EP 94 Achilleas Daskalakis - How to Escape the 9 to 5 Lifestyle and Live the Life of Your Dreams Part 2
![]() | Awesomers Origin - We'll talk to an Awesomer about where they came from, the triumphs and tribulations they have faced and how they are doing today. An Awesomer Origin story is the chance to hear the backstory about the journey our guest took on their road to become awesomer. These stories are incredibly varied and the takeaway is that awesomers come in all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, creeds, colors and every other variation possible. On your awesomer road you will face adversity. That’s just part of life. The question as always is how YOU choose to deal with it |
Achilleas is a 27yo Greek with a background in Economics and Strategic Innovation. He is an Entrepreneurial Mindset advocate and that's why he Co-Founded back in 2014 with his best friend Konstantin Theodoridis, SatiSupp,a start-up company that provides helpful services and tools for Amazon Sellers. Hands-off approach in EU expansion is their expertise. | ![]() |
How to Escape the 9 to 5 Lifestyle and Live the Life of Your Dreams Part 2
Today’s episode is part two of a three-part series with Achilleas Daskalakis, co-founder of E-commerce Hellas. Achilleas is a brilliant young entrepreneur from Greece who grew up in a traditional environment and eventually decided to try something new and break out from his comfort zone. Here are more key points on today’s episode:
Whatever you do today is a building block for your future.
The importance of knowing your role and responsibilities at work.
Why being an entrepreneur knows no age or limit.
Practicing a harmonious lifestyle is the key to a happy life.
So join us on today’s episode and learn why improving your lifestyle can contribute towards your success!
Steve: 00:05 Welcome to the Awesomers.com podcast. If you love to learn and if you're motivated to expand your mind and heck, if you desire to break through those traditional paradigms and find your own version of success, you are in the right place. Awesome or is around the world, are on a journey to improve their lives and the lives of those around us. We believe in paying it forward and we fundamentally try to live up to the Great Zig Ziglar quote where he said, you can have everything in your life you want. If you'll help enough other people, get what they want. It doesn't matter where you came from. It only matters where you're going. My name is Steve Simonson and I hope you will join me on this awesomer journey
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Steve: 01:16 You are listening to episode number 94 in the Awesomers.com podcast series. That's a lot of episodes I have to tell you. I'm very impressed with my own output so you guys can take that right to the bank. Uh, I'm impressed with myself. I agree with me. Today is part two in our three part series with Achilles Daskalakis and again with being that this is episode number 94 of our awesomer series, you just go to Awesomers.com/94 to see today's show notes and details. Now part one yesterday you would have heard Achilleas layout some of his origin story and today we're going to get into more of those details and more about that journey to help you understand the evolution that it takes for somebody even so young to get through and to develop businesses and ideas and principles and so forth.
Steve: 02:10 And the concept here is that every experience, every part of somebody's journey and Achilleas is no exception, and I'm also no exception, every little part of the journey is a building block on that foundation towards future success. And so no matter how positive or negative each experience was or did we maximize it or not, they're all building blocks. And I don't want people to miss that point that whatever you're doing today is a building block for your future. And as I always like to say in the Intro, and you just heard it a moment ago, it doesn't matter where you came from, it only matters where you're going and because where you came from, help lay all those foundational stones where you're going could be really anywhere. The Sky is the limit. And so I want you to, you know, break, break your own paradigms of normal. Take inspiration from Achilleas. And let's get into listening to today's episode right now.
Steve: 03:07 Okay, we're back again, everybody. Steve Simonson joined by Achilleas Daskalakis. Exactly. Okay. Well, there you go. Not Bad. Achilleas, you know, at the origin stories, I like to get right back to the root of everything, which is where you were born. Share that with us if you will, please.
Achilleas: 03:27 I was born in Athens Greece, so I never left. Well, that's where all the Great Achilleas come from. So that makes sense. What about your parents, where they entrepreneurial, who kind of work did they do? So that's a very interesting thing. So my grandfather had some factories, he was, I don't know how you call this, they make a dessert. I don't know, what's the word.
Steve: 03:50 Uh, yeah, I don't know that if there's a name for a in English. So it probably is, but a factory that makes desserts. That's an interesting factory.
Achilleas: 03:58 Not Exactly. His profession was that he was making desserts and stuff. So he got some factories here in Greece. Oh, like a dessert chef or something? Yeah, let's go back in the day, you know, the Greeks were not gonna except anyway. Uh, so he entrepreneurial in a way, but he was a real slave of his work.
Achilleas: 04:15 So when my father was growing, he said that I will never do that in my life. I will never be a slave in a way, so my father, my grandfather was working, let's say in Christmas, he was working straight two weeks. He literally never got home, never seen his children. He was like fully organized with the work. So my father said I'm not. I'm never going to be like that. I'm going to be someone who's working for someone else. So in a way my grandfather stood up the business for some reasons. Anyway, that's a very sad story. So my father said, look, Achilleas, we are not entrepreneurs, we are workers. We are the best to work for someone else, but we cannot work for our own. The problem with me is that I have a temper, a high temper I don't like someone else do telling me not telling me what to do. I can follow and comprehend a lot, but I don't like some orders are stupid.
Steve: 05:19 Was this your dad was telling you this because it's obviously the very opposite of what turned out, so there's probably some rebellious youth. What age was this dictum given to you?
Achilleas: 05:29 It was from the age of 12 til the age of 18.
Steve: 05:33 Oh well, perfect, rebellious time. So that was almost guaranteeing that you, you'd be an entrepreneur basically. Yeah.
Achilleas: 05:40 Yeah, because, you know, I started like I was, I was working as a waiter or something, you know, to have some extra money and my always speech to the guy that has the, you know, the restaurants. I'm just like, what am I going to do in my life is I'm going to open a restaurant like you. So that's why I need to work in all the, you know, in the whole idea of it. So my father and again and again with like, no, you're not going to do that. You're going to be a slave. You don't want that in your life. So my father was working for metlife insurance company, so he was a vp of sales and stuff. So he was very happy with his life and he knew how to be a worker and employee, a very good employee in a way. My mother was working back in the day, uh, in some shipping companies here in Greece. We have a lot of shipping companies and stuff.
Achilleas: 06:28 Yeah. Uh, and when she gave birth to me, she stopped working. So the idea for me was like, okay, I'm going to finish with the university, I'm going to go for a master's degree and then I'm going to go to the company that my dad is working. So my, so my life wasn't a big fork in the road in a way, this is, what are you going to do? But no, that's not for me. I was like, no, no, no. I cannot wake up early in the morning. So we met together in UK right. If you remember my face in the morning, that's the worst for me because we would have early morning call time. So Achilleas joined us for a Catalyst88 UK events, so Catalyst88.com mastermind and we had a UK event and we start early like I think we serve breakfast usually at like 7:30 or we encourage people to eat breakfast 7:30 to 8:30 or something and then we'll get going right away.
Steve: 07:25 So you are always a tired, huh? Yeah, I was so tired and you know, we got so many information. It was great. It was great for me. If it all started at 12, it will be great. Yeah. So your preference is it goes from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM instead of from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's, there is actually some, um, at least in my experience, like if I go to Portugal, you know, if I look out, I remember standing on the beach one time in Portugal and you know, at 10:00 PM it was, the beach was kind of busy. The boardwalk was kind of busy, but at midnight it was packed. You know, what's happening here, why, why are. And there's people with the kids and they're walking, it's midnight on a school night, but they just, their practice of naps and this and that made a completely different experience.
Steve: 08:15 So you come by that honestly. Uh, so, so anyway, so you didn't like to get up early. So maybe with that was a problem for Metlife. Yeah, it was my life, I think. So I did an internship there. People say that I was really good. I don't know if you know because of my father or if it was the truth. I think it was the truth. So I did a sales internship. I love sales. I like this alive to have the interaction and that's a very good thing that I have with consulting. Sales he hates, sorry, sales. I love sales. I hate the back office. He loves the back office, so that's great connection with him. So the idea for me was like, because you said the origin. I finished school and then I went to and studied economics.
Achilleas: 08:56 So my, my first degree is economics. I don't even know anything about accounting. Trust me, I know nothing. I'm the worst. That's why in everything what I. my motto is in everything, you should let the people that know how to do it. That's the most important part. Let me do the sales thing, do whatever you want to the other parts. And then after that it was like again, the thing like my father, oh, come on, go do a masters. He is going to be easy. Do it like that. So it was easy for you to finish the economics. So doing my masters in the Netherlands, it was great. It was strategy innovation in the Netherlands. Innovation is very huge. It was probably the most difficult years of my year of my life. I was studying, I don't know, 13 hours per day.
Achilleas: 09:51 Yes. And I really saw that although I did it then I had some publications and I was pretty good. That's not gonna happen. I'm not going to be that guy. Never in my life. So we actually said with consulting that we have to do this thing with SatiSupp, our company, because if we don't do it we're going to end up like don't really like what we do every day and trust me, I now am very, I have some gray hair or though I'm 27 because you know, you're anxious, you know, if you have your own company, you are anxious. I'm an anxious person in general, but trust me, I wouldn't change for the world what I'm having. Even if I have to wait to like to work 20 hours a day, that these are fun hours for me. The first, the last thing I do in the first thing I do is I'm taking Amazon before I go to sleep and I wake up.
Steve: 10:45 I think you make a very important point. I want to make sure the Awesomers at home really stew on this point for a minute. This idea, you know, your grandfather is a great example of in that generation, right? They would build stuff and they would just work themselves to death because that's what their mission was that I have to provide. I have to make stuff happen and, and you know, they would just put all the responsibility on their shoulders and to use an old, I think it's a Greek legend about Sisyphus pushing a rock up a hill. Right? And that's, that's what they thought they had to do is just push the rock up a hill. And by the way, the hill never ends. The rock gets bigger and the hill never ends and that's the generation that they came from. And so your dad, you know, he's like, I'm not doing that because I'm sure your dad felt, um, I, I don't want to put words in his mouth, but probably not an ideal father son experience if your dad's always done right.
Achilleas: 11:41 That's the truth. They never, they never showed that.
Steve: 11:45 Very reasonable thing to say. The son says, I'm not going to do that because I saw what my dad did. And, and by the way, that's a lesson to take away to say, you know, I want to be a better dad than my dad. Right? I think every generation should, should put that in their mind. But the point that you got to is you and Konstantin basically said, we're going to engineer the lifestyle that we want to live and we're going to put a business around that lifestyle instead of the, the lifestyle around the business. And I think that's an important point that, you know, we live in such an extraordinary time where we can, we can dictate and mandate what we really want in our life. And then we can engineer the outcome. And I know that, you know, there's people listening and they've been, you know, maybe they meant stuck in that cubicle, that nine to five job and they say, well, I don't understand ecommerce so I don't understand Amazon or I don't understand what you guys are talking about.
Steve: 12:39 So it's inspiring and I liked the sound of it, but it's not. It doesn't apply to me. But I would say anybody who's willing to work hard, and this is another point you made, I think very well Achilleas, you're, you're thrilled or at least willing to work the 20 hours if you need to, to maintain the, the freedom and the flexibility elsewhere. And it's not 20 hours forever. Otherwise you turn into your grandfather 20 hours in bursts and you do what is necessary in bursts so that you can have those off times and relaxing times and flexible times. That's freedom. And I, I respect that. And I, I've lived that life for lo these many 30 years in business for myself. So I get it.
Steve: 13:23 I've got great news, everybody. We're going to take a quick sponsor break so you can learn about an amazing resource that is a supporter of this show.
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Steve: 13:56 So I really liked this idea. So from the point you were getting your master's, did you ever have, besides that internship, any quote unquote proper job outside of your own company? No. No, never. Never. No, no, no. So, uh, you're highly educated. So that's one thing. You have the different than me, but I also went from 18 on. I, I never really had a proper job from the point I dropped out of high school. My last proper job, uh, was the janitor at high school. Although in fairness when I came out of college, actually that was, I was a janitor in college. I came out of that experience and then there's some guys put me to work as their secretary, which lasted a year or so and, but within six months I partnered with one of the guys when we bought a janitorial company. So even as I was a secretary, and even though that that's probably not a true context. Well, at one time is Steve storytime. I'll tell you guys a story about that. The point is, even while I was 18, I bought my first company, which was a janitorial company. So like you, I want it to just find out whatever I could do to, uh, follow the dream.
Achilleas: 15:11 So yeah, but that's the idea of living right. I'm not here like I've seen in my life that life is not forever. Like life is mortal. You may wake up in the day and you're not happy anymore or you may be depressed or some people that you love may not be here. Come on. We only live once in a way, right? So even if I'm not judging, if you want to work nine to five and you like this, this is what you need to do. It's not everybody to be an entrepreneur or an Amazon seller or in ecommerce. Come on, it's not like that. But if you want to do this and you're afraid, sorry to say that. It's not good to say, but you're stupid. No, everybody can do that. So another thing, I put my sister on Amazon, this week their products are coming to US.
Achilleas: 16:06 The thing is that she is a mother of two. She's 35 and see what like I'm going to go back and start working right now. And I'm like, no, don't work. Don't go work for someone else to pay you in Greece like 600 bucks. It's stupid. We're going to do together the Amazon thing and if it doesn't work, just tried. You were an entrepreneur for like one year. I know that's going to work because I know how to do it. There's one thing, I know how to do this. I know it's going to work and I know that she's going to have a way better lifestyle right now because you want to raise your kids and not just to work for nine to five when. No, no, no.
Steve: 16:49 This is an important point because it doesn't matter like in the story of your father and grandfather or the story of your sister, you know, mothers have the same, uh, desire to be with their kids and see their kids and be a part of their lives in whatever way is possible. And that doesn't mean that it's all perfect, right? As I always remind people that rainbows and Unicorns, they show up from time to time, but it's not always rainbows and Unicorns. Sometimes it's just like hard work and it's like, no, sorry, a son or daughter, I, I'm really busy right now. I can't do whatever you're asking me to do. I got to focus. But there's so many other times that you get the benefits of being an entrepreneur and having that flexibility and that freedom that it is in fact worth it. So I love that. I appreciate the fact that you do kind of the family affair stuff, right? You kind of lay out. It's a, it's a, it's a good thing. So let me ask you this, from the time that you know from that internship and then the masters and then you and Konstantin starting up your own harebrained scheme, was there a defining between then and now that really help set you on your path that you're on today?
Achilleas: 17:56 Yeah, I think that the first week we had from our company it was, let me say another thing because I didn't say the whole truth. When I came back from the masters, I also applied for a job in a well known company. I don't remember the name. It is for alcohol and stuff, they are very, very big company. Can't remember the name now. So the thing is that I passed the first interview I passed the second I passed the video interview and then they had you know, the thing that you are gathering everybody together, you know, workshop. So the workshop was like in two weeks from now. So they are calling me two days before the workshop. It was the day that we got our first Paycheck in a way from the company. It wasn't just, it wasn't even a company back then. It was a tax fraud, but anyway.
Steve: 18:45 We'll bleep that out. Don't worry about that. Yeah.
Achilleas: 18:53 We saw some money. So the guys that are calling me and they say, so are you going to come the day after? And I'm like, you know what? No, I'm not going to come to the workshop. Misled. Or you know, like you pass the interviews, not, not a lot of people are going to be there. It's going to be a huge opportunity for you to go to this company. The answer is any viaggio. So I'm like, you know what it does exactly the tone I used. You know what? I think I'm building something that is good. I think. I think I'm going to have a life that I want. I'm not gonna work for someone else and I think is going to be great. I'm pretty sure it's going to be great. So the secretary and the phone was like, what? Come on, think about it again. It's good to have your own company, but you know, in one year from now you may say, I lost an opportunity. I just paused for like one minute and then I said, no, no, no, I'm not going to go. I'm not going to come to this work. I went up. I say that to my mom. My mom was like, you're stupid.
Steve: 20:00 Yeah. I was going to say I'm sure that your mom or would have a different opinion about that decision. But uh, I, I see where you're stupid comes from. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the thing is that my father, because I believe that he's going to be more like, oh, come on. He said like, if you believe in that, do it. And I said, I, I truly believe that. So after that I build a real company, started working for the first two years, one and a half years. We were working 365 even in holidays and doing customer support for clients ourselves. That's trust me very difficult to do for 500 days. I didn't have a day off answering emails the whole time until one point we said that we're going to hire someone else because you don't need to make more money in a way. You need to improve your lifestyle. Best Day of my life, when I hired a guy to actually help with customer support from that day, I'm happy. I'm very happy with what I do. Before that, I was happy in a way, but I was doing a lot of slavery, you know, answering everything and wanted to be very fast in answering emails and stuff. But when you put some SOPs in place, when you have some people in the exact positions and you can actually manage in a way the whole thing. This is a business and this is the time that you actually see that what I did actually paid, paid off.
Steve: 21:37 Find out that's not quite right. So. So first of all, that's a couple of defining moments. Thank you for sharing those. You know, this idea that you know, I'm not going to interview or that workshop. After all, I've already been through the interview process. I'm going to get the job, but I'm not gone because what I've, what I'm doing is interesting. And then the second piece of that is this idea that, you know, you decided to hire somebody and, and by the way, I've done that kind of two year run or nearly two year run with no days off, you know, uh, on the weekdays I would work at one of my stores and you know, that was Kinda the, the regular thing. And then I would go either working at another store on the weekend and even on Sundays I bring trucks and, you know, sell rugs or whatever I had to do everyday I would work. And for me, I even had employees at the time, but I was still a nut. In hindsight. For you, would you, would you have tried to hire that person earlier or do you think that it just took you that much experience to be able to set the, the SOPs into place or what would you do differently if anything, based on that moment of happiness from being able to bring somebody in and help you gain a little bit of life.
Achilleas: 22:48 What would I do differently for sure is that I would start selling on Amazon my own brand way before. Yeah. That's one thing that I will do. For sure. I never regret for anything except one night in my life that I got really drunk, but not
Steve: 23:07 We're coming to the nice way regret section soon. Don't worry. Don't worry. We'll dive into that.
Achilleas: 23:14 But the thing is that in business, no, I never regret. I learned everything for everything that I did wrong. I'm sure that I learned a lot. I'm not bankrupt. Thank God I have five businesses today. It's going well for me. I'm not getting tired of it. I'm 27. I'm not going to get tired. I'm happy. Yeah. If you asked me if I would have hired someone else faster, I'm probably, I needed to go to the phase that I was like, I'm fed up. Probably I needed to do it. Yeah. Maybe one month less. Yeah. Yeah. Why not?
Steve: 23:50 Yeah. So that, that the premise here is that, you know, uh, want, needs to become a need, right? And tell want transitions to a need. Things don't actually happen. And I, you know, one of the things that I see, especially with newer entrepreneurs, I've been doing this so long that, uh, I've been doing this longer than you've been alive as it turns out. So as an example of a time that a lot of times I see people, especially the, with less experience that they push themselves and they punish themselves harder than they need to early on. Now I'll tell you, along with hiring comes hiring mistakes and that's just part of the process of learning and so forth. But, you know, I really want people to think about that lifestyle balance.
Steve: 24:36 And Jeff Bezos uses this common terminology of harmony. Not Balance. So balance implies that, you know, we're going to do half job and half life, you know. So at five I got to run home and I sit down to dinner with the kids and the family and the whatever. And that's, that's kind of, that's the balanced perspective, the harmony perspective is, Hey, maybe today I'm working 12 hours, but you know, for the next three days we're going on a holiday or on a weekend trip together, or whatever the case may be. This harmony is where your life is not destroyed by your, your, your job or your business and your, your job or your business is not neglected because you're having this wild free lifestyle, right? Because they really do have to maintain harmony. So I subscribed to that. What do you think about Jeff Bezos comments there? Do you think he's right?
Achilleas: 25:32 You know, what is very common. So here in Greece and uh, you know, in the day we didn't have enough money. Sometime we have prosperity in 2004, Olympic Games, everything was going up after that, again, everything is going down like that. But that's a cliff. It just jumped off the cliff. Yeah. The thing is, a lot of people are going to live, let's say in Germany, so their whole life and whole year they are working just to get one month in Greece. Every people, every person that I know here, I work in everyday, nine to five, waiting for the weekend. Come on man. You're leaving out five days. You want to live only two. No, no, no, no, no. That's not happening with me. You have to live everyday. Everything. Even if it's difficult. Even if you need to do construction work, which is difficult in a way.
Achilleas: 26:30 No, be happy if you're not happy, do something else. I'm like 27 if, if I don't do anything else. No, I'm not talking about just age. People live fifties, sixties, seventies. They start now being entrepreneurs. That's great. My father got like, he's um, he's retired in a way now and he's trying and he's asking me every day to start selling on Amazon and do ecommerce and stuff because he, he saw what I'm doing. You know, I went to China now, next week I'm going to Florida. He likes these things. So he says like, yeah, I'm going to do it. I'm going to do. I'm going to be the best. So for me, this is it. You cannot stop. You cannot say it like, Oh, I'm going to work five days that I'm going to make a lot of money, and in the weekend I'm going to go hiking, I'm going to go to buy the most expensive thing.
Achilleas: 27:20 Come on, man, you're going to buy happiness. It's not like that. Yeah. I think that's really, really good wisdom there. And just to recap on some of your points. So there's this premise, uh, especially when they see somebody who's farther along, you're successful, you've got a number of businesses operating. Um, you know, I, I'm right now I'm in Vegas, I'm in the hotel room and the Paris Casino and I'm down here for some conferences, you know, last week I was at some other conferences in Austin and the week before that I was at some conferences in San Francisco. So sometimes people are like, wow, you know, you're always traveling, you get to do this and that. But you know, first of all there's a lot of work that goes into it and none of that. None of these are actually like vacations. Yeah. Unfortunately, because in every city that I go to, there's entrepreneurs that I know and friends that I can hang out with and we talked business and so that's really fun for me, but it, there's a, there's an equal part of, you know, kind of making something work.
Steve: 28:18 Those were the inputs and then the outputs of, you know, either freedom lifestyle or that my choice to choose where I want to be to get the job done. Like, you know, here I am, we're doing the podcast, uh, I committed to the Awesomers community, 180 episodes in a row every dropping every day, which, uh, uh, I'm going to say that that was a big, that was a big promise and I struggled to keep up with it. This is been the most invasive thing in my life in terms of my time. I'm not gonna lie, but it's, it is a labor of love and it's something that I have to fulfill the commitment. So no matter where I am, I have to fulfill the commitment. And that's part of that flexibility and freedom. So I agree with you that if you, if somebody is not happy in what they're doing, they should try to make a change and I think it's the old Albert Einstein quote where he says something like, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Steve: 29:15 Yet all of us, and by the way, this applies to anybody working nine to five cubicle gig or entrepreneurs who are struggling in their business or even who are successful in their business. There's always little tweaks that you could make without making those changes and humans are wired to resist change without making a change. You shouldn't expect a different result. It's just not logical. What's your thoughts?
Achilleas: 29:39 For sure. Steve, I'm like, I'm just. What do you like? I'm following the podcast. I'm like, Oh, it's nice to have another listener. Honestly. That's good stuff. So let me ask you this Achilleas. Actually, we're take a quick break and I want you to think about this as we go to break what I want to figure out what a big lesson from all of your, your business experience so far. Maybe a bit less than you could share with Awesomers that has been learned from your journey. We're going to do it right after this break. We'll be right back.
New Speaker: 30:11 The Amazon marketplace professionals. This is Parsimony Erp. Can we get one question over and over? Can you please tell me exactly what Parsimony does? Well, we'll try, but this is only a 30 second spot, so we're going to have to hurry. Connect to your Seller Central account and pull all the new orders, enter the orders with all customer data, enter all of the Amazon fees and charges, store them at the item level, generate profit/loss reports at the SKU level, automatically generate income status, handle multiple companies, handle multiple brands, handle multiple currencies, facilitate budgets and forecasts so all customer interactions is in a sophisticated CRM system. Hey you get it. That's Parsimony P-A-R-S-I-M-O-N-Y.COM. Parsimony.com, we've got that. Your listening to the Awesomers podcast.
Steve: 31:00 Uh, it's always fun to hang out and talk with Achilleas. Um, you know, as you've heard his experience and his influences, both from the family and the school and his own kind of maybe rebellious nature to say, you know, in some ways, if, if my dad wants me to do this, maybe I should, you know, consider doing something else. He ended the same time between yesterday and today. You learned that, you know, he probably assumed that he was going to do the same thing that his dad was doing and they ended up selling insurance at Metlife or whatever. He knew he liked sales, so that part was compatible. But he also realized that, you know, going through the interview process and then having a potential to go to the workshop, it just wasn't for him and he wanted to take that plunge, that entrepreneurial leap of faith.
Steve: 31:48 And I'm sure glad he did because I can imagine if he was in Greece selling insurance at Metlife, I don't know how he would have ever met him. I had the very good fortunate to be introduced to Achilleas and his partner Konstantin last year, sometime, maybe late last year of 2017. And, uh, it is, uh, from a mutual friend and they said, these guys are brilliant. You got to talk to him. Steve. They're amazing and they were not overselling. They indeed are quite brilliant and very inspiring and doing very, very important work as well. So I just, I, I really am a big fan of, of what they're doing. And Achilleas is so generous with his time to share his story. I hope you're enjoying this. Now again, this is part two of the three part series at the part three will land tomorrow. So don't forget to tune in for that and know also, don't forget that, you know, since we've made this pivot to shorter episodes that you can, you can crack out an episode every single day without cramping your style.
Steve: 32:52 You know, just give me a quarter a day, a quarter, hour a day, maybe a little bit more. I think the episodes are averaging now somewhere around 15 to 20 minutes instead of before we are producing an hour of content a day. Honestly, it was too much for most of you to consume. We could see in the stats that you know the more, the more content we released, the farther behind you get because you just couldn't keep up, so we hope that this pivot into shorter episodes, but keeping the frequency high does something that is good for you and something that ultimately you appreciate and don't hesitate to give us that feedback. Positive or negative, by the way, at Awesomers.com slash contact. Tell us how we're doing. If we suck, lay it out. Tell us why. I will go cry in the shower for an hour after that.
Steve: 33:39 Oh Gosh, I don't know if I can handle it. Nope I can handle it. You can leave me. Whatever feedback you wish our producers and helpers will get that information to me and no matter what it says, I appreciate the effort and energy you put into listening and indeed you put into responding, so thank you again everybody and don't forget to get out there, subscribe, share, and leave a review if you don't mind.
Steve: 34:04 Well, we've done it again everybody. We have another episode of the podcast ready for the world. Thank you for joining us and we hope that you've enjoyed our program today. Now's a good time to take a moment to subscribe, like, and share this podcast. Heck, you could even leave a review if you wanted. Awesomers around you will appreciate your help. It's only with your participation and sharing that we'll be able to achieve our goals. Our success is literally in your hands. Thank you again for joining us. We are at your service. Find out more about me, Steve Simonson, our guests, team. And all the otherAwesomers involved at Awesomers.com. Thank you again.