not electrically insulated, not fitted with fittings and not made up into articles
Copper, cables, plaited bands and the like, not fitted with fittings and not made up into articles
Copper, stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like, not electrically insulated, fitted with fittings or made up into articles
Copper or iron/steel w/heads of copper, nails and tacks, drawing pins, staples and similar articles
Copper, washers (including spring washers)
Copper, rivets, cotters, cotter pins and similar non-threaded articles (o/than washers) Copper screws for wood
Muntz or yellow metal copper bolts
Screws (other than wood screws), bolts (other than Muntz or yellow metal) and nuts, of copper, threaded, nesoi
Copper, screw hooks and other threaded articles, nesoi
Copper-zinc base alloys (brass), sanitary ware and parts thereof
Copper (o/than brass), sanitary ware and parts thereof
Copper, chain and parts thereof
Copper, articles nesoi, cast, molded, stamped, or forged but not further worked Copper, Fourdrinier wires, for use in papermaking machines, w/94 or more wires to the lineal cm
Copper cloth, nesoi
Copper, wire grill and netting; expanded metal of copper
Copper, containers a kind normally carried on the person, in the pocket or in the handbag
Copper, springs
HTSUS Subheading
7419.99.30 7419.99.50 7501.10.00 7501.20.00 7502.10.00 7502.20.00 7503.00.00 7504.00.00 7505.11.10 7505.11.30 7505.11.50 7505.12.10 7505.12.30 7505.12.50 7505.21.10 7505.21.50 7505.22.10 7505.22.50 7506.10.05 7506.10.10 7506.10.30 7506.20.05 7506.20.10 7506.20.30 7507.11.00 7507.12.00 7507.20.00 7508.10.00 7508.90.10 7508.90.50 7602.00.00 7603.10.00 7603.20.00 7610.90.00
7612.10.00 7612.90.10
7613.00.00 7614.10.50
Product Description
Copper, articles nesoi, coated or plated with precious metal
Copper, articles nesoi, not coated or plated with precious metal
Nickel mattes
Nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy Nickel (o/than alloy), unwrought
Nickel alloys, unwrought
Nickel, waste and scrap
Nickel, powders and flakes
Nickel (o/than alloy), bars and rods, cold formed Nickel (o/than alloy), bars and rods, not cold formed Nickel (o/than alloy), profiles
Nickel alloy, bars and rods, cold formed
Nickel alloy, bars and rods, not cold formed
Nickel alloy, profiles
Nickel (o/than alloy), wire, cold formed
Nickel (o/than alloy), wire, not cold formed
Nickel alloy, wire, cold formed
Nickel alloy, wire, not cold formed
Nickel, foil, w/thickness not over 0.15 mm
Nickel (o/than alloy), plates, sheets and strip, cold formed
Nickel (o/than alloy), plates, sheets and strip, not cold formed
Nickel alloy, foil, w/thickness not over 0.15 mm
Nickel alloy, plates, sheets and strip, cold formed
Nickel alloy, plates, sheets and strip, not cold formed
Nickel (o/than alloy), tubes and pipes
Nickel alloy, tubes and pipes
Nickel, fittings for tubes and pipes
Nickel, wire cloth, grill and netting
Nickel, stranded wire
Nickel, articles of nesoi
Aluminum, waste and scrap
Aluminum, powders of non-lamellar structure
Aluminum, powders of lamellar structure; aluminum flakes
Aluminum, structures and parts of structures, nesoi; aluminum plates, rods, profiles, tubes and the like prepared for use in structures
Aluminum, reservoirs, tanks, vats & like containers for any material (o/than compressed or liq. gas), w/capacity o/300 l, not fitted w/
Aluminum, collapsible tubular containers, w/capacity of 300 l or less
Aluminum, casks, drums & like containers, for any material (o/than compressed or liq. gas), w/cap. n/o 20 l, n/fitted w/mech/thermal
Aluminum, casks, drums & like containers, for any material (o/thna compressed or liq. gas), w/cap. o/20 but n/o 300 l, n/fitted w/mech
Aluminum, containers for compressed or liquefied gas
Aluminum, stranded wire, cables & the like w/steel core, not electrically insulated, fitted with fittings or made up into articles
HTSUS Subheading
7614.90.40 7614.90.50
7615.20.00 7616.10.10 7616.10.30 7616.10.50 7616.10.70
7616.91.00 7616.99.10 7616.99.51 7801.10.00 7801.91.00
7801.99.30 7801.99.90 7802.00.00 7804.11.00 7804.19.00 7804.20.00 7806.00.03 7806.00.05 7806.00.80 7901.11.00 7901.12.10
7901.20.00 7902.00.00 7903.10.00 7903.90.30 7903.90.60 7904.00.00 7905.00.00 7907.00.10
7907.00.20 7907.00.60 8001.10.00 8001.20.00 8002.00.00
Product Description
Aluminum, stranded wire, cables, & the like (o/than elect. conduct or w/steel core), n/elect. insulated, n/fitted w/fittings or articles
Aluminum, stranded wire, cables and the like (o/than w/steel core), not electrically insulated, fitted w/fittings or made up into articles
Aluminum, sanitary ware and parts thereof
Aluminum, nails, tacks and staples
Aluminum, rivets
Aluminum, cotters and cotter pins
Aluminum, screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, washers and similar articles w/shanks, threads, or holes o/6 mm in diameter
Aluminum, screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, washers and similar articles w/shanks, threads or holes 6 mm or less in diameter
Aluminum, wire cloth, grill, netting and fencing
Aluminum, luggage frames
Aluminum, articles, nesoi
Refined lead, unwrought
Lead (o/than refined lead), containing by weight antimony as the principal other element, unwrought
Lead (o/than refined lead), bullion
Lead (o/than refined lead), unwrought nesoi
Lead, waste and scrap
Lead, sheets, strip and foil, w/thickness n/o 0.2 mm, excluding any backing
Lead, plates & sheets, strip and foil w/thickness o/0.2mm, nesoi
Lead, powders and flakes
Lead, bars, rods, profiles and wire
Lead, tubes or pipes and fittings for tubes or pipes
Lead, articles, nesoi
Zinc (o/than alloy), unwrought, containing o/99.99% by weight of zinc
Zinc (o/than alloy), unwrought, casting-grade zinc, containing at least 97.5% but less than 99.99% by weight of zinc
Zinc (o/than alloy), unwrought, o/than casting-grade zinc, containing at least 97.5% but less than 99.99% by wt. of zinc
Zinc alloy, unwrought
Zinc, waste and scrap
Zinc, dust
Zinc, powders
Zinc, flakes
Zinc, bars, rods, profiles and wire
Zinc, plates, sheets, strip and foil
Zinc, household, table or kitchen use articles; zinc toilet and sanitary wares; zinc parts of all the foregoing
Zinc, tubes or pipes and fittings for tubes or pipes
Zinc, articles (o/than for household, table or kitchen use), nesoi
Tin (o/than alloy), unwrought
Tin alloy, unwrought
Tin, waste and scrap
HTSUS Subheading
8003.00.00 8007.00.10
8007.00.20 8007.00.31 8007.00.32 8007.00.40 8007.00.50 8101.10.00 8101.94.00 8101.96.00 8101.97.00 8101.99.10
8101.99.80 8102.10.00 8102.94.00 8102.95.30 8102.95.60 8102.96.00 8102.97.00 8102.99.00 8103.20.00
8103.30.00 8103.90.00 8104.11.00 8104.19.00 8104.20.00 8104.30.00
8104.90.00 8105.20.30 8105.20.60 8105.20.90 8105.30.00 8105.90.00 8106.00.00 8107.20.00 8107.30.00 8107.90.00 8108.20.00 8108.30.00 8108.90.30 8108.90.60 8109.20.00
Product Description
Tin, bars, rods, profiles and wire
Tin, household, table or kitchen use articles; tin toilet and sanitary wares; all the foregoing, n/coated or plated w/prec. metal
Tin, plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.20 mm
Tin. foil, w/thickness (excluding any backing) n/o 0.2 mm
Tin, powders and flakes
Tin, tubes or pipes and fittings for tubes or pipes
Tin, articles nesoi
Tungsten, powders
Tungsten, unwrought (including bars and rods obtained simply by sintering)
Tungsten wire
Tungsten waste and scrap
Tungsten bars and rods (o/than those obtained simply by sintering), profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil
Tungsten, articles nesoi
Molybdenum, powders
Molybdenum, unwrought (including bars and rods obtained simply by sintering) Molybdenum bars and rods (o/than those obtained simply by sintering)
Molybdenum profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil
Molybdenum wire
Molybdenum waste and scrap
Molybdenum, articles nesoi
Tantalum, unwrought (including bars and rods obtained simply by sintering); tantalum powders
Tantalum waste and scrap
Tantalum, articles nesoi
Magnesoium, unwrought, containing at least 99.8 percent by weight of magnesoium Magnesoium, unwrought, nesoi
Magnesoium, waste and scrap
Magnesoium, raspings, turnings and granules graded according to size; magnesoium powders
Magnesoium, articles nesoi
Cobalt alloys, unwrought
Cobalt (other than alloys), unwrought
Cobalt, mattes and other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy; cobalt powders Cobalt waste and scrap
Cobalt, articles thereof nesoi
Bismuth (including waste & scrap) and articles thereof, nesoi
Cadmium, unwrought; cadmium powders
Cadmium waste and scrap
Cadmium, articles thereof nesoi
Titanium, unwrought; titanium powders
Titanium waste and scrap
Titanium, articles nesoi
Titanium, wrought nesoi
Zirconium, unwrought; zirconium powders
HTSUS Subheading
8109.30.00 8109.90.00 8110.10.00 8110.20.00 8110.90.00 8111.00.30 8111.00.47
8111.00.49 8111.00.60 8112.12.00 8112.13.00 8112.19.00 8112.21.00 8112.22.00 8112.29.00 8112.51.00 8112.52.00 8112.59.00 8112.92.06
8112.92.10 8112.92.20 8112.92.30 8112.92.40 8112.92.50 8112.92.60 8112.92.65 8112.92.70 8112.99.10 8112.99.20 8112.99.90 8113.00.00 8201.10.00 8201.30.00 8201.40.30 8201.40.60
8201.50.00 8201.60.00
8201.90.30 8201.90.40 8201.90.60
Product Description
Zirconium waste and scrap
Zirconium, articles, nesoi
Antimony, unwrought; antimony powders
Antimony waste and scrap
Articles of antimony, nesoi
Manganese, waste and scrap
Manganese (o/than waste and scrap, unwrought) and articles thereof, nesoi Beryllium, unwrought; beryllium powders
Beryllium waste and scrap
Beryllium, articles nesoi
Chromium, unwrought; chromium powders
Chromium waste and scrap
Articles of chromium, nesoi
Thallium, unwrought; thallium powders
Thallium waste and scrap
Articles of thallium, nesoi
Waste and scrap of gallium, germanium, hafnium, indium, niobium, rhenium, or vanadium
Gallium, unwrought; gallium powders
Hafnium, unwrought; hafnium powders
Indium, unwrought; indium powders
Niobium (columbium), unwrought; niobium powders
Rhenium, unwrought; rhenium powders
Germanium, unwrought
Germanium powder, wrought
Vanadium, unwrought and powders
Germanium nesoi and articles thereof
Vanadium, nesoi, and articles thereof
Articles of gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium or rhenium, nesoi
Cermets (including waste & scrap) and articles thereof
Spades and shovels and base metal parts thereof
Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes and base metal parts thereof
Machetes, and base metal parts thereof
Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools (o/than machetes), and base metal parts thereof
One-handed secateurs, pruners and shears (including poultry shears), and base metal parts thereof
Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears, and base metal parts thereof
Grass shears, and base metal parts thereof
Forks (hand tools) and base metal parts thereof
Base metal hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
HTSUS Subheading
8202.10.00 8202.20.00 8202.31.00 8202.39.00
8202.40.60 8202.91.30 8202.91.60
8202.99.00 8203.10.30 8203.10.60 8203.10.90 8203.20.20 8203.20.40 8203.20.60 8203.20.80 8203.30.00 8203.40.30
8204.11.00 8204.12.00 8204.20.00
8205.10.00 8205.20.30
8205.20.60 8205.30.30 8205.30.60
8205.40.00 8205.51.15 8205.51.30
8205.51.45 8205.51.60 8205.51.75 8205.59.10 8205.59.20
Product Description
Hand saws, and base metal parts thereof (except blades)
Band saw blades
Circular saw blades (including slitting or slotting saw blades), w/working part of steel Circular saw blades (including slitting or slotting saw blades), with working part of o/than steel, & base metal parts thereof
Chain saw blades & base metal parts thereof, w/cutting parts cont. o/0.2% of Cr, Mo or W, or o/0.1% of V
Chain saw blades and base metal parts thereof, nesoi
Hacksaw blades for working metal
Straight saw blades for working metal (o/than hacksaw blades), and base metal parts thereof
Saw blades nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Files, rasps and similar tools, n/o 11 cm in length
Files, rasps and similar tools, o/11 cm but n/o 17 cm in length
Files, rasps and similar tools, o/17 cm in length
Base metal tweezers
Slip joint pliers
Pliers (including cutting pliers but not slip joint pliers), pincers and similar tools
Base metal parts of pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers and similar tools Metal cutting shears and similar tools, and base metal parts thereof
Pipe cutters, bolt cutters, perf. punches & similar tools, w/cutting parts o/0.2% Cr, Mo or W, or o/0.1% V & base metal pts.
Pipe cutters, bolt cutters, perforating punches and similar tools, nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Hand-operated non-adjustable spanners and wrenches, and base metal parts thereof Hand-operated adjustable spanners and wrenches, and base metal parts thereof
Socket wrenches, with or without handles, drives and extensions, and base metal parts thereof
Drilling, threading or tapping tools, and base metal parts thereof
Hammers and sledge hammers, with heads not over 1.5 kg each, and base metal parts thereof
Hammers and sledge hammers, with heads over 1.5 kg each, and base metal parts thereof
Planes, chisels, gouges etc. for working wood, over 0.2% chromium, molybdenum or tungsten, or over 0.1% vanadium, base metal parts thereof
Planes, chisels, gouges and similar cutting tools for working wood, nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Screwdrivers and base metal parts thereof
Carving and butcher steels, of iron or steel, with or without their handles
Iron or steel household handtools (o/than carving & butcher steels), and base metal parts thereof
Copper household handtools, and base metal parts thereof
Aluminum household handtools, and base metal parts thereof
Base metal, nesoi, household handtools, and base metal parts thereof
Pipe tools and base metal parts thereof
Powder-actuated hand tools and base metal parts thereof
HTSUS Subheading
8205.59.30 8205.59.45 8205.59.55
8205.59.60 8205.59.70 8205.59.80 8205.60.00 8205.70.00 8205.90.10
8206.00.00 8207.13.00 8207.19.30
8207.20.00 8207.30.30
8207.30.60 8207.40.30
8207.40.60 8207.50.20
8207.60.00 8207.70.30
8207.70.60 8207.80.30
8207.80.60 8207.90.15
Product Description
Crowbars, track tools and wedges, and base metal parts thereof
Caulking guns of iron or steel, and base metal parts thereof
Iron or steel handtools (o/ than household, o/than caulking guns) nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Copper handtools (o/than household) nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Aluminum handtools (o/than household) nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Base metal, nesoi, handtools (o/than household), and base metal parts thereof
Blow torches and similar self-contained torches, and base metal parts thereof
Vises, clamps and the like, and base metal parts thereof
Anvils, portable forges, hand- or pedal-operated grinding wheels with frameworks and base metal parts thereof
Sets of articles (handtools and other specified tools) of two or more foregoing subheadings
Tools of two or more of headings 8202 to 8205 put up in sets for retail sale Interchangeable tools for rock drilling or earth boring tools, w/working part of cermets Interchangeable tools for rock drilling or earth boring tools, w/cutting part o/0.2% Cr, Mo or W, or o/0.1% V by wt., & base metal parts
Interchangeable tools for rock drilling or earth boring tools, w/working part nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable dies for drawing or extruding metal, and base metal parts thereof Interchangeable tools for pressing, stamping or punching, suitable for cutting metal, and base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable tools for pressing, stamping or punching, not suitable for cutting metal, and base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable tools for tapping or threading, w/cutting pts ov 0.2% by wt of Cr, Mo, W, or ov 0.1% V, & base metal pts thereof
Interchangeable tools for tapping or threading, nesoi, and base metal parts thereof Interchangeable tools for drilling (o/than rock drilling) w/cutting part ov 0.2% Cr, Mo or W, or ov 0.1% V & base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable tools for drilling (o/than rock drilling), nesoi, suitable for cutting metal, and base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable tools for handtools, for drilling (o/than rock drilling), nesoi, n/suitable for cutting metal, & base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable tools (o/than for handtools) for drilling (o/than rock drilling), nesoi, not suitable for cutting metal, & base metal parts
Interchangeable tools for boring or broaching, and base metal parts thereof Interchangeable tools for milling, w/cutting part ov 0.2% by wt of Cr, Mo or W, or ov 0.1% by wt of V & base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable tools for milling, nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable tools for turning, w/cutting part ov 0.2% by wt of Cr, Mo or W, or ov 0.1% by wt of V & base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable tools for turning, nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable files and rasps, including rotary files and rasps, and base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable cutting tools, nesoi, w/cutting part ov 0.2% by wt of Cr, Mo or W, or ov 0.1% by wt of V, and base metal parts thereof
HTSUS Subheading
8208.40.30 8208.40.60
8208.90.30 8208.90.60
8209.00.00 8210.00.00
8211.93.00 8211.94.10 8211.94.50 8211.95.10 8211.95.50 8211.95.90 8215.20.00
8215.99.05 8301.20.00 8302.10.60
8302.10.90 8302.20.00 8302.30.30
8302.30.60 8302.41.30 8302.41.60 8302.41.90
Product Description
Interchangeable tools, nesoi, suitable for cutting metal, nesoi and base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable tools for handtools, nesoi, not suitable for cutting metal, nesoi and base metal parts thereof
Interchangeable tools (o/than for handtools) nesoi, not suitable for cutting metal, nesoi and base metal parts thereof
Knives and cutting blades for metal working machines or mechanical appliances, and base metal parts thereof
Knives and cutting blades for wood working machines or mechanical appliances, and base metal parts thereof
Knives and cutting blades for kitchen appliances or for machines used by the food industry, and base metal parts thereof
Lawnmower blades for agricultural, horticultural or forestry machines
Knives and cutting blades (o/than lawnmower blades) for agricultural, horticultural or forestry machines, and base metal parts thereof
Knives and cutting blades for shoe machinery, and base metal parts thereof
Knives and cutting blades, nesoi for machines or for mechanical appliances nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Cermet plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools, unmounted
Hand-operated mechanical appliances weighing 10 kg or less, used in preparation, conditioning, serving food or drink & base metal pts
Knives having other than fixed blades
Base metal blades for knives having fixed blades
Base metal blades for knives having other than fixed blades
Base metal handles for table knives w/fixed blades
Base metal handles for knives (o/than table knivies) w/fixed blades
Base metal handles for knives having other than fixed blades
Sets of assted. base metal spoons, forks, ladles, etc. & similar kitchen or tableware, w/no articles plated with precious metal
Base metal forks, w/stainless steel handles cont. Ni or o/10% by wt of Mn, nesoi
Base metal locks, of a kind used on motor vehicles
Iron or steel, aluminum, or zinc hinges and base metal parts thereof, not designed for motor vehicles
Base metal (o/than iron/steel/aluminum/zinc) hinges and base metal parts thereof Base metal castors and base metal parts thereof
Iron or steel, aluminum or zinc mountings, fittings and similar articles nesoi, suitable for motor vehicles, and base metal parts thereof
Base metal (o/than iron/steel/aluminum/zinc) mountings, fittings & similar articles, suitable for motor vehicles, & base metal pts thereof
Base metal door closers (except automatic door closers) suitable for buildings, and base metal parts thereof
Iron or steel, aluminum or zinc mountings, fittings & similar articles, nesoi, suitable for buildings, & base metal pts thereof
Base metal (o/than iron/steel/aluminum/zinc) mountings, fittings and similar arts, nesoi, suitable for buildings & base metal parts thereof
HTSUS Subheading
8302.49.20 8302.49.40 8302.49.60 8302.49.80 8302.50.00
8302.60.30 8302.60.90 8303.00.00
8307.10.30 8307.10.60 8307.90.30 8307.90.60 8308.10.00
8308.20.30 8308.20.60 8308.90.30 8308.90.60 8308.90.90
8309.10.00 8309.90.00
8311.10.00 8311.20.00 8311.30.30 8311.30.60
8404.10.00 8406.81.10 8406.90.20 8406.90.30
Product Description
Base metal harness, saddlery or riding-bridle hardware coated or plated w/prec. metal, and base metal parts thereof
Base metal harness, saddlery or riding-bridle hardware, not coated or plated w/prec. metal, and base metal parts thereof
Iron or steel, aluminum, or zinc, mountings, fittings & similar articles nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Base metal (o/than iron/steel/aluminum/zinc) mountings, fittings & similar articles nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
Base metal hat-racks, hat pegs, brackets and similar fixtures, and base metal parts thereof
Base metal automatic door closers
Base metal parts of automatic door closers
Base metal armored or reinforced safes/strong-boxes & doors & safe deposit lockers for strong rooms/cash & deed boxes etc., & base metal pts
Base metal photograph, picture or similar frames; base metal mirrors; base metal parts thereof
Iron or steel flexible tubing, with fittings
Iron or steel flexible tubing, without fittings
Base metal (o/than iron or steel) flexible tubing, with fittings
Base metal (o/than iron or steel) flexible tubing, without fittings
Base metal hooks, eyes, and eyelets, of a kind used for clothing, footwear, awnings, handbags, travel goods, or other made up articles
Iron or steel bifurcated rivets, not brightened, not lathed and not machined
Base metal tubular or bifurcated rivets (o/than of iron or steel)
Base metal beads and spangles
Base metal buckles and buckle clasps, and base metal parts thereof
Base metal clasps, frames with clasps not incorporating a lock, and like articles, and base metal parts thereof
Base metal crown corks (including crown seals and caps), and base metal parts thereof Base metal stoppers, caps and lids (o/than crown corks), threaded bungs, bung covers, seals, other packing accessories and parts
Base metal sign plates, name plates, address plates, numbers, letters and other symbols (o/than of 9405), and base metal parts thereof
Coated base metal electrodes for electric arc-welding
Base metal cored wire for electric arc-welding
Coated rod or cored wire lead-tin solders
Coated rods and cored wire of base metal (o/than lead-tin solders), for soldering, brazing or welding by flame
Wire & rods of agglom. base metal powder for metal spray.; metal carbide wire, rods, tubes, electrodes, coated/cored w/flux, for welding etc
Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading 8402 or 8403
Steam turbines other than for marine propulsion, of an output exceeding 40 MW
Parts of steam turbines, rotors, finished for final assembly
Parts of steam turbines, rotors, not further worked than cleaned or machined for removal of fins, etc., or certain other working
Parts of steam turbines, blades, rotating or stationary
HTSUS Subheading
8406.90.45 8406.90.50 8406.90.60
8406.90.70 8406.90.75 8407.31.00
8407.32.10 8407.32.20 8407.32.90 8407.33.10 8407.33.30 8407.33.60 8407.33.90 8407.34.14 8407.34.18 8407.34.25 8407.34.44 8407.34.48 8407.34.55 8408.20.20 8408.20.90 8409.91.10 8409.91.30 8409.91.50 8409.91.92
Product Description
Parts of steam turbines, other
Parts of vapor turbines other than steam turbines, rotors, finished for final assembly Parts of vapor turbines other than steam turbines, rotors, not further worked than cleaned or machined for removal of fins, etc., or other
Parts of vapor turbines other than steam turbines, blades, rotating or stationary
Parts of vapor turbines other than steam turbines, other
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines used for propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50cc
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines used in tractors suitable for agricultural use, of a cylinder capacity over 50cc but n/o 250cc
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines used in vehicles of heading 8701.20, 8702- 8704, cylinder capacity over 50cc but n/o 250cc
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines used for vehicles, of chap. 87 nesoi, of a cylinder capacity over 50 but not over 250cc
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines used in tractors for agricultural use, of a cylinder capacity over 250cc but not over 1000cc
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines, for certain spec. veh. of 8701.20, 8702, 8703 or 8704, cylinder cap. > 250 cc > or = 1, 000 cc
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines, for other veh. of 8701.20, 8702, 8703 or 8704, cylinder cap. > 250 cc > or = 1, 000 cc, nesoi
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines for vehicles of chap. 87 nesoi, of a cylinder capacity over 250cc but not over 1000cc
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines for vehicles of 8701.20 or 8702-8704, cylinder cap. over 1000 cc to 2000 cc, used or rebuilt
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines for vehicles of 8701.20 or 8702-8704, cylinder cap. over 1000 cc to 2000 cc, new
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines for other vehicles of chap. 87, of a cylinder capacity over 1000 cc to 2000 cc
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines for vehicles of 8701.20 or 8702-8704, cylinder capacity over 2000 cc, used or rebuilt
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines for vehicles of 8701.20 or 8702-8704, cylinder capacity over 2000 cc, new
Spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines for other vehicles of chap. 87 nesoi, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2000 cc
Compression-ignition internal-combustion piston engines to be installed in vehicles of heading 8701.20, 8702, 8703, or 8704
Compression-ignition internal-combustion piston engines used for propulsion of vehicles of chapter 87, nesoi
Cast-iron parts used solely or principally with spark-ignition internal-combustion piston engines of heading 8407
Aluminum cylinder heads for spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines for vehicles of 8701.20 or 8702-8704
Parts nesoi, used solely or principally with spark-ignition internal-combustion piston engines for vehicles of head 8701.20, 8702-8704
Parts nesoi, used solely or principally with spark-ignition internal-combustion piston engines for marine propulsion
HTSUS Subheading
8412.90.90 8413.11.00
8413.20.00 8413.30.10 8413.30.90
8413.92.00 8414.10.00 8414.20.00 8414.40.00 8414.59.10 8414.59.15 8414.59.65 8414.60.00
8414.80.16 8414.80.90 8414.90.10 8415.10.30 8415.10.60
8415.10.90 8415.20.00 8415.81.01
8415.82.01 8415.83.00 8416.30.00
8418.10.00 8418.21.00
Product Description
Parts nesoi, used solely or principally with spark-ignition internal-combustion piston engines of heading 8407, nesoi
Cast iron parts not advanced beyond cleaning & machined only for removal of fins, gates, etc. or to permit location in machinery
Parts nesoi, used solely or principally with the engines of heading 8408, for vehicles of heading 8701.20, 8702, 8703, 8704
Parts nesoi, used solely or principally with compression-ignition internal-combustion piston engines for marine propulsion
Parts nesoi, used solely or principally with compression-ignition internal-combustion piston engines of heading 8407 or 8408, nesoi
Parts for engines of heading 8412 other than hydrojet engines for marine propulsion Pumps fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device, used for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling-stations
Hand pumps other than those of subheading 8413.11 or 8413.19, not fitted with a measuring device
Fuel-injection pumps for compression-ignition engines, not fitted with a measuring device
Fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal-combustion piston engines, not fitted with a measuring device, nesoi
Parts of liquid elevators
Vacuum pumps
Hand-operated or foot-operated air pumps
Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing
Blowers for pipe organs
Fans used for cooling microprocessors, telecommunications equipment, or computers Other fans, nesoi
Ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, having a maximum horizontal side not exceeding 120 cm
Air compressors, nesoi
Air or gas pumps, compressors and fans, nesoi
Parts of fans (including blowers) and ventilating or recycling hoods
Window or wall type air conditioning machines, self-contained
Window or wall type air conditioning machines, "split-system", incorporating a refrigerating unit & valve for reversal of cooling/heat cycle
Window or wall type air conditioning machines, "split-system", nesoi
Air conditioning machines of a kind used for persons, in motor vehicles
Air conditioning machines incorporating a refrigerating unit and valve for reversal of cooling/heat cycle, nesoi
Air conditioning machines incorporating a refrigerating unit, nesoi
Air conditioning machines not incorporating a refrigerating unit
Mechanical stokers, including their mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances
Combined refrigerator-freezers, fitted with separate external doors, electric or other Refrigerators, household compression-type, electric or other, other than those of subheading 8418.10
HTSUS Subheading
8418.29.10 8418.29.20
8418.30.00 8418.40.00 8418.50.00
8418.61.01 8418.91.00 8418.99.40
8421.11.00 8421.23.00 8421.31.00 8422.90.04 8423.81.00 8424.20.10 8424.20.90
8424.30.10 8424.30.90
8424.41.10 8424.41.90 8424.49.00 8424.90.90
8425.31.01 8425.41.00 8425.42.00 8425.49.00 8426.19.00 8426.30.00 8426.91.00
8427.90.00 8428.40.00 8430.49.40 8430.50.10 8432.41.00 8433.90.10
Product Description
Refrigerators, household absorption-type, electrical, other than those of subheading 8418.10
Refrigerators, household type, electric or other, other than those of subheading 8418.10, nesoi
Freezers of the chest type, not exceeding 800 liters capacity, electric or other
Freezers of the upright type, not exceeding 900 liters capacity, electric or other Refrigerating or freezing display counters, cabinets, showcases and similar refrigerating or freezing furniture
Heat pumps, other than the air-conditioning machines of heading 8415
Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment
Certain door assemblies for refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment
Parts for refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other, nesoi; parts for heat pumps, nesoi
Cream separators
Oil or fuel filters for internal combustion engines
Intake air filters for internal combustion engines
Door assemblies for the dishwashing machines of subheading 8422.11
Weighing machinery having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 30 kg
Simple piston pump sprays and powder bellows
Spray guns and similar appliances other than simple piston pump sprays and powder bellows
Sand blasting machines
Steam blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines, other than sand blasting machines; nesoi
Portable sprayers excl self-contained sprayers having a capacity >=20 liters)
Portable sprayers self-contained having a capacity >=20 liters
Sprayers, not portable, nesoi
Parts of mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, fire extinguishers and similar machines, nesoi
Pulley tackle and hoists other than skip hoists or hoists used for raising vehicles, not powered by electric motor
Winches nesoi, and capstans, powered by electric motor
Built-in jacking systems of a type used in garages
Hydraulic jacks and hoists, nesoi
Jacks and hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles, other than hydraulic, nesoi Transporter cranes, gantry cranes and bridge cranes
Portal or pedestal jib cranes
Derricks, cranes and other lifting machinery nesoi, designed for mounting on road vehicles
Trucks, fitted with lifting or handling equipment, nesoi
Escalators and moving walkways
Offshore oil and natural gas drilling and production platforms
Self-propelled peat excavators
Manure spreaders
Parts of mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds
HTSUS Subheading
8441.10.00 8442.50.10 8443.15.00 8443.16.00 8443.39.20
8443.39.30 8443.39.40 8443.39.50 8443.99.10
8443.99.30 8443.99.35 8446.30.50
8448.51.20 8451.10.00 8451.21.00 8451.29.00
8451.30.00 8451.40.00
8451.50.00 8451.80.00 8451.90.30
8451.90.60 8451.90.90
8452.29.90 8454.20.00 8459.29.00 8459.59.00 8460.39.00
8461.50.80 8465.20.10
8465.20.50 8465.20.80 8465.91.00
Product Description
Cutting machines of all kinds used for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard Printing plates
Letterpress printing machinery, excluding flexographic printing, other than reel-fed Flexographic printing machinery
Electrostatic photocopying apparatus, operating by reproducing the original image via an intermediate onto the copy (indirect process)
Photocopying apparatus, other than electrostatic, incorporating an optical system Photocopying apparatus, other than electrostatic, of the contact type
Thermocopying apparatus
Accessory & auxiliary machines intended for attachment to an electrostatic photocopier & which do not operate independent of such copier
Parts of facsimile machines specified in additional U.S. note 3 to this chapter
Parts and accessories of facsimile machines, nesoi
Shuttleless type weaving machines (looms), for weaving fabrics of a width exceeding 30 cm, nesoi
Spring-beard needles for knitting machines
Dry-cleaning machines
Drying machines, each of a dry linen capacity not exceeding 10 kg
Drying machines for yarns, fabrics or made up textile articles, each of a dry linen capacity exceeding 10 kg
Ironing machines and presses (including fusing presses) for textile fabrics or made up textile articles
Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines for textile yarns, fabrics or made up textile articles
Machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics
Machinery for the handling of textile yarns, fabrics or made up textile articles, nesoi Drying chambers for the drying machines of subheading 8451.21 or 8451.29, and other parts of drying machines incorporating drying chambers
Furniture designed to receive the drying machines of subheading 8451.21 or 8451.29 Parts of machines for the handling of textile yarns, fabrics or made up textile articles, nesoi
Sewing machines, other than automatic, nesoi
Ingot molds and ladles, of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries
Drilling machines, other than numerically controlled, nesoi
Milling machines, knee type, other than numerically controlled, nesoi
Sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines for working metal or cermets, other than numerically controlled
Sawing or cutting-off machines for working by removing metal or cermets, other than numerically controlled
Machine centers for sawing, planing, milling, molding, grinding, sanding, polishing, drilling or mortising
Machine centers for bending or assembling
Machine centers, nesoi
Sawing machines for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials
HTSUS Subheading
8466.91.10 8466.93.15 8467.19.50 8467.99.01 8468.20.10 8468.80.10 8468.90.10 8468.90.50 8470.10.00
8470.21.00 8470.29.00 8470.30.00 8470.90.01
8471.50.01 8471.60.10
8471.60.70 8471.60.90 8471.70.10 8471.70.20 8471.70.50 8471.80.10 8471.80.40 8471.80.90 8471.90.00 8472.10.00
Product Description
Cast iron parts not advanced beyond cleaning and specifically machined, for machines of heading 8464
Certain specified cast-iron parts not advanced beyond cleaning and specifically machined, for metalworking machine tools for cutting, etc.
Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic, other than rotary type, other than suitable for metal working
Parts of tools for working in the hand, hydraulic or with self-contained nonelectric or electric motor, other than chain saws
Gas-operated machinery, apparatus and appliances, hand-directed or -controlled, used for soldering, brazing, welding or tempering, nesoi
Machinery and apparatus, hand-directed or -controlled, used for soldering, brazing or welding, not gas-operated
Parts of hand-directed or -controlled machinery, apparatus and appliances used for soldering, brazing, welding or tempering
Parts for machinery, apparatus or appliances, not hand-directed or -controlled, used for soldering, brazing, welding or tempering
Electronic calculator operate w/o external electric power & pocket-size data recording/reproducing/displaying machine w/calculating function Electronic calculating machines, incorporating a printing device, nesoi Electronic calculating machines, not incorporating a printing device, nesoi Calculating machines nesoi, other than electronic
Postage-franking, ticket-issuing and similar machines nesoi, incorporating a calculating device; accounting machines
Processing units other than those of subheading 8471.41 and 8471.49, nesoi
Combined input/output units for automatic data processing machines not entered with the rest of a system
Input or output units suitable for physical incorporation into ADP machine or unit thereof,nesoi, not entered with the rest of a system
Other input or output units of digital ADP machines, nesoi, not entered with the rest of a system
ADP magnetic disk drive storage units, disk dia. ov 21 cm,w/o read-write unit; read- write units; all not entered with the rest of a system
ADP magnetic disk drive storage units, disk dia. ov 21 cm: for incorp. into ADP machines or units, not entered with the rest of a system
ADP magnetic disk drive storage units, disk dia. n/ov 21 cm, nesoi, not entered with the rest of a system
Control or adapter units for automatic data processing machines not entered with rest of a system
Unit suitable for physical incorporation into automatic data processing machine or unit thereof,not entered with the rest of a system, nesoi
Other units of automatic data processing machines, not entered with the rest of a system, nesoi
Magnetic or optical readers, nesoi; machines for transcribing data on data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, nesoi
Hectographic or stencil duplicating machines
HTSUS Subheading
8472.90.05 8472.90.10 8472.90.60 8472.90.90 8473.21.00
8473.29.00 8473.30.11
8473.30.91 8473.40.21 8473.40.41 8476.21.00 8476.29.00
8476.90.00 8477.59.01
8479.60.00 8479.71.00 8479.89.10
8479.89.20 8479.89.70 8479.89.94
8480.10.00 8480.79.10
8481.30.10 8481.80.10
8481.80.30 8481.80.50 8481.80.90
Product Description
Machines for sorting, folding, opening, closing or sealing mail, and postage stamp affixing or canceling machines
Addressing machines and address plate embossing machines
Automatic teller machines
Numbering, dating and check-writing machines
Other office machines, nesoi
Parts and accessories of the electronic calculating machines of subheading 8470.10, 8470.21 or 8470.29
Parts and accessories of machines of heading 8470, nesoi
Printed circuit assemblies, not incorporating a cathode ray tube, of the machines of 8471
Parts and accessories of the ADP machines of heading 8471, not incorporating a CRT, nesoi
Parts and accessories of the ADP machines of heading 8471, incorporating a CRT, nesoi Printed circuit assemblies of word processing machines of 8472.90.50
Other parts and accessories of the machines of 8472.90.50
Automatic beverage-vending machines incorporating heating or refrigerating devices Automatic beverage-vending machines other than machines that incorporate heating or refrigerating devices
Automatic goods-vending machines (other than beverage-vending) incorporating heating or refrigerating devices
Parts for automatic goods-vending and money-changing machines
Machinery for molding or otherwise forming rubber or plastics other than for molding or retreading pneumatic tires, nesoi
Evaporative air coolers
Passenger boarding bridges of a kind used in airports
Air humidifiers or dehumidifiers with self-contained electric motor, other than for domestic purposes
Floor polishers with self-contained electric motor, other than for domestic purposes Carpet sweepers, not electromechanical having self-contained electric motor
Other machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 84, nesoi
Molding boxes for metal foundry
Molds for rubber or plastics, other than injection or compression types, for shoe machinery
Molds for rubber or plastics, other than injection or compression types, other than for shoe machinery
Check valves of copper for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like
Taps, cocks, valves & similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, hand operated, of copper, nesoi
Taps, cocks, valves & similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, hand operated, of iron or steel, nesoi
Taps, cocks, valves & similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, hand operated, not copper, iron or steel, nesoi
Taps, cocks, valves & similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, other than hand operated, nesoi
HTSUS Subheading
8482.10.10 8483.10.10
8483.10.30 8483.10.50 8483.20.40
8483.20.80 8483.40.50
8483.40.70 8483.50.40 8483.60.80 8483.90.50 8501.40.20 8501.40.40 8501.40.50 8501.40.60 8501.61.00 8502.20.00 8504.10.00 8504.31.20
8504.31.40 8504.31.60 8504.40.60 8504.40.70
8504.40.85 8504.40.95 8504.50.40
8504.50.80 8504.90.20
Product Description
Parts of hand operated and check appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, of copper
Parts of hand operated and check appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, of iron or steel
Parts of hand operated and check appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, other than of copper or iron or steel
Ball bearings with integral shafts
Camshafts and crankshafts for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal- combustion piston or rotary engines
Camshafts and crankshafts nesoi
Transmission shafts and cranks other than camshafts and crankshafts
Housed bearings of the flange, take-up, cartridge and hanger unit type (incorporating ball or roller bearings)
Housed bearings (incorporating ball or roller bearings), nesoi
Fixed, multiple and variable ratio speed changers, not imported for use with machines for making cellulosic pulp, paper or paperboard
Speed changers other than fixed, multiple and variable ratio speed changers
Gray-iron awning or tackle pulleys, not over 6.4 cm in wheel diameter
Shaft couplings (other than universal joints)
Parts of gearing, gear boxes and other speed changers
AC motors nesoi, single-phase, exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 74.6 W
AC motors, nesoi, single-phase, exceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 735 W
AC motors, nesoi, single-phase, exceeding 735 W but under 746 W
AC motors nesoi, single-phase, of 746 W or more
AC generators (alternators) of an output not exceeding 75 kVA
Electric generating sets with spark-ignition internal-combustion piston engines
Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes
Unrated electrical transformers other than liquid dielectric, having a power handling capacity not exceeding 1 kVA
Electrical transformers other than liquid dielectric, having a power handling capacity less than 1 kVA
Electrical transformers other than liquid dielectric, having a power handling capacity of l kVA
Power supplies suitable for physical incorporation into automatic data processing machines or units thereof of heading 8471
Power supplies for automatic data processing machines or units thereof of heading 8471, nesoi
Static converters (for example, rectifiers) for telecommunication apparatus
Static converters (for example, rectifiers), nesoi
Other inductors for power supplies for ADP machines and units of heading 8471 or for telecommunication apparatus
Other inductors, nesoi
Printed circuit assemblies of power supplies for automatic data processing machines or units thereof of heading 8471
Permanent magnets and articles intended to become permanent magnets after magnetization, of metal
HTSUS Subheading
8505.19.20 8505.19.30
8506.10.00 8506.30.10
8506.80.00 8507.10.00 8507.20.40
8507.50.00 8508.11.00
8508.60.00 8508.70.00 8509.80.20
8509.90.25 8509.90.35 8509.90.45 8509.90.55 8510.20.10
8510.90.10 8510.90.20 8510.90.30 8510.90.40 8510.90.55 8511.10.00 8511.20.00 8511.30.00 8511.40.00
Product Description
Composite goods containing flexible permanent magnets, other than of metal Permanent magnets and articles intended to become permanent magnets after magnetization, other than of metal, nesoi
Manganese dioxide primary cells and primary batteries
Mercuric oxide primary cells and primary batteries having an external volume not exceeding 300 cubic cm
Mercuric oxide primary cells and primary batteries having an external volume exceeding 300 cubic cm
Primary cells and primary batteries, nesoi
Lead-acid storage batteries of a kind used for starting piston engines
Lead-acid storage batteries of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically powered vehicles of 8703.90
Lead-acid storage batteries other than of a kind used for starting piston engines or as the primary source of power for electric vehicles
Nickel-cadmium storage batteries, of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically powered vehicles of 8703.90
Nickel-iron storage batteries, of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically powered vehicles of 8703.90
Nickel-iron storage batteries, other than of a kind used as the primary source of power for electric vehicles
Nickel-metal hydride batteries
Vacuum cleaners with self-contained electric motor, of a power not exceeding 1,500 W and having a dust bag or other receptacle capacity not
Vacuum cleaners with self-contained electric motor, other than of a power not exceeding 1,500 W and having a dust bag or other receptacle ca
Vacuum cleaners with other than a self-contained electric motor
Parts of vacuum cleaners
Electromechanical kitchen waste disposers (disposals), with self-contained electric motor, for domestic uses
Parts of electromechanical domestic floor polishers, housings
Parts of electromechanical domestic floor polishers, other than housings
Parts of electromechanical domestic appliances nesoi, housings
Parts of electromechanical domestic appliances nesoi, other than housings
Hair clippers to be used for agricultural or horticultual purposes, with self-contained electric motor
Hair clippers other than to be used for agricultural or horticultural purposes, with self- contained electric motor
Blades and cutting heads of shavers with self-contained electric motor
Parts of shavers with self-contained electric motor, other than blades and cutting heads Parts of hair clippers with self-contained electric motor
Parts of hair clippers, nesoi, with self-contained electric motor
Parts of hair-removing appliances of subheading 8510.30
Spark plugs
Ignition magnetos, magneto-dynamos and magnetic flywheels
Distributors and ignition coils
Starter motors and dual purpose starter-generators
HTSUS Subheading
8511.50.00 8511.80.60 8511.90.60
8512.10.20 8512.10.40 8512.20.20
8512.30.00 8512.40.20 8512.40.40 8512.90.20 8512.90.40 8512.90.60
8512.90.70 8512.90.90 8513.90.20 8513.90.40
8514.90.40 8516.21.00 8516.29.00
8516.60.40 8516.80.40
8516.80.80 8516.90.05
8516.90.15 8516.90.25 8516.90.35
8516.90.45 8516.90.50 8516.90.55
Product Description
Generators nesoi, of a kind used in conjunction with spark-ignition or compression- ignition internal-combustion engines
Electrical ignition or starting equipment of a kind used for spark-ignition internal- combustion or compression-ignition engines, nesoi
Parts nesoi of electrical ignition or starting equipment or generators used for spark- or compression-ignition internal-combustion engines
Electrical lighting equipment of a kind used on bicycles
Electrical visual signaling equipment of a kind used on bicycles
Electrical lighting equipment of a kind used for motor vehicles or cycles other than bicycles
Electrical visual signaling equipment of a kind used for motor vehicles or cycles other than bicycles
Electrical sound signaling equipment of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles Defrosters and demisters of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles
Windshield wipers of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles
Parts of electrical signaling equipment of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles Parts of electrical lighting equipment of a kind used on bicycles
Parts of electrical lighting equipment of a kind used for motor vehicles or cycles other than bicycles
Parts of defrosters and demisters of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles
Parts of windshield wipers of a kind used for motor vehicles or cycles
Parts of flashlights
Parts of portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy, other than flashlights
Industrial or laboratory microwave ovens for making hot drinks or for cooking or heating food
Parts of industrial or laboratory microwaves
Electric storage heating radiators
Electric space heating apparatus and electric soil heating apparatus, other than storage heating radiators
Electrothermic cooking stoves, ranges and ovens (excluding microwave ovens) of a kind used for domestic purposes
Electric heating resistors assembled only with simple insulated former and electrical connectors, used for anti-icing or de-icing
Electric heating resistors, nesoi
Parts of electric heaters or heating apparatus of subheading 8516.10, 8516.21 or 8516.29
Housings for hand-drying apparatus of subheading 8516.33
Housings and steel bases for electric flat irons of subheading 8516.40
Parts of domestic microwave ovens, assemblies, having more than one of: cooking chamber; structural supporting chassis; door; outer case
Parts of domestic microwave ovens, printed circuit assemblies
Parts of domestic microwave ovens, other nesoi
Parts of domestic electrothermic cooking stoves, ranges and ovens of subheading 8516.60.40, cooking chambers whether or not assembled
HTSUS Subheading
8516.90.85 8516.90.90
8517.62.00 8517.69.00 8518.10.40
8518.40.10 8518.40.20 8518.50.00 8518.90.20 8518.90.41 8518.90.60
8519.81.30 8522.10.00 8522.90.25
8522.90.45 8522.90.58 8522.90.65
8523.21.00 8523.49.40
8523.52.00 8523.59.00 8525.50.30 8525.80.30 8525.80.50 8527.21.15 8527.21.25
Product Description
Parts of domestic electrothermic cooking stoves, ranges and ovens of subheading 8516.60.40, top surface panels w/orw/o elements or controls
Parts of domestic electrothermic cooking stoves, ranges and ovens of subheading 8516.60.40, door assemblies
Parts of domestic electrothermic cooking stoves, ranges and ovens of subheading 8516.60.40, other nesoi
Housings for domestic electrothermic toasters
Parts of electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters and other domestic electrothermic appliance, nesoi
Machines for the reception, conversion and transmission or regeneration of voice, images or other data, including switching and routing appa
Other apparatus for transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless n
Microphones having a frequency range of 300Hz-3.4kHz with diameter not over 10 mm and height not over 3 mm, for telecommunication
Audio-frequency electric amplifiers for use as repeaters in line telephony Audio-frequency electric amplifiers, other than for use as repeaters in line telephony Electric sound amplifier sets
Printed circuit assemblies of line telephone handsets; parts of repeaters
Other parts of telephone handsets other than printed circuit assemblies
Printed circuit assemblies of the microphones of subheading 8518.10.40 or the loudspeakers of subheading 8518.29.40
Other parts of microphones & stands, loudspeakers, headphones & earphones nesoi, electric amplifiers, & electric sound amplifier sets, nesoi
Sound reproducing apparatus nesoi, not incorporating a sound recording device Pick-up cartridges for use with apparatus of heading 8519 to 8521
Assemblies & subassemblies of articles of 8520.90, consisting of 2 or more pieces fastened together, printed circuit assemblies
Other assemblies & subassemblies of articles of 8520.90, consisting of 2 or more pieces fastened together, other than printed circuit assemblies
Other parts of telephone answering machines, printed circuit assemblies
Other parts of telephone answering machines, other than printed circuit assemblies Parts and accessories of apparatus of headings 8519 to 8521, nesoi, printed circuit assemblies
Parts and accessories of apparatus of headings 8519 to 8521, nesoi, other than printed circuit assemblies
Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe
Recorded optical media,for reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound, & image, recorded machine readable binary form, for ADP
Semiconductor media, "smart cards"
Semiconductor media, nesoi
Transmission apparatus for television, nesoi
Television cameras, nesoi
Television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders, nesoi
Radio-tape player combinations capable of receiving & decoding digital radio signals Other radio-tape player combinations
HTSUS Subheading
8528.49.80 8528.59.05
8528.59.10 8528.69.05 8528.69.10 8528.69.20 8528.69.30 8528.72.04 8528.72.12 8528.72.20 8528.72.24 8528.72.28 8528.72.36 8528.72.40
Product Description
Radiobroadcast receivers not operable w/o external power source, for motor veh., combined with sound recording/reproducing apparatus, nesoi
Radiobroadcast receivers, not operating w/o external power, for motor vehicles, w/o sound recording or reproducing apparatus, FM or AM/FM
Radiobroadcast receivers, not operating w/o external power, for motor vehicles, w/o sound recording or reproducing apparatus, other
Cathode-ray tube monitors capable of directly connecting to and designed for use with an automatic data processing machine of heading 8471
Non-high definition color video monitors, nonprojection type, w/CRT, video display diagonal not over 34.29 cm, incorporating VCR or player
Non-high definition color video monitors, nonprojection, w/CRT, video display diag. ov 34.29 cm but n/ov 35.56 cm, incorp. VCR or player
Non-high definition color video monitors, nonprojection type, w/CRT, video display diagonal over 35.56 cm, incorporating VCR or player
Non-high definition color video monitors, projection type, with cathode-ray tube, incorporating VCR or player
High definition color video monitors, nonprojection type, with cathode-ray tube, incorporating VCR or player
Black and white or other monochrome video monitors, with cathode-ray tube Incomplete or unfinished color video monitors, w/o cathode-ray tube, flat panel screen or similar display device, incorp. VCR or player
Incomplete or unfinished color video monitors, w/o cathode-ray tube, flat panel screen or similar display device, not incorp. VCR or player
Incomplete or unfinished color video projectors, w/o cathode-ray tube, flat panel screen or similar display device, incorp. VCR or player
Incomplete or unfinished color video projectors, w/o cathode-ray tube, flat panel screen or similar display, not incorp. VCR or player
Non-high definition color video projectors, with a cathode-ray tube, not incorporating VCR or player
High definition color video projectors, with a cathode-ray tube, not incorporating VCR or player
Incomplete or unfinished color tv reception apparatus, presented w/o a display device, incorp. VCR or player
Non-high definition color television reception apparatus, nonprojection, w/CRT, video display diag. not ov 34.29 cm, incorp. a VCR or player
Non-high def. color television reception app., nonprojection, w/CRT, video display diag. not ov 34.29 cm, not incorporating VCR or player
Non-high def. color television reception app., nonprojection, w/CRT, display diag. ov 34.29 cm but n/ov 35.56 cm, n/incorp. VCR or player
Non-high definition color television reception app., nonprojection, w/CRT, video display diag. ov 35.56 cm, incorporating a VCR or player
Non-high definition color television reception apparatus, projection type, with a cathode-ray tube, incorporating a VCR or player
Non-high definition color television reception apparatus, projection type, with a cathode-ray tube, not incorporating a VCR or player
HTSUS Subheading
8528.73.00 8529.10.21 8529.90.04 8529.90.13 8529.90.36
8531.10.00 8531.20.00
8531.90.15 8531.90.30 8531.90.75 8531.90.90 8533.39.00
8534.00.00 8535.40.00
8536.61.00 8536.69.80
8537.10.91 8538.90.10 8538.90.30
8539.10.00 8539.21.20 8539.21.40
Product Description
High definition color television reception apparatus, nonprojection, with cathode-ray tube, incorporating a VCR or player
Black and white or other monochrome television reception apparatus
Television antennas and antenna reflectors, and parts suitable for use therewith Tuners (printed circuit assemblies)
Printed circuit assemblies for television apparatus, nesoi
Subassies w/2 or more PCBs or ceramic substrates, as spec'd in add. US note 9 ch. 85, for color TV, not w/components in add. US note 4, ch. 85
Parts of television receivers specified in U.S. note 9 to chapter 85, other than printed circuit assemblies, nesoi
PCBs and ceramic substrates and subassemblies thereof for color TV, w/components listed in add. U.S. note 4, chap. 85
Combinations of parts of television receivers specified in U.S. note 10 to chapter 85, other than printed circuit assemblies, nesoi
Flat panel screen assemblies for TV reception apparatus, color video monitors and video projectors
Parts of printed circuit assemblies (including face plates and lock latches) for other apparatus of headings 8525 to 8528, nesoi
Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of 8525 and 8527 (except television apparatus or cellular phones), nesoi
Subassies w/2 or more PCBs or ceramic substrates, exc. tuners or converg. ass'ies, for color TV, w/components in add. US note 4, ch. 85
Electric burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus
Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD's) or light emitting diodes (LED's)
Printed circuit assemblies of the panels of subheading 8531.20
Printed circuit assemblies of electric sound or visual signaling apparatus, nesoi
Parts of the panels of subheading 8531.20, other than printed circuit assemblies
Parts of electric sound or visual signaling apparatus, nesoi
Electrical wirewound variable resistors, including rheostats and potentiometers, for a power handling capacity exceeding 20 W
Printed circuits, without elements (other than connecting elements) fitted thereon Lightning arrestors, voltage limiters and surge suppressors, for a voltage exceeding 1,000 V
Lampholders for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V
Plugs and sockets for making connections to or in electrical circuits, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, nesoi
Other boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets, etc., equipped with apparatus for electric control, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000, nesoi
Printed circuit assemblies of an article of heading 8537 for one of the articles described in additional U.S. note 12 to chapter 85
Printed circuit assemblies, suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading 8535, 8536 or 8537, nesoi
Sealed beam lamp units
Tungsten halogen electrical filament lamps, designed for a voltage not exceeding 100 V Tungsten halogen electrical filament lamps, designed for a voltage exceeding 100 V
HTSUS Subheading
8539.31.00 8539.32.00
8539.39.10 8539.39.90
8539.49.00 8540.11.10
8540.20.20 8540.20.40
8540.60.00 8540.71.20 8540.71.40 8540.81.00 8540.91.15 8540.91.20 8540.91.50 8540.99.40
8540.99.80 8543.70.71
Product Description
Fluorescent, hot cathode discharge lamps, other than untraviolet lamps
Mercury or sodium vapor discharge lamps or metal halide discharge lamps (other than ultraviolet lamps)
CCFLS for backlighting of flat planel displays
Other electrical discharge lamps, other than fluorescent (hot cathode), mercury or sodium vapor, metal halide or ultraviolet lamps
Ultraviolet or infrared lamps
Cathode-ray television picture tubes incl. video monitor, color, non-high definition, non- projection, display > 35.56 cm
Cathode-ray TV & video monitor tubes, color, non-high definition, non-projection, video display diagonal <or= 34.29 cm
Cathode-ray TV & video monitor tubes, color, non-high definition, non-projection, video display diagonal > 34.29 cm & <or= 35.56 cm
Cathode-ray television picture tubes incl. video monitor, color, high definition, display diagonal > 35.56 cm
Cathode-ray TV & video monitor tubes, color, high definition, having video display display diagonal <or= 34.29 cm
Cathode-ray TV & video monitor tubes, color, high definition, video display diagonal video display diagonal > 34.29 cm & <or= 35.56 cm
Cathode-ray television picture tubes incl. video monitor, color, non-high definition, projection type
Cathode-ray television picture tubes incl. video monitor, monochrome, non-high definition, w/faceplate diagonal > 29 cm and <or= 42 cm
Cathode-ray television picture tubes incl. video monitor, monochrome, high definition, w/faceplate diagonal > 29 cm and <or= 42 cm
Cathode-ray television picture tubes incl. video monitor, monochrome, non-high definition, nesoi
Cathode-ray television picture tubes incl. video monitor, monochrome, high definition, nesoi
Cathode-ray television camera tubes
Television camera tubes, image converters and intensifiers, and other photocathode tubes, other than cathode-ray tubes
Data/grphic display tubes, monochrome; data/graphic display tubes, color, with a phosphor dot screen pitch smaller than 0.4 mm
Cathode-ray tubes nesoi
Magnetron tubes, modified for use as parts of microwave ovens
Magnetron tubes nesoi
Receiver or amplifier tubes
Front panel assemblies for cathode-ray tubes
Deflection coils for cathode-ray tubes
Parts of cathode-ray tubes other than deflection coils or front panel assemblies
Electron guns; radio frequency (RF) interaction structures for microwave tubes of subheadings 8540.71 through 8540.79, inclusive
Parts of thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode tubes, other than parts of cathode- ray tubes, electron guns, etc., nesoi
Electric luminescent lamps
HTSUS Subheading
8543.70.85 8543.70.91
8543.90.85 8543.90.88
8544.20.00 8544.42.10
8544.42.20 8544.42.90
8545.11.00 8545.19.20 8545.19.40
8545.20.00 8545.90.20 8545.90.40
8546.10.00 8546.20.00 8546.90.00 8547.10.40
8547.10.80 8547.20.00 8547.90.00
8602.90.00 8706.00.03 8706.00.05
8706.00.15 8706.00.50
8707.10.00 8707.90.10 8707.90.50
8708.10.30 8708.10.60
Product Description
Electrical machines and apparatus for electrical nerve stimulation
Digital signal processing apparatus capable of connecting to a wired or wireless network for sound mixing
Parts, nesoi, of flat panel displays other than for reception apparatus for television of heading 8528
Parts (other than printed circuit assemblies) of electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, nesoi
Insulated (including enameled or anodized) coaxial cable and other coaxial conductors Insulated electric conductors nesoi, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with modular telephone connectors
Insulated electric conductors nesoi, used for telecommuncations, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with connectors
Insulated electric conductors nesoi, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with connectors, nesoi
Carbon electrodes of a kind used for furnaces
Carbon electrodes of a kind used for electrolytic purposes
Carbon electrodes of a kind used for electrical purposes, other than those used for furnaces or for electrolytic purposes
Carbon brushes of a kind used for electrical purposes
Arc light carbons of a kind used for electrical purposes
Lamp carbons, battery carbons and articles of graphite or other carbon nesoi, of a kind used for electrical purposes
Electrical insulators of glass
Electrical insulators of ceramics
Electrical insulators of any material, other than glass or ceramics
Ceramic insulators to be used in the production of spark plugs for natural gas fueled, stationary, internal-combustion engines
Insulating fittings for electrical machines, appliances or equipment, of ceramics nesoi Insulating fittings for electrical machines, appliances or equipment, of plastics
Electrical conduit tubing and joints therefor, of base metal lined with insulating material; insulating fittings for electrical goods nesoi
Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus not specified or included elsewhere in chapter 85
Rail locomotives (o/than diesel-electric), non-electric; locomotive tenders
Chassis fitted w/engines, for mtr. vehicles for transport of goods of 8704.21 or 8704.31 Chassis fitted w/engines, for mtr. vehicles of 8701.20, 8702, & 8704 (except 8704.21 or 8704.31)
Chassis fitted w/engines, for mtr. vehicles for transport of persons of 8703
Chassis fitted w/engines, for tractors (o/than for agric. use) and other motor vehicles nesoi
Bodies (including cabs), for mtr. vehicles for transport of persons of heading 8703 Bodies (including cabs), for tractors suitable for agricultural use
Bodies (including cabs), for mtr. vehicles (o/than tract. for agri. use) of headings 8701- 8705 (except 8703)
Pts. & access. for mtr vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, bumpers
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, parts of bumpers
HTSUS Subheading
8708.21.00 8708.29.15 8708.29.21 8708.29.25 8708.29.50 8708.30.10 8708.30.50
8708.40.11 8708.40.30 8708.40.50 8708.40.60 8708.40.65
8708.40.70 8708.40.75
8708.50.65 8708.50.70
8708.50.79 8708.50.81 8708.50.85 8708.50.89
8708.50.93 8708.50.95 8708.50.99
8708.70.05 8708.70.15 8708.70.25 8708.70.35
Product Description
Pts. & access. of bodies for mtr. vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, safety seat belts Pts. & access. of bodies for mtr. vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, door assemblies Body stampings for tractors suitable for agriculture
Body stampings of motor vehicles, nesoi
Pts. & access. of bodies for mtr. vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, nesoi
Pts. & access. of tractors suit. for agric. use, brakes and servo-brakes & pts thereof
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, brakes and servo-brakes & pts thereof
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701.20, 8702, 8703 or 8704, gear boxes
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, gear boxes
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, and of 8705, gear boxes
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, pts. for gear boxes
Pts. & access. of tractors (o/than road tractors or for agricultural use), pts. for gear boxes
Parts of gear boxes of the motor vehicles of 8701-8705, of cast iron
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, pts. for gear boxes, nesoi
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, drive axles w/differential (whether or not w/other transm. components)
Pts. & access. of tractors, other than road tractors or for agricultural use, drive axles w/differential (whether or not w/other transm. com
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8703, drive axles w/differential (whether or not w/other transm. components)
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, 8702, and 8704-8705, drive axles w/different. (wheth or not w/oth transm components)
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, of 8702, and of 8704-8705, non-driving axles Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts of drive axles w/different. (wheth or not w/oth transm components)
Pts. & access. of tractors, other than road tractors or for agricultural use, parts of drive axles w/different. (wheth or not w/oth transm c
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. for transp. of persons of 8703, parts of non-driving axles Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8703, of cast iron nesoi
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8703, half-shafts
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8703, parts, nesoi, of drive axles w/different. (wheth or not w/oth transm components)
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, 8702 and 8704-8705, parts of non-driving axles
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, 8702 and 8704-8705, of cast iron nesoi
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, 8702 and 8704-8705, half-shafts
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, 8702 and 8704-8705, parts, nesoi, of drive axles w/different. (wheth or not w/oth transm compo
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, road wheels
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, pts. & access. for road wheels
Pts. & access. of tractors (o/than road tractors or for agric. use), road wheels
Pts. & access. of tractors (o/than road tractors or for agric. use), pts. & access. for road wheels
HTSUS Subheading
8708.70.45 8708.70.60
8708.80.03 8708.80.05
8708.80.13 8708.80.16
8708.80.51 8708.80.55
8708.80.60 8708.80.65
8708.91.10 8708.91.50 8708.91.60 8708.91.65
8708.91.70 8708.91.75
8708.92.10 8708.92.50 8708.92.60 8708.92.65
8708.92.70 8708.92.75
8708.93.15 8708.93.30 8708.93.60 8708.93.75 8708.94.10
8708.94.50 8708.94.60 8708.94.65
Product Description
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, and of 8702-8705, road wheels
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehicc of 8701, nesoi, and of 8702-8705, pts. & access. for road wheels
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, McPherson struts
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, suspension shock absorbers (o/than McPherson struts)
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, and of 8702-8705, McPherson struts
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, and of 8702-8705, suspension shock absorbers (o/than McPherson struts)
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, pts. for suspension systems nesoi Pts. & access. of tractors (o/than road tractors or for agricultural use), pts. for suspension systems nesoi
Parts of suspension systems of the motor vehicles of 8701-8705, of cast iron
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, pts. for suspension systems nesoi
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, radiators
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, radiators
Pts. & access., nesoi, of tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts of radiators
Pts. & access., nesoi, of tractors (o/than road tractors or suitable for agricultural use), parts of radiators
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, parts of radiators, of cast iron nesoi
Pts. & access., nesoi, of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, parts of radiators, nesoi
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, mufflers & exhaust pipes
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, mufflers & exhaust pipes Pts. & access., nesoi, of tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts of mufflers
Pts. & access., nesoi, of tractors (o/than road tractors or suitable for agricultural use), parts of mufflers
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, parts of mufflers, of cast iron nesoi
Pts. & access., nesoi, of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, parts of mufflers, nesoi
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, clutches
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, pts. of clutches
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, clutches
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, pts. of clutches
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes
Pts. & access. of mtr. vehic. of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes
Pts. & access., nesoi, of tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts of steering wheels/columns/boxes
Pts. & access., nesoi, of tractors (o/than road tractors or suitable for agricultural use), parts of steering wheels/columns/boxes
HTSUS Subheading
8708.94.70 8708.94.75 8708.95.05 8708.95.10 8708.95.15 8708.95.20 8708.99.03 8708.99.06
8708.99.16 8708.99.23 8708.99.27
8708.99.31 8708.99.41
8708.99.48 8708.99.53 8708.99.55
8708.99.58 8708.99.68
8708.99.81 8712.00.15 8712.00.25
8712.00.35 8712.00.44
8712.00.48 8712.00.50 8714.91.20 8714.91.30 8714.91.50
Product Description
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, parts of steering wheels/columns/boxes, of cast iron nesoi
Pts. & access., nesoi, of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, parts of steering wheels/columns/boxes, nesoi
Pts. & access. of bodies for mtr. vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705, inflators & modules for airbags
Pts. & access., nesoi, of tractors suitable for agricultural use, parts of safety airbags with inflater system
Pts. & access., nesoi, of tractors (o/than road tractors or suitable for agricultural use), parts of safety airbags with inflater system
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, parts of safety airbags with inflater system
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, vibration control goods containing rubber
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, double flanged wheel hub units w/ball bearings
Pts. & access. of tractors suitable for agricultural use, pts. for power trains nesoi
Pts. & access., nesoi, of tractors suitable for agricultural use
Pts. & access. of tractors (o/than road tractors or for agricultural use), vibration control goods containing rubber
Pts. & access. of tractors (o/than road tractors or for agricultural use), double flanged wheel hub units w/ball bearings
Pts. & access. of tractors (o/than road tractors or for agricultural use), pts. for power trains nesoi
Pts. & access., nesoi, of tractors (o/than road tractors or suitable for agricultural use) Parts & accessories of motor vehicles of 8701-8705, nesoi, of cast iron
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, vibration control goods containing rubber
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, double flanged wheel hub units w/ball bearings
Pts. & access. of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705, pts. for power trains nesoi
Pts. & access., nesoi, of motor vehicles of 8701, nesoi, and 8702-8705
Bicycles, not motorized, w/both wheels not over 63.5 cm in diameter
Bicycles, not motorized, w/both wheels o/63.5 cm in diam., weighing under 16.3 kg & not design. for tires w/x-sect. diam. o/4.13cm
Bicycles, not motorized, w/both wheels o/63.5 cm in diam., weighing 16.3 kg or more, and/or for use w/tires w/x-sect. diam. o/4.13 cm
Bicycles, n/motor., w/front wheel diam. o/55 cm but n/o 63.5 cm & rear wheel diam. o/63.5 cm in diam., & wt <16.3 kg w/o acces., value $200+
Bicycles, n/motor., w/front wheel w/diameter different than rear wheel diam., nesoi Cycles (o/than bicycles) (including delivery tricycles), not motorized
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, frames, valued over $600 each
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, frames, valued at $600 or less each
Pts. & access. for bicycles, sets of steel tubing cut to exact length for the assembly (w/other pts) into the frame & fork of one bicycle
HTSUS Subheading
8714.92.10 8714.92.50 8714.93.05
8714.93.15 8714.93.24
8714.93.35 8714.93.70 8714.94.30 8714.94.90 8714.95.00 8714.96.10 8714.96.50 8714.96.90 8716.10.00 8716.20.00
8716.31.00 8716.39.00 8716.40.00 8716.80.10 8716.80.50 8716.90.10 8716.90.30 8716.90.50 8804.00.00 8903.10.00 8903.91.00 8903.92.00 8903.99.05 8903.99.15 8903.99.20 8903.99.90 8907.10.00 9001.90.40 9001.90.50 9001.90.60 9001.90.80 9001.90.90 9002.11.40
Product Description
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, forks, nesoi and pts of frames, nesoi and pts. of forks
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, wheel rims
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, wheel spokes
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, aluminum alloy hubs, w/hollow axle and lever- operated quick release mechanism
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, 3-speed hubs nesoi
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, 2-speed hubs, w/internal gear changing mechanisms, nesoi
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, variable speed hubs, w/internal gear changing mechanisms, nesoi
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, non-variable speed hubs, nesoi
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, free-wheel sprocket-wheels
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, brakes (o/than hub brakes) and parts thereof Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, brakes and parts thereof, nesoi
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, saddles
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, pedals and parts thereof
Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, cotterless-type crank sets and parts thereof Pts. & access. for bicycles & o/cycles, crank-gear nesoi and parts thereof
Trailers & semi-trailers, not mech. propelled, for housing or camping
Self-loading or self-unloading trailers and semi-trailers, not mech. propelled, for agricultural purposes
Tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers, not mech. propelled, for the transport of goods Trailers and semi-trailers, not mech. propelled, nesoi, for the transport of goods Trailers and semi-trailers, not mechanically propelled, nesoi
Farm wagons and carts, not mechanically propelled
Vehicles, not mechanically propelled, nesoi
Parts of farm wagons and carts
Parts of vehicles, not mechanically propelled, castors (o/than castors of heading 8302) Parts of trailers and semi-trailers and vehicles, not mechanically propelled, nesoi Parachutes (including dirigible parachutes) and rotochutes; parts & access. thereof Vessels, inflatable, for pleasure or sports
Vessels, sailboats, with or without auxiliary motor, for pleasure or sports
Vessels, motorboats (o/than outboard motorboats), for pleasure or sports
Vessels, canoes, not of a type designed to be principally used with motor or sails Vessels, row boats, not of a type to be principally used with motors or sails
Vessels, outboard motorboats, for pleasure or sports
Vessels, yachts and other vessels for pleasure or sports, nesoi
Inflatable rafts (o/than used for pleasure or sports of 8901.10)
Lenses nesoi, unmounted
Prisms, unmounted
Mirrors, unmounted
Half-tone screens designed for use in engraving or photographic processes, unmounted Optical elements nesoi, unmounted
Projection lenses, mounted, and parts and accessories therefor, for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers
HTSUS Subheading
9002.20.40 9002.20.80
9002.90.85 9006.30.00
9007.10.00 9007.20.20
9007.20.40 9007.20.60
9007.20.80 9007.92.00 9008.50.50 9008.90.40 9008.90.80
9010.50.10 9010.50.20 9010.50.30
9010.50.40 9010.50.50 9010.50.60
9010.60.00 9010.90.85 9010.90.95
9011.20.80 9011.80.00 9013.10.30
Product Description
Mounted objective lenses for use in closed circuit television cameras, seperately imported, w/ or w/o attached elec. connectors or motors
Objective lenses and parts & access. thereof, for cameras, projectors, or photographic enlargers or reducers, except projection, nesoi
Objective lenses, mounted, and parts and accessories therefor, other than for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers
Photographic filters, mounted, and parts and accessories therefor
Filters, mounted, and parts and accessories therefor, for optical uses other than photographic
Mounted lenses, n/obj., for use in closed circuit television cameras, seperately imported, w/ or w/o attached elec. connectors or motors
Photographic cameras for underwater, aerial, medical, surgical, forensic or criminological purposes, not cinematographic
Cinematographic cameras
Cinematographic projectors for film < 16 mm, w/sound recording and reproducing systems and those for projecting only sound motion pictures
Cinematographic projectors for film of less than 16 mm, nesoi
Cinematographic projectors for film = or > 16 mm, w/sound recording & reproducing systems & those for projecting only sound motion pictures
Cinematographic projectors for film of 16 mm or greater, nesoi
Parts and accessories for cinematographic projectors
Photographic (other than cinematographic) enlargers and reducers
Parts and accessories of image projectors, other than cinematographic
Parts and accessories of photographic (other than cinematographic) enlargers and reducers
Apparatus & equipment for auto. developing photographic film/paper in rolls or exposing developed film to rolls of photographic paper
Contact printers for photographic laboratories
Developing tanks for photographic laboratories
Editors and combination editor-splicers, for cinematographic film, containing an optical lens or designed to contain such a lens
Photographic film viewers, titlers, splicers and editors, and combinations thereof, containing or designed to contain an optical lens, nesoi
Photographic film viewers, titlers, splicers and editors, and combinations thereof, not containing or designed to contain an optical lens
Apparatus and equipment for photographic (including cinematographic) laboratories, nesoi; negatoscopes
Projection screens
Parts and accessories of articles of subheading 9010.50 & 9010.60
Other parts & accessories for apparatus & equipment for photographic (incl. cinematographic) labs, nesoi, negatoscopes, & projection screens
Microscopes for microphotography, microcinematography or microprojection, not provided with a means for photographing the image
Compound optical microscopes other than stereoscopic or those for microphotography, microcinematography or microprojection
Telescopic sights for rifles designed for use with infrared light
HTSUS Subheading
9013.80.40 9013.80.90 9013.90.50 9013.90.70
9014.10.10 9015.10.40 9015.30.40 9015.30.80 9015.90.01 9016.00.20
9016.00.40 9016.00.60
9017.10.40 9017.10.80 9017.20.40 9017.20.70 9017.20.80 9017.30.40 9017.30.80 9017.80.00
9017.90.01 9023.00.00 9025.80.20 9025.90.06
9026.80.40 9027.10.40 9027.10.60
Product Description
Hand magnifiers, magnifying glasses, loupes, thread counters and similar apparatus nesoi
Door viewers (door eyes)
Liquid crystal devices nesoi, and optical appliances and instruments, nesoi
Parts and accessories of flat panel displays other than for articles of heading 8528 Parts and accessories other than for telescopic sights for fitting to arms or for periscopes
Parts and accessories of liquid crystal devices nesoi, and optical appliances and instruments, nesoi
Optical direction finding compasses Electrical rangefinders
Electrical levels
Levels, other than electrical
Parts and accessories of 9015
Electrical balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better, with or without weights, and parts and accessories thereof
Jewelers' balances (nonelectrical) of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better, with or without weights, and parts and accessories thereof
Balances (nonelectrical) of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better, other than jewelers', balances, and parts and accessories thereof
Drafting plotters, whether or not automatic
Drafting tables and machines, whether or not automatic, nesoi
Disc calculators, slide rules and other mathematical calculating instruments
Other drawing, marking-out or mathematical plotters, nesoi
Other drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments, nesoi Micrometers and calipers, for use in the hand
Gauges for measuring length, for use in the hand
Instruments for measuring length, for use in the hand, nesoi (for example, measuring rods and tapes)
Parts and accessories for drawing, marking-out or mathematical calculating instruments, and for hand-held instruments for measuring length
Instruments, apparatus and models, designed for demonstrational purposes, unsuitable for other uses, and parts and accessories thereof
Hydrometers and similar floating instruments, whether or not incorporating a thermometer, non-recording, other than electrical
Other parts & accessories of hydrometers & like floating instruments, thermometers,pyrometers,barometers,hygrometers,psychrometers & combinations Nonelectrical heat meters incorporating liquid supply meters, and anemometers Nonelectrical optical instruments and apparatus for gas or smoke analysis
Nonelectrical gas or smoke analysis apparatus, other than optical instruments and apparatus
Parts and accessories of nonelectrical optical instruments and apparatus of heading 9027, nesoi
Revolution counters, production counters, odometers, pedometers and the like, other than taximeters
9029.10.40 Taximeters
HTSUS Subheading
Product Description
Parts and accessories of taximeters
Parts and accessories of bicycle speedometers
Oscilloscopes and oscillographs, nesoi
Bases and frames for the optical coordinate-measuring machines of subheading 9031.49.40
Instrument panel clocks for vehicles, air/spacecraft, vessels, clock movement over 50 mm wide, opto-electronic display only, n/o $10 each
Instrument panel clocks for veh., air/spacecraft, vessels, clock mvmt over 50 mm wide, electric, nt optoelectronic display, n/o $10 each
Instrument panel clocks for vehicles, air/spacecraft, vessels, w/clock movement over 50 mm wide, valued n/o $10 each, nonelectric
Instrument panel clocks for vehicles, air/spacecraft, vessels, w/clock movement ov 50 mm wide, opto-electronic display only, ov $10 each
Instrument panel clocks for vehicles, air/spacecraft,vessels, w/clock mvmt ov 50 mm wide, electric, nt optoelectronic display, ov $10 each
Instrument panel clocks for vehicles, air/spacecraft,vessels, w/clock movement ov 50 mm wide, valued ov $10 each, non-electric
Instrument panel clocks for vehicles, air/spacecraft,vessels, w/watch or clock movement < 50 mm wide, opto-electronic display only
Instrument panel clocks for vehicles, air/spacecraft, vessels, w/watch or clock movement < 50 mm wide, electric, not opto-electronic display
Time registers; time recorders
Parking meters
Time locks valued over $10 each
Apparatus for meas., recording or indicating time intervals, w/watch or clock mvmt., battery powered, w/opto-electronic display only
Other apparatus for meas., recording or otherwise indicating time intervals, w/watch or clock mvmt., battery powered, nesoi
Apparatus for meas., recording or indicating time intervals, w/watch or clock mvmt., AC powered, w/opto-electronic display only
Time of day recording apparatus & apparatus for measuring, detecting, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time nesoi
Time switches with clock or watch movements or with synchronous motor, valued not over $5 each
Time switches with clock or watch movements or with synchronous motor, valued over $5 each
Seats, of a kind used for motor vehicles
Seats nesoi, swivel w/variable height adjustment & w/wooden frame (o/than of heading 9402)
Seats nesoi, swivel w/variable height adjustment & other than w/wooden frame (o/than of heading 9402)
Seats nesoi, convertible into beds (o/than garden seats or camping equip.)
Bamboo seats
Rattan seats
9029.20.60 Stroboscopes
Bicycle speedometers
9029.90.20 9029.90.40 9030.20.10 9031.90.45
9104.00.05 9104.00.10 9104.00.20 9104.00.25 9104.00.30 9104.00.40 9104.00.45 9104.00.50
9106.10.00 9106.90.20 9106.90.40 9106.90.55
9401.20.00 9401.30.40
9401.40.00 9401.52.00 9401.53.00
HTSUS Subheading
9401.59.00 9401.61.20 9401.61.40 9401.61.60 9401.69.20 9401.69.40 9401.69.60 9401.69.80 9401.71.00 9401.79.00 9401.80.20 9401.80.40
9401.90.35 9401.90.40 9401.90.50 9403.10.00 9403.20.00 9403.30.40 9403.30.80 9403.40.40 9403.40.60
9403.50.40 9403.50.60
9403.60.40 9403.60.80 9403.70.40 9403.70.80
9403.82.00 9403.83.00 9403.89.30 9403.89.60 9403.90.10 9403.90.25 9403.90.40 9403.90.50
Product Description
Seats nesoi, of cane, osier, similar materials o/than bamboo or rattan Chairs nesoi, w/teak frames, upholstered
Chairs nesoi, w/wooden frames (o/than teak), upholstered
Seats (o/than chairs) nesoi, w/wooden frames, upholstered
Seats nesoi, of bent-wood
Chairs nesoi, w/teak frames, not upholstered
Chairs nesoi, w/wooden frames (o/than teak), not upholstered
Seats (o/than chairs) nesoi, w/wooden frames, not upholstered
Seats nesoi, w/metal frame (o/than of heading 9402), upholstered
Seats nesoi, w/metal frame (o/than of heading 9402), not upholstered
Seats nesoi, of reinforced or laminated plastics (o/than of heading 9402)
Seats nesoi, of rubber or plastics (o/than of reinforced or laminated plastics & o/than of heading 9402)
Seats nesoi, o/than of wood, or w/metal frame or of rubber or plastics (o/than of heading 9402)
Parts of seats (o/than of 9402) nesoi, of rubber or plastics (o/than of heading 9402) Parts of seats (o/than of 9402) nesoi, of wood
Parts of seats (o/than of 9402) nesoi, o/than of cane etc, rubber or plastics or of wood Furniture (o/than seats) of metal nesoi, of a kind used in offices
Furniture (o/than seats) of metal nesoi, o/than of a kind used in offices
Furniture (o/than seats) of bentwood nesoi, of a kind used in offices
Furniture (o/than seats) of wood (o/than bentwood) nesoi, of a kind used in offices Furniture (o/than seats) of bent-wood nesoi, of a kind used in the kitchen
Furniture (o/than seats) of wood (o/than bentwood) nesoi, of a kind used in the kitchen & design. for motor vehicle use
Furniture (o/than seats) of wood (o/than bentwood) nesoi, of a kind used in the kitchen & not design. for motor vehicl. use
Furniture (o/than seats) of bentwood nesoi, of a kind used in the bedroom
Furniture (o/than seats) of wood (o/than bentwood), of a kind used in the bedroom & designed for motor vehicle use
Furniture (o/than seats) of wood (o/than bentwood), of a kind used in the bedroom & not designed for motor vehicle use
Furniture (o/than seats & o/than of 9402) of bentwood nesoi
Furniture (o/than seats & o/than of 9402) of wooden (o/than bentwood) nesoi Furniture (o/than seats & o/than of 9402) of reinforced or laminated plastics nesoi Furniture (o/than seats & o/than of 9402) of plastics (o/than reinforced or laminated) nesoi
Bamboo furniture and parts
Rattan furniture and parts
Furniture (o/than seats) of cane, osier, or similar materials o/than bamboo or rattan Furniture (o/than seats & o/than of 9402) of materials nesoi
Parts of furniture (o/than seats), for furniture of a kind used for motor vehicles
Parts of furniture (o/than seats), of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials
Parts of furniture (o/than seats or o/than of 9402), of reinforced or laminated plastics Parts of furniture (o/than seats or o/than of 9402), of rubber or plastics (o/than reinforced or laminated plastics)
HTSUS Subheading
9403.90.60 9403.90.70 9403.90.80 9404.10.00 9404.21.00 9404.29.10 9404.29.90 9405.10.40
9405.10.60 9405.10.80
9405.20.40 9405.20.60 9405.20.80 9405.30.00 9405.40.40 9405.40.60 9405.40.82 9405.40.84 9405.50.20
9405.50.30 9405.50.40 9405.60.20 9405.60.40 9405.60.60 9405.91.10
9405.91.40 9405.91.60 9405.92.00 9405.99.20 9405.99.40
9406.10.00 9406.90.00 9606.10.40
9606.10.80 9606.21.20
Product Description
Parts of furniture (o/than seats or o/than of 9402), of textile material (o/than cotton) Parts of furniture (o/than seats or o/than of 9402), of wood
Parts of furniture (o/than seats or o/than of 9402) nesoi
Mattress supports
Mattresses, of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered
Mattresses, of cotton
Mattresses (o/than of cellular rubber or plastics or of cotton)
Chandeliers and other electric ceiling or wall lighting fittings (o/than used for public spaces), of brass
Chandeliers and other electric ceiling or wall lighting fixtures (o/than used for public spaces), of base metal (o/than brass)
Chandeliers and other electric ceiling or wall lighting fixtures (o/than used for public spaces), not of base metal
Electric table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps, of brass
Electric table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps, of base metal (o/than brass) Electric table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps, not of base metal
Lighting sets of a kind used for Christmas trees
Electric lamps and lighting fixtures nesoi, of brass
Electric lamps and lighting fixtures nesoi, of base metal (o/than brass)
LEDs for backlighting of LCDs
Electric lamps and lighting fixtures nesoi, not of base metal
Non-electrical incandescent lamps designed to be operated by propane or other gas, or by compressed air and kerosene or gasoline
Non-electrical lamps and lighting fixtures nesoi, of brass
Non-electrical lamps and lighting fixtures nesoi, not of brass
Illuminated signs, illuminated name plates and the like, of brass
Illuminated signs, illuminated name plates and the like, of base metal (o/than brass) Illuminated signs, illuminated name plates and the like, not of base metal
Parts of lamps, lighting fittings, illuminated signs & the like, globes and shades, of lead crystal glass
Parts of lamps, lighting fittings, illuminated signs & the like, globes and shades, of glass (o/than lead crystal)
Parts of lamps, lighting fittings, illuminated signs & the like, chimneys, of glass
Parts of lamps, lighting fixtures, illuminated signs & the like, of glass nesoi
Parts of lamps, lighting fixtures, illuminated signs & the like, of plastics
Parts of lamps, lighting fixtures, illuminated signs & the like, of brass
Parts of lamps, lighting fixtures, illuminated signs & the like, not of glass, plastics or brass
Prefabricated buildings of wood
Prefabricated buildings not of wood
Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs and pts thereof, valued n/o 20 cents/dozen pieces or parts
Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs and pts thereof, valued o/20 cents/dozen pieces or parts
Buttons, of casein, not covered with textile material
HTSUS Subheading
9606.21.40 9606.21.60
9606.22.00 9606.29.20 9606.29.40 9606.29.60 9606.30.40 9606.30.80 9607.11.00 9607.19.00 9607.20.00 9620.00.10 9620.00.15 9620.00.20
9620.00.25 9620.00.30
9620.00.50 9620.00.55 9620.00.60 9620.00.65 9620.00.70 9701.10.00
9702.00.00 9703.00.00 9704.00.00
9705.00.00 9706.00.00
Product Description
Buttons, of acrylic resin or polyester resin, or both resins, not covered with textile material
Buttons, of plastics (o/than casein, acrylic or polyester resins), not covered with textile materials
Buttons, of base metal, not covered with textile material
Buttons, of acrylic resin or polyester resin, or both resins, covered with textile material Buttons, of pearl or shell
Buttons, nesoi
Button blanks, of casein
Button molds & parts of buttons; button blanks (o/than casein)
Slide fasteners, fitted with chain scoops of base metal
Slide fasteners, not fitted with chain scoops of base metal
Parts of slide fasteners
Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles, accessories of heading 8519 or 8521 Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles, accessories of heading 9005
Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles, accessories of heading 9006, other than cinematographic
Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles, accessories of heading 9007
Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles, accessories of heading 9015, including rangefinders
Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles of plastics, nesoi
Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles of wood, nesoi
Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles of graphite and other carbon, nesoi Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles of iron and steel, nesoi
Monopods, bipods, tripods and similar articles of aluminum, nesoi
Paintings, drawings (o/than of 4906) and pastels, executed entirely by hand, whether or not framed
Collages and similar decorative plaques, executed entirely by hand, whether or not framed
Original engravings, prints and lithographs, whether or not framed
Original sculptures and statuary, in any material
Postage or revenue stamps, stamp-postmarks, first-day covers, postal stationery, and the like, used or unused, other than heading 4907
Collections and collectors' pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, historical, archaeological etc. interest
Antiques of an age exceeding one hundred years
Mark Eting
Mark Eting is an renowned author in Online Entrepreneurship Market space.
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