Amazon Ebay Sellers Podcast

EPISODE 146 Podcast for Entrepreneurs, Creators, Thinkers, Geeks and those who aspire to become just like them. 

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#1 Amazon Seller Chatbot


Amazon Seller Alert


If you want to help support California removing any back sales tax liability that is trying to be forced down the throats of amazon sellers please support this webinar.

OMG and Fiona Ma have been instrumental in improving the sales tax nightmare that is California.

This webinar is a fundraiser. Go help and through some $$ in even if you can't attend or pay full entry.

This situation can impact all sellers and a proper resolution would help entreprenuers around the world:…/onlinemerchantsguild-webinar…

(I have no affiliation or other financial connection, I just believe in the cause!)

If you sell anything in California you should support this important cause. The typical scumbag politicians that are trying to ruin the lives of emerging entrepreneurs should be help accountable for ignoring the fact that Amazon has been and always will be the retailer.

If you are an Amazon Seller thinking about expanding to eBay you need to know some of those eBay specifics.

7 Top eBay Seller Tips

1) OLD STUFF DOESN'T SELL: Take a minute and end and then re-list any old and stale listings that haven't sold in 12 months or more. The reason why is that Ebay keeps a percentage of how many stale vs. popular items you have.  The higher the amount of stale listings the more likely they will suppress you as a seller in search. This means that your account may be active, but your items are not showing up in search.

2) FREE SHIPPING & 30 DAY RETURNS : Offer free shipping and 30 day returns. People who buy online have high expectations when it comes to shipping and no risk returns. Even if you think it hurts in the short run or you are worried that buyers will abuse the returns policy, Ebay says they favor those sellers that have these features.  Without question these features will increase your listings visibility.

3) FRESH SELECTION : New items and sellers that are consistently adding new items will always get a bump in the eBay algorithm. Ebay wants to keep things fresh and visitors are excited when they see new selection as time goes onwards so if they see you are consistently adding new content, they will bump your listings.  Even if you edit or modify existing listings this can also help the algorithm know that the content and listings are fresh.

4) TITLES MATTER : Use as MUCH of the title text as you can, but don't fill it with crap words like NEW, RARE, CHEAP. LOOK, etc., as that will actually hurt you more than help. Also, use caps for the first letter of each word, but NO words in all caps, and certainly no full titles in all caps.  eBay's algorithm will not reward spammy titles, but it will rank relevant well crafted titles that match search intent.

5) A PICTURE IS WORTH 1000 WORDS: Add as many pics as you can add to a listing. Ebay bumps items with multiple pictures, so the more photos you add, the higher your listing will go. Your listing quality is impacted by the quality and the quantity of the images presented.

6) BIG DATA FOR THE WIN: If you are not already adding these data pointes please use item specifics. Ebay added this in the recent past and pushes this as their way to build a "catalog" and compete directly with Amazon. The more info you can add there, especially if it has a UPC, the better. Your ability to populate data specifics will differentiate you from listings with poor data sets. The  algorithms will  reward data by showing your listings more often for relevant searches. This will result in more sales.

7) METRICS MATTER: eBay is cognizant of the buyer experience like any other marketplace. If you embrace features like offering free shipping, free returns, getting top rated status, keeping all your seller metrics in line, and then use marketing functions to promote your listings you can drive visibility and SALES through the eBay selling channel.

Thanks for being Awesomer!

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Neither nor Steve Simonson personally have any affiliate relationships. Any promotion or financial links are Empowery links provided for the benefit of that vital non-profit member owned cooperative. Steve does own a passive investment interest in